Congratulations to the Hatsu 2019 Ichimon Champions...
Number 20?� Does anyone have #20?� Oh, yes.� Mr. SumoTalk� Or should I call you Mr. Mukade?� Please step up to the dohyo to accept the flag for your ichimon.� I believe that this is your 20th time out of our 89 that you have taken this back to your heya, so, please get comfortable, and make yourself at home.�
Congrats to STI/Mukade ichimon (I�m still waiting on the paperwork to make that official) on their 20th ICF victory, and it was quite the impressive one, too.� They nearly ran away with the whole thing, till day 13 where they stumbled, but they quickly regained control and won walking away.� Their final ITA was 240.78, giving them a winning margin of 8.48 ITA pts.
They took the ICF the good old fashioned way � they simply won (though the prizes didn�t hurt any, either). J� They were tops in the win department, taking 53.3% of their bouts. They seemed to favor beating up on the Massies (63%) and the Unaffiliated (67%), but had a bit of a trial against the SFIers (just 30% against them).� 11 of the 15 days were winners for the winners, as well.� The Talkies were number 3 in points by GBLs (2.67), which were very tempered this basho (of course).
The Talkies really shined in the bonus department, where 2 Talkies took 7 prizes.� They amassed 105 tech pts and a huge 11.67 ITA pts from prizes alone!
Chisaiyama took a jun-yusho, a Tech Prize, a Fighting Spirit and won the MCP.� ScreechingOwl kept everyone up at night with the GOP, fifth in the MCP and a very unlucky No Cigar Prize.� Chisaiyama (263) was the top indie point scorer, and third overall.
Congrats, STI/Mukade!� Now, can you share a bit?
Team Hairy Ones� were a lock for #2 most of the basho.� They just never had the spark to get past the winners, including on senshuraku, where they fell sub-par at an inopportune moment.� Their 40%, low-of-the-day 8.6 IDA Day 15 gave them a -59 tech point move, torpedoing their hopes for the flag.� They finish with a 232.3 ITA, which was 85 tech points from the win.� They had an impressive 11 days above 50% wins, and beat the champs head-to-head 14 times out of 20 (70%).� Their overall win rate was 52.7% (3rd best) and they went 50/50 for KKs (four of those were 7-8�s).� Taka (272) was the top-scoring SFIer, and was second best when compared against all ichimoners. The Hairy Bunch� gained 6 prizes for their trophy case. Taka took 3 (THE Yusho, the Outstanding Prize and the Quality Award), while Kitakachiyama took two (a jun-yusho and 3rd in the MCP) and Kuroimori added another (a No Cigar).� SFI were #2 in GBL points with a 3.00 ITA effect from those mini-bonuses.
The Boston Red Sox won the World Series in October.� The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl on Sunday (& the celebratory rolling rally is on-going right now).� It seems only natural that the next step would be the M�s winning the ICF, right?� Well, it didn�t turn out that way, though the Chowdaheads did give a good charge at the end.� They leapt to the front of the pack on Day 13, but, unfortunately, they finished the basho on a 38% win day, losing all chances at the ICF. They lost 100 tech pts to the leaders on senshuraku, and finished with a 226.23 � 14.55 ITA pts (out. The M�s had 9 winning days, and ended with a 52.8% overall win rate. There were plenty of bonuses to go around for the M�s. They grabbed 7.69 ITA pts from six different prizes (just like the number of Tom Brady�s Super Bowl rings).� Roundeye took the Juryo yusho and the Juryo edition of the Quality award.� Unagiyutaka has ohm�d his way back to winning ways with the Makushita yusho. Sherlockiama announced his own Bum (award), and Gaijingai gets a different kind of bridesmaid dress, as he grabs the jun-KCC.� Roundeye was the top individual point scorer amongst all ichimoners with 273 points, and only missed the Tech prize due to rank.� Most importantly, Gai had the most epic hanamichi report of all times.� If you missed it, it is well worth a look back into the group�s archives to see it.� I challenge anyone to top it next basho !�
The Kyushu champs were right there!� They held onto second place for three days in that critical post-everyone withdrawing timeframe.� Unfortunately, they his a couple of losing days that really derailed them, though they did finish out the basho with back-to-back winning days.� Ultimately, they had 9 winning days, and finished with a nice 52.3% win record. They were on the low side of the GBL (mini) fest, getting just 1.46 ITA pts from those, and were a bit unlucky in the KK department, falling 1 shy of a positive result there.� Their finial ITA of 223.69 put them 222 tech points from the flag, and 33 tech pts from overtaking the Massies.� Bonuses were rare, as the only Poler to grab a prize was their top scorer, Tenshinan (261), who took home a jun-yusho.� That dearth of prizes likely explains the 151 tech pt drop, despite a winning day.� Such is the way of senshuraku.
ISI had just 7 this time, so couldn�t officially win the flag, but we followed all of their action, anyway.� Typically, with a smaller group, you see plenty of rank bouncing; however, that wasn�t the case with the Izzies, this time.� Like the two ichimons below them, they hit their ranking early, then jealously held onto it.� Finishing 175 tech pts out, with a 215.71 ITA, the ISI team notched up an overall 46.7% win rate.� They did grab some prizes along the way.� The French Forumers grabbed three prizes for 50 tech pts:� Terarno (the KCC and a Tech Prize) and Furanohana (a Yaocho Bum).� Terarno was the top Izzies with 250 indie points.
It�s just a bit too early for cherry blossoms, and this basho was a bit too turbulent for the Blossomers. Sakura started the basho in the lead, but quickly fell back into the chase pack, where they hovered right around their final resting spot for most or the basho.� They break the 200 mark for ITA with a 204.67, which left them a full 36+ ITA points back (or 325 tech pts, if you�d rather).� Sakura narrowly edged out the Doits in overall wins with a 45.2% rate, and just one-third of the Blossomers made a KK.� They gathered 2.78 ITA pts from two prize bonuses � Sakura�s Jun-Yusho & Aminoumi�s Yaocho Bum. Sakura, besides being one of Sakura�s only bonus earners was Sakura�s top scorer (253).� Let�s hear it for Sakura!� (no, not that one� The other one�).
The Doits added Yassier to their arsenal, but even that high-powered addition couldn�t keep them out of trouble in this unpredictable basho.� They only ever got as high as 6th place, and finished the basho 337 tech pts back (about 3 day�s worth of points).� Senshuraku gave them a bit of a spark, however, as they finished with the second best score of the day (a 12.5 IDA).� Their prize cupboard goes bare this time out, as they avoided all of the 32 prizes.� Flohru (238) was their high scorer. GBLs led to just a single tech pt for the Doits. Overall, they finished with the basho low win rate � 45%.� Only 3 of the 8 Doits will be seeing a rank improvement in March.� Better luck next basho!
See you in the spring,
ICF Gyoji Takanorappa
NOTE: As always, you can go to to get the full statistics. For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance (at the same site). Check out the Misc. Basho Stats there, too. I�ll guarantee you that your shikona is in there.
.���������������������������������������� |-------Day 15 Stats-------|
Rnk Ichimon����� #ACT TP�� Bon ITA��� PB� PB+-� ITA+-� Rnk+-� DWP IDA
1�� SumoTalk���� 9��� 2062 105 240.78����� 00��� 0.0���� 0��� 67% 12.3
2�� SumoForum��� 10�� 2228 95� 232.3� 85� -59�� -5.9���� 0��� 40% 08.6
3�� MassaSHEgawa 13�� 2841 100 226.23 189 -100� -7.7��� +1��� 38% 08.6
4�� North Pole�� 13�� 2893 15� 223.69 222 -151 -11.6��� -1��� 54% 11.2
5�� Info-Sumo��� 7��� 1460 50� 215.71 175 -30�� -4.3���� 0��� 71% 12.6
6�� Sakura������ 9��� 1817 25� 204.67 325 -92� -10.2���� 0��� 67% 11.0
7�� Doitsugo���� 8��� 1589 0�� 198.63 337 -92� -11.5���� 0��� 50% 12.5
#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back
PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=
today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.
Ichimon�� D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15
SumoTalk� 144/200/166/157/157/075/157/126/153/093/141/141/052/189/111
SumoForum 170/170/166/173/174/099/180/154/108/157/149/153/097/192/086
Mass.���� 184/224/211/222/227/166/202/197/187/145/198/193/197/176/112
NorthPole 190/216/207/192/228/192/228/188/190/199/182/168/127/240/146
Info-Sumo 100/112/093/066/108/057/091/110/101/099/087/132/102/114/088
Sakura��� 160/134/145/114/133/125/123/110/091/147/071/104/098/163/099
Doitsugo� 094/144/099/120/119/093/111/071/094/126/085/135/103/095/100
.������������������������ | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |
.������������������������ |============|========|===========|
Total Avg Pts for Today - |��� 215.8�� |� 217.8 |��� 216.3� |
Daily Points for Today -- |��� 10.8��� |� 9.4�� |��� 10.4�� |
Bonus Points (out of 480) |��� 390���� |� 90��� |��� 480��� |
Prizes (out of 32)������� |��� 25����� |� 7���� |��� 32���� |
��������������� OVERALL��� |� TODAY�� | CLOSE CALLS
Ichimon������ KK� MK� KK%� | KK�� MK� | 7Win 7loss
Doitsugo����� 3�� 5�� 37.5 | +1�� (0) |�� 1��� 2�
MassaSHEgawa� 7�� 6�� 53.8 | +1�� (4) |�� 4��� 1�
SumoForum���� 5�� 5�� 50.0 | +1�� (1) |�� 1��� 1�
North Pole��� 6�� 7�� 46.2 | +0�� (1) |�� 4��� 2�
Sakura������� 3�� 6�� 33.3 | +0�� (0) |�� 1��� 0�
Info-Sumo���� 3�� 4 ��42.9 | +1�� (0) |�� 0��� 1�
SumoTalk����� 5�� 4�� 55.6 | +1�� (1) |�� 2��� 1�
.��� ��|---------------------WINNER--------------------|
.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI�� Sak.� SFI�� STI�� Unaff.
=| Doit ---� |---� |---� |1-2� |---� |1-1� |---� |2-1�
L|� ISI ---� |1-1� |0-1� |0-1� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |0-1�
o| Mass ---� |1-0� |2-2� |2-1� |0-1� |---� |1-1� |2-0�
s|� NPI 2-1� |1-0� |1-2� |---� |1-1� |1-1� |---� |0-2�
e|� Sak ---� |0-1� |1-0� |1-1� |---� |0-1� |1-0� |0-3�
r|� SFI 1-1� |1-0� |---� |1-1� |1-0� |---� |1-1� |1-1�
=|� STI ---� |---� |1-1� |---� |0-1� |1-1� |1-1� |0-2�
=|Unaff 1-2� |1-0� |0-2� |2-0� |3-0� |1-1� |2-0� |3-3�
. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----
.�� All 4-4� |5-2� |5-8� |7-6� |6-3� |4-6� |6-3� |8-13
OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)� --- Total bouts = 675
.����� |-----------------------WINNER----------------------|
.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass.� NPI��� Sak.� SFI�� STI�� Unaff.�
=| Doit 5-5� |8-4 �|5-7�� |12-8� |5-5� |7-10 |7-6� |17-9���
L|� ISI 4-8� |5-5� |10-7� |14-9� |3-2� |6-5� |3-3� |11-10��
o| Mass 7-5� |7-10 |9-9�� |11-20 |12-12|12-10|10-6 |24-31��
s|� NPI 8-12 |9-14 |20-11 |15-15 |4-8� |12-11|12-11|13-20��
e|� Sak 5-5� |2-3� |12-12 |8-4�� |7-7� |6-6� |6-5� |28-19��
r|� SFI 10-7 |5-6� |10-12 |11-12 |6-6� |8-8� |6-14 |15-14��
=|� STI 6-7� |3-3� |6-10� |11-12 |5-6� |14-6 |8-8� |10-20��
=|Unaff 9-17 |10-11|31-24 |20-13 |19-28|14-15|20-10|37-37��
.�� All 54-66|49-56|103-92|102-93|61-74|79-71|72-63|155-160
.� Win% 45%� |46.7%|52.8% |52.3% |45.2%|52.7%|53.3%|49.2%��
DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division
Ichimon������ ||�� M�� |�� J�� |� ms�� |� sd�� |� jd�� |
Doitsugo����� ||� 2-2� |� 1-2� |� 1-0� |� ---� |� ---� |
MassaSHEgawa� ||� 1-4� |� 2-1� |� 2-3� |� ---� |� ---� |
SumoForum���� ||� 3-0� |� 1-4� |� 0-2� |� ---� |� ---� |
North Pole��� ||� 3-3� |� 4-3� |� ---� |� ---� |� ---� |
Sakura������� ||� 1-1� |� 0-1� |� 2-1� |� ---� |� ---� |
Info-Sumo���� ||� 4-2� |� 1-0� |� ---� |� ---� |� ---� |
SumoTalk����� ||� 4-2� |� 1-1� |� 1-0� |� ---� |� ---� |
Ichimon������ ||�� M��� |�� J��� |� ms��� |� sd��� |� jd��� |
Doitsugo����� ||� 26-34 |� 22-23 |� 6-9�� |� ---�� |� ---�� |
MassaSHEgawa� ||� 35-40 |� 29-16 |� 39-36 |� ---�� |� ---�� |
SumoForum���� ||� 29-16 |� 34-41 |� 16-14 |� ---�� |� ---�� |
North Pole��� ||� 45-45 |� 57-48 |� ---�� |� ---�� |� ---�� |
Sakura������� ||� 10-20 |� 4-11� |� 22-23 |� ---�� |� ---�� |
Info-Sumo���� ||� 44-46 |� 5-10� |� ---�� |� ---�� |� ---�� |
SumoTalk����� ||� 49-41 |� 13-17 |� 10-5� |� ---�� |� ---�� |
Day || Doit��� ISI���� Mass��� NPI���� Sak���� SFI���� STI��� Unaff
====|| ============================================================
1�� || 25.0%�� 42.9%�� 46.2%�� 46.2%�� 77.8%�� 60.0%�� 55.6%� 47.6%
2�� || 62.5%�� 42.9%�� 46.2%�� 46.2%�� 33.3%�� 50.0%�� 77.8%� 47.6%
3�� || 37.5%�� 42.9%�� 53.8%�� 46.2%�� 55.6%�� 60.0%�� 55.6%� 47.6%
4�� || 50.0%�� 14.3%�� 69.2%�� 38.5%�� 33.3%�� 60.0%�� 55.6%� 57.1%
5�� || 50.0%�� 42.9%�� 61.5%�� 53.8%�� 33.3%�� 60.0%�� 55.6%� 42.9%
6�� || 50.0%�� 14.3%�� 61.5%�� 69.2%�� 66.7%�� 40.0%�� 22.2%� 52.4%
7�� || 37.5%�� 28.6%�� 46.2%�� 61.5%�� 44.4%�� 50.0%�� 55.6%� 57.1%
8�� || 12.5%�� 57.1%�� 61.5%�� 53.8%�� 33.3%�� 60.0%�� 44.4%� 57.1%
9�� || 50.0%�� 57.1%�� 53.8%�� 61.5%�� 22.2%�� 30.0%�� 77.8%� 47.6%
10� || 62.5%�� 42.9%�� 30.8%�� 61.5%�� 66.7%�� 60.0%�� 33.3%� 47.6%
11� || 25.0%�� 42.9%�� 61.5%�� 53.8%�� 11.1%�� 60.0%�� 55.6%� 61.9%
12� || 75.0%�� 85.7%�� 53.8%�� 38.5%�� 33.3%�� 60.0%�� 55.6%� 33.3%
13� || 62.5%�� 71.4%�� 76.9%�� 46.2%�� 55.6%�� 40.0%�� 11.1%� 42.9%
14� || 25.0%�� 42.9%�� 30.8%�� 53.8%�� 44.4%�� 60.0%�� 77.8%� 57.1%
15� || 50.0%�� 71.4%�� 38.5%�� 53.8%�� 66.7%�� 40.0%�� 66.7%� 38.1%
ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day
Day || Doit�� ISI��� Mass�� NPI��� Sak��� SFI��� STI���
1�� || 11.8�� 14.3�� 14.2�� 14.6�� 17.8�� 17.0�� 16.0��
2�� || 18.0�� 16.0�� 17.2�� 16.6�� 14.9�� 17.0�� 22.2��
3�� || 12.4�� 13.3�� 16.2�� 15.9�� 16.1�� 16.6�� 18.4��
4�� || 15.0�� 9.4��� 17.1�� 14.8�� 12.7�� 17.3�� 17.4��
5�� || 14.9�� 15.4�� 17.5�� 17.5�� 14.8�� 17.4�� 17.4��
6�� || 11.6�� 8.1��� 12.8�� 14.8�� 13.9�� 9.9��� 8.3���
7�� || 13.9�� 13.0�� 15.5�� 17.5�� 13.7�� 18.0�� 17.4��
9�� || 11.8�� 14.4�� 14.4�� 14.6�� 10.1�� 10.8�� 17.0��
10� || 15.8�� 14.1�� 11.2�� 15.3�� 16.3�� 15.7�� 10.3��
11� || 10.6�� 12.4�� 15.2�� 14.0�� 7.9��� 14.9�� 15.7��
12� || 16.9�� 18.9�� 14.8�� 12.9�� 11.6�� 15.3�� 15.7��
13� || 12.9�� 14.6�� 15.2�� 9.8��� 10.9�� 9.7��� 5.8���
14� || 11.9�� 16.3�� 13.5�� 18.5�� 18.1�� 19.2�� 21.0��
15� || 12.5�� 12.6�� 8.6��� 11.2�� 11.0�� 8.6��� 12.3��
RANK by Day
.���������� |---------------------DAY--------------------|
Ichimon����� 1� 2� 3� 4� 5� 6� 7� 8� 9� 10 11 12 13 14 15
Doitsugo���� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 5� 6� 6�
Info-Sumo��� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -� -�
MassaSHEgawa 5� 4� 4� 3� 3� 3� 4� 4� 3� 4� 4� 4� 1� 4� 3�
North Pole�� 4� 5� 5� 4� 4� 4� 3� 3� 2� 2� 2� 3� 4� 3� 4�
Sakura������ 1� 3� 3� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 6� 5� 5�
SumoForum��� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2� 4� 3� 3� 2� 3� 2� 2�
SumoTalk���� 3� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 2� 1� 1�
Misc. Stats
������������ TPS� AvgTPS PS�� AvgPS� HiDWP�� LoDWP�� HiIDA�� LoIDA��
Doitsugo���� 0��� 0.00�� 5��� 0.63��� 75%���� 13%��� 18.0��� 08.9���
Info-Sumo��� 0��� 0.00�� 5��� 0.71��� 86%���� 14%��� 18.9��� 08.1���
MassaSHEgawa 0��� 0.00�� 11�� 0.85��� 77%���� 23%��� 17.5��� 08.6���
North Pole�� 0��� 0.00�� 12�� 0.92��� 69%���� 38%��� 18.5��� 09.8���
Sakura������ 0��� 0.00�� 1��� 0.11��� 78%���� 11%��� 18.1��� 07.9���
SumoForum��� 0��� 0.00�� 11�� 1.10��� 60%���� 30%��� 19.2��� 08.6���
SumoTalk���� 1��� 0.11�� 17�� 1.89��� 78%���� 11%��� 22.2��� 05.8���
TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;
HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;
Ichimon����� RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt� AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA
Doitsugo���� 1019� 540��� 30��� 127.4� 67.5�� 3.75� 0.00�� 1���� 0.13
Info-Sumo��� 940�� 490��� 30��� 134.3� 70.0�� 4.29� 7.14 ��23��� 3.29
MassaSHEgawa 1741� 1030�� 70��� 133.9� 79.2�� 5.38� 7.69�� 30��� 2.31
North Pole�� 1813� 1020�� 60��� 139.5� 78.5�� 4.62� 1.15�� 19��� 1.46
Sakura������ 1177� 610��� 30��� 130.8� 67.8�� 3.33� 2.78�� 21��� 2.33
SumoForum��� 1388� 790��� 50��� 138.8� 79.0�� 5.00� 9.50�� 30��� 3.00
SumoTalk���� 1292� 720��� 50��� 143.6� 80.0�� 5.56� 11.67� 24��� 2.67
RawPt=Pts by Technizue Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only
AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;
AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses
���������������� Day Win Tot��� Daily Points�������������������������������� Bon
Player���������� Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes
Flohru���������� 3�� -�� 238� + 19/24/07/19/10/06/24/19/22/19/06/30/20/10/03 0��
Frinkanohana���� 5�� -�� 217� + 21/21/20/10/22/16/22/09/07/09/08/17/00/30/05 0��
Holleshoryu����� 27� Y�� 215� + 07/19/10/05/22/05/08/05/16/07/22/22/20/20/27 0��
Yassier��������� 19� Y�� 205� - 11/24/22/24/10/04/10/08/07/20/05/17/17/07/19 0��
Kitanoyama������ 16� Y�� 193� - 11/24/09/11/21/07/20/09/07/21/08/18/05/06/16 0��
Mariohana������� 5�� -�� 186� - 11/11/09/20/05/17/09/07/04/19/22/22/19/06/05 0��
tainosen�������� 8�� -�� 168� - 09/14/22/09/22/18/09/09/17/09/08/03/02/09/08 0��
Metzinowaka����� 17� Y�� 167� - 05/07/00/22/07/20/09/05/14/22/06/06/20/07/17 0��
Pitinosato������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
wolfgangho������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Roundeye�������� 15� Y�� 273� + 22/24/09/22/22/19/11/21/19/30/18/20/15/06/15 40� QA/Y
Unagiyutaka����� 15� Y�� 265� + 09/24/21/21/22/19/22/19/07/04/27/18/16/21/15 30� Y
iwakoko��������� 0�� -�� 244� + 24/11/22/31/22/16/22/21/27/04/04/06/14/20/00 0��
Rikishimiezi���� 3�� -�� 240� + 08/12/24/22/09/16/24/21/22/06/19/28/18/08/03 0��
Tsunamiko������� 5�� -�� 236� + 21/21/22/06/22/16/12/04/19/21/10/28/17/12/05 0��
Hana-ichi������� 10� Y�� 234� + 19/22/12/19/24/18/09/22/07/06/19/07/28/12/10 0��
Sherlockiama���� 22� Y�� 227� + 06/31/22/18/10/06/09/02/18/05/22/18/19/19/22 10� YB/
Watashi��������� 3�� -�� 220� - 09/24/19/22/10/06/22/21/20/09/19/09/18/09/03 5�� KCC-S/
Gaijingai������� 2�� -�� 215� - 11/10/24/22/24/19/09/24/07/08/10/18/18/09/02 15� KCC-J/
ihopeso��������� 5�� -�� 210� - 21/09/11/24/10/05/22/09/22/19/20/17/05/11/05 0��
Takanorappa����� 6�� -�� 194� - 19/22/10/07/22/19/22/07/06/22/03/05/02/22/06 0��
Kintsubasa������ 17� Y�� 148� - 07/07/07/02/08/03/09/18/09/06/07/10/19/19/17 0��
Mukanibaru������ 9�� -�� 135� - 08/07/08/06/22/04/09/08/04/05/20/09/08/08/09 0��
Hidariashiyama�� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Randomitsuki���� --� -�� 0 �����Kyujo����
Taka������������ 12� Y�� 272� + 22/24/22/22/22/03/24/09/20/07/28/17/16/24/12 55� QA/OP/Y
Kitakachiyama��� 5�� -�� 267� + 22/34/22/24/12/03/24/20/19/29/20/21/00/12/05 30� MCP-3/J-Y/
Hokuyutaka������ 5�� -�� 250� + 09/21/20/19/10/17/31/21/09/06/21/32/05/24/05 0��
Kintamayama����� 19� Y�� 249� + 08/24/11/22/21/19/09/07/09/20/19/17/04/40/19 0��
Achiyama�������� 26� Y�� 231� + 11/12/24/12/22/18/08/20/09/19/06/05/18/21/26 0��
Kuroimori������� 16� Y�� 201� - 11/11/06/09/10/19/09/20/19/24/05/11/22/09/16 10� NCP/
Anjoboshi������� 0�� -�� 199� - 21/10/22/21/12/07/19/22/07/21/05/08/15/09/00 0��
McBugger�������� 0�� -�� 198� - 24/19/12/10/24/06/12/09/07/08/18/18/09/22/00 0��
Mmikasazuma����� 3�� -�� 189� - 21/10/17/22/21/02/22/05/06/20/19/05/06/10/03 0��
Leonishiki������ 0�� -�� 172� - 21/05/10/12/20/05/22/21/03/03/08/19/02/21/00 0��
Doitsuyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Nanahachi������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Nekonishiki����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Tenshinhan������ 16� Y�� 261� + 21/24/10/12/22/18/11/21/19/06/18/28/15/20/16 15� J-Y/
Jejima���������� 2�� -�� 255� + 10/21/22/24/22/18/11/18/19/29/18/08/21/12/02 0��
mischashimaru��� 16� Y�� 246� + 19/09/12/07/22/19/22/20/20/19/07/30/18/06/16 0��
Jakusotsu������� 20� Y�� 242� + 21/11/09/11/24/19/11/16/06/24/18/05/15/32/20 0��
Oshirokita��� ���3�� -�� 238� + 20/24/24/22/22/05/22/11/06/06/21/08/04/40/03 0��
Chijanofuji����� 5�� -�� 233� + 21/12/24/09/32/18/19/26/07/06/18/05/02/29/05 0��
Getayukata������ 6�� -�� 213� - 11/24/22/21/12/06/11/21/20/17/09/08/04/21/06 0��
Homuburyuwa����� 15� Y� �210� - 11/09/11/24/10/05/22/09/22/19/10/07/15/21/15 0��
Gurowake�������� 6�� -�� 204� - 09/12/11/10/11/19/12/06/20/20/21/18/05/24/06 0��
Boltbutthamma��� 17� Y�� 203� - 09/24/09/12/09/18/22/19/09/06/21/18/05/05/17 0��
Fujisan��������� 15� Y�� 200� - 21/22/11/09/12/19/21/07/17/19/08/07/03/09/15 0��
Kitahotaru������ 22� Y�� 196� - 06/10/21/09/19/22/24/07/06/22/06/05/05/12/22 0��
Kyodaitimu������ 3�� -�� 192� - 11/14/21/22/11/06/20/07/19/06/07/21/15/09/03 0��
Ekigozan�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Fujiko���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Maguroyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Marushiki������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Sakura���������� 5�� -�� 253� + 22/34/22/09/22/17/09/21/17/27/08/18/00/22/05 15� J-Y/
Aminoumi�������� 19� Y�� 237� + 19/08/07/19/07/04/21/05/20/22/06/22/17/41/19 10 �YB/
andonishiki����� 13� Y�� 234� + 09/22/22/22/12/17/20/11/09/17/06/08/15/31/13 0��
Aoyume���������� 14� Y�� 202� - 19/22/08/10/23/22/09/09/07/21/06/05/16/11/14 0��
Hibarifuji������ 14� Y�� 193� - 19/09/21/08/12/07/22/19/09/09/08/08/20/08/14 0��
Rubensan�������� 0�� -�� 189� - 22/11/22/09/14/18/09/21/07/07/04/19/17/09/00 0��
Wamahada�������� 19� Y�� 189� - 19/08/20/20/10/04/05/10/08/17/22/09/06/12/19 0��
Kamogawa�������� 3�� -�� 166� - 11/11/11/09/09/18/22/07/07/19/08/08/03/20/03 0��
Saruyama������ ��12� Y�� 154� - 20/09/12/08/24/18/06/07/07/08/03/07/04/09/12 0��
chabonowaka����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Daifuku��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Feginowaka������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Itachiyama������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Sarunojima������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
sekihiryu������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Terarno��������� 31� Y�� 250� + 21/33/09/09/11/08/12/21/21/09/20/07/19/19/31 40� Tech/KCC/
Konosato�������� 16� Y�� 242� + 24/24/20/09/11/18/11/21/07/19/20/28/05/09/16 0��
Furanohana������ 12� Y�� 222� + 07/05/07/05/24/07/21/17/17/11/17/22/18/32/12 10� YB/
toonoryu�������� 0�� -�� 201� - 11/24/21/07/21/08/11/09/09/20/08/18/03/31/00 0��
Kaiowaka�������� 2�� -�� 192� - 09/09/22/22/10/06/10/07/19/22/06/19/19/10/02 0��
Damimonay������� 14� Y�� 190� - 19/11/10/05/22/08/24/06/09/10/07/18/17/10/14 0��
Kasamatsuri����� 13� Y�� 163� - 09/06/04/09/09/02/02/29/19/08/09/20/21/03/13 0��
Chimatayama����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
CM_DaviD�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Fatakiyama�� ����--� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Kaiomitsuki����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Kotononami������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Zichi����������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Chisaiyama������ 16� Y�� 263� + 24/24/22/24/24/16/10/08/21/09/30/08/05/22/16 70� Tech/FS/MCP-W/J-Y/
Chocshoporyu���� 18� Y�� 247� + 07/24/22/21/11/07/24/09/20/06/21/17/06/34/18 0��
Fujiyama�������� 3�� -�� 246� + 19/24/11/24/12/05/21/18/19/16/07/28/17/22/03 0��
pandaazuma������ 16� Y�� 243� + 09/24/10/12/21/04/24/21/19/17/21/29/05/11/16 0��
Haidouzo�������� 24� Y�� 224� + 11/24/22/10/11/06/20/11/17/07/20/17/02/22/24 0��
ScreechingOwl��� 3�� -�� 220� - 21/24/32/12/24/05/11/22/13/04/10/08/05/26/03 35� NCP/GOP/MCP-5/
chishafuwaku���� 0�� -�� 210� - 24/33/22/11/22/06/11/21/07/17/08/08/00/20/00 0��
Gawasukotto����� 15� Y�� 210� - 21/09/14/22/10/19/24/10/19/08/05/18/08/08/15 0��
Sebunshu�������� 16� Y�� 199� - 08/14/11/21/22/07/12/06/18/09/19/08/04/24/16 0��
Domichi��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Kuroho���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
nomadwolf������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Oskanohana������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Robocopthat����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Rupatengu������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����
Sokkenaiyama���� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo���
Prize Key:
NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize
FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;
QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;
NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;
KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;
MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);
MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);
J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho