Haru 2016 ICF Results


Congratulations to the Natsu 2015 Ichimon Champions...






SumoTalk takes their second basho in a row to make it ICF win number 15

for the Centipedian Horde™.  They look to have the knack of end-of-basho

picking dialed in.  Nobody tends to look better down the stretch than

this ichimon – not even the Doits.  Congrats on your win.


Fifteen wins in the ICF?  How’d they do it?  This basho, the Makushitans

ruled the STI roost.  They outpaced the nearly 50/50 Makuuchians and

Juryoans with a 27-18 record.  It wasn’t domination that gave the

SumoTalkers the flag this time, but rather, consistency.  They were

above average in overall win rate (52.4% vs. SFI’s 53.3%). They didn’t

hit the high IDA, nor took the title of avg tech pts per player or even

GBLs.  They did have the best perfect score rate (1.86 per ichimoner),

but it was KK where they shined – gaining a 71.4% KK rate.  Do we need

to check the torikumi-maker’s bank records? ;-)


The STIers win by a mere 2.6 ITA pts (83 tech pts).  Their 264.71 ITA

puts them smack in the top 16 all-time.  It was a hard-fought basho for

all, as most ichimons scored in the better half of their records.


In the bonus pts category, pandaazuma yusho’d and was the runner up in

the MCP.  Sokkenaiyama and Gawasukotto each jun-yusho’d, chishafuwaku was

without cigars, and Oskanohana developed a case of the bad-starts with

the NNP.



Now, a look to the rest of the pack



Sakura continues to show that they have good structure, actually ending

on top of the winners.  If only they could get some recruits to make them

official!  The Blossomers posted the basho’s hight ITA (275.67), and had

some impressive winning record (56.7%).  With their small numbers, though,

they didn’t exactly tear up in the bonus dept.  Still, with only 6 members

they had a 20% grab a basho bonus.  Aminoumi took the Makushita title, and

kamogawa was a jun-yuhsoer and Fighting spirit winner.



2nd Place – Doitsugo ICHIMON

Nobody expected that the Doits would end up in second place, given their

shaky start.  Till day 7, they were in 6th or 7th place.  Day 7, however,

saw them post a big 22.4 IDA, followed with a 20.1.  That cemented them

into second place. They finished strong with a senshuraku 77.8% win day,

but the 18.6 IDA wasn’t enough to overcome the Talkie’s lead.  The Doits

lose by 2.6 ITA pts – a mere 24 tech pts from victory.  Just one more KK

would’ve likely do the trick.  GBLS was the Doit’s thing this basho, as

they grabbed a basho high’s 13.44 ITA bump from them.  Bonuses were a

average for the Doits.  They had a 6.67 ITA energizer from them, and had

4 players contribute:  Mariohana with a FS, Flohru  with the GOP and a

KCC semi, Metzinowaka Yaocho Bummed, mischashimaru went smoke-free with

an NCP




SFI was in the driver’s seat most of the basho, but had some basd luck

down the stretch, which squashed their chances at grabbing the flag.  They

finished with 30% and 40% wins the last two days, and that was all they

needed to drop in this close contest.  They end the basho 9 ITA pts out

of first, after enjoying a 6.8 ITA pt lead midway through.  They did

extremely well in GBLs, gaining 11.7 ITA pts for that effort, but

couldn’t grab the prizes.  Mmikasazuma was the only prize earner for the

Hairy Bunch™, gaining a Yaocho Bum award.




The Izzies ended up in the same place as last basho, and are probably

kicking themselves for that mid-basho slump.  They were GBL-scoring machines

this basho, grabbing the second biggest boost from perfect placement. The

bonuses were somewhat elusive, though, giving them only a 4th best of the

basho result.  Konosato was the Most Competitive Player, and contributed a

Fighting Spirit and a semi in the KCC.  Probably most fitting for the Izzies’

basho has to be Damimonay’s KCC win with a 5-10 record. 




The Frosties were in contention for the first half of the basho, but

started trailing off when the inter-Ozeki battles started to rage.  Even

with Getayukata on fire, posting the best record, gaining a yusho, a Tech,

the Juryo QA, running up in the KCC and 3rd in the MCP, the Polers couldn’t

outdistance anyone, except MassaSHEgawa.  Gurowake pulled in some bonuses,

too, grabbing a Tech prize and 5th in the MCP.




The M’s spent the entire basho, save for Day 1, at the bottom of the heap.

We are not sure what is going in that legendary ichimon, but it is

certainly keeping them out of the hunt.  I hear rumors that someone has

nefariously spiked their drinking water with Pocari Sweat, but that

is just what I heard. ;-)   No bonuses for the Founding Ichimon™




NOTE: As always, you can go to www.takanorappa.com/ichimons.htm to get

the full statistics.


For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance.




.                                         |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon      #ACT TP   Bon ITA    PB  PB+-  ITA+-  Rnk+-  DWP IDA


-   Sakura       6    1594 60  275.67      00    0.0     0    83% 19.7

1   SumoTalk     14   3606 100 264.71 153 -71   -5.1     0    50% 17.4

2   Doitsugo     9    2299 60  262.11 122 -40   -4.4    +1    78% 18.6

3   SumoForum    10   2545 10  255.5  202 -138  -13.8   -1    40% 14.9

4   Info-Sumo    11   2739 70  255.36 223 -106  -9.7     0    45% 13.6

5   North Pole   13   3129 105 248.77 350 -80   -6.1     0    62% 15.5

6   MassaSHEgawa 13   2974 0   228.77 610 -173  -13.3    0    54% 16.4

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.





Ichimon      D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


Sakura       044/092/096/103/128/121/101/124/115/122/119/086/081/144/118

SumoTalk     141/242/271/239/278/194/273/238/286/161/238/236/291/274/244

Doitsugo     083/185/162/136/165/130/202/181/162/153/110/090/154/219/167

SumoForum    167/198/168/185/188/110/223/211/155/132/116/180/195/168/149

Info-Sumo    135/248/209/196/155/141/201/162/144/201/186/178/187/246/150

North Pole   176/287/205/236/190/201/227/244/216/191/160/171/175/249/201

MassaSHEgawa 150/196/256/190/213/183/216/227/171/164/208/216/169/202/213



.                         | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.                         |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |    248.5   |  252.6 |    248.9  |

Daily Points for Today -- |    16.3    |  12.1  |    15.4   |

Bonus Points (out of 520) |    405     |  115   |    520    |

Prizes (out of 35)        |    20      |  15    |    35     |





.               OVERALL    |  TODAY   | CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon       KK  MK  KK%  | KK   MK  | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo      4   5   44.4 | +0   (1) |   2    0 

MassaSHEgawa  5   8   38.5 | +3   (0) |   3    3 

SumoForum     7   3   70.0 | +2   (0) |   0    3 

North Pole    4   9   30.8 | +0   (2) |   2    0 

Sakura        3   3   50.0 | +0   (0) |   1    0 

Info-Sumo     6   5   54.5 | +0   (0) |   0    1 

SumoTalk      10  4   71.4 | +3   (1) |   1    6 





.      |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI   Sak.  SFI   STI   Unaff.

=| Doit 1-1  |1-0  |0-2  |0-2  |---  |0-1  |---  |0-1 

L|  ISI 0-1  |1-1  |1-0  |1-0  |1-0  |1-0  |0-1  |1-2 

o| Mass 2-0  |0-1  |---  |0-2  |---  |1-1  |1-0  |2-3 

s|  NPI 2-0  |0-1  |2-0  |---  |1-0  |---  |0-3  |0-4 

e|  Sak ---  |0-1  |---  |0-1  |---  |1-1  |0-1  |0-1 

r|  SFI 1-0  |0-1  |1-1  |---  |1-1  |1-1  |2-0  |---  

=|  STI ---  |1-0  |0-1  |3-0  |1-0  |0-2  |1-1  |1-3 

=|Unaff 1-0  |2-1  |3-2  |4-0  |1-0  |---  |3-1  |2-2 

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----

.   All 7-2  |5-6  |7-6  |8-5  |5-1  |4-6  |7-7  |6-16



OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)  --- Total bouts = 735


.      |------------------------WINNER-----------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass.  NPI    Sak.  SFI   STI     Unaff. 

=| Doit 5-5  |8-7  |6-9   |7-13  |7-4  |8-11 |11-10  |15-9   

L|  ISI 7-8  |13-13|9-8   |15-14 |3-5  |9-2  |14-13  |17-15  

o| Mass 9-6  |8-9  |5-5   |15-15 |5-6  |14-10|17-13  |34-24  

s|  NPI 13-7 |14-15|15-15 |5-5   |5-4  |14-9 |18-9   |19-28  

e|  Sak 4-7  |5-3  |6-5   |4-5   |2-2  |6-8  |3-9    |9-12   

r|  SFI 11-8 |2-9  |10-14 |9-14  |8-6  |6-6  |10-10  |14-13  

=|  STI 10-11|13-14|13-17 |9-18  |9-3  |10-10|11-11  |25-26   

=|Unaff 9-15 |15-17|24-34 |28-19 |12-9 |13-14|26-25  |35-35  


.   All 68-67|78-87|88-107|92-103|51-39|80-70|110-100|168-162

.  Win% 50.4%|47.3%|45.1% |47.2% |56.7%|53.3%|52.4%  |50.9%  



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon       ||   M   |   J   |  ms   |  sd   |  jd   |


Doitsugo      ||  5-1  |  0-1  |  2-0  |  ---  |  ---  |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  3-1  |  1-1  |  3-4  |  ---  |  ---  |

SumoForum     ||  3-4  |  ---  |  1-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

North Pole    ||  2-3  |  4-0  |  2-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

Sakura        ||  2-0  |  1-0  |  1-0  |  ---  |  ---  |

Info-Sumo     ||  2-2  |  3-3  |  0-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

SumoTalk      ||  1-4  |  3-3  |  3-0  |  ---  |  ---  |





Ichimon       ||   M    |   J    |  ms    |  sd    |  jd    |


Doitsugo      ||  46-44 |  7-8   |  15-15 |  ---   |  ---   |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  32-28 |  16-14 |  40-65 |  ---   |  ---   |

SumoForum     ||  57-48 |  ---   |  23-22 |  ---   |  ---   |

North Pole    ||  32-43 |  29-31 |  31-29 |  ---   |  ---   |

Sakura        ||  15-15 |  10-5  |  7-8   |  ---   |  ---   |

Info-Sumo     ||  24-36 |  44-46 |  10-5  |  ---   |  ---   |

SumoTalk      ||  38-37 |  45-45 |  27-18 |  ---   |  ---   |





Day || Doit    ISI     Mass    NPI     Sak     SFI     STI    Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1   || 33.3%   63.6%   53.8%   61.5%   16.7%   90.0%   42.9%  36.4%

2   || 55.6%   63.6%   30.8%   53.8%   33.3%   50.0%   35.7%  63.6%

3   || 44.4%   54.5%   53.8%   46.2%   50.0%   50.0%   57.1%  45.5%

4   || 33.3%   45.5%   38.5%   61.5%   50.0%   60.0%   50.0%  54.5%

5   || 55.6%   27.3%   46.2%   30.8%   66.7%   60.0%   64.3%  54.5%

6   || 44.4%   36.4%   53.8%   61.5%   83.3%   30.0%   42.9%  54.5%

7   || 66.7%   36.4%   38.5%   38.5%   33.3%   70.0%   57.1%  54.5%

8   || 55.6%   18.2%   53.8%   53.8%   66.7%   70.0%   50.0%  45.5%

9   || 55.6%   18.2%   30.8%   46.2%   66.7%   40.0%   71.4%  63.6%

10  || 55.6%   81.8%   46.2%   53.8%   83.3%   50.0%   28.6%  36.4%

11  || 33.3%   54.5%   53.8%   30.8%   66.7%   30.0%   64.3%  59.1%

12  || 22.2%   54.5%   61.5%   38.5%   50.0%   60.0%   57.1%  50.0%

13  || 55.6%   63.6%   30.8%   23.1%   33.3%   70.0%   71.4%  50.0%

14  || 66.7%   45.5%   30.8%   46.2%   66.7%   30.0%   42.9%  68.2%

15  || 77.8%   45.5%   53.8%   61.5%   83.3%   40.0%   50.0%  27.3%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit   ISI    Mass   NPI    Sak    SFI    STI   


1   || 9.2    12.3   11.5   13.5   7.3    16.7   10.1  

2   || 20.6   22.5   15.1   22.1   15.3   19.8   17.3  

3   || 18.0   19.0   19.7   15.8   16.0   16.8   19.4  

4   || 15.1   17.8   14.6   18.2   17.2   18.5   17.1  

5   || 18.3   14.1   16.4   14.6   21.3   18.8   19.9  

6   || 14.4   12.8   14.1   15.5   20.2   11.0   13.9  

7   || 22.4   18.3   16.6   17.5   16.8   22.3   19.5  

9   || 18.0   13.1   13.2   16.6   19.2   15.5   20.4  

10  || 17.0   18.3   12.6   14.7   20.3   13.2   11.5  

11  || 12.2   16.9   16.0   12.3   19.8   11.6   17.0  

12  || 10.0   16.2   16.6   13.2   14.3   18.0   16.9  

13  || 17.1   17.0   13.0   13.5   13.5   19.5   20.8  

14  || 24.3   22.4   15.5   19.2   24.0   16.8   19.6  

15  || 18.6   13.6   16.4   15.5   19.7   14.9   17.4  



RANK by Day


.           |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo     6  4  4  5  5  5  2  2  2  2  1  4  4  3  2 

Info-Sumo    3  3  1  2  2  3  5  5  5  5  4  3  3  4  4 

MassaSHEgawa 4  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6 

North Pole   2  2  3  3  3  2  3  3  4  3  5  5  5  5  5 

Sakura       -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

SumoForum    1  1  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  1  2  3 

SumoTalk     5  5  5  4  4  4  4  4  3  4  3  2  2  1  1 



Misc. Stats


             TPS  AvgTPS PS   AvgPS  HiDWP   LoDWP   HiIDA   LoIDA  


Doitsugo     1    0.11   13   1.44    78%     22%    24.3    09.2   

Info-Sumo    0    0.00   12   1.09    82%     18%    22.5    12.3   

MassaSHEgawa 0    0.00   10   0.77    54%     23%    19.7    11.5   

North Pole   0    0.00   14   1.08    62%     23%    22.1    12.3   

Sakura       0    0.00   9    1.50    83%     17%    24.0    07.3   

SumoForum    0    0.00   16   1.60    90%     30%    22.3    11.0   

SumoTalk     3    0.21   26   1.86    71%     29%    20.8    10.1   


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon      RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt  AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo     1579  680    40    175.4  75.6   4.44  6.67   121   13.44

Info-Sumo    1899  780    60    172.6  70.9   5.45  6.36   133   12.09

MassaSHEgawa 2044  880    50    157.2  67.7   3.85  0.00   113   8.69

North Pole   2169  920    40    166.8  70.8   3.08  8.08   131   10.08

Sakura       711   320    20    118.5  53.3   3.33  10.00  49    8.17

SumoForum    1675  800    70    167.5  80.0   7.00  1.00   117   11.70

SumoTalk     2406  1100   100   171.9  78.6   7.14  7.14   123   8.79

RawPt=Pts by Technizue Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





                 Day Win Tot    Daily Points                                 Bon

Player           Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




Mariohana        24  Y   291  + 05/32/30/24/19/11/24/22/21/32/19/05/09/14/24 15  FS/

Pitinosato       22  Y   291  + 15/24/29/22/32/09/20/16/12/18/19/05/34/14/22 0  

Itachiyama       21  Y   289  + 05/32/12/12/22/21/14/24/24/21/09/19/12/41/21 0  

Flohru           21  Y   270  - 05/22/10/12/30/09/31/29/31/09/13/08/08/32/21 25  GOP/KCC-S/

Metzinowaka      18  Y   265  + 05/29/10/22/11/16/24/30/19/07/22/11/09/32/18 10  YB/

Frinkanohana     7   -   243  - 16/14/16/14/11/09/22/29/12/26/07/17/19/24/07 0  

mischashimaru    21  Y   231  - 08/14/22/12/09/24/24/12/10/20/11/11/19/14/21 10  NCP/

tainosen         11  -   226  - 08/11/26/11/22/22/24/10/11/10/06/08/22/24/11 0  

Kitanoyama       22  Y   193  - 16/07/07/07/09/09/19/09/22/10/04/06/22/24/22 0  

Ganryu           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Holleshoryu      --  -   0      Kyujo    

wolfgangho       --  -   0      Kyujo    





Randomitsuki     8   -   297  + 18/14/12/10/22/21/24/30/09/20/22/32/24/31/08 0  

Watashi          31  Y   288  + 06/14/31/14/09/11/29/29/12/22/26/22/10/22/31 0   

Gaijingai        31  Y   276  + 05/24/30/22/31/19/12/22/12/06/29/09/10/14/31 0  

iwakoko          7   -   270  + 18/24/30/21/12/08/22/11/24/19/31/09/20/14/07 0  

Sherlockiama     32  Y   267  + 13/12/10/12/19/22/30/22/14/09/18/18/12/24/32 0  

Hana-ichi        22  Y   239  - 03/12/20/11/24/06/22/26/09/11/08/22/24/19/22 0  

Tsunamiko        22  Y   234  - 16/09/30/12/22/22/09/24/09/09/20/09/09/12/22 0  

Roundeye         19  Y   218  - 17/11/24/20/21/06/12/06/19/22/09/07/09/16/19 0  

Rikishimiezi     16  Y   213  - 03/11/22/12/09/21/09/12/21/19/06/22/19/11/16 0  

Takanorappa      9   -   194  - 08/22/11/22/08/20/12/09/11/19/05/17/09/12/09 0  

Unagiyutaka      5   -   182  - 03/16/26/06/11/19/19/06/07/06/12/19/09/18/05 0  

ihopeso          5   -   164  - 21/20/05/06/19/02/07/04/20/02/20/21/07/05/05 0  

Kintsubasa       6   -   132  - 19/07/05/22/06/06/09/26/04/00/02/09/07/04/06 0  

Hidariashiyama   --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kaiopectate      --  -   0      Kyujo    





Taka             22  Y   303  + 18/24/12/22/24/19/32/16/09/07/21/29/24/24/22 0  

Hokuyutaka       9   -   297  + 16/24/12/24/11/21/20/29/24/19/08/28/21/31/09 0  

Kintamayama      20  Y   281  + 15/21/31/14/22/11/10/22/12/22/20/19/30/12/20 0  

Achiyama         30  Y   267  + 16/14/24/24/08/21/10/22/30/10/10/21/06/21/30 0  

Kitakachiyama    5   -   265  + 18/24/29/12/12/07/24/21/09/22/09/22/32/19/05 0  

Anjoboshi        26  Y   253  + 06/12/20/24/21/09/31/12/21/26/06/09/21/09/26 0  

Mmikasazuma      9   -   248  + 19/24/16/24/20/06/24/29/07/02/07/30/21/10/09 10  YB/

Doitsuyama       8   -   221  - 20/14/10/21/31/05/22/30/09/02/08/09/24/08/08 0  

Kuroimori        9   -   216  - 17/32/08/10/30/04/31/11/22/02/08/08/10/14/09 0  

Nekonishiki      11  -   194  - 22/09/06/10/09/07/19/19/12/20/19/05/06/20/11 0  

aderechelseamaru --  -   0      Kyujo    

Crall            --  -   0      Kyujo    

Fay              --  -   0      Kyujo    

Hari             --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kameumi          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Leonishiki       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Zenjimoto        --  -   0      Kyujo    





Getayukata       19  Y   338  + 18/32/22/22/11/22/30/24/32/22/21/22/21/20/19 85  Tech/QA/KCC-J/MCP-3/Y

Gurowake         22  Y   301  + 18/32/29/12/19/21/22/24/22/07/16/29/14/14/22 20  Tech/MCP-5/

Oshirokita       9   -   300  + 18/32/30/21/21/21/12/31/12/32/09/22/09/21/09 0  

Fujiko           22  Y   277  + 05/29/21/24/24/22/24/09/09/19/08/06/31/24/22 0  

Fujisan          5   -   254  - 20/32/22/12/12/09/31/09/22/19/10/09/12/30/05 0  

Jakusotsu        9   -   235  - 03/11/07/10/22/22/19/24/24/08/09/21/22/24/09 0  

Maguroyama       18  Y   219  - 19/12/10/24/21/19/12/30/14/08/08/03/09/12/18 0  

Jejima           19  Y   213  - 06/20/12/11/11/21/24/22/09/06/09/09/10/24/19 0  

Tenshinhan       21  Y   213  - 19/32/06/09/11/04/12/11/22/16/18/08/10/14/21 0  

Boltbutthamma    9   -   204  - 07/14/10/29/12/09/12/11/12/12/19/06/11/31/09 0  

Chijanofuji      22  Y   198  - 18/09/19/22/09/22/09/09/09/19/06/06/10/09/22 0  

Marushiki        6   -   190  - 05/10/09/18/07/04/10/11/20/21/24/24/07/14/06 0  

Kyodaitimu       20  Y   187  - 20/22/08/22/10/05/10/29/09/02/03/06/09/12/20 0  

Daineko          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Ekigozan         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Hakaso           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Marquisozan      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Yoohoo           --  -   0      Kyujo    





Aminoumi         21  Y   308  + 03/24/22/22/21/22/09/24/32/31/26/20/07/24/21 30  Y

Rubensan         24  Y   295  + 06/12/22/24/30/09/29/29/22/09/10/07/19/43/24 0  

Kamogawa         22  Y   289  + 08/24/07/24/11/21/22/29/24/26/29/10/08/24/22 30  FS/J-Y/

Saruyama         24  Y   236  - 05/12/24/12/32/20/14/12/06/17/11/19/14/14/24 0  

andonishiki      8   -   235  - 04/11/11/11/22/18/13/09/24/20/24/21/09/30/08 0  

sekihiryu        19  Y   231  - 18/09/10/10/12/31/14/21/07/19/19/09/24/09/19 0  

chabonowaka      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Daifuku          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Mattjila         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Sarunojima       --  -   0      Kyujo    





Konosato         9   -   308  + 05/32/24/24/12/21/14/24/11/20/29/30/22/31/09 45  FS/KCC-S/MCP-W/

Furanohana       10  -   288  + 06/24/31/22/09/22/26/12/32/19/28/15/18/14/10 0  

Terarno          20  Y   285  + 16/22/14/30/22/09/09/19/20/22/11/21/09/41/20 0  

toonoryu         20  Y   283  + 16/31/24/11/31/09/30/11/11/17/11/08/21/32/20 0  

Kaiowaka         21  Y   271  + 15/24/22/24/19/19/12/16/11/21/08/31/09/19/21 0  

Kaiomitsuki      9   -   269  + 17/21/24/12/11/11/12/22/06/20/22/20/22/40/09 0  

Damimonay        21  Y   219  - 05/14/24/12/11/11/12/12/12/22/18/09/12/24/21 25  KCC/

CM_DaviD         9   -   211  - 13/30/12/09/12/08/20/08/14/20/20/07/20/09/09 0  

Chimatayama      5   -   208  - 18/14/12/09/10/06/31/07/11/22/21/09/21/12/05 0  

Kasamatsuri      8   -   199  - 05/12/12/12/11/19/22/19/06/09/09/19/24/12/08 0  

Kotononami       18  Y   198  - 19/24/10/31/07/06/13/12/10/09/09/09/09/12/18 0  

Fatakiyama       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Fuheika          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Fuseigou         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Harumataikai     --  -   0      Kyujo    

Marimo           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Vincentohana     --  -   0      Kyujo    

Zichi            --  -   0      Kyujo    





pandaazuma       21  Y   330  + 18/32/30/24/21/11/22/24/41/20/22/08/12/24/21 50  MCP-2/Y

Sokkenaiyama     19  Y   302  + 05/14/22/24/09/21/29/30/22/09/19/28/20/31/19 15  J-Y/

Gawasukotto      22  Y   282  + 18/12/12/12/30/21/12/22/19/06/22/16/34/24/22 15  J-Y/

Chocshoporyu     11  -   281  + 03/24/31/24/10/11/19/07/30/19/22/19/31/20/11 0  

Fujiyama         32  Y   269  + 05/14/30/24/08/10/12/22/24/09/20/09/20/30/32 0  

Haidouzo         11  -   268  + 05/31/24/22/24/19/22/22/07/04/11/30/22/14/11 0  

nomadwolf        10  -   264  + 18/24/12/24/22/21/24/16/11/20/29/10/11/12/10 0  

Kuroho           8   -   259  + 05/09/09/22/31/21/24/22/09/10/19/22/34/14/08 0  

Robocopthat      34  Y   256  + 15/22/12/12/31/09/09/12/22/20/08/05/21/24/34 0  

Sebunshu         31  Y   253  + 18/14/20/10/24/08/24/21/22/07/07/21/12/14/31 0  

ScreechingOwl    8   -   235  - 18/14/24/11/12/16/24/09/22/13/19/11/22/12/08 0  

chishafuwaku     9   -   228  - 03/12/22/09/24/09/16/11/24/08/24/29/09/19/09 10  NCP/

Chisaiyama       21  Y   198  - 05/11/11/12/21/09/24/09/09/06/09/06/21/24/21 0  

Oskanohana       7   -   181  - 05/09/12/09/11/08/12/11/24/10/07/22/22/12/07 10  NNP/

Domichi          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Hakubayama       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kungliazuma      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Rupatengu        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Stowaway         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Uoichiba         --  -   0      Kyujo    



Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho