Natsu 2015 ICF Results
Congratulations to the Natsu 2015 Ichimon Champions...
The Talkies turned it around after a couple of sub-par bashos, and
have capture ICF win number 12. They join the Dozen club, along with
Info-Sumo and SumoForum, in getting their 12th ICF victory. I hear
it is tradition to offer a dozen eggs (usually lobbed individually)
to those who have achieved such a feat.
This race was really a two-horse contest, as both STI and the defending
SFIers, were the only ichimons that seemed to have it all together in
this unusual basho (the happenings are usually of Nagoya’s – not sure
why the early summer). They were in command as early as day 3, and only
gave up the lead once (day 11). Their win was cemented on senshuraku
after they toppled 77% of their aites. The final win margin over the
SFIers was 2.76 ITA points (or 30 tech pts).
The Talkies finished with a 276.31 ITA, which is the ICF’s 4th best ever!
Is it any wonder nobody else could keep up? The bonuses were heavily on
the STI/SFI side, as the winners earned 160 tech pts to the runners-up’s
Look 9 of the 13 talkies to advance on the banzuke. Prizes on the STI
are too numerous to mention individually, so I will. chishafuwaku
(a jun-yusho, the MCP, and a tech), ScreechingOwl (a J-Y and a #2 in the
MCP), Oskanohana (a J-Y and the OP), Gawasukotto (FS). Kuroho (KCC-J)
and Haidouzo (a No Cigar) all added to the 160 tech pts of Talkie booty.
Now, a look to the rest of Day 15
If GBLs were the deciding factor, the SFI tam would have won in a runaway.
They posted 11.55 ITA pts, just from GBLs! Their 273.55 ITA is the
ICF’s 5th best ever, and best the old SFI best by 9 ITA pts. Nice effort,
SFI! Ultimately, though, it fell just a yusho-win’s worth of pts flat, and
the Haru champs have to settle for a #2 slot, instead of a repeat.
They put up the best bonuses (175 pts – more on that in a bit), and had
the #2 best win rate (and only one of two over 0.500). Perhaps, with a
bit more torikumi luck, they would’ve taken the whole shebang (instead
of just a partial shebang).
In bonuses, they not only took top honors, but were tops in bonus effect.
They had 15.91 ITA pts from bonuses. The Talkies had just 12.31. Kintamayama
(J-Y) was the top scorer, but Kitakachiyama (Tech/QA/MCP-4/Y) was the overall
pts champ for SFI with 363 pts from tech and bonuses. Mmikasazuma
(Tech/FS/GOP/KCC-S), Taka (J-Y) and Kuroimori (KCC champ) added to the
prize cavalcade.
Sakura needs to work on their recruiting, as they consistently do well, but
just don’t have enough members to make the leader board They were tops
in head-to-heads overall (57.9%), and made a good run, but with their
limited numbers, really can’t compete in the bonus pool. They end up
108 tech pts away, but should be proud of setting their ichimon’s best
ITA ever! Omedetou!
The Polers don’t have to worry about being runners-up for a third time
in a row. They finish 3rd this time. At just 1 win under 0.500 wins,
they couldn’t gain the traction to cath the winners. They finish way back
with a 236.55 ITA (average for them). Boltbutthamma (274) was their
top dog. Fujisan was their only bonus points earner (a YB).
The Izzies cemented 4th place early, and held onto it voraciously. They
finished well in the GBL department (3rd with 7.83 ITA pts worth), but
sat at just 46.1% wins. Torikumi-blessed, they were not. Kaiowaka &
Kotononami (each at 283) were the high-scorers for their ichimon.
Kaiomitsuki had the only prize on the board (a J-Y) for the Izzies.
The vacationing Doits just had blah basho. They couldn’t crank up many wins,
finishing with a 42.5% OWP. Losing bouts in the ICF is bad, and that explains
their final position – 47 ITA pts from the leaders. Itachiyama (268) was tops
at Doit HQ, and nobody took home a prize for them.
Nothing to see here. Mover along. You can almost see the chalk outline of the
body on the ground at MassSHEgawa-beya. They really didn’t have much genkiness
this time. You know that when Takanorappa (271) is their top-scorer, there
is something amiss. Ozeki Randomitsuki saved their Calpis this basho in
bonus pts with a KCC-S performance.
NOTE: As always, you can go to to get
the full statistics.
For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance.
. |-------Day 15 Stats--------|
Rnk Ichimon #ACT TP Bon ITA PB PB+- ITA+- Rnk+- DWP IDA
1 SumoTalk 13 3432 160 276.31 +00 0.0 0 77% 19.2
2 SumoForum 11 2834 175 273.55 30 +16 +1.5 +1 64% 17.0
- Sakura 6 1535 15 258.33 108 -100 -16.6 -1 17% 12.3
3 North Pole 11 2592 10 236.55 437 -217 -19.7 0 27% 10.8
4 Info-Sumo 12 2815 15 235.83 486 -130 -10.8 0 75% 19.4
- Doitsugo 8 1836 0 229.5 374 -103 -12.8 0 63% 18.6
5 MassaSHEgawa 9 1977 5 220.22 505 -168 -18.7 0 33% 12.2
#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back
PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=
today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.
Ichimon D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15
SumoTalk 158/276/304/220/214/201/242/242/209/236/259/195/277/150/249
SumoForum 146/226/239/180/167/185/212/182/187/209/250/110/174/180/187
Sakura 067/121/115/082/125/070/107/130/082/119/149/070/080/144/074
NorthPole 125/186/235/154/168/200/188/196/179/164/195/139/194/150/119
Info-Sumo 129/238/274/089/165/177/225/236/185/241/196/137/160/130/233
Doitsugo 093/116/156/100/094/130/123/154/105/183/136/086/110/101/149
Mass. 112/131/156/075/131/113/146/140/168/130/144/121/180/120/110
. | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |
. |============|========|===========|
Total Avg Pts for Today - | 243.2 | 232.6 | 241.2 |
Daily Points for Today -- | 16.0 | 12.2 | 15.2 |
Bonus Points (out of 530) | 380 | 150 | 530 |
Prizes (out of 36) | 15 | 21 | 36 |
Ichimon KK MK KK% | KK MK | 7Win 7loss
Doitsugo 3 5 37.5 | +2 (1) | 2 2
MassaSHEgawa 3 6 33.3 | +0 (1) | 2 0
SumoForum 7 4 63.6 | +1 (1) | 1 1
North Pole 5 6 45.5 | +0 (3) | 5 3
Sakura 6 0 100.0| +1 (0) | 0 3
Info-Sumo 5 7 41.7 | +2 (1) | 2 3
SumoTalk 9 4 69.2 | +2 (0) | 2 2
. |---------------------WINNER--------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI STI Unaff.
=| Doit 1-1 |--- |0-2 |1-1 |--- |--- |--- |1-1
L| ISI --- |--- |0-1 |0-1 |0-2 |1-0 |0-2 |2-3
o| Mass 2-0 |1-0 |1-1 |0-1 |--- |1-0 |1-0 |0-1
s| NPI 1-1 |1-0 |1-0 |--- |1-1 |1-0 |3-0 |0-1
e| Sak --- |2-0 |--- |1-1 |--- |--- |2-0 |---
r| SFI --- |0-1 |0-1 |0-1 |--- |2-2 |1-0 |1-2
=| STI --- |2-0 |0-1 |0-3 |0-2 |0-1 |--- |1-3
=|Unaff 1-1 |3-2 |1-0 |1-0 |--- |2-1 |3-1 |2-2
. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----
. All 5-3 |9-3 |3-6 |3-8 |1-5 |7-4 |10-3 |7-13
OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL) --- Total bouts = 675
. |----------------------WINNER---------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI STI Unaff.
=| Doit 7-7 |7-9 |7-6 |6-5 |5-2 |13-9 |6-3 |18-10
L| ISI 9-7 |10-10|12-10|10-10|6-2 |14-9 |12-15 |24-20
o| Mass 6-7 |10-12|5-5 |8-11 |6-2 |9-5 |16-5 |15-13
s| NPI 5-6 |10-10|11-8 |6-6 |4-12 |9-9 |22-15 |16-16
e| Sak 2-5 |2-6 |2-6 |12-4 |2-2 |4-8 |10-6 |5-14
r| SFI 9-13 |9-14 |5-9 |9-9 |8-4 |11-11|12-10 |13-19
=| STI 3-6 |15-12|5-16 |15-22|6-10 |10-12|8-8 |20-27
=|Unaff 10-18|20-24|13-15|16-16|14-5 |19-13|27-20 |35-35
. All 51-69|83-97|60-75|82-83|51-39|89-76|113-82|146-154
. Win% 42.5%|46.1%|44.4%|49.7%|56.7%|53.9%|57.9% |48.7%
DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 2-2 | 2-1 | 1-0 | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 0-3 | 1-1 | 2-2 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 4-2 | 2-1 | 1-1 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 2-3 | 1-0 | 0-5 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 0-2 | --- | 1-1 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 5-1 | 1-2 | 3-0 | --- | --- |
SumoTalk || 1-2 | 2-1 | 7-0 | --- | --- |
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 28-32 | 15-30 | 8-7 | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 22-23 | 18-12 | 20-40 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 50-40 | 25-20 | 14-16 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 38-37 | 7-8 | 37-38 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 16-14 | --- | 17-13 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 42-48 | 23-22 | 18-27 | --- | --- |
SumoTalk || 27-18 | 19-26 | 67-38 | --- | --- |
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI STI Unaff
====|| ============================================================
1 || 50.0% 41.7% 55.6% 45.5% 50.0% 63.6% 53.8% 45.0%
2 || 25.0% 66.7% 22.2% 36.4% 83.3% 63.6% 69.2% 40.0%
3 || 50.0% 58.3% 44.4% 54.5% 50.0% 45.5% 53.8% 45.0%
4 || 50.0% 8.3% 22.2% 63.6% 50.0% 72.7% 76.9% 50.0%
5 || 12.5% 33.3% 44.4% 45.5% 83.3% 45.5% 53.8% 70.0%
6 || 62.5% 41.7% 22.2% 63.6% 16.7% 54.5% 46.2% 65.0%
7 || 25.0% 58.3% 55.6% 45.5% 50.0% 54.5% 53.8% 50.0%
8 || 62.5% 58.3% 44.4% 54.5% 83.3% 36.4% 61.5% 30.0%
9 || 25.0% 50.0% 66.7% 54.5% 33.3% 54.5% 53.8% 50.0%
10 || 62.5% 66.7% 22.2% 45.5% 66.7% 45.5% 46.2% 50.0%
11 || 37.5% 41.7% 44.4% 54.5% 83.3% 63.6% 53.8% 40.0%
12 || 37.5% 33.3% 55.6% 54.5% 50.0% 36.4% 61.5% 60.0%
13 || 37.5% 25.0% 77.8% 54.5% 33.3% 54.5% 76.9% 40.0%
14 || 37.5% 33.3% 55.6% 45.5% 100.0% 54.5% 30.8% 60.0%
15 || 62.5% 75.0% 33.3% 27.3% 16.7% 63.6% 76.9% 35.0%
ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI STI
1 || 11.6 10.8 12.4 11.4 11.2 13.3 12.2
2 || 14.5 19.8 14.6 16.9 20.2 20.5 21.2
3 || 19.5 22.8 17.3 21.4 19.2 21.7 23.4
4 || 12.5 7.4 8.3 14.0 13.7 16.4 16.9
5 || 11.8 13.8 14.6 15.3 20.8 15.2 16.5
6 || 16.3 14.8 12.6 18.2 11.7 16.8 15.5
7 || 15.4 18.8 16.2 17.1 17.8 19.3 18.6
9 || 13.1 15.4 18.7 16.3 13.7 17.0 16.1
10 || 22.9 20.1 14.4 14.9 19.8 19.0 18.2
11 || 17.0 16.3 16.0 17.7 24.8 22.7 19.9
12 || 10.8 11.4 13.4 12.6 11.7 10.0 15.0
13 || 13.8 13.3 20.0 17.6 13.3 15.8 21.3
14 || 12.6 10.8 13.3 13.6 24.0 16.4 11.5
15 || 18.6 19.4 12.2 10.8 12.3 17.0 19.2
RANK by Day
. |---------------------DAY--------------------|
Ichimon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Doitsugo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Info-Sumo 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4
MassaSHEgawa 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
North Pole 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
Sakura - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SumoForum 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
SumoTalk 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Misc. Stats
Doitsugo 0 0.00 11 1.38 63% 13% 22.9 10.8
Info-Sumo 1 0.08 16 1.33 75% 08% 22.8 07.4
MassaSHEgawa 0 0.00 7 0.78 67% 22% 20.0 08.3
North Pole 2 0.18 11 1.00 64% 27% 21.4 10.8
Sakura 0 0.00 10 1.67 100% 17% 24.8 11.2
SumoForum 2 0.18 17 1.55 73% 36% 22.7 10.0
SumoTalk 4 0.31 21 1.62 77% 31% 23.4 11.5
TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;
HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;
Ichimon RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA
Doitsugo 1296 510 30 162.0 63.8 3.75 0.00 47 5.88
Info-Sumo 1935 830 50 161.3 69.2 4.17 1.25 94 7.83
MassaSHEgawa 1347 600 30 149.7 66.7 3.33 0.56 36 4.00
North Pole 1722 820 50 156.5 74.5 4.55 0.91 68 6.18
Sakura 639 330 40 106.5 55.0 6.67 2.50 14 2.33
SumoForum 1874 890 70 170.4 80.9 6.36 15.91 127 11.55
SumoTalk 2212 1130 90 170.2 86.9 6.92 12.31 115 8.85
RawPt=Pts by Technizue Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only
AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;
AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses
Day Win Tot Daily Points Bon
Player Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes
Itachiyama 19 Y 268 + 17/12/24/07/21/20/12/24/11/33/24/08/09/27/19 0
mischashimaru 32 Y 256 + 07/12/22/21/11/20/12/24/09/22/14/20/22/08/32 0
wolfgangho 30 Y 242 + 15/24/24/07/09/22/24/22/11/12/08/05/09/20/30 0
Metzinowaka 10 - 240 - 17/14/14/07/11/20/19/24/21/33/12/16/19/03/10 0
Flohru 21 Y 234 - 07/22/24/18/11/10/22/14/11/24/12/08/21/09/21 0
Holleshoryu 8 - 212 - 05/11/22/17/09/21/12/22/09/14/24/07/12/19/08 0
Frinkanohana 7 - 207 - 20/11/12/04/11/07/12/14/12/31/33/17/09/07/07 0
Mariohana 22 Y 177 - 05/10/14/19/11/10/10/10/21/14/09/05/09/08/22 0
Ganryu -- - 0 Kyujo
Heikotoriki -- - 0 Kyujo
Kitanoyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Pitinosato -- - 0 Kyujo
tainosen -- - 0 Kyujo
Takanorappa 6 - 271 + 17/32/31/19/11/10/24/22/21/29/11/20/11/07/06 0
Randomitsuki 8 - 263 + 17/14/14/07/11/20/24/24/21/11/22/20/32/18/08 5 KCC-S/
Hana-ichi 20 Y 258 + 07/22/14/18/22/09/11/22/22/12/21/05/22/31/20 0
Watashi 12 - 236 - 07/14/14/04/21/10/22/24/22/30/10/05/24/17/12 0
iwakoko 10 - 214 - 18/12/24/07/09/22/21/10/11/14/12/20/19/05/10 0
Rikishimiezi 17 Y 200 - 00/11/21/06/22/10/19/09/11/12/08/20/19/15/17 0
Sherlockiama 7 - 180 - 06/09/08/04/22/11/09/12/32/04/21/08/24/03/07 0
Unagiyutaka 8 - 179 - 18/11/21/04/09/10/07/09/21/09/31/07/09/05/08 0
ihopeso 22 Y 176 - 22/06/09/06/04/11/09/08/07/09/08/16/20/19/22 0
Gaijingai -- - 0 Kyujo
Hidariashiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Kaiopectate -- - 0 Kyujo
Kintsubasa -- - 0 Kyujo
Roundeye -- - 0 Kyujo
Tsunamiko -- - 0 Kyujo
Kintamayama 19 Y 300 + 18/22/32/19/11/24/30/12/21/34/24/20/07/07/19 15 J-Y/
Kitakachiyama 21 Y 298 + 18/24/24/18/11/09/24/12/22/33/34/18/21/09/21 65 Tech/QA/MCP-4/Y
Mmikasazuma 26 Y 293 + 17/24/23/24/21/10/32/24/11/14/11/18/09/29/26 55 Tech/FS/GOP/KCC-S/
Taka 9 - 280 + 17/24/33/19/22/20/14/22/31/11/12/18/09/19/09 15 J-Y/
Kuroimori 29 Y 266 + 17/14/22/21/24/09/24/24/21/11/12/07/22/09/29 25 KCC/
Doitsuyama 20 Y 261 + 17/20/12/21/21/20/09/11/09/21/22/05/24/29/20 0
Achiyama 9 - 259 - 07/24/33/19/11/09/12/32/22/14/33/06/09/19/09 0
Anjoboshi 17 Y 256 + 20/21/22/06/09/10/22/12/22/20/33/08/09/25/17 0
Leonishiki 19 Y 214 - 05/30/14/06/09/24/09/12/11/14/29/03/22/07/19 0
Nekonishiki 8 - 207 - 03/12/12/19/19/30/24/10/07/13/19/02/21/08/08 0
Hokuyutaka 10 - 200 - 07/11/12/08/09/20/12/11/10/24/21/05/21/19/10 0
aderechelseamaru -- - 0 Kyujo
Crall -- - 0 Kyujo
Fay -- - 0 Kyujo
Hari -- - 0 Kyujo
Kameumi -- - 0 Kyujo
Oyaji -- - 0 Kyujo
Zenjimoto -- - 0 Kyujo
Boltbutthamma 10 - 274 + 17/22/33/07/11/10/30/24/21/21/34/18/11/05/10 0
Jakusotsu 20 Y 254 + 19/22/24/06/21/22/10/22/11/07/11/20/34/05/20 0
Fujiko 5 - 242 + 07/10/20/19/09/22/22/22/19/21/22/03/11/30/05 0
Fujisan 8 - 240 + 07/14/24/18/09/09/22/24/21/06/22/05/24/27/08 10 YB/
Chijanofuji 7 - 236 + 05/07/32/06/09/22/22/22/09/24/11/15/19/26/07 0
Oshirokita 20 Y 232 - 17/31/12/07/10/21/12/24/11/14/24/06/09/14/20 0
Marushiki 6 - 228 - 17/32/22/17/24/10/14/12/11/22/22/07/06/06/06 0
Getayukata 5 - 227 - 05/11/12/19/21/24/12/09/10/09/19/20/31/20/05 0
Kyodaitimu 8 - 225 - 17/14/11/19/21/29/22/12/21/09/08/07/21/06/08 0
Maguroyama 23 Y 223 - 07/12/12/18/11/22/10/11/21/22/10/20/21/03/23 0
Jejima 7 - 211 - 07/11/33/18/22/09/12/14/24/09/12/18/07/08/07 0
Daikneko -- - 0 Kyujo
Ekigozan -- - 0 Kyujo
Hakaso -- - 0 Kyujo
Marquisozan -- - 0 Kyujo
pastanoyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Yoohoo -- - 0 Kyujo
Aminoumi 6 - 267 + 05/20/22/22/32/07/22/24/08/24/31/18/07/19/06 0
Saruyama 9 - 266 + 18/24/21/06/21/09/24/24/24/11/14/17/14/30/09 15 FS/
andonishiki 10 - 259 + 17/24/14/07/21/10/14/24/11/14/24/18/22/29/10 0
sekihiryu 10 - 249 + 05/20/10/21/21/22/12/24/19/22/29/05/09/20/10 0
Rubensan 11 - 248 + 17/22/24/19/09/11/11/12/11/24/20/07/21/29/11 0
Kamogawa 28 Y 246 + 05/11/24/07/21/11/24/22/09/24/31/05/07/17/28 0
chabonowaka -- - 0 Kyujo
Daifuku -- - 0 Kyujo
Mattjila -- - 0 Kyujo
Rannohana -- - 0 Kyujo
Sarunojima -- - 0 Kyujo
Kaiowaka 21 Y 283 + 07/24/32/07/11/22/29/24/21/32/09/05/32/07/21 0
Kotononami 39 Y 283 + 20/14/33/07/24/22/33/11/07/07/12/22/21/11/39 0
Kaiomitsuki 21 Y 271 + 17/22/24/08/21/10/22/12/21/24/14/27/09/19/21 15 J-Y/
Terarno 8 - 258 + 17/24/24/07/11/20/22/32/21/12/34/08/09/09/08 0
Damimonay 31 Y 248 + 17/11/24/07/21/09/12/22/11/24/24/18/11/06/31 0
Kasamatsuri 9 - 231 - 07/24/32/08/09/09/22/24/11/22/22/18/09/05/09 0
Chimatayama 6 - 219 - 07/32/22/06/11/22/22/14/11/11/06/08/22/19/06 0
Furanohana 19 Y 214 - 05/20/29/04/19/22/09/29/19/09/07/05/12/06/19 0
CM_DaviD 19 Y 213 - 05/22/14/04/09/10/11/22/09/32/24/05/10/17/19 0
Fatakiyama 18 Y 211 - 07/24/14/06/09/10/10/12/21/24/21/08/09/18/18 0
Fuheika 20 Y 192 - 03/09/12/19/11/12/22/22/11/20/11/05/09/06/20 0
toonoryu 22 Y 192 - 17/12/14/06/09/09/11/12/22/24/12/08/07/07/22 0
Clemoshoryu -- - 0 Kyujo
Fuseigou -- - 0 Kyujo
Gibuten -- - 0 Kyujo
Harumataikai -- - 0 Kyujo
Konosato -- - 0 Kyujo
Marimo -- - 0 Kyujo
Mysko -- - 0 Kyujo
Vincentohana -- - 0 Kyujo
Zichi -- - 0 Kyujo
chishafuwaku 19 Y 322 + 07/24/34/19/21/22/24/10/21/34/24/20/22/21/19 55 Tech/MCP-W/J-Y/
ScreechingOwl 11 - 297 + 07/24/33/19/11/21/24/12/11/21/33/28/22/20/11 35 MCP-2/J-Y/
Oskanohana 9 - 294 + 17/32/33/19/22/09/24/24/11/34/24/08/09/19/09 30 OP/J-Y/
Gawasukotto 18 Y 288 + 17/14/24/21/11/12/32/12/11/10/24/19/32/31/18 15 FS/
Fujiyama 22 Y 287 + 05/22/31/19/21/10/21/22/21/12/34/20/19/08/22 0
pandaazuma 33 Y 278 + 07/33/34/08/22/10/14/22/10/24/24/18/09/10/33 0
Kuroho 19 Y 273 + 17/22/12/21/11/22/12/24/21/12/12/20/40/08/19 15 KCC-J/
Sebunshu 19 Y 268 + 17/24/24/19/21/11/22/24/11/12/34/05/21/04/19 0
Robocopthat 30 Y 239 + 15/22/12/08/09/09/12/22/19/24/09/17/21/10/30 0
Chocshoporyu 19 Y 235 - 07/24/22/21/21/20/24/12/09/22/14/06/09/05/19 0
Haidouzo 22 Y 228 - 17/11/14/21/11/24/09/12/21/11/09/20/21/05/22 10 NCP/
Domichi 8 - 216 - 18/12/19/18/12/09/12/24/22/11/09/07/30/05/08 0
Chisaiyama 20 Y 207 - 07/12/12/07/21/22/12/22/21/09/09/07/22/04/20 0
Hakubayama -- - 0 Kyujo
Kungliazuma -- - 0 Kyujo
nomadwolf -- - 0 Kyujo
Rupatengu -- - 0 Kyujo
Stowaway -- - 0 Kyujo
Uoichiba -- - 0 Kyujo
Prize Key:
NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize
FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;
QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;
NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;
KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;
MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);
MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);
J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho