Congratulations to the Ichimon Champions for the 2020 Kyushu (but in Tokyo, and they didn�t change the name) basho...






The Mukadeans pulled out an upset victory by grabbing the top spot on the very last day of the basho.� They overtook the Day 14 leaders, MassaSHEgawa, the runner-up team, Sakura, and the 3rd place Izzies. An 80% win day on senshuraku is a rare thing, and it couldn�t have come at a better time for the 22-time winners.� Their 22.9 IDA effort gave them a final 34 tech pt victroy.� Congrats on your win!


The Muk�s grabbed 2 of 2 KK�s on the last day to give them an overall KK-filled basho (6 out of 10).� Their 22.9 shensuraku score was the basho�s best, and they scored 52.7% wins, making them second best in that category.� The Mukadeans were dominant over the Massies (13-3) and the Sakurans (10-5), which is sure to have contributed to their victory.� They had a bit of trouble with eh second-place Izzies (6-9) and the SFIers (6-13), however.


chishafuwaku was a bonus-pt earning machine, grabbing a yusho, 4th in the MCP, a nakabi prize and tech prize.� Yep, he got four, accounitng for 65 tech pts alone! pandaazuma added an Oputstanng Prize and Chelseayama added a Yaocho Bum.� The Mukadean prize total gave them an ITA bump from prizes (8,18), second only to NPI.� Naturually, with all of those bonuses, chishafuwaku (304)was the top-scroing Centipede, the top-scoring Ichimoner, and the only ichimoner to eclipse the 300-pt mark.



The Izzies finished strong (67% wins and a 21.9 IDA), but their lack of bonuses left them 34 tech pts away from the flag.� Info-Sumo had the best overall win record (54.1%) and crammed 7 of their 9 into the upward-traveling banzuke elevator, yet still finished second! �Their three bonuses are telling � two were Yaocho Bums (Konosato and Furanohana), and the other was a Fighting Spirit (Ooratael).� They fought valiantly, yet couldn�t get the tech pts together for the win.� Toonryu (281) finishes as the top Izzie.



The MassaSHEgawans had it in their grasp!!!� Ultimatelyl, though, they let it slip between their fingers, as senshuraku saw them put together a sub-par showing.� They lost the flag, and fell to third place, finishing 64 tech pts back.� A quick look at the KK/MK results shows that five of the M�s finished with a 7-8 record.� If half of those had truned around, they would have been sitting pretty.� Sigh�� The last minute losses left them with a 48.9% overall win record, and another basho of �wat till next times�.� Looking athose wins, and the lack of GBLs (dead last) and ITA bonus bump (again, dead last), it is surprising that they were this high. �The M�s scored three bonuses � two No Cigars (iwakoko & Roundeye) and Hana-ichi grabbed a jun-yusho.� Hana-ichi (268) was, also, the top-scorin� Massie.�



Sakura was all over the rankings map this time out � from dead-last to second place.� They never quite made it to the top spot, however.� The Blossomers finished three wins in front of even for the basho (51.1%).� The Blossomers end the basho 87 tech pts away from the flag. They grabbed a jun-yusho (Aminoumi) and the GOP (Saruyama) for 35 tech pts of bonuses.� The Mukadeans and Doits agave them a bit of trouble (3-5 and 5-10, resptectively).� 5 of 9 are at a higher rank for Hatsu.� Aminoumi (285) earned top honors as the highst-scorin Blossomer.




The Doit�s light shined bright in the mid part of the basho, where they scored 5 straight winning days.� The final four days weren�t as bight, though.� Day 12 was a 33% win day, Day 13 saw them draw even, Day 14 was a 44% win day, and the final day had just 2 of 9 winners.� They finihed with an overall winning record of 50.4%, but those final days were their downfall � literally.� They slipped from second place into 6th, but managed to end in 5th place.� Their final deficit was 114 tech pts, and they just edged out the SFIers by 5 tech pts to keep 5th place.� When it comes to bonuses, the Doitsugoers outpaced nearly all other ichimons almost 2:1. Two Doits grabbed a total of 5 prizes for a ITA bump of 10.56!� Frinkanohana didn�t just add a Yusho, A tech Prize and the MCP, but was also the top-scoring Doit (287).� Pitinosato added a jun-yusho, and this basho�s instatllment of the Quality Award.




Last basho�s champs weren�t as lucky this time.� The Forumers finished three wins from 0.500 overall, and had 8 days above the 0.500 line. Spending the first half of tthe basho in the top half of the rankings, it looked like they may repeat, but the last third of the basho saw them drop all the way to last place. They saved themselfe from the indignity of going from first to last with a final day 64% win perfromance on senshuraku.� Helping, furhter, of their 4 possible day 15 KK/MK decisions, three went in the KK column.� Thre SFIers grabbed prizes:� Yangnomazuma (Jun-Yusho and 3rd in the MCP), Taka (Fighting Spirit) and Hokuyutaka (NCP and a jun-KCC).� Yangnomazuma (289).�




The North Polers keep their slump gong for a third basho in a row, as they have ended up on the bottom since Nagoya 2020. The Polers dinihsd with the basho�s lowest overall win rate � a 48%.� Their final day 43% win rate cemented their spot a the bottom of the roster, dropping them two places, and finishing 207 tech pts back.� Looking to their bonuses, you wouldn�t think they had a bad bsaho.� The Frosties posted 75 tech pts from 4 prizes:� Marushiki�s Yusho and Tech Prize and Fujsan�s trunaround basho with the KCC and 5th in the MCP.� Marushiki was the top-dog Frostie with a final one-pt-shy of 300 performance.




ICF Gyoji Takanorappa




*     2020 AKI ICF RESULTS


.���������������������������������������� |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon����� #ACT TP�� Bon ITA��� PB� PB+-� ITA+-� Rnk+-� DWP IDA


1�� Mukade������ 11�� 2483 90� 233.91���� +89�� +8.1��� +3��� 80% 22.9

2�� Info-Sumo��� 9��� 2036 35� 230.11 34� +25�� +2.8��� +1��� 67% 21.9

3�� MassaSHEgawa 11�� 2474 35� 228.09 64� -64�� -5.8��� -2��� 45% 14.0

4�� Sakura������ 9��� 1983 35� 224.22 87� -60�� -6.7��� -2��� 33% 12.4

5�� Doitsugo���� 9��� 1896 95� 221.22 114 -05�� -0.6��� +1��� 22% 11.9

6�� SumoForum��� 11�� 2358 70� 220.73 145 +40�� +3.6��� +1��� 64% 20.3

7�� North Pole�� 14�� 2993 75� 219.14 207 -63�� -4.5��� -2��� 43% 13.1

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.




Ichimon�� D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


Mukade��� 231/174/184/116/161/147/146/159/162/103/128/205/154/161/252

Info-Sumo 148/106/147/160/142/147/139/115/093/103/110/145/160/124/197

Mass.���� 178/136/187/144/180/188/189/170/108/133/179/179/162/187/154

Sakura��� 136/186/136/146/097/132/111/108/082/154/127/148/131/177/112

Doitsugo� 163/095/130/145/119/121/131/138/110/151/118/119/126/123/107

SumoForum 199/182/195/166/144/128/143/168/115/132/116/223/119/105/223

NorthPole 214/185/240/198/198/201/180/176/188/204/162/237/194/232/184



.������������������������ | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.������������� �����������|============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |��� 217.4�� |� 215.7 |��� 216.9� |

Daily Points for Today -- |��� 16.3��� |� 17.8� |��� 16.7�� |

Bonus Points (out of 455) |��� 435���� |� 20��� |��� 455��� |

Prizes (out of 30)���� ���|��� 28����� |� 2���� |��� 30���� |



KK/MK STATS��������������������������


��������������� OVERALL��� |� TODAY� �| CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon������ KK� MK� KK%� | KK�� MK� | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo����� 4�� 5�� 44.4 | +1�� (1) |�� 2��� 1�

MassaSHEgawa� 5�� 7�� 45.5 | +0�� (2) |�� 5��� 1�

SumoForum���� 6�� 5�� 54.5 | +3�� (1) |�� 2��� 3�

North Pole��� 6�� 8�� 42.9 | +0�� (1) |�� 3��� 1�

Sakura������� 5�� 4�� 55.6 | +0�� (0) |�� 0��� 1�

Info-Sumo���� 7�� 2�� 77.8 | +3�� (0) |�� 1��� 5�

Mukade������� 7�� 4�� 63.6 | +2�� (0) |�� 0��� 3�





.����� |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI� �Sak.� SFI�� Muk�� Unaff.

=| Doit ---� |1-0� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |---� |3-0� |2-1��

L|� ISI 0-1� |1-1� |2-1� |0-1� |---� |0-1� |---� |0-1��

o| Mass 0-1� |1-2� |---� |2-0� |---� |2-1� |1-0� |1-1��

s|� NPI 1-0� |1-0� |0-2� |---� |1-2� |2-0� |1-1� |3-1��

e|� Sak ---� |---� |---� |2-1� |---� |0-1� |1-0� |3-1��

r|� SFI ---� |1-0� |1-2� |0-2� |1-0� |---� |---� |1-3��

=|� Muk 0-3� |---� |0-1� |1-1� |0-1� |---� |1-1� |0-2��

=|Unaff 1-2� |1-0� |1-1� |1-3� |1-3� |3-1� |2-0� |3-3��

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------

.�� All 2-7� |6-3� |5-7� |6-9� |3-6� |7-4� |9-2� |13-13



OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)� --- Total bouts = 765


.����� |-----------------------WINNER----------------------|

.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI���� Sak.� SFI�� Muk�� Unaff.�

=| Doit 8-8� |14-4 |8-9� |7-7��� |3-5� |5-11 |8-5� |14-19��

L|� ISI 4-14 |4-4� |6-5� |9-9��� |7-6� |7-8� |6-9� |19-18��

o| Mass 9-8� |5-6� |17-17|9-11�� |8-5� |12-13|13-3 |19-25��

s|� NPI 7-7� |9-9� |11-9 |17-17� |16-10|9-11 |16-12|32-33��

e|� Sak 5-3� |6-7� |5-8� |10-16� |5-5� |4-9� |10-5 |21-16��

r|� SFI 11-5 |8-7� |13-12|11-9�� |9-4� |8-8� |6-13 |19-22��

=|� Muk 5-8� |9-6� |3-13 |12-16� |5-10 |13-6 |10-10|21-18��

=|Unaff 19-14|18-19|25-19|33-32� |16-21|22-19|18-21|47-47��


.�� All 68-67|73-62|88-92|108-117|69-66|80-85|87-78|192-198

.� Win% 50.4%|54.1%|48.9%|48%��� |51.1%|48.5%|52.7%|49.2%��



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon������ || ��M�� |�� J�� |� ms�� |� sd�� |� jd�� |


Doitsugo����� ||� 2-3� |� 0-2� |� 0-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

MassaSHEgawa� ||� 1-0� |� 4-4� |� 0-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

SumoForum���� ||� 3-2� |� 1-2� |� 3-0� |� ---� |� ---� |

North Pole��� ||� 1-5� |� 2-1� |� 3-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

Sakura������� ||� 1-1� |� 0-1� |� 1-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

Info-Sumo���� ||� 3-2� |� 0-1� |� 3-0� |� ---� |� ---� |

Mukade������� ||� 5-2� |� 1-0� |� 2-0� |� ---� |� ---� |





Ichimon������ ||�� M��� |�� J��� |� ms��� |� sd��� |� jd��� |


Doitsugo����� ||� 37-38 |� 20-10 |� 11-19 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

MassaSHEgawa� ||� 9-6�� |� 60-60 |� 16-14 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

SumoForum���� ||� 38-37 |� 22-23 |� 20-25 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

North Pole��� ||� 39-51 |� 21-24 |� 44-31 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Sakura������� ||� 14-16 |� 9-6�� |� 23-22 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Info-Sumo���� ||� 42-33 |� 8-7�� |� 23-22 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Mukade������� ||� 56-49 |� 9-6�� |� 14-16 |� ---�� |� ---�� |





Day || Doit��� ISI���� Mass��� NPI���� Sak���� SFI���� Muk��� Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1�� || 66.7%�� 44.4%�� 50.0%�� 33.3%�� 44.4%�� 63.6%�� 72.7%� 42.3%

2�� || 22.2%�� 33.3%�� 33.3%�� 33.3%�� 88.9%�� 63.6%�� 63.6%� 57.7%

3�� || 44.4%�� 55.6%�� 50.0%�� 53.3%�� 44.4%�� 54.5%�� 54.5%� 46.2%

4�� || 55.6%�� 77.8%�� 41.7%�� 53.3%�� 55.6%�� 54.5%�� 27.3%� 46.2%

5�� || 44.4%�� 55.6%�� 50.0%�� 53.3%�� 22.2%�� 45.5%�� 45.5%� 61.5%

6�� || 44.4%�� 55.6%�� 75.0%�� 40.0%�� 55.6%�� 36.4%�� 45.5%� 50.0%

7�� || 66.7%�� 66.7%�� 58.3%�� 53.3%�� 33.3%�� 45.5%�� 45.5%� 42.3%

8�� || 55.6%�� 55.6%�� 58.3%�� 40.0%�� 44.4%�� 63.6%�� 54.5%� 42.3%

9�� || 66.7%�� 44.4%�� 33.3%�� 60.0%�� 33.3%�� 36.4%�� 72.7%� 50.0%

10� || 66.7%�� 44.4%�� 41.7%�� 60.0%�� 77.8%�� 54.5%�� 27.3%� 42.3%

11� || 55.6%�� 44.4%�� 58.3%�� 40.0%�� 66.7%�� 36.4%�� 36.4%� 57.7%

12� || 33.3%�� 55.6%�� 50.0%�� 46.7%�� 55.6%�� 63.6%�� 63.6%� 42.3%

13� || 66.7%�� 77.8%�� 50.0%�� 46.7%�� 55.6%�� 27.3%�� 45.5%� 46.2%

14� || 44.4%�� 33.3%�� 41.7%�� 66.7%�� 55.6%�� 18.2%�� 54.5%� 61.5%

15� || 22.2%�� 66.7%�� 41.7%�� 40.0%�� 33.3%�� 63.6%�� 81.8%� 50.0%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit�� ISI��� Mass�� NPI��� Sak��� SFI��� Muk���


1�� || 18.1�� 16.4�� 16.2�� 15.3�� 15.1�� 18.1�� 21.0��

2�� || 10.6�� 11.8�� 12.4�� 13.2�� 20.7�� 16.5�� 15.8��

3�� || 14.4�� 16.3�� 17.0�� 17.1�� 15.1�� 17.7�� 16.7��

4�� || 16.1�� 17.8� �13.1�� 14.1�� 16.2�� 15.1�� 10.5��

5�� || 13.2�� 15.8�� 16.4�� 14.1�� 10.8�� 13.1�� 14.6��

6�� || 13.4�� 16.3�� 17.1�� 14.4�� 14.7�� 11.6�� 13.4��

7�� || 14.6�� 15.4�� 17.2�� 12.9�� 12.3�� 13.0�� 13.3��

9�� || 12.2�� 10.3�� 9.8��� 13.4�� 9.1��� 10.5� �14.7��

10� || 16.8�� 11.4�� 12.1�� 14.6�� 17.1�� 12.0�� 9.4���

11� || 13.1�� 12.2�� 16.3�� 11.6�� 14.1�� 10.5�� 11.6��

12� || 13.2�� 16.1�� 16.3�� 16.9�� 16.4�� 20.3�� 18.6��

13� || 14.0�� 17.8�� 14.7�� 13.9�� 14.6�� 10.8�� 14.0��

14� || 13.7�� 13.8 ��17.0�� 16.6�� 19.7�� 9.5��� 14.6��

15� || 11.9�� 21.9�� 14.0�� 13.1�� 12.4�� 20.3�� 22.9��



RANK by Day


.���� ������|---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon����� 1� 2� 3� 4� 5� 6� 7� 8� 9� 10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo���� 2� 4� 7� 6� 7� 7� 7� 6� 5� 2� 2� 6� 5� 6� 5�

Info-Sumo��� 4� 7� 6� 4� 3� 1� 1� 2� 3� 3� 4� 5� 2� 3� 2�

MassaSHEgawa 5� 5� 5� 7� 5� 4� 2� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 3�

North Pole�� 6� 6� 4� 5� 6� 6� 6� 7� 6� 7� 7� 7� 7� 5� 7�

Sakura������ 7� 2� 3� 2� 4� 2� 5� 5� 7� 5� 3� 4� 3� 2� 4�

SumoForum��� 3� 3� 2� 1� 1� 3� 4� 3� 4� 6� 6� 3� 6� 7� 6�

Mukade������ 1� 1� 1� 3� 2� 5� 3� 4� 2� 4� 5� 2� 4� 4� 1�



Misc. Stats


������������ TPS� AvgTPS PS�� AvgPS� HiDWP�� LoDWP�� HiIDA�� LoIDA��


Doitsugo���� 0��� 0.00�� 4��� 0.44��� 67%���� 22%��� 18.1��� 10.6���

Info-Sumo��� 3��� 0.33�� 5��� 0.56��� 78%���� 33%��� 21.9��� 10.3���

MassaSHEgawa 1��� 0.09�� 8��� 0.73��� 73%���� 36%��� 17.2��� 09.8���

Mukade������ 1��� 0.09�� 11�� 1.00��� 73%���� 27%��� 22.9��� 09.4���

North Pole�� 1��� 0.07� �9��� 0.64��� 64%���� 36%��� 17.1��� 11.6���

Sakura������ 0��� 0.00�� 2��� 0.22��� 89%���� 22%��� 20.7��� 09.1���

SumoForum��� 2��� 0.18�� 8��� 0.73��� 64%���� 18%��� 20.3��� 09.5���


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon����� RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt� AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo���� 1176� 680��� 40��� 130.7� 75.6�� 4.44� 10.56� 39��� 4.33

Info-Sumo��� 1236� 730��� 70��� 137.3� 81.1�� 7.78� 3.89�� 34��� 3.78

MassaSHEgawa 1574� 850��� 50��� 143.1� 77.3�� 4.55� 3.18�� 31��� 2.82

North Pole�� 1893� 1040�� 60��� 135.2� 74.3�� 4.29� 5.36�� 44��� 3.14

Sakura������ 1243� 690��� 50��� 138.1� 76.7�� 5.56� 3.89�� 43��� 4.78

SumoForum��� 1498� 800��� 60��� 136.2� 72.7�� 5.45� 6.36�� 53��� 4.82

Mukade������ 1416� 790��� 60�� �128.7� 71.8�� 5.45� 8.18�� 36��� 3.27

RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





���������������� Day Win Tot��� Daily Points�������������������������������� Bon

Player���������� Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




Frinkanohana���� 12� -�� 287� + 22/07/22/22/11/21/22/08/15/21/32/26/22/24/12 70� Tech/MCP-W/Y

Pitinosato������ 5�� -�� 282� + 21/24/20/32/12/19/19/03/15/29/17/21/24/21/05 25� QA/J-Y/

Holleshoryu����� 7�� -�� 245� + 22/19/11/20/22/22/22/06/15/31/07/10/22/09/07 0��

Flohru���������� 32� Y�� 237� + 22/06/10/11/06/22/19/20/05/16/19/10/09/30/32 0��

Metzinowaka����� 6�� -�� 207� - 11/09/19/08/22/07/16/10/17/22/07/30/16/07/06 0 ��

tainosen�������� 17� Y�� 183� - 22/08/06/23/22/08/07/19/18/05/00/07/15/06/17 0��

wolfgangho������ 12� -�� 175� - 12/11/31/05/08/09/17/19/07/17/15/03/03/06/12 0��

Kitanoyama������ 8�� -�� 149� - 22/04/05/18/13/06/06/24/15/04/13/04/03/04/08 0��

Yassier��������� 8�� -�� 131� - 09/07/06/06/03/07/03/29/03/06/08/08/12/16/08 0��

Mariohana������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Hana-ichi������� 8�� -�� 268� + 22/11/22/19/22/22/19/19/24/19/19/24/09/09/08 15� J-Y/

Kintsubasa������ 10� -�� 248� + 12/19/22/19/22/12/10/07/04/21/21/19/31/19/10 0��

Takanorappa����� 22� Y�� 246� + 12/05/26/09/10/17/23/18/17/18/22/09/06/32/22 0��

Gaijingai������� 24� Y�� 239� + 22/08/19/18/08/21/09/22/20/17/05/09/05/32/24 0��

Unagiyutaka����� 3�� -�� 232� + 10/21/22/07/22/21/10/20/04/21/19/34/07/11/03 0��

iwakoko��������� 7�� -�� 225� - 19/22/11/24/12/19/19/08/02/07/11/11/22/31/07 10� NCP/

Sherlockiama���� 21� Y�� 215� - 22/09/12/07/24/19/29/16/02/07/11/06/21/09/21 0��

Watashi��������� 10� -�� 213� - 11/21/10/21/19/07/11/24/07/11/19/19/16/07/10 10� NCP/

Roundeye�������� 24� Y�� 207� - 30/07/12/05/08/09/19/08/18/00/19/22/17/09/24 0��

Rikishimiezi���� 17� Y�� 201� - 09/06/21/09/22/20/19/06/05/08/09/10/21/19/17 0��

Tsunamiko������� 8�� -�� 180� - 09/07/10/06/11/21/21/22/05/04/24/16/07/09/08 0��

Akishiki�������� 6�� -�� 142� - 21/07/05/07/08/21/09/08/04/06/06/21/07/06/06 0��

ihopeso��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Mukanibaru������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Yangnomazuma���� 11� -�� 289� + 22/19/20/22/24/20/09/21/25/09/22/31/22/12/11 30� MCP-3/J-Y/

Achiyama�������� 21� Y�� 252� + 24/21/29/21/19/12/06/07/07/20/05/24/09/27/21 0��

Mmikasazuma����� 20� Y�� 244� + 22/21/26/22/19/11/06/17/06/18/03/40/07/06/20 0��

Taka������������ 34� Y�� 242� + 33/24/24/08/20/06/19/18/05/07/07/20/09/08/34 15� FS/

Hokuyutaka������ 12� -�� 240� - 24/24/12/32/19/07/22/09/08/09/22/09/20/11/12 25� NCP/KCC-J/

Kitakachiyama��� 31� Y�� 240� + 21/09/10/22/10/18/11/03/02/16/09/30/29/19/31 0��

Kashunowaka����� 34� Y�� 211� + 22/09/22/04/07/19/18/21/15/15/06/10/03/06/34 0��

Kuroimori������� 22� Y�� 192� - 09/22/22/21/07/02/05/22/20/16/05/10/06/03/22 0��

Kintamayama����� 9�� -�� 176� - 09/19/09/03/09/19/20/09/17/05/17/21/05/05/09 0��

Atenzan��������� 7�� -�� 144� - 07/08/09/06/07/06/09/19/04/17/15/24/04/02/07 0��

Nekonishiki�� ���22� Y�� 128� - 06/06/12/05/03/08/18/22/06/00/05/04/05/06/22 0��

Anjoboshi������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Leonishiki������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Nanahachi������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Marushiki������� 19� Y�� 299� + 24/22/22/21/24/10/18/21/24/22/19/23/21/09/19 45� Tech/Y

Fujisan��������� 22� Y�� 279� + 11/20/22/21/20/20/22/08/04/07/24/34/12/32/22 30� KCC/MCP-5/

Tenshinhan������ 24� Y�� 250� + 24/20/09/19/19/22/06/08/18/17/04/30/09/21/24 0��

Boltbutthamma��� 6�� -�� 245� + 10/11/19/19/12/21/21/20/05/19/19/11/30/22/06 0��

Chijanofuji����� 9�� -�� 229� + 12/05/22/17/22/21/17/18/15/29/07/09/20/06/09 0��

Jejima���������� 9�� -�� 218� - 12/09/09/07/19/31/05/21/07/17/21/30/05/16/09 0��

Fujiko���������� 5�� -�� 217� + 21/22/21/08/08/22/06/04/17/19/05/07/20/32/05 0��

Homuburyuwa����� 7�� -�� 191� - 08/22/30/09/06/07/08/04/24/13/06/18/19/10/07 0��

Kyodaitimu������ 24� Y�� 191� - 30/08/08/19/17/09/05/09/18/00/02/20/07/15/24 0��

Gurowake�������� 16� Y�� 189� - 07/09/07/16/09/12/20/22/05/06/17/11/16/16/16 0��

Jakusotsu������� 22� Y�� 189� - 24/11/12/09/10/07/07/07/05/19/21/11/13/11/22 0��

Kitahotaru������ 6�� -�� 186� - 11/09/29/09/21/06/21/08/07/21/08/09/17/04/06 0��

Getayukata������ 10� -�� 170� - 09/10/11/18/06/07/21/19/20/06/07/07/02/17/10 0��

Baku������������ 2�� -�� 154� - 06/05/09/05/19/11/19/08/19/05/08/08/09/21/02 0��

Oshirokita������ 5�� -�� 140� - 11/07/19/06/05/06/03/07/19/09/02/17/03/21/05 0��

mischashimaru��� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Aminoumi�������� 12� -�� 285� + 21/24/19/22/22/20/09/18/05/28/19/20/22/24/12 15� J-Y/

Saruyama�������� 6�� -�� 275� + 11/26/19/16/22/20/13/03/05/19/21/30/32/32/06 20� GOP/

Rubensan�������� 22� Y�� 253� + 24/20/09/24/06/06/23/09/21/19/19/11/09/31/22 0��

Wamahada�������� 19� Y�� 240� + 10/26/11/19/06/09/19/05/03/19/19/22/22/31/19 0��

Hibarifuji������ 8�� -�� 203� + 06/20/00/09/06/19/06/20/20/19/16/19/04/31/08 0��

andonishiki����� 11� -�� 197� - 14/21/30/21/09/08/05/18/17/06/07/09/16/05/11 0��

Kuramarujo������ 5�� -�� 194� - 18/22/09/19/09/22/09/09/07/19/19/10/06/11/05 0��

Itachiyama������ 12� -�� 186� - 12/20/19/09/09/21/18/20/02/20/04/09/04/07/12 0��

Aoyume���������� 17� Y�� 150� - 20/07/20/07/08/07/09/06/02/05/03/18/16/05/17 0��

chabonowaka����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Kamogawa�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Sakura���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

sekihiryu������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Tamaeiki�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





toonoryu�������� 24� Y�� 281� + 12/18/22/19/09/20/22/21/15/07/32/09/19/32/24 0��

Kaiowaka�������� 21� Y�� 261� + 09/08/22/07/30/24/20/07/18/09/20/22/31/13/21 0��

Oortael��������� 11� -�� 247� + 24/11/29/24/19/10/09/18/04/19/17/34/09/09/11 15� FS/

Damimonay������� 34� Y�� 229� + 11/20/21/21/21/09/18/07/05/20/07/06/23/06/34 0��

Kotononami������ 34� Y�� 221� + 24/09/09/21/09/11/21/19/20/00/13/18/08/05/34 0��

Konosato�������� 11� -�� 217� + 09/12/07/26/20/21/02/16/16/04/06/21/18/28/11 10� YB/

Kasamatsuri����� 20� Y�� 195� - 29/02/07/17/06/09/21/05/03/22/06/19/19/10/20 0��

Terarno��������� 11� -�� 194� - 11/18/08/22/09/21/06/03/07/22/07/09/19/21/11 0��

Furanohana������ 31� Y�� 191� + 19/08/22/03/19/22/20/19/05/00/02/07/14/00/31 10� YB/

Chimatayama����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





chishafuwaku���� 21� Y�� 304� + 32/22/22/21/24/22/21/28/04/17/07/21/22/20/21 65� Tech/NNP/MCP-4/Y

pandaazuma������ 24� Y�� 255� + 22/21/22/09/19/19/05/19/18/05/27/31/08/06/24 15� OP/

Kaito����������� 20� Y�� 238� + 24/22/10/22/20/09/16/05/17/17/05/11/09/31/20 0��

Unkonoyama������ 12� -�� 237� + 24/22/24/09/08/20/06/20/18/06/07/21/33/07/12 0��

Domichi��������� 34� Y�� 220� + 11/17/21/00/08/20/22/21/20/04/05/12/07/18/34 0��

Fujiyama�������� 28� Y�� 219� + 22/09/24/04/05/07/12/08/16/20/20/19/14/11/28 0��

Chelseayama����� 29� Y�� 217� + 22/03/21/06/22/07/21/05/05/05/07/24/21/19/29 10� YB/

Gawasukotto����� 24� Y�� 203� - 24/07/08/08/27/09/09/08/09/09/18/09/13/21/24 0��

Chocshoporyu���� 24� Y�� 198� - 24/22/13/07/09/06/08/19/20/05/06/30/03/02/24 0��

Oskanohana������ 24� Y�� 196� - 14/10/10/21/08/19/06/08/19/06/09/08/17/17/24 0��

ScreechingOwl��� 12� -�� 196� - 12/19/09/09/11/09/20/18/16/09/17/19/07/09/12 0��

Haidouzo�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Kuroho���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Sebunshu�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����



Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho