Natsu 2017 ICF Results
Congratulations to the Natsu 2017 Ichimon Champions...
The SumoTalkers must be tired of finishing towards the bottom. They
turn it on in this odd basho, and win by 10.6 ITA pts over the M’s. It
is the STIer’s 16th ICF win. Can you believe that?
If you look at how STI won, it was simple smash-mouth Bench Sumo. They
didn’t have the top indie performer (pandaazuma at 287 was their tops),
nor did they have the most bonuses (getting just two prizes). Rather, it
was in their torikumi. They Talkers posted the basho’s high overall win
rate at 54.7%. They simply win their way to the top.
As mentioned above, there were only two prizes earned. Pitinosato
grabbed the Outstanding Performance, and Chisaiyama took a No Cigar home.
Clearly, that was not what you would’ve expected from the winners of the
ICF. Don’t forget those fundamentals! Wins get points. Speaking of
which, look for 80% of the STI team to be in higher ranks in July.
Congrats to the Talkies on their sweet 16!
Now, a look to the rest…
The Doits had a great basho. It’s too bad that there weren’t more of them,
so that they could be (o), instead of (u). They finish 5.2 ITA pts from
the winners, and finish with the third best overall win rate (52.4%).
Pitinosato took home the top Doit honors, as he not only scored the most
tech pts, but also put up Doitsugo’s only bonuses (the MCP and a Tech
MassaSHEgawa shows the power of the bonus! They claimed 135 of the
440 bonus pts given this time, and, combined with their 83% win day
on senshuraku, gained 176 tech pts on the leaders (or 14.7 ITA pts).
I’ll have to check, but a 14.7 ITA gain may be the biggest we’ve ever
seen. They end up in (o) second place, 127 tech pts behind. Just think
if they could’ve turned a couple of their bad days around. Gaijingai
was the human wrecking ball, in terms of bonuses. On the day before his
birthday, he grabbed a Yusho, #2 in the MCP, a KCC semi, the Quality
Award and a Fighting Spirit Award – 80 pts all by himself! Gai also tied
for the most individual pts amongst all ichimoners with 310.
Randomitsuki claimed the ms jun-yusho, and Hana-ichi added the GOP.
Unagiyutaka and Kintsubasa were the sneaky Yaocho bums of the two lower
divisions. Not bad for a team that was in last for the entire basho, no?
It was looking like the Frosties were contending for the Flag, right up
till the last moment. They were the only serious contenders to the
eventual winners, but they fell flat on senshuraku with a 36% win day.
Perhaps they were going for that flat 50%-50% overall win rate, because
that is where they ended up. NPI ends with 64% of their brood on the
up elevator for the next banzuke. Jejima grabbed his first ever FS award,
and mischashimaru was in the top 4 for the KCC. Jakusotsu finished as
the top Frostie with 277 tech pts. Note that the Polers were killer in the
GBL department. They amassed 7 ITA pts from GBLs, where the closest
ichimon had 5.3.
SFI lead this basho for the first few days, but fell into a solid third
for the remainder – until senshuraku, that is. Despite a day 15 60% win
day, the Forumers dropped a rank (due to the M’s rise). They finish with
a 244.71 ITA, which put them 185 tech pts out of winning. Despite looking
good for most of the basho, the SFI team fell one win shy of breaking
even in the wins department. They finished 144-146. They did give a good
effort in the end, though, going 5 straight days over 0.500 from day 11
onward. Achiyama was the top SFIer (& tied for top performer) with 310,
plus another 40 for a Yusho and a QA. Anjoboshi, much to Fujisan’s dismay,
was the only other bonus earner for the Forumers (with a jun-yusho).
Sakura spent one basho in the (o) category, before dropping to the (u)
category for this one. They were all over the rankings (such is the
fate of the wind-assisted), but, they, ultimately, ended up in (u) second
to last. The Sakurans end 25+ ITA pts away from spoiling the Talkies’ win.
Sakura (no, not that one) was Sakura’s (no, not that one) top scorer. That
is, amongst all in Sakura (no, not that one), Sakura (no, not that one) was
the most Sakuran (okay, maybe that one). Anyway, Sakura (no, not that one)
had 290 tech pts, and also provided a 3rd place finish in the MCP. Kamogawa
added an NCP to the Sakuran bonus armory.
ISI just couldn’t get things together this basho, and it showed in their
(u) ranking. They finish with the second lowest overall win rate (48.3%).
They can have the satisfaction of beating the eventual winners in head-to-
head competition (7-4), being one of just 3 ichimons to do so. Their
final deficit was 28.5 ITA pts. Damimonay was the sole Izzie bonus
earner, finishing fifth in the MCP, and was also the top indie-pt scorer
for Team ISI with 281.
BTW – this basho is an odd one, in that all ichimons had ≥50% of their
teammates looking upward on the banzuke for next time.
NOTE: Even more ICF data on this basho is found in the ICF Results Archive
For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance.
. |-------Day 15 Stats-------|
Rnk Ichimon #ACT TP Bon ITA PB PB+- ITA+- Rnk+- DWP IDA
1 SumoTalk 10 2554 25 257.9 00 0.0 0 30% 10.9
- Doitsugo 7 1729 40 252.71 36 +64 +9.2 +1 57% 16.9
2 MassaSHEgawa 12 2833 135 247.33 127 +176 +14.7 +3 83% 16.8
3 North Pole 14 3406 20 244.71 185 -15 -1.0 -2 36% 10.9
4 SumoForum 10 2356 55 241.1 168 +38 +3.8 -1 60% 11.7
- Sakura 8 1832 25 232.13 206 -21 -2.6 -1 13% 07.6
- Info-Sumo 8 1830 5 229.38 228 -16 -2.0 0 38% 10.8
#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back
PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=
today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.
Ichimon D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15
SumoTalk 157/167/173/183/152/121/177/194/197/200/176/209/188/151/109
Doitsugo 074/110/127/125/130/087/100/156/121/114/102/141/110/114/118
Mass. 142/138/202/186/189/185/181/193/127/249/213/196/240/190/202
NorthPole 206/194/221/217/230/161/290/235/260/283/184/234/321/217/153
SumoForum 190/178/148/161/130/119/178/105/181/183/150/165/185/166/117
Sakura 119/137/128/142/117/126/111/143/146/107/127/158/123/087/061
Info-Sumo 092/135/144/092/095/130/163/125/138/131/105/120/134/140/086
. | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |
. |============|========|===========|
Total Avg Pts for Today - | 239.7 | 232.1 | 238.1 |
Daily Points for Today -- | 12.3 | 16.1 | 13.1 |
Bonus Points (out of 440) | 305 | 135 | 440 |
Prizes (out of 29) | 19 | 10 | 29 |
Ichimon KK MK KK% | KK MK | 7Win 7loss
Doitsugo 4 3 57.1 | +2 (2) | 3 2
MassaSHEgawa 6 6 50.0 | +1 (0) | 1 1
SumoForum 5 5 50.0 | +0 (1) | 2 2
North Pole 9 5 64.3 | +1 (1) | 1 4
Sakura 4 4 50.0 | +0 (1) | 1 0
Info-Sumo 4 4 50.0 | +0 (1) | 1 2
SumoTalk 8 2 80.0 | +1 (1) | 1 5
. |---------------------WINNER--------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI STI Unaff.
=| Doit --- |0-2 |1-1 |--- |--- |0-1 |1-0 |1-0
L| ISI 2-0 |--- |1-0 |2-2 |--- |--- |--- |0-1
o| Mass 1-1 |0-1 |--- |0-2 |0-3 |1-0 |0-1 |0-2
s| NPI --- |2-2 |2-0 |--- |0-1 |1-0 |--- |4-2
e| Sak --- |--- |3-0 |1-0 |--- |--- |2-1 |1-0
r| SFI 1-0 |--- |0-1 |0-1 |--- |1-1 |0-2 |2-1
=| STI 0-1 |--- |1-0 |--- |1-2 |2-0 |--- |3-0
=|Unaff 0-1 |1-0 |2-0 |2-4 |0-1 |1-2 |0-3 |1-1
. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----
. All 4-3 |3-5 |10-2 |5-9 |1-7 |6-4 |3-7 |12-7
OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL) --- Total bouts = 660
. |-----------------------WINNER----------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI STI Unaff.
=| Doit 4-4 |6-4 |6-10 |6-7 |3-7 |3-8 |12-6 |10-9
L| ISI 4-6 |12-12|12-10|16-11 |1-1 |3-5 |4-7 |10-6
o| Mass 10-6 |10-12|9-9 |17-17 |4-12 |10-8 |10-6 |15-25
s| NPI 7-6 |11-16|17-17|13-13 |8-10 |13-8 |13-11|23-24
e| Sak 7-3 |1-1 |12-4 |10-8 |3-3 |10-8 |7-9 |15-19
r| SFI 8-3 |5-3 |8-10 |8-13 |8-10 |8-8 |13-7 |18-20
=| STI 6-12 |7-4 |6-10 |11-13 |9-7 |7-13 |9-9 |13-14
=|Unaff 9-10 |6-10 |25-15|24-23 |19-15|20-18|14-13|32-32
. All 55-50|58-62|95-85|105-105|55-65|74-76|82-68|136-149
. Win% 52.4%|48.3%|52.8%|50% |45.8%|49.3%|54.7%|47.7%
DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 2-1 | 2-0 | 0-2 | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 2-1 | 4-1 | 4-0 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 3-2 | 2-0 | 1-2 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 1-3 | 3-3 | 1-3 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 1-3 | --- | 0-2 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 1-0 | 2-5 | --- | --- | --- |
SumoTalk || 1-5 | 0-2 | 2-0 | --- | --- |
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 24-21 | 15-15 | 16-14 | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 24-21 | 36-39 | 35-25 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 34-41 | 23-7 | 17-28 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 30-30 | 45-45 | 30-30 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 29-31 | --- | 13-17 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 10-5 | 48-57 | --- | --- | --- |
SumoTalk || 50-40 | 15-15 | 17-13 | --- | --- |
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI STI Unaff
====|| ============================================================
1 || 14.3% 37.5% 41.7% 42.9% 50.0% 70.0% 50.0% 68.4%
2 || 57.1% 75.0% 25.0% 42.9% 62.5% 60.0% 60.0% 42.1%
3 || 57.1% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 40.0% 50.0% 52.6%
4 || 71.4% 25.0% 58.3% 42.9% 50.0% 50.0% 70.0% 42.1%
5 || 85.7% 25.0% 50.0% 64.3% 50.0% 40.0% 50.0% 42.1%
6 || 42.9% 75.0% 66.7% 35.7% 62.5% 40.0% 40.0% 47.4%
7 || 28.6% 62.5% 41.7% 71.4% 25.0% 60.0% 60.0% 42.1%
8 || 85.7% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 75.0% 20.0% 70.0% 31.6%
9 || 42.9% 50.0% 8.3% 64.3% 75.0% 50.0% 70.0% 47.4%
10 || 28.6% 37.5% 66.7% 57.1% 25.0% 40.0% 60.0% 57.9%
11 || 42.9% 37.5% 66.7% 35.7% 37.5% 50.0% 60.0% 57.9%
12 || 57.1% 50.0% 41.7% 42.9% 37.5% 50.0% 70.0% 52.6%
13 || 42.9% 50.0% 83.3% 64.3% 37.5% 50.0% 40.0% 31.6%
14 || 71.4% 62.5% 58.3% 50.0% 37.5% 60.0% 40.0% 36.8%
15 || 57.1% 37.5% 83.3% 35.7% 12.5% 60.0% 30.0% 63.2%
ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI STI
1 || 10.6 11.5 11.8 14.7 14.9 19.0 15.7
2 || 15.7 16.9 11.5 13.9 17.1 17.8 16.7
3 || 18.1 18.0 16.8 15.8 16.0 14.8 17.3
4 || 17.9 11.5 15.5 15.5 17.8 16.1 18.3
5 || 18.6 11.9 15.8 16.4 14.6 13.0 15.2
6 || 12.4 16.3 15.4 11.5 15.8 11.9 12.1
7 || 14.3 20.4 15.1 20.7 13.9 17.8 17.7
9 || 17.3 17.3 10.6 18.6 18.3 18.1 19.7
10 || 16.3 16.4 20.8 20.2 13.4 18.3 20.0
11 || 14.6 13.1 17.8 13.1 15.9 15.0 17.6
12 || 20.1 15.0 16.3 16.7 19.8 16.5 20.9
13 || 15.7 16.8 20.0 22.9 15.4 18.5 18.8
14 || 16.3 17.5 15.8 15.5 10.9 16.6 15.1
15 || 16.9 10.8 16.8 10.9 7.6 11.7 10.9
RANK by Day
. |---------------------DAY--------------------|
Ichimon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Doitsugo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Info-Sumo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MassaSHEgawa 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2
North Pole 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Sakura - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SumoForum 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4
SumoTalk 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Misc. Stats
Doitsugo 1 0.14 7 1.00 86% 14% 22.3 10.6
Info-Sumo 0 0.00 11 1.38 75% 25% 20.4 10.8
MassaSHEgawa 0 0.00 13 1.08 83% 08% 20.8 10.6
North Pole 2 0.14 21 1.50 64% 36% 22.9 10.9
Sakura 0 0.00 7 0.88 75% 13% 19.8 07.6
SumoForum 1 0.10 13 1.30 70% 20% 19.0 10.5
SumoTalk 0 0.00 18 1.80 70% 30% 20.9 10.9
TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;
HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;
Ichimon RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA
Doitsugo 1139 550 40 162.7 78.6 5.71 5.71 34 4.86
Info-Sumo 1210 580 40 151.3 72.5 5.00 0.63 37 4.63
MassaSHEgawa 1823 950 60 151.9 79.2 5.00 11.25 48 4.00
North Pole 2266 1050 90 161.9 75.0 6.43 1.43 98 7.00
Sakura 951 420 30 118.9 52.5 3.75 3.13 35 4.38
SumoForum 1566 740 50 156.6 74.0 5.00 5.50 52 5.20
SumoTalk 1654 820 80 165.4 82.0 8.00 2.50 53 5.30
RawPt=Pts by Technizue Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only
AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;
AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses
Day Win Tot Daily Points Bon
Player Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes
Pitinosato 22 Y 292 + 12/22/22/32/22/06/24/31/24/34/11/12/11/07/22 40 Tech/MCP-W/
Mariohana 9 - 257 + 07/22/24/07/22/19/22/22/11/20/09/32/11/20/09 0
Frinkanohana 27 Y 256 + 09/21/12/20/20/08/12/19/30/14/22/10/11/21/27 0
Metzinowaka 28 Y 245 + 08/07/22/08/19/19/10/11/12/14/22/22/22/21/28 0
Flohru 7 - 235 - 24/10/11/21/20/09/12/21/24/14/07/12/24/19/07 0
Holleshoryu 18 Y 225 - 05/07/24/17/07/19/10/30/10/09/09/31/09/20/18 0
Kitanoyama 7 - 219 - 09/21/12/20/20/07/10/22/10/09/22/22/22/06/07 0
tainosen -- - 0 Kyujo
wolfgangho -- - 0 Kyujo
Gaijingai 21 Y 310 + 19/09/24/22/29/07/24/24/14/24/32/22/22/17/21 80 FS/QA/KCC-S/MCP-2/Y
Randomitsuki 19 Y 294 + 22/09/09/24/10/17/24/08/24/31/22/32/22/21/19 15 J-Y/
Sherlockiama 6 - 274 + 21/22/22/22/12/17/20/26/12/41/10/12/22/09/06 0
Takanorappa 19 Y 269 + 21/12/24/09/09/19/10/19/09/29/24/12/22/31/19 0
Unagiyutaka 19 Y 239 + 07/09/09/17/20/24/20/22/05/20/22/11/29/05/19 10 YB/
Kintsubasa 29 Y 220 + 19/04/06/22/09/19/07/04/09/20/17/09/22/24/29 10 YB/
Hana-ichi 17 Y 218 - 05/07/22/06/22/09/16/16/10/10/08/30/20/20/17 20 GOP/
Tsunamiko 17 Y 217 - 07/09/30/20/10/17/22/24/05/10/09/22/09/06/17 0
Roundeye 17 Y 206 - 05/22/12/10/19/09/10/09/10/12/21/21/19/10/17 0
Watashi 3 - 202 - 06/21/11/05/09/19/10/12/11/20/22/09/24/20/03 0
iwakoko 19 Y 200 - 02/07/12/07/20/09/09/22/08/10/22/09/22/22/19 0
Mukanibaru 16 Y 184 - 08/07/21/22/20/19/09/07/10/22/04/07/07/05/16 0
Hidariashiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
ihopeso -- - 0 Kyujo
Rikishimiezi -- - 0 Kyujo
Achiyama 17 Y 310 + 24/11/21/21/21/06/24/19/30/34/22/20/19/21/17 40 QA/Y
Anjoboshi 19 Y 281 + 24/08/10/24/19/06/21/06/14/33/21/22/32/22/19 15 J-Y/
Taka 17 Y 273 + 22/22/07/24/07/19/24/09/21/31/24/10/09/27/17 0
Mmikasazuma 2 - 249 + 24/21/30/22/21/08/22/08/21/12/10/11/09/28/02 0
Kuroimori 7 - 248 + 10/11/22/22/09/06/22/22/12/24/19/22/32/08/07 0
Kintamayama 6 - 231 - 22/24/21/11/09/04/21/09/24/14/11/12/24/19/06 0
Leonishiki 14 Y 224 - 24/08/09/12/22/21/12/09/22/11/21/22/10/07/14 0
Nanahachi 6 - 204 - 22/21/07/14/10/09/10/07/09/07/07/26/30/19/06 0
Nekonishiki 16 Y 172 - 10/31/10/02/07/22/11/09/17/05/07/11/08/06/16 0
Kitakachiyama 13 Y 164 - 08/21/11/09/05/18/11/07/11/12/08/09/12/09/13 0
Doitsuyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Hokuyutaka -- - 0 Kyujo
Jakusotsu 7 - 277 + 21/07/22/06/09/07/24/29/24/24/11/22/32/32/07 0
Tenshinhan 7 - 276 + 22/22/11/12/20/07/11/06/31/31/22/22/31/21/07 0
Fujisan 7 - 266 + 22/09/22/22/07/06/31/21/24/21/22/07/34/11/07 0
Marushiki 9 - 266 + 09/22/19/21/22/21/22/22/09/32/09/24/05/20/09 0
Oshirokita 6 - 266 + 07/21/12/24/09/18/22/20/22/09/22/34/32/08/06 0
Chijanofuji 19 Y 261 + 24/09/12/22/22/18/22/10/22/20/09/12/09/31/19 0
Boltbutthamma 29 Y 256 + 09/09/24/24/19/06/10/11/24/24/22/12/12/21/29 0
Kitahotaru 6 - 248 + 24/09/21/11/22/09/22/21/17/12/07/31/29/07/06 0
Jejima 3 - 245 + 09/07/22/24/19/19/24/11/24/31/06/11/30/05/03 15 FS/
Fujiko 7 - 228 - 24/04/06/09/20/22/22/09/11/24/09/22/32/07/07 0
Maguroyama 18 Y 216 - 09/09/24/12/09/07/12/30/22/24/09/12/09/10/18 0
mischashimaru 14 Y 212 - 08/22/10/10/22/07/32/21/11/10/09/07/11/18/14 5 KCC-S/
Kyodaitimu 17 Y 205 - 08/24/07/10/09/06/24/16/08/10/19/09/33/05/17 0
Gurowake 4 - 184 - 10/20/09/10/21/08/12/08/11/11/08/09/22/21/04 0
Ekigozan -- - 0 Kyujo
Getayukata -- - 0 Kyujo
Sakura 7 - 290 + 21/11/22/22/10/19/10/24/22/14/24/41/22/21/07 15 MCP-3/
Rubensan 17 Y 277 + 12/19/24/24/21/09/22/21/22/12/07/40/07/20/17 0
andonishiki 7 - 274 + 24/22/08/22/09/06/22/20/22/24/34/12/22/20/07 0
Itachiyama 7 - 268 + 22/22/09/31/19/19/12/19/22/12/32/12/24/06/07 0
Saruyama 7 - 248 - 21/09/22/21/21/21/12/22/22/29/11/11/12/07/07 10 NCP/
Kamogawa 5 - 164 - 08/24/10/06/07/24/11/06/21/09/03/11/11/08/05 0
Aminoumi 5 - 157 - 06/09/11/10/10/21/12/19/09/02/08/21/12/02/05 0
Hibarifuji 6 - 154 - 05/21/22/06/20/07/10/12/06/05/08/10/13/03/06 0
chabonowaka -- - 0 Kyujo
Daifuku -- - 0 Kyujo
Sarunojima -- - 0 Kyujo
sekihiryu -- - 0 Kyujo
Wamahada -- - 0 Kyujo
Damimonay 19 Y 281 + 10/07/10/24/11/19/24/24/24/24/10/22/32/21/19 5 MCP-5/
Terarno 17 Y 264 + 09/21/31/09/21/04/24/21/24/12/09/22/09/31/17 0
Kaiomitsuki 7 - 258 + 24/21/09/22/08/06/24/08/32/24/10/22/32/09/07 0
Furanohana 7 - 222 + 16/22/20/06/09/21/10/08/07/09/20/19/21/27/07 0
toonoryu 5 - 220 - 03/18/09/07/09/21/33/22/21/10/22/09/10/21/05 0
Kasamatsuri 22 Y 211 - 17/19/32/08/09/19/22/12/08/14/09/08/05/07/22 0
Kaiowaka 7 - 209 - 07/19/24/08/09/21/14/22/11/29/06/07/06/19/07 0
Kotononami 2 - 165 - 06/08/09/08/19/19/12/08/11/09/19/11/19/05/02 0
Chimatayama -- - 0 Kyujo
CM_DaviD -- - 0 Kyujo
Fatakiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Konosato -- - 0 Kyujo
Zichi -- - 0 Kyujo
pandaazuma 17 Y 287 + 24/22/12/24/11/06/22/18/24/32/10/32/24/09/17 15 OP/
ScreechingOwl 7 - 277 + 24/09/22/11/19/19/14/21/24/24/31/22/11/19/07 0
Fujiyama 21 Y 274 + 11/11/22/10/22/06/22/31/24/22/09/22/12/29/21 0
Chocshoporyu 7 - 262 + 12/19/11/24/11/06/10/21/24/22/21/31/12/31/07 0
Gawasukotto 9 - 262 + 22/22/12/32/11/04/21/22/11/11/22/22/12/29/09 0
nomadwolf 6 - 255 + 12/22/22/21/19/22/22/19/12/19/11/10/32/06/06 0
chishafuwaku 6 - 250 + 17/22/12/18/09/09/22/11/21/12/22/20/41/08/06 0
Chisaiyama 8 - 247 - 21/12/24/06/22/09/11/29/24/24/10/30/09/08/08 10 NCP/
Sebunshu 28 Y 243 + 09/19/12/17/19/21/09/11/24/24/21/09/11/09/28 0
Haidouzo 0 - 197 - 05/09/24/20/09/19/24/11/09/10/19/11/24/03/00 0
Domichi -- - 0 Kyujo
Kuroho -- - 0 Kyujo
Oskanohana -- - 0 Kyujo
Robocopthat -- - 0 Kyujo
Rupatengu -- - 0 Kyujo
Sokkenaiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Prize Key:
NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize
FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;
QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;
NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;
KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;
MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);
MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);
J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho