Congratulations to the Kyushu 2018 Ichimon Champions...






Congratulations to the Frosties on capturing their 9th ICF title.� Would Oyakata Fujisan, please, come forward to accept the flag?� We present this flag to you (please mind the drool) for your team�s exceptional (Ewww!� It�s dripping down the pole) effort in the Kyushu basho.� Your team won the ICF with a 59 tech point margin (Now, mind the growling) of the Sakurans.� Congratulations, once again! (Can someone get me some hand sanitizer? Please?!) J


The Frosties Bonus enjoyed a basho�s best overall win rate (52%), and had a 60% KK rate.� Nine of the 15 Polers will earn a promotion for January.� What really set the Frosties apart this basho was their points by placement.� NPI posted the best average for straight tech pts, earning 132.0, versus everyone else sitting in the mid 120�s. �Of course, with great tech points comes great GBLs.� ;-)� The Polers managed to gain the most from GBLs (3.2 ITA pts) on their 48 GBL points.�


Gurowake lead the NPI charge with 254 points, and added the MCP and a Jun-Yusho to the mix.� Fujiko took home the Makushita certificate for earning the ms Yusho.� Homuburyuwa was a semi-finalist in the KCC. Mischashimaru capitalized on the GBLs, just enough, to add another pile of points to the Frostie hoard.




A winter basho isn�t the proper spot for a cherry blossom, but the Blossomers were fairly comfortable here.� They finished 59 tech pts (5.87 ITA pts) behind, but do claim the runner-up spot.� They hit 40% wins on senshuraku, which squashed their run for the flag.� It, certainly, didn�t seem as if they Blossomers would finish up here, as they were in sixth place as late as day 10, but they persevered, and hit three of the final five days with strong win efforts.� They were a bit light in GBL department (weren�t we all?), scoring just 1.5 from those, and they managed a middle-of-the-pack 4.5 bump in prize bonuses.� Prizes were earned by Feginowaka (jun-yusho), Rubensan (5th in the MCP) and andonishiki took home the KCC.� Feginowaka (253) was the top points earner for Sakura. Sakura finished with the third best overall win rate (51.3%), but can be proud of the beating they put upon the champs.� Of the 24 bouts against the NPIers, the Sakuran team took 17 of those.




Team Hairy Ones� missed out on Jun-ICF honors (actually, there aren�t any) by a mere 4 tech points. They posted a 30% win day, and failed to gain any ground on the Sakurans, who finished just ahead of them. The gap to first was more modest � 63 tech pts. �The SFIers finished one bout in front of 50% wins to give them a final overall win rate of 50.7%. �A sad senshuraku note is that the SFIers converted only two of their seven chances at KK.� Amazingly, all of their 7-8�s happened on senshuraku. Had they just had three more wins, they could have been champs.�� SFI was #2 in GBL-effect, getting a 2.8 ITA bump from lining everything up correctly.� They were also #2 in the bonus effect, getting 7.50 ITA pts from their 4 prizes. Kintamayama took home the big macaroon and the jar of mushrooms. Leonishiki made his presence known in Juryo, but, apparently not to the torikumi-makers, by placing second in the MCP, but also earning a No Cigar.� Taka finished up with a jun-yusho.� Kintamayama was the top-scoring SFIer, and was third, overall.



The M�s were in the mix for much of the basho (as were most ichimons), but were one of the two teams to have fewer winning days than losing days.� The M�s had 7 win days, yet still managed a 50.6% overall win rate.� The middle of the basho was their downfall, where they put together 7 straight days of losing bench.� The MassaSHEgawan�s final deficit was 131 tech pts (or 10.08 ITA pts).� The basho�s individual points honors belong to two Massies, iwakoko and Mukanibaru, who each finished with a 257.� The M�s excelled in prize bonuses, earning 7 prizes, from six different teammates, for a basho leading 8.33 ITA bump.� The prizes were: Mukanibaru (Juryo Yusho & a Quality Award), iwakoko (Jun-Yusho), ihopeso (Jun-KCC), Sherlockiama & Hana-ichi (each with a Yaocho Bum) and Rikishimiezi (No Cigar).� All those prizes helped the M�s just up two spots on senshuraku to finish in fourth place.




The STIers finished 8 tech points out of fourth place, and 95 away from the flag. �They hit the top of the results on days 7-8, but then started a long slide to their final resting spot. The Talkies put up a 75% win day on senshuraku, which was just enough to get them to an overall 0.500 win average for the basho. Keeping the 50% theme, the STIers have half of their team on the banzuke�s up elevator. Pandaazuma (238) was the top STI scorer, once again, and was one of two contributors in the STI prize haul (Jun-Yusho). Chisaiyama contributed a Yaocho Bum.




Senshuraku was not kind to ISI. They could only find two wins (25% DWP), and slipped backwards two ranks to finish in sixth place.� They finish 17.54 ITA pts from the winners.� The torikumi makers were kind to the Izzies, as they finished with the basho�s second best overall win rate � a 51.7%.� They also had 10 of their 15 days above the 0.500 win mark.� They had just one ICF perfect day (a PS and a win), and managed just a two prize bonuses.� Furanohana had a KCC semi-final appearance, and Kaiowaka finished with a No Cigar.� Konosato (226) was the top Izzie.



Just one basho removed from the glory of winning the ICF, the Doits find themselves on the other end of the rankings.� This turbulent basho proved too much for the, normally, high-performing team. They did lead for two days, but by senshuraku, they were on a steady decline. They just 5 winning days, including their 56% win day on senshuraku, and finished the basho with an anemic 45.2% overall win rate.� Just like their win record, only one-third of the Doits will be seeing a rank advancement, as they went 3-6 in KKs.� Flohru was the top Doitsugoer, garnering 236 technique points (12 others finished higher).� Flohru was also the only Doit prize earner, grabbing a Jun-Yusho, the Outstanding Prize and the Quality Award (Nov Edition).� Better luck next basho, Doits.





See you in the New Year,

ICF Gyoji Takanorappa


NOTE: As always, you can go to to get the full statistics. For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance (at the same site). �Check out the Misc. Basho Stats there, too. �I�ll guarantee you that your shikona is in there.





.���������������������������������������� |-------Day 15 Stats--------|

Rnk Ichimon����� #ACT TP�� Bon ITA��� PB� PB+-� ITA+-� Rnk+-� DWP IDA�


1�� North Pole�� 15�� 3230 95� 221.67��� ��00��� 0.0���� 0��� 53% 16.4

2�� Sakura������ 10�� 2113 45� 215.8� 59� -47�� -4.7���� 0��� 40% 13.5

3�� SumoForum��� 10�� 2079 75� 215.4� 63� -16�� -1.6���� 0��� 30% 13.6

4�� MassaSHEgawa 12�� 2429 100 210.75 131 +05�� +0.4��� +2��� 50% 14.8

5�� SumoTalk ����8��� 1653 25� 209.75 95� -12�� -1.5���� 0��� 75% 18.1

6�� Info-Sumo��� 8��� 1618 15� 204.13 140 -61�� -7.6��� -2��� 25% 13.3

7�� Doitsugo���� 9��� 1781 40� 202.33 174 -34�� -3.7���� 0��� 56% 14.6

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.





Ichimon�� D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


NorthPole 172/147/190/222/180/295/137/239/219/261/229/268/203/222/246

Sakura��� 099/150/103/161/086/126/145/139/162/133/173/154/195/152/135

SumoForum 073/107/129/154/142/136/112/193/119/175/141/171/174/117/136

Mass.��� �114/123/159/212/135/175/090/158/154/172/157/196/182/224/178

SumoTalk� 056/100/119/124/087/144/102/127/083/123/102/140/106/095/145

Info-Sumo 047/095/098/112/116/078/124/114/099/178/105/130/071/145/106

Doitsugo� 072/119/128/126/139/100/090/155/118/131/103/143/127/099/131



.�������������������� ����| ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.������������������������ |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |��� 207.0�� |� 207.0 |��� 207.0� |

Daily Points for Today -- |��� 15.0��� |� 17.4� |��� 15.5�� |

Bonus Points (out of 435) |�� �395���� |� 40��� |��� 435��� |

Prizes (out of 29)������� |��� 24����� |� 5���� |��� 29���� |





.������� �������OVERALL��� |� TODAY�� | CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon������ KK� MK� KK%� | KK�� MK� | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo����� 3�� 6�� 33.3 | +0�� (1) |�� 2��� 1�

MassaSHEgawa� 6�� 6�� 50.0 | +0�� (0) |�� 0��� 1�

SumoForum���� 4�� 6�� 40.0 | +2�� (5) |�� 5��� 2�

North Pole��� 9�� 6�� 60.0 | +2�� (1) |�� 1��� 3�

Sakura������� 6�� 4�� 60.0 | +0�� (1) |�� 1��� 1�

Info-Sumo���� 4�� 4�� 50.0 | +1�� (2) |�� 2��� 3�

SumoTalk����� 4�� 4�� 50.0 | +1�� (0) |�� 3��� 2�





.����� |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI�� Sak.� SFI�� STI�� Unaff.

=| Doit 1-1� |---� |0-1� |1-1� |---� |---� |1-0� |1-2�

L|� ISI ---� |1-1� |1-0� |2-0� |---� |---� |---� |2-1�

o| Mass 1-0� |0-1� |---� |0-1� |1-1� |1-2� |---� |3-1�

s|� NPI 1-1� |0-2� |1-0� |2-2� |0-1� |2-1� |---� |1-1�

e|� Sak ---� |---� |1-1� |1-0� |---� |---� |2-1� |2-2�

r|� SFI ---� |---� |2-1� |1-2� |---� |---� |2-0� |2-0�

=|� STI 0-1� |---� |---� |---� |1-2� |0-2� |1-1� |---�

=|Unaff 2-1� |1-2� |1-3� |1-1� |2-2� |0-2� |---� |2-2�

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------|-----|-----

.�� All 5-4� |2-6� |6-6� |8-7� |4-6� |3-7 �|6-2� |13-9


OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)� --- Total bouts = 705


.����� |-----------------------WINNER----------------------|

.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI���� Sak.� SFI�� STI�� Unaff.�

=| Doit 6-6� |10-3 |7-7� |10-9�� |7-9� |5-9� |9-6� |20-12��

L|� ISI 3-10 |9-9� |9-7� |10-13� |5-5� |6-5� |3-4� |13-9���

o| Mass 7-7� |7-9� |8-8� |15-15� |8-10 |8-16 |9-8� |27-18��

s|� NPI 9-10 |13-10|15-15|16-16� |17-7 |15-15|11-9 |12-35��

e|� Sak 9-7� |5-5� |10-8 |7-17�� |4-4� |10-5 |6-5� |22-26��

r|� SFI 9-5� |5-6� |16-8 |15-15� |5-10 |6-6� |7-8� |11-18��

=|� STI 6-9� |4-3� |8-9� |9-11�� |5-6� |8-7� |5-5� |15-10��

=|Unaff 12-20|9-13 |18-27|35-12� |26-22|18-11|10-15|41-41��


.�� All 61-74|62-58|91-89|117-108|77-73|76-74|60-60|161-169

.� Win% 45.2%|51.7%|50.6%|52%��� |51.3%|50.7%|50%� |48.8%��



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon������ ||�� M�� |�� J�� |� ms�� |� sd�� |� jd�� |


Doitsugo����� ||� 2-3� |� 1-1� |� 2-0� |� ---� |� ---� |

MassaSHEgawa� ||� 1-2� |� 3-1� |� 2-3� |� ---� |� ---� |

SumoForum���� ||� 2-1� |� 0-5� |� 1-1� |� ---� |� ---� |

North Pole��� ||� 3-4� |� 3-3� |� 2-0� |� ---� |� ---� |

Sakura��� ����||� 1-1� |� 1-1� |� 1-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

Info-Sumo���� ||� 2-4� |� 0-1� |� 0-1� |� ---� |� ---� |

SumoTalk����� ||� 3-1� |� 3-0� |� 0-1� |� ---� |� ---� |





Ichimon������ ||�� M��� |�� J��� |� ms��� |� sd��� |� jd��� |


Doitsugo����� ||� 36-39 |� 14-16 |� 12-18 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

MassaSHEgawa� ||� 22-23 |� 35-25 |� 30-45 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

SumoForum���� ||� 29-16 |� 34-41 |� 15-15 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

North Pole��� ||� 49-56 |� 46-44 |� 21-9� |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Sakura������� ||� 14-16 |� 14-16 |� 28-17 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Info-Sumo���� ||� 44-46 |� 9-6�� |� 4-11� |� ---�� |� ---�� |

SumoTalk����� ||� 28-32 |� 24-21 |� 8-7�� |� ---�� |� ---�� |





Day || Doit��� ISI���� Mass��� NPI���� Sak���� SFI���� STI��� Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1�� || 44.4%�� 37.5%�� 50.0%�� 66.7%�� 60.0%�� 40.0%�� 37.5%� 50.0%

2�� || 55.6%�� 50.0%�� 41.7%�� 33.3%�� 80.0%�� 50.0%�� 50.0%� 50.0%

3�� || 55.6%�� 37.5%�� 58.3%�� 53.3%�� 30.0%�� 50.0%�� 62.5%� 50.0%

4�� || 44.4%�� 50.0%�� 83.3%�� 53.3%�� 60.0%�� 60.0%�� 62.5%� 18.2%

5�� || 77.8%�� 62.5%�� 41.7%�� 46.7%�� 30.0%�� 60.0%�� 37.5%� 50.0%

6�� || 22.2%�� 12.5%�� 41.7%�� 80.0%�� 40.0%�� 40.0%�� 75.0%� 59.1%

7�� || 33.3%�� 75.0%�� 25.0%�� 26.7%�� 70.0%�� 50.0%�� 50.0%� 68.2%

8�� || 66.7%�� 37.5%�� 33.3%�� 40.0%�� 40.0%�� 60.0%�� 50.0%� 63.6%

9�� || 44.4%�� 50.0%�� 41.7%�� 60.0%�� 60.0%�� 50.0%�� 37.5%� 50.0%

10� || 33.3%�� 87.5%�� 33.3%�� 53.3%�� 30.0%�� 50.0%�� 37.5%� 63.6%

11� || 33.3%�� 50.0%�� 41.7%�� 53.3%�� 70.0%�� 60.0%�� 50.0%� 45.5%

12� || 44.4%�� 50.0%�� 50.0%�� 53.3%�� 40.0%�� 60.0%�� 50.0%� 50.0%

13� || 33.3%�� 75.0%�� 83.3%�� 53.3%�� 60.0%�� 50.0%�� 37.5%� 27.3%

14� || 33.3%�� 75.0%�� 83.3%�� 53.3%�� 60.0%�� 50.0%�� 37.5%� 27.3%

15� || 55.6%�� 25.0%�� 50.0%�� 53.3%�� 40.0%�� 30.0%�� 75.0%� 59.1%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit�� ISI��� Mass�� NPI��� Sak��� SFI��� STI���


1�� || 8.0��� 5.9��� 9.5��� 11.5�� 9.9��� 7.3��� 7.0���

2�� || 13.2�� 11.9�� 10.3�� 9.8��� 15.0�� 10.7�� 12.5��

3�� || 14.2�� 12.3�� 13.3�� 12.7�� 10.3�� 12.9�� 14.9��

4�� || 14.0�� 14.0�� 17.7�� 14.8�� 16.1�� 15.4�� 15.5��

5�� || 15.4�� 14.5�� 11.3�� 12.0�� 8.6��� 14.2�� 10.9��

6�� || 11.1�� 9.8��� 14.6�� 19.7�� 12.6�� 13.6�� 18.0��

7�� || 10.0�� 15.5�� 7.5��� 9.1��� 14.5�� 11.2�� 12.8��

9�� || 13.1�� 12.4�� 12.8�� 14.6�� 16.2�� 11.9�� 10.4��

10� || 14.6�� 22.3�� 14.3�� 17.4�� 13.3�� 17.5�� 15.4��

11� || 11.4�� 13.1�� 13.1�� 15.3�� 17.3�� 14.1�� 12.8��

12� || 15.9�� 16.3�� 16.3�� 17.9�� 15.4�� 17.1�� 17.5��

13� || 14.1�� 8.9��� 15.2�� 13.5�� 19.5�� 17.4�� 13.3��

14� || 11.0�� 18.1�� 18.7�� 14.8�� 15.2�� 11.7�� 11.9��

15� || 14.6�� 13.3�� 14.8�� 16.4�� 13.5�� 13.6�� 18.1��



RANK by Day


.���������� |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon����� 1� 2� 3� 4� 5� 6� 7� 8 �9� 10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo���� 4� 3� 1� 4� 1� 4� 4� 4� 5� 5� 6� 6� 5� 7� 7�

Info-Sumo��� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 6� 6� 4� 5� 5� 6� 4� 6�

MassaSHEgawa 3� 4� 5� 2� 2� 3� 6� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 6� 4�

North Pole�� 1� 2� 4� 5� 4� 1� 2� 2� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1�

Sakura������ 2� 1� 2� 1� 6� 6� 3� 5� 3� 6� 3� 4� 3� 2� 2�

SumoForum��� 5� 6� 6� 6� 5� 5� 5� 3� 4� 2� 2� 2� 2� 3� 3�

SumoTalk���� 6� 5� 3� 3� 3� 2� 1� 1� 2� 3� 4� 3� 4� 5� 5�



Misc. Stats


������������ TPS� AvgTPS PS�� AvgPS� HiDWP�� LoDWP�� HiIDA�� LoIDA��


Doitsugo���� 0��� 0.00�� 1��� 0.11��� 78%���� 22%��� 17.2��� 08.0���

Info-Sumo��� 0��� 0.00�� 3��� 0.38��� 88%���� 13%��� 22.3��� 05.9���

MassaSHEgawa 0��� 0.00�� 5��� 0.42��� 75%���� 25%��� 18.7��� 07.5���

North Pole�� 3��� 0.20�� 4��� 0.27��� 80%���� 27%��� 19.7��� 09.1���

Sakura������ 0��� 0.00�� 3��� 0.30��� 90%���� 30%��� 19.5��� 08.6���

SumoForum��� 0��� 0.00�� 2��� 0.20��� 70%���� 30%��� 19.3��� 07.3���

SumoTalk���� 0��� 0.00�� 1��� 0.13��� 75%���� 38%��� 18.1��� 07.0���


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon����� RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt� AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo���� 1131� 620��� 30��� 125.7� 68.9�� 3.33� 4.44�� 18��� 2.00

Info-Sumo��� 1008� 570��� 40��� 126.0� 71.3�� 5.00� 1.88 ��14��� 1.75

MassaSHEgawa 1499� 870��� 60��� 124.9� 72.5�� 5.00� 8.33�� 15��� 1.25

North Pole�� 1980� 1160�� 90��� 132.0� 77.3�� 6.00� 6.33�� 48��� 3.20

Sakura������ 1253� 800��� 60��� 125.3� 80.0�� 6.00� 4.50�� 15��� 1.50

SumoForum��� 1259� 780��� 40��� 125.9� 78.0�� 4.00� 7.50�� 28��� 2.80

SumoTalk���� 1013� 600��� 40��� 126.6� 75.0�� 5.00� 3.13�� 11��� 1.38

RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses






��������� �������Day Win Tot��� Daily Points ��������������������������������Bon

Player���������� Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




Flohru���������� 21� Y�� 236� + 14/06/10/19/20/09/05/22/18/22/17/31/20/02/21 40� QA/OP/J-Y/

Mariohana������� 8�� -�� 233� + 15/20/19/11/19/20/05/22/07/111/07/20/29/20/08 0��

tainosen�������� 5�� -�� 230� + 02/08/20/09/19/17/17/19/10/111/16/30/19/28/05 0��

wolfgangho������ 21� Y�� 195� - 18/18/09/07/05/09/20/24/09/21/19/06/07/02/21 0��

Pitinosato������ 7�� -�� 187� - 00/06/19/21/18/09/04/21/19/122/07/19/19/06/07 0��

Frinkanohana���� 19� Y�� 183� - 03/17/04/10/17/11/09/09/10/30/07/09/09/19/19 0��

Holleshoryu����� 20� Y�� 179� - 15/05/20/21/04/12/09/20/09/09/09/12/07/07/20 0��

Metzinowaka����� 8�� -�� 176� - 03/17/07/19/19/07/18/07/17/111/17/09/08/09/08 0��

Kitanoyama������ 22� Y�� 162� - 02/22/20/09/18/06/03/11/19/04/04/07/09/06/22 0��





iwakoko��������� 32� Y�� 257� + 04/06/06/20/18/22/21/21/20/12/17/31/11/16/32 15� J-Y/

Mukanibaru������ 21� Y�� 257� + 15/17/17/21/04/09/06/19/18/24/27/22/21/16/21 40� QA/Y

ihopeso��������� 5�� -�� 233� + 17/15/06/21/21/12/04/09/21/222/22/09/32/17/05 15� KCC-J/

Unagiyutaka����� 7�� -�� 226� + 07/18/20/19/07/22/03/24/07/222/22/12/09/27/07 0��

Sherlockiama���� 17� Y�� 221� + 17/05/17/19/20/07/03/09/21/09/07/21/19/30/17 10� YB/

Hana-ichi������� 20� Y�� 214� + 13/03/17/06/16/24/16/07/08/08/19/21/07/29/20 10� YB/

Rikishimiezi���� 22� Y�� 190� - 17/08/09/18/07/24/05/10/07/08/08/09/19/19/22 10� NCP/

Takanorappa����� 21� Y�� 185� - 00/20/20/21/07/09/05/09/08/21/07/10/07/20/21 0��

Kintsubasa������ 5�� -�� 178� - 18/07/05/07/04/09/03/19/22/077/07/22/24/19/05 0��

Roundeye�������� 9�� -�� 166� - 03/03/07/21/08/11/17/09/08/199/07/19/19/06/09 0��

Watashi��������� 9�� -�� 152� - 03/03/19/20/17/19/04/12/07/111/07/09/05/07/09 0��

Tsunamiko������� 10� -�� 150� - 00/18/16/19/06/07/03/10/07/099/07/11/09/18/10 0��

Gaijingai������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Hidariashiyama�� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Randomitsuki���� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Kintamayama����� 7�� -�� 255� + 15/18/06/22/07/22/17/20/22/322/18/08/19/22/07 30� Y

Taka������������ 20� Y�� 241� + 15/07/09/21/17/22/03/26/05/22/07/21/30/16/20 15� J-Y/

Nekonishiki����� 32� Y�� 211� + 04/03/04/21/19/22/00/29/17/09/09/19/07/16/32 0��

Leonishiki������ 7�� -�� 208� - 04/19/20/09/19/09/09/12/18/244/22/06/21/09/07 30� NCP/MCP-2/

Achiyama�������� 32� Y�� 206� + 13/14/19/07/08/22/21/09/16/11/07/22/03/02/32 0��

Anjoboshi������� 9�� -�� 204� - 14/05/19/08/08/10/13/08/21/244/05/32/07/21/09 0��

Kitakachiyama��� 9�� -�� 196� - 00/17/19/21/20/07/06/16/08/100/17/09/21/16/09 0��

Hokuyutaka������ 8�� -�� 192� - 03/16/07/19/09/04/19/22/04/122/19/22/22/06/08 0��

Mmikasazuma����� 6�� -�� 184� - 03/02/06/05/19/09/19/22/05/211/20/22/22/03/06 0��

McBugger�������� 6�� -�� 182� - 02/06/20/21/16/09/05/29/03/100/17/10/22/06/06 0��

Doitsuyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Kuroimori������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Nanahachi������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Gurowake�������� 8�� -�� 254� + 13/20/20/08/19/22/06/24/10/244/29/21/09/21/08 40� MCP-W/J-Y/

Fujiko���������� 20� Y�� 252� + 20/04/02/05/15/21/17/09/31/19/19/32/19/19/20 30� Y

Jejima���������� 11� -�� 246� + 15/17/07/08/17/22/08/32/18/244/30/07/22/08/11 0��

Marushiki������� 17� Y�� 245� + 03/19/21/21/19/24/04/08/22/09/19/34/09/16/17 0��

Fujisan��������� 20� Y�� 231� + 15/05/19/21/17/22/05/12/07/11/07/22/17/31/20 0��

Kyodaitimu������ 22� Y�� 227� + 17/03/09/20/20/22/16/22/18/32/06/07/07/06/22 0��

Homuburyuwa����� 5�� -�� 223� + 17/05/06/21/21/22/04/09/21/222/12/09/22/27/05 5�� KCC-S/

Tenshinhan������ 34� Y�� 223� + 16/05/17/11/07/20/21/11/20/22/07/22/07/03/34 0��

Getayukata������ 34� Y�� 216� + 12/20/05/19/07/29/06/22/15/09/17/09/08/04/34 0��

Kitahotaru������ 9�� -�� 204� - 20/00/03/22/05/22/06/10/21/111/22/26/21/06/09 0��

Boltbutthamma��� 20� Y�� 196� - 04/17/19/09/05/12/21/22/05/11/09/14/09/19/20 0��

Oshirokita������ 9�� -�� 190� - 02/07/16/07/07/09/06/10/05/322/21/21/19/19/09 0��

mischashimaru�� �19� Y�� 184� - 02/08/08/08/08/22/07/16/05/07/07/29/07/31/19 20� GOP/

Chijanofuji����� 9�� -�� 180� - 12/09/19/21/05/19/05/22/06/222/07/09/09/06/09 0��

Jakusotsu������� 9�� -�� 159� - 04/08/19/21/08/07/05/10/15/066/17/06/18/06/09 0��

Ekigozan�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Maguroyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Feginowaka������ 9�� -�� 253� + 10/18/18/21/19/09/19/22/28/222/19/09/22/08/09 15� J-Y/

Rubensan�������� 8�� -�� 243� + 04/18/07/09/19/10/18/21/11/222/22/21/31/22/08 5�� MCP-5/

Aminoumi�������� 7�� -�� 242� + 18/15/05/22/02/19/17/07/20/099/20/42/20/19/07 0��

Hibarifuji������ 19� Y�� 232� + 17/07/17/17/04/23/19/22/19/09/29/08/20/02/19 0��

Kamogawa�������� 8�� -�� 229� + 03/16/09/09/06/22/17/08/20/244/26/10/19/32/08 0��

andonishiki����� 30� Y�� 217� + 12/19/07/10/19/09/19/11/18/11/19/09/07/17/30 25� KCC/

Sakura���������� 22� Y�� 188� - 02/19/20/21/05/07/09/11/07/09/06/24/19/07/22 0��

Wamahada�������� 5�� -�� 180� - 15/15/05/22/00/04/02/08/24/122/17/09/22/20/05 0��

Aoyume���������� 8�� -�� 166� - 15/05/05/21/04/19/22/07/09/066/08/03/15/19/08 0��

Itachiyama������ 19� Y�� 163� - 03/18/10/09/08/04/03/22/06/09/07/19/20/06/19 0��

chabonowaka����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Daifuku��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Sarunojima������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Saruyama�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

sekihiryu������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Konosato�������� 32� Y�� 226� + 15/03/07/19/19/24/22/11/19/22/09/09/09/06/32 0��

Kasamatsuri����� 7�� -�� 225� + 12/16/10/09/19/06/18/20/07/222/19/32/09/19/07 0��

toonoryu�������� 9�� -�� 209� + 00/07/17/08/17/09/17/08/05/222/19/19/22/30/09 0��

Damimonay������� 6�� -�� 208� + 00/20/19/10/19/05/18/24/05/200/06/19/06/31/06 0��

Kaiowaka�������� 12� -�� 203� - 02/09/22/18/07/06/18/11/18/244/07/21/09/19/12 10� NCP/

Furanohana������ 9�� -�� 191� - 13/03/03/08/19/12/19/19/21/299/20/09/02/05/09 5�� KCC-S/

Terarno��������� 21� Y�� 181� - 02/19/07/21/07/09/07/11/17/09/18/10/07/16/21 0��

Kotononami������ 10� -�� 175� - 03/18/13/19/09/07/05/10/07/300/07/11/07/19/10 0��

Chimatayama����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

CM_DaviD�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Fatakiyama������ --� -� �0����� Kyujo����

Kaiomitsuki����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Zichi����������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





pandaazuma������ 19� Y�� 238� + 14/21/20/21/07/07/18/21/05/12/19/31/19/04/19 15� J-Y/

Fujiyama�������� 18� Y�� 229� + 00/19/20/19/17/22/19/10/07/11/08/21/29/09/18 0��

chishafuwaku���� 29� Y�� 224� + 02/19/09/19/08/17/21/11/07/24/19/07/11/21/29 0��

Sebunshu�������� 20� Y�� 211� - 06/06/19/08/06/22/08/30/19/12/17/21/10/07/20 0��

Chisaiyama������ 7�� -�� 202� + 05/04/16/08/18/22/18/05/19/211/19/31/04/05/07 10� YB/

ScreechingOwl��� 21� Y�� 200� - 12/09/20/21/07/11/07/20/03/12/06/11/20/20/21 0��

Haidouzo�������� 22� Y�� 184� - 03/16/06/07/17/22/07/09/20/19/07/09/04/16/22 0��

Chocshoporyu���� 9�� -�� 165� - 14/06/09/21/07/21/04/21/03/122/07/09/09/13/09 0��

Domichi��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Gawasukotto����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Kuroho���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

nomadwolf������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Oskanohana������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Robocopthat����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Rupatengu������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Sokkenaiyama���� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����


Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho