Congratulations to the Aki 2019 Ichimon Champions...





Mukade takes their first ICF (if you count ichimon names) or their 21st (if you don�t, and include STI). 21 on the 20th has sort of a ring to it, so I�m sticking with that, if you don�t mind.� Amazingly, there was little movement in the final day of the of the basho.� The Mukadeans, however, cemented their win with a statement performance of 82% wins and a 21.4 IDA.� Yes, they wanted this one.�


The Mukadean win margin was, officially, 102 tech pts (11.36 ITA pts).� They led the understaffed Doits by 32 (4.5 ITA pts), as well. They were fueled by their wins � a 2nd best 52.7%.� Oddly though, in this odd basho, The Mukadeans had 4 days under 37% wins, even though they ended with 9 days above 0.500.� The Muk�s were 1st in raw GBL pts (58)� 2nd in ITA pts by GBL (5.27).� 63.6% of the Mukadean team will see a move up in the rankings, as they secured their KKs.�


Prizes were scattered around Team Mukade�s locker room, as they put together a hoard of seven prizes (2nd best of the basho).� Two Centipedes secured two prizes, eachL pandaazuma (jun-MCP &� an jun-yusho) and chishafuwaku (Fighting Spirit and 5th in the MCP).� Fujiyama managed a 5-10, after getting the �What�s with the Torikumi Luck?� Nakabi prize.� Not fittingly, the majority of the No Cigar Prizes went to Mukadeans Domichi & Gawasukotto


Congrats on #1/#21, Mukade.� Great way to come from behind.



Doitsugo was short a player this time, but didn�t fail to give everyone a heap of trouble.� Five of their seven ended up with KK (71.4%), meaning they were an ichimon beating machine. They had (not so insignificant) winning records over 4 of the 6 other ichimons, and finished with the best overall win rate � 53.3%� Oddly, they were one of the two ichimons with more losing days than winning ones. Such is the ICF�� There will be much celebrating at Doitsugo, as Flohru took home his seventh Makuuchi yusho (8th, overall, and his second M yusho in the last three bashos), along with an obvious Quality award.� wolfgangho rounded out the bonuses with a Yaocho Bum award.� The Doits were just 32 off the pace, as their senshuraku 71% win day fell behind the winner�s 82.� They lost 22 pts on day 15.� Flohru was the top Doit, finishing with the third best indie pts (260).




Sakura has beenin the hunt in recent bashos, but just hasn�t had the push needed to get to the top.� This basho saw them finish 102 tech pts from the Flag.� Senshuraku was tough for them as they dropped 77 tech pts to the winners on the final day, due to a 33% win day.� For all but two days, the Sakurans were the runners-up (day 7 saw a blip at 4th pace, and day 9 saw them in the lead).� A little work in laying out those winners may have helped, because the Blossomers finished dead last in GBL-effect. Their ITA bump due to GBLS was only 1.89 ITA pts (average was 3.77).� They also had 4 days at 33% wins or lower.� That all lead to their gap, this time.� They finished with 9 days better than 50% wins, though, and had the third best overall win rate (52.6%).� Tamaeiki (278) lead the charge for the Sakurans, scoring more points than any other ichimoner. They take home five prizes:� Tameiki with three (Yusho, Nakabi prize � the good one, and the juryo-edition of the Quality award), Saruyama and Sakura each joined in the Juryo jun-yusho-fest)




I�ve got to admit that I was a bit surprised to see the Polers finish this high up. they were the door mats of the basho (that�d be one step up from the floor) for much of the basho.� They had a big resurgence on Day 12-14, though, with big win days, which put them in their final ranking.� Senshuraku ended with a sputter, as they could only manage 33% wins.� Their final gap was 239 pts, and they lost 137 of those on Senshuraku.� Senshuraku was especially tough on the Frosties, as they went ice cold on their kachikoshi decisions.� All four 7-7 bouts ended up as a loss for the hopeful KKers.� Team Ice Scrub� did end up with one more win than loss, overall, for a 50.2% OWP.� The NPI prize cabinet is swelling this basho, despite their rankings, as they racked up 8 prizes for the biggest grab of the basho (135 pts):� Three Jun-yushos (Oshirokita, Chijanofuji & Jakusotsu � who finally broke his Ozeki curse),������� The Outstanding Prize (to, now, three-time winner Jejima), the GOP (Fujisan) and Third in the MCP and a Fighting Spirit (Gurowake).� The number 3 overall indie point leader and NPI pt leader, Fujiko, took home the Makushita Yusho (running away from all).




Last basho�s champs just couldn�t figure out the basho (well, mostly, your lowly ICF gyoji), as they languished in the lower half of the rankings all basho.� They managed only a 47.8% overall win rate, but, in an odd twist, were the ichimoners with the most number of winning days.� The M�s went 10-5 in winning days, besting all others.� In ichimon head-to-heads, they could only out-pick the Sakurans.� Just weird.� Speaking of weird, the number two overall indie pt leader of the basho came from MassaSHEgawa- iwakoko (275). iwakoko was the only Massie to gather any bonuses, gathering the MCP and the only Technique Prize awarded this Aki. The M�s finish the basho with a 50% win day and a 265 tech pt deficit.� At least the Patriot�s are playing on Sunday�




Info-Sumo had quite the crash.� They went from glory, leading 9 days of the basho, to finishing second to last.� It all went pear-shaped on day 10, when they started a 3-day losing streak of 37.5%, 25.0%, and 12.5%.�� Their chances were pretty much gone after than little run.� Senshuraku was a highlight for them, however, as they did their best with a 75% win day, to climb back up to the ranks. Ultimately, the ISI team finished 204 tech pts back of the winners. Unfortunately, they set the low tide mark for KKs (37.5%) and for overall win rate (46.7%), but can console themselves know that they had more winning days than losing days (8-7).� They also had the highest bump in ITA pts from GBLs � 5.38 ITA pts.� The prize summary sums up their basho, pretty well:� two Yaocho Bums (Damimonay and newbie Oortael) and one No Cigar (Kaiowaka).� Damimonay was the top Izzie with 231, but was lowest scoring of the ichimon leaders.� Don�t worry, this team will be back.




Team Hairy Ones� looked to be figuring things out this time, as they slowly got up to 2nd place on Nakabi-eve.� They hung in the mid-ranks for much of the basho, but the last four days stymied them.� Senshuraku cemented their last place standing, as they could only cobble together 30% wins.� They failed to grab an ICF bonus points, and finished with the second-lowest overall win rate (47.3%). only 40% of the SFI team will be going up the banzuke elevator.� They did finish above 200 in ITA (202.4), which is a bellwether mark for having a bad basho, so don�t feel too bad, Forumers.� You finished 300 pts out, but 166 of those were tallied on the last day.� Fresh from his basho off, Kintamayama (236) returned by the SFI charge.



 NOTE: As always, you can go to to get the full statistics. For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance (at the same site).  Check out the Misc. Basho Stats there, too. �I�ll guarantee you that your shikona is in there. You might even find out if you won the OPP before. ;-)



*     2019 AKI ICF RESULTS


.���������������������������������������� |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon����� #ACT TP�� Bon ITA��� PB� PB+-� ITA+-� Rnk+-� DWP IDA


1�� Mukade������ 11�� 2471 85� 232.36���� +00��� 0.0���� 0��� 82% 21.4

2�� Doitsugo���� 7��� 1545 50� 227.86 32� -22�� -3.1���� 0��� 71% 18.9

3�� Sakura������ 9��� 1909 80� 221��� 102 -77�� -8.5���� 0��� 33% 11.7

4�� North Pole�� 15�� 3141 135 218.4� 209 -107� -7.2���� 0��� 33% 12.9

5�� MassaSHEgawa 12�� 2483 40� 210.25 265 -116� -9.7���� 0��� 50% 16.1

6�� Info-Sumo��� 8��� 1625 30� 206.88 204 -53�� -6.6��� +1��� 75% 18.8

7�� SumoForum��� 10�� 2024 0�� 202.4� 300 -166 -16.6��� -1��� 30% 12.5

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.





Ichimon�� D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


Mukade��� 134/134/120/208/182/149/150/166/177/141/198/191/139/147/235

Doitsugo� 110/123/099/109/126/083/090/078/087/091/109/131/103/074/132

Sakura��� 118/141/101/140/171/099/110/150/136/128/127/169/094/120/105

NorthPole 134/198/161/297/260/183/221/172/203/184/186/225/292/231/194

Mass. ����114/172/162/126/220/130/173/093/154/170/165/206/219/186/193

Info-Sumo 114/164/100/154/121/076/125/078/114/088/092/077/117/055/150

SumoForum 116/141/138/186/129/130/142/118/162/108/172/140/116/101/125



.������������������������ | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.������������������������ |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |��� 211.1�� |� 209.0 |��� 210.6� |

Daily Points for Today -- |��� 15.8��� |� 14.2� |��� 15.4�� |

Bonus Points (out of 475) |��� 420���� |� 55��� |��� 475��� |

Prizes (out of 32)������� |��� 28����� |� 4���� |��� 32���� |





.�������������� OVERALL��� |� TODAY�� | CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon������ KK� MK� KK%� | KK�� MK� | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo����� 5�� 2�� 71.4 | +1�� (0) |�� 0��� 3�

MassaSHEgawa� 6�� 6�� 50.0 | +2�� (0) |�� 0��� 3�

SumoForum���� 4�� 6�� 40.0 | +0�� (2) |�� 3��� 2�

North Pole��� 6�� 9�� 40.0 | +0�� (4) |�� 4��� 0�

Sakura������� 5�� 4�� 55.6 | +1�� (1) |�� 1��� 2�

Info-Sumo���� 3�� 5�� 37.5 | +1�� (0) |�� 1��� 1�

Mukade������� 7�� 4�� 63.6 | +3�� (1) |�� 2��� 3�





.�� ���|---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI�� Sak.� SFI�� Muk�� Unaff.

=| Doit ---� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |1-1� |0-1� |---� |0-2��

L|� ISI 0-1� |---� |1-2� |0-2� |0-1� |---� |---� |1-0��

o| Mass 1-0� |2-1� |---� |1-2� |0-1� |1-1� |1-0� |0-1��

s|� NPI ---� |2-0� |2-1� |2-2� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |3-1��

e|� Sak 1-1� |1-0� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |---� |1-0� |2-1��

r|� SFI 1-0� |---� |1-1� |1-0� |---� |1-1� |1-0� |2-1��

=|� Muk ---� |---� |0-1� |---� |0-1� |0-1� |2-2� |0-4��

=|Unaff 2-0� |0-1� |1-0� |1-3� |1-2� |1-2� |4-0� |2-2��

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------|-----|------

.�� All 5-2� |6-2� |6-6� |5-10 |3-6� |3-7� |9-2� |10-12



OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)� --- Total bouts = 705


.����� |-----------------------WINNER----------------------|

.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI���� Sak.� SFI�� Muk�� Unaff.�

=| Doit 4-4� |2-8� |5-9� |6-10�� |7-1� |8-5� |5-8� |12-11��

L|� ISI 8-2� |4-4� |6-9� |9-11�� |6-6� |4-6� |10-4 |17-14��

o| Mass 9-5� |9-6� |5-5� |16-14� |10-12|11-8 |13-10|21-26��

s|� NPI 10-6 |11-9 |14-16|20-20� |14-7 |10-13|12-13|21-29��

e|� Sak 1-7� |6-6� |12-10|7-14�� |5-5� |8-5� |7-8� |18-16��

r|� SFI 5-8� |6-4� |8-11 |13-10� |5-8� |6-6� |14-6 |22-18��

=|� Muk 8-5� |4-10 |10-13|13-12� |8-7� |6-14 |8-8� |21-18��

=|Unaff 11-12|14-17|26-21|29-21� |16-18|18-22|18-21|33-33��


.�� All 56-49|56-64|86-94|113-112|71-64|71-79|87-78|165-165

.� Win% 53.3%|46.7%|47.8%|50.2%� |52.6%|47.3%|52.7%|50%����



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon������ ||�� M�� |�� J�� |� ms�� |� sd�� |� jd�� |


Doitsugo����� ||� 4-1� |� 1-1� |� ---� |� ---� |� ---� |

MassaSHEgawa� ||� 1-3� |� 2-1� |� 3-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

SumoForum���� ||� 1-3� |� 0-2� |� 2-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

North Pole��� ||� 2-6� |� 2-3� |� 1-1� |� ---� |� ---� |

Sakura������� ||� 0-1� |� 2-1� |� 0-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

Info-Sumo���� ||� 4-0� |� 0-2� |� 2-0� |� ---� |� ---� |

Mukade������� ||� 5-1� |� 1-0� |� 3-1� |� ---� |� ---� |





Ichimon������ ||�� M��� |�� J��� |� ms��� |� sd��� |� jd��� |


Doitsugo����� ||� 40-35 |� 16-14 |� ---�� |� ---�� |� ---�� |

MassaSHEgawa� ||� 28-32 |� 19-26 |� 39-36 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

SumoForum���� ||� 28-32 |� 16-14 |� 27-33 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

North Pole��� ||� 57-63 |� 36-39 |� 20-10 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Sakura������� ||� 7-8�� |� 31-14 |� 12-18 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Info-Sumo���� ||� 28-32 |� 11-19 |� 17-13 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Mukade���� ���||� 46-44 |� 8-7�� |� 33-27 |� ---�� |� ---�� |





Day || Doit��� ISI� ���Mass��� NPI���� Sak���� SFI���� Muk��� Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1�� || 85.7%�� 75.0%�� 41.7%�� 40.0%�� 55.6%�� 50.0%�� 54.5%� 36.4%

2�� || 71.4%�� 87.5%�� 50.0%�� 40.0%�� 55.6%�� 50.0%�� 27.3%� 45.5%

3�� || 57.1%�� 50.0%�� 50.0%�� 40.0%�� 33.3%�� 60.0%�� 36.4%� 63.6%

4�� || 42.9%�� 62.5%�� 0.0%��� 66.7%�� 55.6%�� 70.0%�� 63.6%� 45.5%

5�� || 57.1%�� 25.0%�� 58.3%�� 46.7%�� 77.8%�� 30.0%�� 45.5%� 54.5%

6�� || 42.9%�� 25.0%�� 33.3%�� 46.7%�� 44.4%�� 60.0%�� 54.5%� 68.2%

7�� || 42.9%�� 62.5%�� 58.3%�� 60.0%�� 33.3%�� 50.0%�� 36.4%� 50.0%

8�� || 42.9%�� 37.5%�� 33.3%�� 53.3%�� 77.8%�� 60.0%�� 72.7%� 36.4%

9�� || 42.9%�� 50.0%�� 41.7%�� 46.7%�� 55.6%�� 50.0%�� 54.5%� 54.5%

10� || 57.1%�� 37.5%�� 66.7%�� 46.7%�� 66.7%�� 40.0%�� 45.5%� 45.5%

11� || 42.9%�� 25.0%�� 58.3%�� 40.0%�� 44.4%�� 70.0%�� 72.7%� 45.5%

12� || 57.1%�� 12.5%�� 50.0%�� 53.3%�� 77.8%�� 40.0%�� 54.5%� 50.0%

13� || 42.9%�� 50.0%�� 75.0%�� 66.7%�� 22.2%�� 20.0%�� 36.4%� 59.1%

14� || 42.9%�� 25.0%�� 50.0%�� 73.3%�� 55.6%�� 30.0%�� 54.5%� 50.0%

15� || 71.4%�� 75.0%�� 50.0%�� 33.3%�� 33.3%�� 30.0%�� 81.8%� 45.5%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit�� ISI��� Mass�� NPI��� Sak��� SFI��� Muk���


1�� || 15.7�� 14.3�� 9.5��� 8.9��� 13.1�� 11.6�� 12.2��

2�� || 17.6�� 20.5�� 14.3�� 13.2�� 15.7�� 14.1�� 12.2��

3�� || 14.1�� 12.5�� 13.5�� 10.7�� 11.2�� 13.8�� 10.9��

4�� || 15.6�� 19.3�� 10.5�� 19.8�� 15.6�� 18.6�� 18.9��

5�� || 18.0�� 15.1�� 18.3�� 17.3�� 19.0�� 12.9�� 16.5��

6�� || 11.9�� 9.5��� 10.8�� 12.2�� 11.0�� 13.0�� 13.5��

7�� || 12.9�� 15.6�� 14.4�� 14.7�� 12.2�� 14.2�� 13.6��

9�� || 12.4�� 14.3�� 12.8�� 13.5�� 15.1�� 16.2�� 16.1��

10� || 13.0�� 11.0�� 14.2�� 12.3�� 14.2�� 10.8�� 12.8��

11� || 15.6�� 11.5�� 13.8�� 12.4�� 14.1�� 17.2�� 18.0��

12� || 18.7�� 9.6��� 17.2�� 15.0�� 18.8�� 14.0�� 17.4��

13� || 14.7�� 14.6�� 18.3�� 19.5�� 10.4�� 11.6�� 12.6��

14� || 10.6�� 6.9��� 15.5�� 15.4�� 13.3�� 10.1�� 13.4��

15� || 18.9�� 18.8�� 16.1�� 12.9�� 11.7�� 12.5�� 21.4��



RANK by Day


.���������� |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon����� 1� 2� 3� 4� 5� 6� 7� 8� 9� 10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo���� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� <

Info-Sumo��� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 3� 4� 4� 5� 6� 5�

MassaSHEgawa 5� 5� 4� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 4� 4�

North Pole�� 6� 6� 6� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 3� 3� 3�

Sakura������ 2� 2� 2� 3� 2� 2� 4� 2� 2� 1� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2�

SumoForum��� 4� 3� 3� 2� 3� 4� 2� 4� 4� 4� 3� 3� 4� 5� 6�

Mukade������ 3� 4� 5� 4� 4� 3� 3� 3� 3� 2� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1�



Misc. Stats


������������ TPS� AvgTPS PS�� AvgPS� HiDWP�� LoDWP�� HiIDA�� LoIDA��


Doitsugo���� 1��� 0.14�� 3��� 0.43��� 86%���� 43%��� 18.9��� 10.6���

Info-Sumo��� 0��� 0.00�� 2��� 0.25��� 88%���� 13%��� 20.5��� 06.9���

MassaSHEgawa 1��� 0.08�� 3��� 0.25��� 75%���� 00%��� 18.3��� 07.8���

Mukade������ 0��� 0.00�� 4��� 0.36��� 82%���� 27%��� 21.4��� 10.9���

North Pole�� 0��� 0.00�� 10�� 0.67��� 73%���� 33%��� 19.8��� 08.9���

Sakura������ 0��� 0.00�� 3��� 0.33��� 78%���� 22%��� 19.0��� 10.4���

SumoForum��� 0��� 0.00�� 3��� 0.30��� 70%���� 20%��� 18.6��� 10.1���


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon����� RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt� AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo���� 935�� 560��� 50��� 133.6� 80.0�� 7.14� 7.14�� 27��� 3.86

Info-Sumo��� 1035� 560��� 30��� 129.4� 70.0�� 3.75� 3.75�� 43��� 5.38

MassaSHEgawa 1563� 860��� 60��� 130.3� 71.7�� 5.00� 3.33�� 48��� 4.00

Mukade������ 1531� 870��� 70��� 139.2� 79.1�� 6.36� 7.73�� 58��� 5.27

North Pole�� 1951� 1130�� 60��� 130.1� 75.3�� 4.00� 9.00�� 57��� 3.80

Sakura������ 1149� 710��� 50��� 127.7� 78.9�� 5.56� 8.89�� 17��� 1.89

SumoForum��� 1274� 710��� 40��� 127.4� 71.0�� 4.00� 0.00�� 22��� 2.20

RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





������� ���������Day Win Tot��� Daily Points Bon

Player���������� Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




Flohru���������� 22� Y�� 260� + 03/19/17/24/22/09/20/03/22/17/08/32/22/20/22 40� QA/Y

Yassier��������� 22� Y�� 235� + 21/19/21/22/08/05/08/21/08/03/22/09/24/22/22 0��

tainosen�������� 7�� -�� 221� + 19/19/09/09/11/17/20/19/20/188/08/31/10/04/07 0��

Frinkanohana���� 6�� -�� 219� + 15/09/05/09/30/20/19/04/17/211/09/22/29/04/06 0��

wolfgangho������ 34� Y�� 218� + 18/18/18/07/22/05/02/18/04/07/32/09/05/19/34 10� YB/

Metzinowaka����� 19� Y�� 199� - 15/32/07/09/24/22/12/04/09/19/09/09/07/02/19 0��

Pitinosato������ 22� Y�� 193� - 19/07/22/29/09/05/09/09/07/06/21/19/06/03/22 0��

Holleshoryu����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Kitanoyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Mariohana��� ����--� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





iwakoko���� �����10� -�� 275� + 02/20/21/12/31/22/22/09/10/155/21/34/24/22/10 40� Tech/MCP-W/

Watashi��������� 21� Y�� 240� + 07/22/19/12/08/05/21/03/21/07/16/24/22/32/21 0��

Unagiyutaka����� 9�� -�� 237� + 18/09/19/09/19/07/07/13/20/211/17/09/30/30/09 0��

Mukanibaru ������32� Y�� 218� + 15/20/09/10/09/10/20/00/07/18/17/22/22/07/32 0��

Kintsubasa������ 5�� -�� 211� + 16/09/22/09/06/05/15/15/21/222/02/10/24/30/05 0��

Rikishimiezi���� 29� Y�� 205� + 06/21/05/10/22/02/03/03/17/19/22/09/17/20/29 0��

Tsunamiko������� 9�� -�� 204� - 03/07/10/16/21/07/21/06/10/177/21/31/20/05/09 0��

Hana-ichi������� 21� Y�� 191� - 18/23/06/10/26/05/08/02/22/04/11/21/06/08/21 0��

Gaijingai������� 18� Y�� 184� - 17/19/06/13/13/08/19/04/07/05/09/22/07/17/18 0��

ihopeso��������� 8�� -�� 184� - 02/09/22/12/26/19/22/14/07/199/02/09/07/06/08 0��

Sherlockiama���� 11� -�� 167� - 04/06/19/08/10/21/06/17/06/199/08/07/19/06/11 0��

Takanorappa����� 20� Y�� 167� - 06/07/04/05/29/19/09/07/06/04/19/08/21/03/20 0��

Roundeye�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo��� �





Kintamayama����� 19� Y�� 236� + 17/22/17/22/21/19/09/04/22/09/10/29/11/05/19 0��

Kuroimori������� 18� Y�� 226� + 05/20/07/22/22/17/22/16/22/05/27/12/07/04/18 0��

Mmikasazuma����� 10� -�� 216� + 21/22/07/09/09/16/06/17/06/177/21/19/31/05/10 0��

Kitakachiyama��� 9�� -�� 212� + 15/07/22/20/11/15/22/00/21/188/09/09/09/25/09 0��

Taka������������ 11� -�� 208� - 05/07/16/22/12/08/26/16/26/044/20/21/09/05/11 0��

Anjoboshi������� 22� Y�� 191� - 17/06/18/07/12/21/18/16/09/06/20/06/06/07/22 0��

Hokuyutaka������ 9� �-�� 191� - 19/19/08/24/11/05/17/19/08/03/21/06/17/05/09 0��

Achiyama�������� 10� -�� 190� - 06/07/21/31/05/06/08/05/29/044/18/07/11/22/10 0��

Atenzan��������� 6�� -�� 181� - 06/24/03/07/17/20/08/17/09/211/07/24/08/04/06 0��

Yangnomazuma���� 11� -�� 173� - 05/07/19/22/09/03/06/08/10/211/19/07/07/19/11 0��

Leonishiki������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Nanahachi������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Nekonishiki����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Fujiko���������� 19� Y�� 273� + 18/22/20/22/22/05/16/20/29/05/22/19/19/15/19 30� Y

Gurowake�������� 21� Y�� 255� + 18/08/20/14/31/04/20/08/19/04/24/24/31/09/21 30� FS/MCP-3/

Oshirokita������ 10� -�� 242� + 16/24/07/22/14/21/22/21/07/199/05/09/30/15/10 15� J-Y/

Jejima���������� 9�� -�� 240� + 03/05/17/24/24/22/22/04/22/099/07/21/32/19/09 10� OP/

Chijanofuji����� 21� Y�� 236� + 03/17/20/30/09/22/22/00/09/06/09/19/22/27/21 15� J-Y/

Jakusotsu������� 19� Y�� 222� + 17/07/03/22/11/21/07/17/21/04/21/19/08/25/19 15� J-Y/

Fujisan��������� 19� -�� 216� - 03/11/02/30/29/06/19/00/20/088/07/21/22/19/19 20� GOP/

Kitahotaru������ 9�� -�� 208� - 03/11/03/24/09/05/24/05/20/199/05/19/32/20/09 0��

Getayukata������ 8�� -�� 197� - 05/09/02/10/22/22/20/17/09/200/07/11/30/05/08 0��

Marushiki������� 7�� -�� 189� - 19/24/09/20/09/05/02/16/06/200/22/09/05/16/07 0��

Tenshinhan������ 21� Y�� 185� - 16/21/05/12/24/17/09/04/07/05/08/12/19/05/21 0��

mischashimaru��� 6�� -�� 175� - 04/17/07/04/24/04/03/22/07/222/09/21/08/17/06 0��

Boltbutthamma��� 10� -�� 171� - 02/06/19/09/11/15/05/18/03/199/19/03/18/14/10 0��

Kyodaitimu������ 7�� -�� 168� - 05/07/05/32/05/05/18/06/17/055/19/09/09/19/07 0��

Homuburyuwa����� 8�� -�� 164� - 02/09/22/22/16/09/12/14/07/199/02/09/07/06/08 0��





Tamaeiki�������� 17� Y�� 278� + 19/22/26/20/18/17/18/24/22/07/06/22/22/18/17 50� QA/NNP/Y

Saruyama�������� 4�� -�� 235� + 05/09/16/10/31/19/22/09/22/166/19/29/20/04/04 15� J-Y/

Sakura���������� 21� Y�� 233� + 07/22/03/21/24/05/09/19/20/06/21/20/10/25/21 15� J-Y/

Aoyume���������� 31� Y�� 222� + 06/20/08/20/24/05/05/17/09/08/22/21/08/18/31 0��

andonishiki����� 6�� -�� 218� + 17/11/02/11/19/20/06/19/19/199/10/22/09/28/06 0��

Rubensan�������� 9�� -�� 204� - 21/21/09/22/11/15/19/19/11/199/09/10/04/05/09 0��

Kamogawa�������� 9�� -�� 193� - 21/24/09/21/21/05/13/06/09/166/21/09/07/02/09 0��

Aminoumi�������� 5�� -�� 169� - 04/06/09/09/19/11/08/20/07/188/06/20/09/18/05 0��

Wamahada�������� 3�� -�� 157� - 18/06/19/06/04/02/10/17/17/199/13/16/05/02/03 0��

chabonowaka����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Hibarifuji������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Itachiyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

sekihiryu������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Damimonay������� 19� Y�� 231� + 05/17/20/30/10/09/20/00/20/21/19/08/29/04/19 10� YB/

Kotononami������ 30� Y�� 220� + 19/22/17/19/10/05/21/06/07/20/07/09/09/19/30 0��

Oortael��������� 18� Y�� 220� + 16/17/05/21/30/17/19/19/28/04/11/08/05/02/18 10� YB/

Terarno��������� 19� Y�� 199� - 17/24/07/11/09/07/07/20/19/07/07/18/24/03/19 0��

Kaiowaka�������� 9�� -�� 198� - 05/12/07/22/32/11/22/07/10/066/08/08/19/20/09 10� NCP/

Konosato�������� 30� Y�� 196� - 19/22/07/31/08/05/03/05/09/06/20/09/22/00/30 0��

toonoryu�������� 19� Y�� 194� - 17/29/17/11/12/04/29/04/21/05/09/10/02/05/19 0��

Kasamatsuri����� 6�� -�� 167� - 16/21/20/09/10/18/04/17/00/199/11/07/07/02/06 0��

Chimatayama����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Furanohana������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





pandaazuma������ 22� Y�� 271� + 18/22/04/22/22/17/16/19/22/30/20/22/09/06/22 35� MCP-2/J-Y/

chishafuwaku���� 22� Y�� 251� + 22/22/22/24/11/04/02/19/29/04/31/30/02/07/22 20� FS/MCP-5/

Oskanohana������ 19� Y�� 251� + 15/06/22/30/21/19/22/10/10/06/12/20/30/09/19 0��

Chocshoporyu���� 21� Y�� 241� + 15/12/19/07/22/21/12/17/13/19/19/06/09/29/21 0��

Sebunshu�������� 29� Y�� 227� + 05/09/06/21/12/07/10/17/20/19/06/29/18/19/29 0��

Unkonoyama������ 31� Y�� 225� + 15/05/18/12/32/04/19/19/10/06/24/09/05/16/31 0��

ScreechingOwl��� 29� Y�� 218� + 07/20/02/20/10/19/06/20/08/18/22/22/09/06/29 0��

Domichi��������� 7�� -�� 207� - 05/09/09/21/24/17/30/06/22/044/18/12/17/06/07 10� NCP/

Gawasukotto����� 9�� -�� 205� - 07/09/06/13/09/31/22/17/07/222/06/19/11/17/09 10� NCP/

Haidouzo�������� 22� Y�� 195� - 18/12/09/22/10/02/05/18/17/07/20/12/07/14/22 0��

Fujiyama�������� 24� Y�� 180� - 07/08/03/16/09/08/06/04/19/06/20/10/22/18/24 10� NNP/

Kuroho���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo



Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho