Congratulations to the Nagoya 2018 Ichimon Champions...
Tri-peat winners, the Talkies made senshuraku theirs, as they didn’t
just out-win everyone. They also out-bonus’d everyone, too. There
were no miracle comebacks, as the Talkies put up 67% wins and extended
their lead. The killer blow was when the bonuses were tallied, as the
Talkies doubled the ITA effect of everyone else. The final win margin
was a huge 25 ITA pts (which MAY be a record). If you prefer tech pts,
the closest official follower was ISI, and they were 201 tech pts back.
The talkies took second in overall wins (57.8%), again. They gobbled
up the GBLs, as their 7.56 ITA bump from those was tops. Where they
really pulled away, however, was in the bonus arena. STI had (get this)
a +23.89 ITA effect from the 215 tech pts of bonuses! Yes, that is over
twice that of the Izzies, who were next closest.
Just 4 STIers grabbed 15 prizes this time! Chocshoporyu took a
Jun-yusho, the MCP, a semi in the KCC, and a Tech Prize. ScreechingOwl
was a yusho runner up, the KCC winner, and took home the Outstanding
Prize, the Quality Award (Nagoya check-in edition), and a semi in the
KCC. Fujiyama was a Yusho winner, a Quality Award Winner (J), a Tech
Prize, and 3rd-place MCP earner. Sebunshu was the sole No Cigar on
their team. Chocshoporyu (302) joined the 300-pt club, and was the
overall top indie pt earner in the ICF. Congrats, again, STI.
The Doitsugoans were legit this basho, as they shamed most of us with
theirwins and pts. It is unfortunate that they didn’t have enough
active to be in the official chase, but it was fun to watch. 66.7% of
the Doits made their KK, and they posted a final, and impressive, 60%
win rate. The final, albeit unofficial, gap to the flag was 17.55 ITA
(or 105 tech) pts. It is too bad that the Doits were diminutive this
time out, as it severely stunted their bonuses. Metzinowaka (289) was,
once again, the top Doit in this basho, bettering last basho’s mark by
3 tech pts. He also tossed in a hard-fought Makuuchi Yusho, after a
3-way tie. Flohru was the only other Doit bonus earner (with a
fourth-place MCP finish).
The Izzies, the Bridesmaid Gaijingais of the ICF™, took home the
second place scraps, once again. They made it a contest for much of
the basho, but faltered in the last lap, and ended 201 tech pts back.
Team ISI was just a hair behind the STIers in GBL pts (7.25 ITA pts),
and were second in bonuses (11.25 ITA pts from those). Interestingly,
they had the same number of bonuses last basho. Bonus earners this time
were Terarno (cleaning up with a Fighting Spirit, the GOP, a Nakabi
Prize, and a jun-MCP), Kaiomitsuki (jun-yusho) and Kasamatsuri (the other
Nakabi Prize. Terarno was the top Izzie (296), and second overall in
individual points.
The Polers did make a charge in the middle part of the basho, but
senshuarku’s top 15.8 IDA was nowhere near enough to catch the leaders.
They end up 43 ITA points behind (or 563 tech pts). On a bright note,
there will be plenty of promotions for the Frosties, as the put 9 of
their 14 on the KK escalator. Bonuses were far from scarce for the Polers.
Six of their team grabbed 7 prizes: Kyodaitimu (Yusho), Homuburyuwa and
Tenshinhan (jun-yushos), mischashimaru (a No Cigar and the KCC – odd
combo, huh?) and Kitahotaru & Marushiki (Yaocho Bums). Homuburyuwa (280)
was the top Frostie.
The Eventual Winners™ didn’t this time. Is it the Curse of the, um…
Nothing sumo-related seems to rhyme with “Bambino”. Anyway, they didn’t
do well. The M’s won just 46% of their bouts, and were middle of the pack
in just about every other stat. They end the two weeks at 533 tech pts
(& nearly 40 ITA pts)behind. Gaijingai did manage to get some Gracies,
and Kintsubasa and I grabbed a couple of Calpis’s, but that was really
the highlight. Mukanibaru accounted for 45 of the M’s 55 bonus pts, and
Sherlockiama Yaocho-bummed the other 10. Mukanibaru (286) was the top
SFI couldn’t buy a prize this time out (hey, we have video of them trying).
They spent the basho in the dark, dank corridors of the ICF basement, and
finish 55 ITA pts behind. They went 4 of 9 on KKs, and won 45.9% of their
bouts. It seems the multi-kyujos really hit them hard. Taka (260) was the
top Hairy One™.
Sakura never, really, got on the right footing. They were second to last
in bonuses and last in GBLs (which was a big factor this time out). With
the aid of a telescope, the Sakurans can just glimpse the yellow fringe of
the ICF flag. They ended 64+ ITA pts back (I won’t covert that to tech pts,
out of courtesy). andonishiki (Fighting Spirit) Aminoumi (No Cigar) each
contributed bonuses. andonishiki (261) was the Sakuran points leader.
Till September,
ICF Gyoji Takanorappa
NOTE: As always, you can go to to get
the full statistics. For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try
the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance (at the same site). Check out the
Misc. Basho Stats there, too. I’ll guarantee you that your shikona is
in there.
. 2018 Nagoya ICF RESULTS
. |-------Day 15 Stats-------|
Rnk Ichimon #ACT TP Bon ITA PB PB+- ITA+- Rnk+- DWP IDA
1 SumoTalk 9 2244 215 273.22 +05 +0.6 +1 67% 15.1
2 Doitsugo 6 1494 40 255.67 105 -105 -17.6 -1 50% 14.2
3 Info-Sumo 8 1895 90 248.13 201 -106 -13.3 0 50% 13.9
4 North Pole 14 3157 105 233 563 -211 -15.1 0 50% 15.8
5 MassaSHEgawa 11 2417 55 224.73 533 -198 -18.0 +1 55% 15.4
6 SumoForum 9 1962 0 218 497 -230 -25.5 -1 44% 12.9
7 Sakura 9 1851 25 208.44 583 -204 -22.6 0 44% 13.0
#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back
PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=
today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.
Ichimon D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15
SumoTalk 186/196/128/087/149/139/161/199/172/130/115/138/103/205/136
Doitsugo 113/134/122/078/079/088/086/134/096/111/098/063/119/088/085
Info-Sumo 149/173/120/106/120/121/124/160/113/113/159/097/114/115/111
North Pole 242/302/175/219/202/166/230/178/166/225/190/227/214/200/221
MassaSHEgawa 166/209/168/112/171/131/166/165/135/154/166/166/172/167/169
SumoForum 114/174/106/080/141/113/135/158/124/152/120/157/176/096/116
Sakura 171/146/123/133/139/081/102/120/109/116/179/082/113/120/117
. | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |
. |============|========|===========|
Total Avg Pts for Today - | 227.6 | 225.2 | 227.1 |
Daily Points for Today -- | 14.5 | 12.4 | 14.0 |
Bonus Points (out of 530) | 530 | 0 | 530 |
Prizes (out of 36) | 21 | 15 | 36 |
Ichimon KK MK KK% | KK MK | 7Win 7loss
Doitsugo 4 2 66.7 | +1 (1) | 2 1
MassaSHEgawa 6 5 54.5 | +1 (0) | 0 3
SumoForum 4 5 44.4 | +0 (0) | 1 2
North Pole 9 5 64.3 | +3 (1) | 2 5
Sakura 2 7 22.2 | +1 (1) | 1 1
Info-Sumo 5 3 62.5 | +1 (0) | 2 2
SumoTalk 6 3 66.7 | +0 (1) | 1 0
. |---------------------WINNER--------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI STI Unaff.
=| Doit --- |--- |1-1 |--- |0-1 |--- |1-0 |1-1
L| ISI --- |--- |--- |2-1 |--- |1-1 |0-1 |1-1
o| Mass 1-1 |--- |--- |2-1 |1-0 |1-1 |--- |0-3
s| NPI --- |1-2 |1-2 |--- |1-2 |--- |1-0 |3-1
e| Sak 1-0 |--- |0-1 |2-1 |--- |1-0 |0-1 |1-1
r| SFI --- |1-1 |1-1 |--- |0-1 |--- |2-0 |1-1
=| STI 0-1 |1-0 |--- |0-1 |1-0 |0-2 |1-1 |0-1
=|Unaff 1-1 |1-1 |3-0 |1-3 |1-1 |1-1 |1-0 |1-1
. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----||-----|-----
. All 3-3 |4-4 |6-5 |7-7 |4-5 |4-5 |6-3 |8-10
OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL) --- Total bouts = 630
. |-----------------------WINNER----------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI STI Unaff.
=| Doit 3-3 |5-4 |5-9 |3-9 |2-7 |5-6 |6-6 |7-10
L| ISI 4-5 |7-7 |4-12 |11-10 |5-4 |9-6 |7-9 |11-9
o| Mass 9-5 |12-4 |8-8 |12-15 |8-12 |8-8 |7-3 |25-21
s| NPI 9-3 |10-11|15-12|15-15 |7-13 |12-15|13-11|21-28
e| Sak 7-2 |4-5 |12-8 |13-7 |5-5 |7-7 |8-8 |24-13
r| SFI 6-5 |6-9 |8-8 |15-12 |7-7 |7-7 |16-3 |8-11
=| STI 6-6 |9-7 |3-7 |11-13 |8-8 |3-16 |7-7 |10-14
=|Unaff 10-7 |9-11 |21-25|28-21 |13-24|11-8 |14-10|29-29
. All 54-36|62-58|76-89|108-102|55-80|62-73|78-57|135-135
. Win% 60% |51.7%|46.1%|51.4% |40.7%|45.9%|57.8%|50%
DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 2-2 | 1-0 | 0-1 | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 2-2 | 1-1 | 3-2 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 2-2 | 1-3 | 1-0 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 2-4 | 2-3 | 3-0 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 1-2 | 2-0 | 1-0 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 3-3 | 1-1 | --- | --- | --- |
SumoTalk || 3-2 | 3-1 | --- | --- | --- |
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 39-21 | 8-7 | 7-8 | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 21-39 | 12-18 | 43-32 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 29-31 | 26-34 | 7-8 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 39-51 | 42-33 | 27-18 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 18-27 | 14-16 | 6-9 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 44-46 | 18-12 | --- | --- | --- |
SumoTalk || 47-28 | 31-29 | --- | --- | --- |
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI STI Unaff
====|| ============================================================
1 || 66.7% 62.5% 36.4% 50.0% 66.7% 33.3% 77.8% 33.3%
2 || 66.7% 62.5% 45.5% 57.1% 33.3% 33.3% 55.6% 50.0%
3 || 83.3% 50.0% 54.5% 50.0% 33.3% 33.3% 44.4% 55.6%
4 || 66.7% 62.5% 54.5% 78.6% 77.8% 33.3% 33.3% 16.7%
5 || 33.3% 37.5% 54.5% 50.0% 44.4% 44.4% 66.7% 55.6%
6 || 66.7% 62.5% 36.4% 42.9% 11.1% 44.4% 66.7% 66.7%
7 || 50.0% 37.5% 45.5% 64.3% 22.2% 44.4% 66.7% 55.6%
8 || 83.3% 50.0% 45.5% 28.6% 22.2% 55.6% 66.7% 61.1%
9 || 50.0% 62.5% 45.5% 35.7% 44.4% 55.6% 77.8% 44.4%
10 || 50.0% 62.5% 36.4% 64.3% 33.3% 66.7% 44.4% 44.4%
11 || 66.7% 75.0% 36.4% 35.7% 66.7% 44.4% 33.3% 55.6%
12 || 33.3% 25.0% 45.5% 64.3% 22.2% 66.7% 66.7% 55.6%
13 || 83.3% 37.5% 54.5% 50.0% 44.4% 66.7% 11.1% 55.6%
14 || 50.0% 37.5% 45.5% 50.0% 44.4% 22.2% 88.9% 55.6%
15 || 50.0% 50.0% 54.5% 50.0% 44.4% 44.4% 66.7% 44.4%
ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI STI
1 || 18.8 18.6 15.1 17.3 19.0 12.7 20.7
2 || 22.3 21.6 19.0 21.6 16.2 19.3 21.8
3 || 20.3 15.0 15.3 12.5 13.7 11.8 14.2
4 || 13.0 13.3 10.2 15.6 14.8 8.9 9.7
5 || 13.2 15.0 15.5 14.4 15.4 15.7 16.6
6 || 14.7 15.1 11.9 11.9 9.0 12.6 15.4
7 || 14.3 15.5 15.1 16.4 11.3 15.0 17.9
9 || 16.0 14.1 12.3 11.9 12.1 13.8 19.1
10 || 18.5 14.1 14.0 16.1 12.9 16.9 14.4
11 || 16.3 19.9 15.1 13.6 19.9 13.3 12.8
12 || 10.5 12.1 15.1 16.2 9.1 17.4 15.3
13 || 19.8 14.3 15.6 15.3 12.6 19.6 11.4
14 || 14.7 14.4 15.2 14.3 13.3 10.7 22.8
15 || 14.2 13.9 15.4 15.8 13.0 12.9 15.1
RANK by Day
. |---------------------DAY--------------------|
Ichimon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Doitsugo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Info-Sumo 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
MassaSHEgawa 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4
North Pole 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Sakura 2 4 5 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6
SumoForum 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 6 4 4 4 5
SumoTalk 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Misc. Stats
Doitsugo 0 0.00 6 1.00 83% 33% 22.3 10.5
Info-Sumo 0 0.00 6 0.75 75% 25% 21.6 12.1
MassaSHEgawa 0 0.00 8 0.73 55% 27% 19.0 10.2
North Pole 2 0.14 10 0.71 79% 29% 21.6 11.9
Sakura 1 0.11 5 0.56 78% 11% 19.9 09.0
SumoForum 1 0.11 5 0.56 67% 22% 19.6 08.9
SumoTalk 1 0.11 10 1.11 89% 11% 22.8 09.7
TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;
HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;
Ichimon RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA
Doitsugo 914 540 40 152.3 90.0 6.67 6.67 40 6.67
Info-Sumo 1225 620 50 153.1 77.5 6.25 11.25 58 7.25
MassaSHEgawa 1597 760 60 145.2 69.1 5.45 5.00 71 6.45
North Pole 1987 1080 90 141.9 77.1 6.43 7.50 69 4.93
Sakura 847 380 10 094.1 42.2 1.11 2.78 14 1.56
SumoForum 1302 620 40 144.7 68.9 4.44 0.00 50 5.56
SumoTalk 1404 780 60 156.0 86.7 6.67 23.89 68 7.56
RawPt=Pts by Technizue Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only
AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;
AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses
Day Win Tot Daily Points Bon
Player Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes
Metzinowaka 22 Y 289 + 24/31/21/16/20/17/07/21/29/07/21/08/24/21/22 30 Y
Flohru 8 - 282 + 22/32/07/04/22/22/20/31/22/32/21/07/22/10/08 10 MCP-4/
Pitinosato 6 - 261 + 22/24/20/16/10/20/24/22/06/31/10/06/24/20/06 0
Frinkanohana 30 Y 243 + 12/24/22/19/10/18/21/11/13/20/07/19/08/09/30 0
Holleshoryu 17 Y 222 - 12/14/19/06/08/06/09/30/20/10/20/09/20/22/17 0
wolfgangho 2 - 197 - 21/09/33/17/09/05/05/19/06/11/19/14/21/06/02 0
Kitanoyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Mariohana -- - 0 Kyujo
tainosen -- - 0 Kyujo
Mukanibaru 19 Y 286 + 31/24/22/16/24/20/09/22/07/08/10/32/21/21/19 45 Tech/FS/J-Y/
iwakoko 19 Y 266 + 22/12/12/19/22/11/19/19/09/29/33/07/07/26/19 0
ihopeso 8 - 260 + 31/32/22/18/10/10/12/19/19/09/07/08/24/31/08 0
Unagiyutaka 9 - 238 + 16/31/06/00/22/20/19/09/21/20/32/07/22/04/09 0
Takanorappa 5 - 232 + 12/24/22/17/09/20/09/22/17/09/06/05/19/36/05 0
Sherlockiama 32 Y 224 + 09/22/19/03/18/18/29/09/00/09/21/21/11/03/32 10 YB/
Tsunamiko 8 - 221 - 14/12/24/20/09/06/18/26/31/21/09/05/09/09/08 0
Kintsubasa 19 Y 181 - 06/10/09/00/20/05/19/09/06/22/21/24/08/03/19 0
Watashi 9 - 174 - 09/14/07/16/10/08/04/06/05/12/10/24/19/21/09 0
Gaijingai 22 Y 172 - 07/14/19/00/10/05/08/12/06/09/09/24/21/06/22 0
Roundeye 19 Y 163 - 09/14/06/03/17/08/20/12/14/06/08/09/11/07/19 0
Hana-ichi -- - 0 Kyujo
Hidariashiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Randomitsuki -- - 0 Kyujo
Rikishimiezi -- - 0 Kyujo
Taka 5 - 260 + 22/33/09/07/22/20/22/24/17/08/11/08/32/20/05 0
Mmikasazuma 5 - 247 + 24/14/22/06/20/10/21/21/23/19/10/07/34/11/05 0
Kintamayama 21 Y 246 + 06/33/17/00/12/21/10/09/17/21/21/19/32/07/21 0
Kuroimori 11 - 222 + 19/12/19/18/19/03/22/12/08/21/03/20/06/29/11 0
McBugger 21 Y 211 - 09/12/09/02/32/03/08/26/22/22/22/20/00/03/21 0
Achiyama 19 Y 207 - 06/14/07/02/11/21/10/11/07/24/21/22/26/06/19 0
Hokuyutaka 10 - 206 - 08/12/08/21/09/19/09/22/22/22/09/08/18/09/10 0
Leonishiki 5 - 194 - 11/22/06/19/08/10/24/22/05/07/07/24/22/02/05 0
Kitakachiyama 19 Y 169 - 09/22/09/05/08/06/09/11/03/08/16/29/06/09/19 0
Anjoboshi -- - 0 Kyujo
Doitsuyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Nanahachi -- - 0 Kyujo
Nekonishiki -- - 0 Kyujo
Homuburyuwa 18 Y 280 + 31/32/22/08/10/20/22/09/09/19/07/18/34/21/18 15 J-Y/
Tenshinhan 19 Y 271 + 32/24/06/18/21/10/22/12/22/05/19/06/34/21/19 15 J-Y/
Jakusotsu 7 - 250 + 09/33/21/06/08/24/22/11/22/22/11/18/27/09/07 0
Jejima 8 - 245 + 20/12/09/19/22/03/19/19/19/21/41/19/06/08/08 0
Kyodaitimu 20 Y 244 + 19/24/17/15/08/15/20/19/06/29/06/22/19/05/20 30 Y
Fujisan 9 - 236 + 22/32/04/21/07/08/19/09/19/08/10/22/16/30/09 0
Kitahotaru 29 Y 229 + 09/19/19/15/19/05/24/10/04/06/21/19/22/08/29 10 YB/
mischashimaru 9 - 228 - 22/24/19/24/09/10/11/12/09/20/11/10/20/18/09 25 NCP/KCC-J/
Fujiko 32 Y 216 + 06/24/07/15/20/06/05/06/09/20/24/22/02/18/32 0
Marushiki 23 Y 213 + 32/10/04/19/08/16/21/08/21/18/00/10/06/17/23 10 YB/
Gurowake 5 - 209 - 12/32/04/17/21/07/24/24/09/17/08/09/12/08/05 0
Oshirokita 22 Y 198 - 08/12/17/18/11/20/03/09/09/21/19/19/03/07/22 0
Boltbutthamma 11 - 180 - 09/12/17/08/19/18/06/20/05/11/08/11/05/20/11 0
Chijanofuji 9 - 158 - 11/12/09/16/19/04/12/10/03/08/05/22/08/10/09 0
Ekigozan -- - 0 Kyujo
Getayukata -- - 0 Kyujo
Maguroyama -- - 0 Kyujo
andonishiki 7 - 261 + 30/24/21/17/24/10/22/24/09/06/31/06/21/09/07 15 FS/
Sakura 34 Y 246 + 06/14/09/18/11/21/05/11/22/24/21/21/07/22/34 0
Saruyama 6 - 215 - 22/12/09/21/24/10/09/09/16/19/31/05/03/19/06 0
Itachiyama 6 - 213 - 24/24/21/16/11/10/12/29/04/06/09/08/22/11/06 0
Rubensan 19 Y 196 - 22/14/09/18/10/07/09/11/07/11/20/08/09/22/19 0
Kamogawa 21 Y 188 - 17/12/09/03/22/06/09/08/06/21/19/09/19/07/21 0
Aminoumi 3 - 182 - 22/24/16/20/08/03/09/13/20/12/16/02/06/08/03 10 NCP/
Hibarifuji 16 Y 179 - 09/10/20/15/07/07/07/07/20/09/24/06/07/15/16 0
Aoyume 5 - 171 - 19/12/09/05/22/07/20/08/05/08/08/17/19/07/05 0
chabonowaka -- - 0 Kyujo
Daifuku -- - 0 Kyujo
Feginowaka -- - 0 Kyujo
Sarunojima -- - 0 Kyujo
sekihiryu -- - 0 Kyujo
Wamahada -- - 0 Kyujo
Terarno 5 - 296 + 31/24/22/17/30/21/32/41/07/03/22/19/12/10/05 65 FS/GOP/NNP/MCP-2/
toonoryu 19 Y 268 + 22/24/21/07/22/18/09/11/19/19/10/29/29/09/19 0
Kaiomitsuki 3 - 262 + 14/33/09/16/08/20/22/22/19/19/30/06/22/19/03 15 J-Y/
Konosato 5 - 245 + 20/24/07/20/12/05/12/30/22/19/20/08/09/32/05 0
Kaiowaka 31 Y 243 + 22/21/21/18/10/20/17/09/04/06/22/11/22/09/31 0
Damimonay 19 Y 218 - 12/24/09/19/21/10/12/24/17/07/10/05/07/22/19 0
Furanohana 18 Y 213 - 19/11/22/06/10/22/09/13/19/19/24/11/04/06/18 0
Kasamatsuri 11 - 150 - 09/12/09/03/07/05/11/10/06/21/21/08/09/08/11 10 NNP/
Chimatayama -- - 0 Kyujo
CM_DaviD -- - 0 Kyujo
Fatakiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Kotononami -- - 0 Kyujo
Zichi -- - 0 Kyujo
Chocshoporyu 5 - 302 + 22/32/24/19/22/20/22/12/30/22/22/18/11/21/05 60 Tech/KCC-S/MCP-W/J-Y/
ScreechingOwl 16 Y 294 + 24/24/07/17/24/18/22/30/30/22/10/19/10/21/16 70 QA/OP/KCC/MCP-5/J-Y/
Fujiyama 22 Y 289 + 24/14/22/17/20/20/22/29/30/08/11/07/21/22/22 75 Tech/QA/KCC-S/MCP-3/Y
pandaazuma 22 Y 267 + 09/32/19/06/22/10/08/29/07/19/21/21/11/31/22 0
Gawasukotto 19 Y 249 + 24/12/12/06/22/20/19/22/17/06/10/17/12/31/19 0
chishafuwaku 20 Y 240 + 21/24/19/03/08/17/22/12/17/07/08/20/08/34/20 0
Sebunshu 5 - 228 - 24/24/11/09/18/05/11/30/19/16/19/07/10/20/05 10 NCP/
Haidouzo 5 - 215 - 32/22/07/05/07/20/31/11/04/09/08/23/11/20/05 0
Chisaiyama 22 Y 160 - 06/12/07/05/06/09/04/24/18/21/06/06/09/05/22 0
Domichi -- - 0 Kyujo
Kuroho -- - 0 Kyujo
nomadwolf -- - 0 Kyujo
Oskanohana -- - 0 Kyujo
Robocopthat -- - 0 Kyujo
Rupatengu -- - 0 Kyujo
Sokkenaiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Prize Key:
NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize
FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;
QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;
NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;
KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;
MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);
MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);
J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho