Congratulations to the Haru 2019 Ichimon Champions...
In a flip-flop of last basho, Doitsugo (last in the Hatsu basho) wins the ICF, whilst Mukade (formerly, STI & the Hatsu ICf winners) finish last. Congrats to the Doitsugoans on their 22nd ICF win!
The Doits flirted with the top all basho, and, eventually, pulled away enough to maintain the lead till the end.� Their margin of victory was nearly 6 ITA pts (54 tech pts), which was about as big of a lead as they ever had. In this close race, the Doitsugoan win rate, 55%, the best of the basho, was what won it for them.� No other stat really stood out. They finished second in GBL pts (8.75 ITA effect), second in bonus pts (5.00 ITA effect) and second in KK bonus (50 tech pts), so it was good ol� fashioned winning that lead them to victory.� [ed. note:� I�ll take a win that way, any day!]
Looking at their wins, they really had NPI wrapped around their fingers � 11-7, and ISI (5-8 against the Doits) were fairly easy targets.� The Doits also had 12 winning days this basho.� Bonuses were earned by Holleshoryu (a Jun-yusho), Frinkanohana (a Jun-yusho), Flohru (a No Cigar).� Holleshoryu (311) finished as the top Doit, and was third when compared against all other ichimon leaders.
Congrats on #22, Doitsugo.
Team Hairy Ones� finish second for the second straight basho.� Secondly, they finish 54 tech pts from the ones ahead of the second place team. The SFIers were (wait for it�) second in overall win rate (53.3%), an� second in ITA-effect from bonus point.� Fittingly, only two SFiers had bonuses: Kitakachiyama (Nakabi Prize & 4th in the MCP) and Achiyama (the Quality an Outstanding Performance Awards).� SFI may want seconds on Calpis, or a second chance at the Haru basho, if maybe only for a few seconds. J�
Spring isn�t really their thing, but the Frosties made a good run at things.� They were spearheaded by the amazing Boltbutthamma, who had a basho for the ages!� He went 14-1; just the 12th to ever do so. He tied for 5th best ever tech pts (the non-ICF variety, and no has the highest tech pts amongst active BSers.� His MCP of 12.425 was the 4th best ever, and he had 8 perfect days, just missing out on tying the record.� He won the Juryo Yusho by the largest margin of victory ever (4 wins), and he collected 6 prizes along the way (just the 6th to do that).� Oh, the NPIers also had a couple others helping Bolty-zeki.� These 5 ichimoners helped NPI to a dominating performance in the bonus department.� NPI collected a staggering 13.08 ITA pts due to the 12 prizes they earned!� That�s 8 ITA pts better than any other ichimon.� Prizes were: Boltbutthamma (Yusho, MCP, a semi in the KCC, a Tech, Fighting Spirit and the Juryo edition of the QA), Hoburyuwa (Jun-yusho & the jun-KCC), Chijanofuji (Jun-yusho & 3rd in the MCP), Tenshinhan (No Cigar) and Fujisan (the GOP).� So how did they not get the ICF?� It�s the wins!� They finished with just 49.2% wins, and ended out 83 tech pts.
ISI�s huge GBL haul could not save them from the second-lowest overall win record of the basho. The Izzies end up in 4th place at 128 tech pts out.� They had a eye-opening amount of points from GBL bonuses.� They earned 14.50 ITA pts from being in the right order, which gave them a 5.75 ITA bump above their closest competitors.� Their 47.5% overall win rate, the third lowest overall, was the Izzie�s downfall.� Just 3 of their 8 will be taking the ride up on the KK elevator.� toonoryu was the top Izzie point maker (313), and was the only bonus point scorer (gaining the big Yusho).�
It�s the first day of baseball in the US, and it seems that the M�s had their minds set on the World Series Champion Red Sox, rather that Bench Sumo.� They end the basho 21.63 ITA pts (238 tech pts) from the win, and finished with a mediocre 5-6 KK showing.� ihopeso lost the Makuuchi playoff (but won a challenge to some of the KCC results).� Unagiyutaka did well on his pledge to reenergize his BS with a Yaocho Bum.� ihopeso was the top M.
One stat stands out in Sakura�s basho, and that was wins, or lack of them.� They finished with a basho�s second lowest 45.9%, which put them 26.63 ITA pts back.� Had they brought those wins up to 50%, they would have been just 60 tech pt out of it (& may have picked up some prizes to make up the difference).�
Itachiyama took home the only two Sakuran prizes (a Tech & a Fighting Spirit), and was the top-scorer for the Blossomers (the lowest top-scorer amongst all ichimons).
It�s a long way form the top!� The newly re-monikered Mukadeans were not really contenders, this time, for the ICF.� They lounged near the bottom for most of the basho, finishing 231.56 tech pts from the top.� Their overall win rate was the lowest of the basho (very uncharacteristic of them), as they only had 44.4% wins (8 shy of 50-50).� Despite the low win rate, they did pull in three bonuses: Haidouzo (KCC-Semi), Chocshoporyu� (a Yaocho Bum) and Sebunshu (NCP). Haidouzo was the top indie pt earner for Mukade.
See you in the spring,
ICF Gyoji Takanorappa
NOTE: As always, you can go to to get the full statistics. For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance (at the same site). Check out the Misc. Basho Stats there, too. I�ll guarantee you that your shikona is in there.
.���������������������������������������� |-------Day 15 Stats-------|
Rnk Ichimon����� #ACT TP�� Bon ITA��� PB� PB+-� ITA+-� Rnk+-� DWP IDA
1�� Doitsugo���� 8��� 2069 40� 263.63����� 00��� 0.0���� 0��� 63% 17.5
2�� SumoForum��� 9��� 2274 45� 257.67 54� +07�� +0.7���� 0��� 56% 18.2
3�� North Pole�� 13�� 3174 170 257.23 83� +61�� +4.6���� 0��� 31% 12.5
4�� Info-Sumo��� 8��� 1951 30� 247.63 128 -44�� -5.5���� 0��� 38% 13.3
5�� MassaSHEgawa 11�� 2637 25� 242��� 238 -25�� -2.2���� 0��� 64% 18.0
6�� Sakura������ 9��� 2103 30� 237��� 240 -26�� -2.8���� 0��� 56% 16.3
7�� Mukade������ 9��� 2064 20� 231.56 289 -45�� -4.9���� 0��� 44% 14.8
#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back
PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=
today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.
Ichimon�� D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15
Doitsugo� 170/146/099/195/114/134/146/117/142/131/133/145/155/102/140
SumoForum 207/157/103/174/133/160/116/189/167/145/125/150/132/152/164
NorthPole 281/195/166/176/213/204/244/210/235/176/231/269/192/219/163
Info-Sumo 181/118/084/121/120/141/134/167/193/143/132/130/080/101/106
Mass. ����170/205/130/242/129/173/172/164/209/143/227/170/168/137/198
Sakura��� 189/130/089/153/114/143/162/157/148/111/135/135/107/183/147
Mukade��� 159/131/101/173/113/121/167/143/115/136/150/174/100/148/133
.������������������������ | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |
.������������������������ |============|========|===========|
Total Avg Pts for Today - |��� 242.9�� |� 252.8 |��� 245.6� |
Daily Points for Today -- |��� 15.7��� |� 17.5� |��� 16.2�� |
Bonus Points (out of 520) |��� 360���� |� 160�� |��� 520��� |
Prizes (out of 35)������� |��� 27����� |� 8���� |��� 35���� |
��������������� OVERALL��� |� TODAY�� | CLOSE CALLS
Ichimon������ KK� MK� KK%� | KK�� MK� | 7Win 7loss
Doitsugo����� 5�� 3�� 62.5 | +1�� (1) |�� 2��� 1�
MassaSHEgawa� 5�� 6�� 45.5 | +1�� (0) |�� 1��� 2�
SumoForum���� 6�� 3�� 66.7 | +1�� (0) |�� 2��� 3�
North Pole��� 5�� 8�� 38.5 | +0�� (3) |�� 3��� 1�
Sakura������� 4�� 5�� 44.4 | +1�� (1) |�� 1��� 3�
Info-Sumo���� 3�� 5�� 37.5 | +0�� (1) |�� 2��� 2�
Mukade������� 3�� 6�� 33.3 | +1�� (2) |�� 2��� 1�
.�� ���|---------------------WINNER--------------------|
.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI�� Sak.� SFI�� Muk�� Unaff.
=| Doit ---� |0-1� |---� |1-1� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |1-2��
L|� ISI 1-0� |---� |0-2� |1-0� |0-1� |1-0� |---� |2-0��
o| Mass ---� |2-0� |---� |0-1� |0-1� |0-2� |1-2� |1-1��
s|� NPI 1-1� |0-1� |1-0� |1-1� |1-0� |0-1� |2-0� |3-0��
e|� Sak 0-1� |1-0� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |1-0� |0-1� |1-2��
r|� SFI 1-0� |0-1� |2-0� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |0-1� |0-2��
=|� Muk ---� |---� |2-1� |0-2� |1-0� |1-0� |---� |1-1��
=|Unaff 2-1� |0-2� |1-1� |0-3� |2-1� |2-0� |1-1� |4-4��
. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------|-----|------
.�� All 5-3� |3-5� |7-4� |4-9� |5-4� |5-4� |4-5� |13-12
OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)� --- Total bouts = 690
.����� |----------------------WINNER---------------------|
.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI�� Sak.� SFI�� Muk�� Unaff.�
=| Doit 4-4� |5-8� |7-6� |7-11 |7-6� |4-7� |5-7� |15-17��
L|� ISI 8-5� |5-5� |13-6 |10-4 |6-4� |3-5� |5-9� |13-19��
o| Mass 6-7� |6-13 |8-8� |18-10|8-11 |7-5� |7-10 |26-15��
s|� NPI 11-7 |4-10 |10-18|21-21|8-8� |9-9� |14-8 |22-15��
e|� Sak 6-7� |4-6� |11-8 |8-8� |4-4� |8-5� |6-5� |26-19��
r|� SFI 7-4� |5-3� |5-7� |9-9� |5-8� |7-7� |4-13 |21-21��
=|� Muk 7-5� |9-5� |10-7 |8-14 |5-6� |13-4 |7-7� |16-12��
=|Unaff 17-15|19-13|15-26|15-22|19-26|21-21|12-16|59-59��
.�� All 66-54|57-63|79-86|96-99|62-73|72-63|60-75|198-177
.� Win% 55%� |47.5%|47.9%|49.2%|45.9%|53.3%|44.4%|52.8%��
DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division
Ichimon������ ||�� M�� |�� J�� |� ms�� |� sd�� |� jd�� |
Doitsugo����� ||� 3-1� |� 1-1� |� 1-1� |� ---� |� ---� |
MassaSHEgawa� ||� 2-3� |� 2-1� |� 3-0� |� ---� |� ---� |
SumoForum���� ||� 1-2� |� 2-1� |� 2-1� |� ---� |� ---� |
North Pole��� ||� 1-4� |� 3-4� |� 0-1� |� ---� |� ---� |
Sakura������� ||� 1-1� |� 0-1� |� 2-1� |� ---� |� ---� |
Info-Sumo���� ||� 3-2� |� 0-2� |� 0-1� |� ---� |� ---� |
Mukade������� ||� 3-3� |� 1-1� |� 0-1� |� ---� |� ---� |
Ichimon������ ||�� M��� |�� J��� |� ms��� |� sd��� |� jd��� |
Doitsugo����� ||� 33-27 |� 20-10 |� 13-17 |� ---�� |� ---�� |
MassaSHEgawa� ||� 36-39 |� 21-24 |� 22-23 |� ---�� |� ---�� |
SumoForum���� ||� 26-19 |� 20-25 |� 26-19 |� ---�� |� ---�� |
North Pole��� ||� 32-43 |� 60-45 |� 4-11� |� ---�� |� ---�� |
Sakura������� ||� 17-13 |� 7-8�� |� 19-26 |� ---�� |� ---�� |
Info-Sumo���� ||� 39-36 |� 12-18 |� 6-9�� |� ---�� |� ---�� |
Mukade���� ���||� 43-47 |� 10-20 |� 7-8�� |� ---�� |� ---�� |
Day || Doit��� ISI� ���Mass��� NPI���� Sak���� SFI���� Muk��� Unaff
====|| ============================================================
1�� || 50.0%�� 75.0%�� 18.2%�� 61.5%�� 55.6%�� 66.7%�� 33.3%� 48.0%
2�� || 62.5%�� 25.0%�� 63.6%�� 46.2%�� 22.2%�� 55.6%�� 44.4%� 60.0%
3�� || 50.0%�� 50.0%�� 45.5%�� 53.8%�� 33.3%�� 44.4%�� 44.4%� 60.0%
4�� || 87.5%�� 12.5%�� 72.7%�� 15.4%�� 44.4%�� 66.7%�� 66.7%� 48.0%
5�� || 50.0%�� 62.5%�� 36.4%�� 69.2%�� 44.4%�� 55.6%�� 33.3%� 48.0%
6�� || 62.5%�� 50.0%�� 45.5%�� 38.5%�� 44.4%�� 55.6%�� 22.2%� 64.0%
7�� || 50.0%�� 50.0%�� 36.4%�� 61.5%�� 66.7%�� 22.2%�� 55.6%� 52.0%
8�� || 37.5%�� 75.0%�� 36.4%�� 53.8%�� 55.6%�� 77.8%�� 44.4%� 40.0%
9�� || 50.0%�� 62.5%�� 45.5%�� 46.2%�� 33.3%�� 44.4%�� 11.1%� 72.0%
10� || 50.0%�� 62.5%�� 36.4%�� 38.5%�� 33.3%�� 55.6%�� 55.6%� 60.0%
11� || 37.5%�� 37.5%�� 81.8%�� 46.2%�� 44.4%�� 33.3%�� 44.4%� 56.0%
12� || 62.5%�� 50.0%�� 36.4%�� 53.8%�� 33.3%�� 44.4%�� 66.7%� 52.0%
13� || 75.0%�� 37.5%�� 63.6%�� 61.5%�� 44.4%�� 66.7%�� 33.3%� 36.0%
14� || 37.5%�� 25.0%�� 36.4%�� 61.5%�� 77.8%�� 55.6%�� 66.7%� 44.0%
15� || 62.5%�� 37.5%�� 63.6%�� 30.8%�� 55.6%�� 55.6%�� 44.4%� 52.0%
ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day
Day || Doit�� ISI��� Mass�� NPI��� Sak��� SFI��� Muk���
1�� || 21.3�� 22.6�� 15.5�� 21.6�� 21.0�� 23.0�� 17.7��
2�� || 18.3�� 14.8�� 18.6�� 15.0�� 14.4�� 17.4�� 14.6��
3�� || 12.4�� 10.5�� 11.8�� 12.8�� 9.9��� 11.4�� 11.2��
4�� || 24.4�� 15.1�� 22.0�� 13.5�� 17.0�� 19.3�� 19.2��
5�� || 14.3�� 15.0�� 11.7�� 16.4�� 12.7�� 14.8�� 12.6��
6�� || 16.8�� 17.6�� 15.7�� 15.7�� 15.9�� 17.8�� 13.4��
7�� || 18.3�� 16.8�� 15.6�� 18.8�� 18.0�� 12.9�� 18.6��
9�� || 17.8�� 24.1�� 19.0�� 18.1�� 16.4�� 18.6�� 12.8��
10� || 16.4�� 17.9�� 13.0�� 13.5�� 12.3�� 16.1�� 15.1��
11� || 16.6�� 16.5�� 20.6�� 17.8�� 15.0�� 13.9�� 16.7��
12� || 18.1�� 16.3�� 15.5�� 20.7�� 15.0�� 16.7�� 19.3��
13� || 19.4�� 10.0�� 15.3�� 14.8�� 11.9�� 14.7�� 11.1��
14� || 12.8�� 12.6�� 12.5�� 16.8�� 20.3�� 16.9�� 16.4��
15� || 17.5�� 13.3�� 18.0�� 12.5�� 16.3�� 18.2�� 14.8��
RANK by Day
.���������� |---------------------DAY--------------------|
Ichimon����� 1� 2� 3� 4� 5� 6� 7� 8� 9� 10 11 12 13 14 15
Doitsugo���� 4� 2� 2� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 2� 2� 1� 1� 1� 1�
Info-Sumo��� 2� 3� 4� 4� 5� 3� 4� 3� 2� 1� 1� 2� 2� 4� 4�
MassaSHEgawa 7� 6� 5� 3� 3� 4� 5� 6� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5�
North Pole�� 3� 4� 3� 5� 4� 5� 3� 4� 4� 4� 4� 4� 4� 3� 2�
Sakura������ 5� 5� 6� 7� 7� 6� 6� 5� 6� 6� 6� 7� 7� 6� 6�
SumoForum��� 1� 1� 1� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 2� 3�
Mukade������ 6� 7� 7� 6� 6� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 6� 6� 7� 7�
Misc. Stats
������������ TPS� AvgTPS PS�� AvgPS� HiDWP�� LoDWP�� HiIDA�� LoIDA��
Doitsugo���� 0��� 0.00�� 9��� 1.13��� 88%���� 38%��� 24.4��� 12.4���
Info-Sumo��� 0��� 0.00�� 9��� 1.13��� 75%���� 13%��� 24.1��� 10.0���
MassaSHEgawa 2��� 0.18�� 10�� 0.91��� 73%���� 18%��� 22.0��� 11.7���
Mukade������ 0��� 0.00�� 14�� 1.56��� 67%���� 11%��� 19.3��� 11.1���
North Pole�� 1��� 0.08�� 25�� 1.92��� 69%���� 15%��� 21.6��� 12.5���
Sakura������ 2��� 0.22�� 10�� 1.11��� 78%���� 22%��� 21.0��� 09.9���
SumoForum��� 1��� 0.11�� 17�� 1.89��� 78%���� 22%��� 23.0��� 11.4���
TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;
HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;
Ichimon����� RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt� AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA
Doitsugo���� 1359� 660��� 50��� 169.9� 82.5�� 6.25� 5.00�� 70��� 8.75
Info-Sumo��� 1351� 570��� 30��� 168.9� 71.3�� 3.75� 3.75�� 116�� 14.50
MassaSHEgawa 1797� 790��� 50��� 163.4� 71.8�� 4.55� 2.27�� 75��� 6.82
North Pole�� 2164� 960��� 50��� 166.5� 73.8�� 3.85� 13.08� 106�� 8.15
Sakura������ 1443� 620��� 40��� 160.3� 68.9�� 4.44� 3.33�� 54��� 6.00
SumoForum��� 1494� 720��� 60�� �166.0� 80.0�� 6.67� 5.00�� 64��� 7.11
Mukade������ 1434� 600��� 30��� 159.3� 66.7�� 3.33� 2.22�� 48��� 5.33
RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only
AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;
AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses
���������������� Day Win Tot��� Daily Points�������������������������������� Bon
Player���������� Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes
Holleshoryu����� 9�� -�� 310� + 34/24/06/33/07/20/11/22/32/222/40/24/07/19/09 15� J-Y/
Frinkanohana���� 22� Y�� 289� + 24/22/19/31/09/20/24/22/12/32/11/12/22/07/22 15� J-Y/
Pitinosato������ 22� Y�� 271� + 32/22/17/10/21/22/12/09/22/09/10/24/27/12/22 0��
tainosen�������� 20� Y�� 270� + 22/22/18/29/19/09/12/22/09/09/09/22/29/19/20 0��
wolfgangho������ 32� Y�� 253� + 12/12/19/24/09/09/20/12/09/24/20/21/22/08/32 0��
Flohru���������� 9�� -�� 244� - 22/12/06/24/19/12/22/10/24/200/22/14/19/09/09 10� NCP/
Metzinowaka����� 17� Y�� 223� - 12/10/06/22/19/22/26/10/12/06/12/19/08/22/17 0��
Kitanoyama������ 9�� -�� 209� - 12/22/08/22/11/20/19/10/22/099/09/09/21/06/09 0��
Mariohana������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Yassier��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
ihopeso��������� 21� Y�� 311� + 14/24/18/31/09/22/11/11/32/20/24/34/19/21/21 15� J-Y/
Watashi��������� 22� Y�� 282� + 12/11/18/22/19/22/31/22/12/11/21/14/28/17/22 0��
Tsunamiko������� 9�� -�� 274� + 14/24/19/24/19/10/22/10/22/211/34/22/16/08/09 0��
Takanorappa����� 30� Y�� 265� + 12/30/06/12/19/12/12/26/30/09/22/09/16/20/30 0��
Unagiyutaka����� 9�� -�� 242� + 12/24/18/24/07/20/12/22/12/099/22/19/26/06/09 10� YB/
Mukanibaru������ 26� Y�� 240� - 14/21/19/30/06/10/11/12/22/10/20/07/21/11/26 0��
Sherlockiama���� 21� Y�� 229� - 12/24/06/32/07/10/10/12/29/19/22/09/09/07/21 0��
Roundeye�������� 24� Y�� 223� - 32/09/06/12/07/12/12/21/14/09/21/16/17/11/24 0��
iwakoko��������� 9�� -�� 212� - 22/09/07/24/07/21/22/11/12/200/12/09/06/21/09 0��
Hana-ichi������� 9�� -�� 194� - 14/22/07/24/07/14/22/10/12/099/22/09/04/09/09 0��
Kintsubasa������ 18� Y�� 165� - 12/07/06/07/22/20/07/07/12/06/07/22/06/06/18 0��
Gaijingai������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Hidariashiyama�� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Randomitsuki���� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Rikishimiezi���� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Kitakachiyama��� 24� Y�� 304� + 24/31/19/22/21/24/24/32/24/10/12/24/05/08/24 20� NNP/MCP-4/
Achiyama�������� 12� -�� 276� + 23/09/21/22/17/12/21/20/20/244/19/31/16/09/12 25� QA/OP/
Taka������������ 34� Y�� 261� + 24/22/18/22/21/12/12/22/12/10/09/12/22/09/34 0��
Kintamayama����� 7�� -�� 260� + 33/21/06/22/07/22/12/22/24/099/07/24/24/20/07 0��
Hokuyutaka������ 10� -�� 258� + 14/24/17/12/21/24/08/31/12/199/08/09/18/31/10 0��
Nekonishiki����� 12� -�� 253� + 22/07/06/10/19/22/11/24/31/199/11/12/18/29/12 0��
Mmikasazuma����� 22� Y�� 230� - 31/20/04/30/09/12/10/22/10/08/22/19/04/07/22 0��
Kuroimori������� 19� Y�� 223� - 24/12/06/22/09/12/09/06/12/22/26/10/16/18/19 0��
Anjoboshi������� 24� Y�� 209� - 12/11/06/12/09/20/09/10/22/24/11/09/09/21/24 0��
Doitsuyama��� ���--� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Leonishiki������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
McBugger�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Nanahachi������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Boltbutthamma��� 22� Y�� 352� + 24/22/18/14/19/31/24/24/32/22/30/29/19/22/22 100 Tech/FS/QA/KCC-S/MCP-W/Y
Homuburyuwa�� ���21� Y�� 301� + 24/24/18/31/19/12/21/11/22/10/24/34/19/11/21 30� KCC-J/J-Y/
Chijanofuji����� 9�� -�� 299� + 32/22/06/12/21/24/24/22/24/100/40/24/07/22/09 30� MCP-3/J-Y/
Kyodaitimu������ 22� Y�� 273� + 24/09/08/12/22/12/24/22/24/21/14/11/17/31/22 0��
Jejima���������� 12� -�� 256� + 12/19/17/12/07/10/29/19/24/077/24/29/27/08/12 0��
Tenshinhan������ 9�� -�� 250� - 32/24/21/24/22/12/22/10/14/122/10/14/05/19/09 10� NCP/
Fujisan��������� 11� -�� 245� - 32/24/06/12/09/24/16/22/24/077/13/19/19/07/11 20� GOP/
Oshirokita������ 11� -�� 235� - 10/12/18/14/19/12/12/10/12/222/19/22/24/18/11 0��
Kitahotaru������ 8�� -�� 225� - 16/07/19/07/19/07/22/10/11/099/22/24/20/24/08 0��
Gurowake�������� 22� Y�� 214� - 34/09/06/12/07/10/24/09/11/21/12/12/04/21/22 0��
Jakusotsu������� 7�� -�� 211� - 11/09/06/10/07/22/09/22/22/200/07/31/06/22/07 0��
Fujiko���������� 7�� -�� 170� - 24/09/17/09/20/19/10/07/04/122/07/12/04/09/07 0��
Marushiki������� 2�� -�� 143� - 06/05/06/07/22/09/07/22/11/033/09/08/21/05/02 0��
Ekigozan� �������--� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Getayukata������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Maguroyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
mischashimaru��� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Itachiyama������ 10� -�� 283� + 24/33/06/12/21/24/24/11/24/088/14/31/07/34/10 30� Tech/FS/
Rubensan�������� 19� Y�� 266� + 34/12/19/21/07/24/07/22/14/22/21/12/04/28/19 0��
Sakura���������� 11� -�� 253� - 31/09/06/12/19/22/12/30/22/100/07/22/20/20/11 0��
Wamahada�������� 6�� -�� 243� + 24/09/06/20/22/09/24/07/12/066/22/24/18/34/06 0��
Aoyume���������� 32� Y�� 241� + 24/22/17/12/07/09/20/22/09/22/07/12/07/19/32 0��
Aminoumi�������� 9�� -�� 222� - 12/13/06/16/17/14/22/22/12/211/21/09/21/07/09 0��
Kamogawa�������� 20� Y�� 210� - 14/10/19/24/07/09/21/12/24/09/12/09/04/16/20 0��
andonishiki����� 21� Y�� 195� - 14/12/04/24/07/22/12/09/11/04/22/07/19/07/21 0��
Hibarifuji������ 19� Y�� 190� - 12/10/06/12/07/10/20/22/20/09/09/09/07/18/19 0��
chabonowaka����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Daifuku��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Feginowaka������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Sarunojima�� ����--� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Saruyama�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
sekihiryu������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
toonoryu�������� 21� Y�� 313� + 24/20/18/12/19/24/31/22/32/31/24/22/04/09/21 30� Y
Kaiowaka�������� 10� -�� 268� + 22/14/16/14/19/09/24/10/20/211/31/21/06/31/10 0��
Konosato�������� 9�� -�� 258� + 24/12/04/11/19/22/09/22/32/100/09/30/16/29/09 0��
Kotononami������ 6�� -�� 239� - 33/11/07/12/09/12/10/22/30/222/29/22/07/07/06 0��
Damimonay������� 22� Y�� 236� - 24/19/06/12/19/09/24/22/31/10/14/11/06/07/22 0��
Terarno��������� 6�� -�� 226� - 12/21/14/12/19/32/07/31/12/211/07/10/16/06/06 0��
Furanohana������ 24� Y�� 218� - 31/10/16/14/09/09/08/22/07/22/09/10/19/08/24 0��
Kasamatsuri����� 8�� -�� 193� - 11/11/03/34/07/24/21/16/29/066/09/04/06/04/08 0��
Chimatayama����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
CM_DaviD�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Fatakiyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Kaiomitsuki����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Zichi����������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Haidouzo�������� 24� Y�� 297� + 32/22/18/24/09/12/24/22/14/20/40/11/04/21/24 5�� KCC-S/
Fujiyama�������� 30� Y�� 255� + 10/10/07/22/23/09/29/10/11/22/24/24/19/05/30 0��
Chocshoporyu���� 7�� -�� 252� + 24/19/16/22/07/12/22/13/22/077/09/24/27/21/07 10� YB/
Sebunshu�������� 11� -�� 235� - 12/22/06/22/17/24/16/12/10/211/24/10/07/21/11 10� NCP/
Unkonoyama������ 7�� -�� 225� - 11/08/24/19/22/09/24/10/12/211/09/24/07/18/07 0��
pandaazuma������ 9�� -�� 221� - 32/09/16/09/10/12/10/22/10/066/19/29/04/24/09 0��
ScreechingOwl��� 20� Y�� 211� - 12/09/04/11/09/12/22/20/12/09/09/22/18/22/20 0��
Gawasukotto����� 9�� -�� 199� - 12/22/04/20/07/22/11/12/12/211/09/21/08/09/09 0��
chishafuwaku���� 16� Y�� 169� - 14/10/06/24/09/09/09/22/12/09/07/09/06/07/16 0��
Chisaiyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Domichi��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Kuroho���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
nomadwolf������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Oskanohana������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Robocopthat����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Rupatengu������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Sokkenaiyama���� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo��� �
Prize Key:
NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize
FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;
QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;
NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;
KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;
MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);
MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);
J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho