Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Aki Ichimon Championship Flag (ICF)








The Forumers over take the Izzies on the final push, but it wasn’t with the day 15 scores.  The Izzies out meh’d the Forumers 16.8 to 12.8 in daily points.  Where the SFIers overtook the day 14 leaders was in bonus prizes, outscoring ISI 105 vs. 45 (or 10.5 to 4.6 ITA pts).  The ISI prizes – 9 – gave them the propulsion to get the flag.  The final push left the SFIers 14 tech pts ahead of the It’s their 19th win, and their first since Natsu.  We wish you my happiness in gazing upon it’s wonderful purpleness, and hope that it make you think of sharing with others ;-)


Let’s point out the luminaries of the SFI squad for this basho.  First, and foremost is our newly minted Yokozuna, Taka.  He posted the SFI high in indie pts (3rd overall), as well as contributing a jun-yusho, the Quality award and 4th in the MCP.  Well, done, top-dog.  Kuroimori took a jun-yusho and the Juryo version of the QA.  Yangnomazuma was bumming yaocho.  Atenzan was quite Outstanding, and Kashunowaka enjoyed 5th place in the MCP, while eskewing cigars.


SFI was second in overall win percentage with an 80-70 (53.3%) mark.  They, also, edged out ISI for top spot on the GBL front, gaining 4.6 ITA pts on the merits of 46 GBLs.




I feel kind of sorry for the Izzies. They had a great basho, but, ultimately, fell short by just a jun-yusho’s worth of points.  The ISI team took home the basho’s best overall win rate (54.8%).  They had the second best showing in GBLs (41 for a 4.56 IT Apt bump).  They had the basho’s only 100% win day (on Senshuraku, no less).  They even outdueled SFI in head-to-heads 12-5.  Where they fell short was in a sky-high scorer – Kaiowaka, ISI’s top dog,  at 265 was the 7th  overall. 




The Eventual Winners™ lost a bit of ground in the final day.  They were just under the Ichimoner daily average, and ended the basho 107 tech points (9.8 ITA pts) away.  That’s a good bi tbetter than the near-the-bottom start to their basho. They put up the third best overall win rate (52.7%)< and were right up their in GBL bumps (3.64 – good enough for 3rd).  Akishiki was the top Massie with 273 pts.  There were just three bonuses earned by the M’s:  Akishiki’s Yusho and third-place MCP finish, and Tsunamiko’s No Cigar. 




The Blossomers spent all of the basho under the total ichimoner average.  Their senshuraku showing was nice, though, as they put up the day’s second best effort – a 67%, 19.4 IDA push.  They ate away 3.2 ITA pts of their gap to first, but, ultimately, fell 207 tech pts behind.  Still, a two-rank jump on day 15 is a nice thing.  Aoyume really shined this time out gaining 284 indie pts, which was second-best overall.  Toss in a Juryo yusho, a jun-KCC and 5th in the MCP, and you have a nice September. :-)  Andonishiki was a bit more torikumi-challenged, as a 2nd in the MCP yielded just an 8-7 (you might want to get out the checkbook, next basho, Ando.).  Team Sakura finished just two win decisions away from a 50% overall winning basho, and 50% of the Blossomers will be moving up the banzuke.




Fall isn’t the season for Frosties, I suppose.  NPI  Senshuraku was, though!  The Polers put up the day’s best performance, getting 75% wins and a 19.9 IDA.  Despite all that, they fell a rank to the Sakurans.  Why?  Well, what stands out is the giant goose egg in the bonus column.  The Polers failed to grab any of the prize bonanza, this time.. The 19.9 day left them 222+ tech pts away from the flag.  Even with that gap, 8 of the 12 NPIers will enjoy a Kyushu banzuke bump!  Oshirokita, with 245 pts, was the top Frostie.




Doitsugo left the Aki battlefield with a big 27 ITA pt gap to the winners.  Senshuraku wasn’t kind to them, as 38% of the Doit’s bouts had the gumbai pointed to them.  Still, with 4 bonuses, the Doits gained a ranking point, and left the ICF basement floor.  Heading it all up was the defeater of our newly minted (as in “minting a coin”, not “putting mint leaves all over) Yokozuna, tainosen.  tainosen took home the big yusho, the MCP and a tech prize, as well as bringing in the top overall indie pts of the basho!  To round out the Doit’s 75 bonus pts, Metzinowaka made it to the semi-finals of the KCC.




You know it’s an odd basho when Mukade doesn’t do well – and they didn’t do well.  Last time’s champs fell as far from that mark as they could, this time.  A 50% win day gave them an 46.7% overall win rate for Aki.  That low mark will not get you glory.  There were no bonuses for the Centipedean Horde™, and they were 3 for ten on KKs.  The final gap to the winners was a tick below the NPI mark, leaving them 270 tech pts out.  Kaito was the top Mukadean with 254.




ICF Gyoji Takanorappa


NOTE: As always, you can go to to get the full statistics. For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance (at the same site).  Check out the Misc. Basho Stats there, too.  I’ll guarantee you that your shikona is in there.





.                                         |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon      #ACT TP   Bon ITA    PB  PB+-  ITA+-  Rnk+-  DWP IDA


.                                         |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon      #ACT TP   Bon ITA    PB  PB+-  ITA+-  Rnk+-  DWP IDA


1   SumoForum    10   2319 105 242.4      +00   +0.0    +1    30% 12.8

2   Info-Sumo    9    2123 45  240.89 14  -14   -1.5    -1    44% 16.8

3   MassaSHEgawa 11   2504 55  232.64 107 -21   -1.9     0    45% 16.4

4   Sakura       12   2617 85  225.17 207 +39   +3.2    +2    67% 19.4

5   North Pole   12   2671 0   222.58 238 -40   -3.4    -1    75% 19.9

6   Doitsugo     8    1650 75  215.63 214 -02   -0.3    +1    38% 13.6

7   Mukade       10   2154 0   215.4  270 -88   -8.8    -2    50% 14.5

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.





Ichimon   D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


SumoForum 150/094/157/176/179/156/135/177/129/186/207/142/160/143/128

Info-Sumo 188/150/162/116/156/131/112/145/088/143/204/111/130/136/151

Mass.     127/134/164/165/200/181/159/167/088/236/251/171/156/125/180

Sakura    162/098/174/205/162/194/182/168/163/174/251/112/180/159/233

NorthPole 160/181/188/193/172/119/165/165/141/222/183/130/199/214/239

Doitsugo  123/098/126/126/130/110/090/123/103/080/187/085/091/069/109

Mukade    135/086/156/164/158/161/126/132/147/152/193/072/160/167/145



.                         | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.                         |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |    222.8   |  216.1 |    220.6  |

Daily Points for Today -- |    16.5    |  15.2  |    16.1   |

Bonus Points (out of 425) |    365     |  60    |    425    |

Prizes (out of 29)        |    24      |  5     |    29     |





.               OVERALL    |  TODAY   | CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon       KK  MK  KK%  | KK   MK  | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo      2   6   25.0 | +0   (2) |   2    0 

MassaSHEgawa  6   5   54.5 | +1   (1) |   2    1 

SumoForum     6   4   60.0 | +1   (1) |   2    3 

North Pole    8   4   66.7 | +3   (1) |   2    3 

Sakura        6   6   50.0 | +3   (1) |   3    5 

Info-Sumo     6   3   66.7 | +2   (2) |   3    3 

Mukade        3   7   30.0 | +0   (1) |   2    0 





.      |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI   Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff.

=| Doit ---  |---  |---  |---  |2-1  |0-1  |0-1  |3-0  

L|  ISI ---  |---  |---  |1-1  |0-1  |0-1  |1-0  |3-1  

o| Mass ---  |---  |1-1  |3-1  |1-0  |1-1  |0-1  |0-1  

s|  NPI ---  |1-1  |1-3  |---  |1-0  |---  |---  |0-5  

e|  Sak 1-2  |1-0  |0-1  |0-1  |---  |0-2  |1-0  |1-2  

r|  SFI 1-0  |1-0  |1-1  |---  |2-0  |1-1  |1-0  |0-1  

=|  Muk 1-0  |0-1  |1-0  |---  |0-1  |0-1  |2-2  |1-0  

=|Unaff 0-3  |1-3  |1-0  |5-0  |2-1  |1-0  |0-1  |8-8  

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------

.   All 3-5  |4-5  |5-6  |9-3  |8-4  |3-7  |5-5  |16-18



OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)  --- Total bouts = 795


.      |----------------------WINNER---------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI   Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff. 

=| Doit 5-5  |9-3  |9-3  |7-5  |5-10 |7-3  |8-10 |18-13  

L|  ISI 3-9  |5-5  |3-6  |8-11 |9-7  |5-12 |7-8  |21-16  

o| Mass 3-9  |6-3  |11-11|14-11|7-11 |10-4 |8-7  |19-31  

s|  NPI 5-7  |11-8 |11-14|7-7  |14-15|5-4  |10-6 |24-32  

e|  Sak 10-5 |7-9  |11-7 |15-14|8-8  |4-12 |9-8  |28-25  

r|  SFI 3-7  |12-5 |4-10 |4-5  |12-4 |8-8  |7-14 |20-27  

=|  Muk 10-8 |8-7  |7-8  |6-10 |8-9  |14-7 |9-9  |18-12  

=|Unaff 13-18|16-21|31-19|32-24|25-28|27-20|12-18|103-103


.   All 52-68|74-61|87-78|93-87|88-92|80-70|70-80|251-259

.  Win% 43.3%|54.8%|52.7%|51.7%|48.9%|53.3%|46.7%|49.2%  



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon       ||   M   |   J   |  ms   |  sd   |  jd   |


Doitsugo      ||  3-2  |  ---  |  0-3  |  ---  |  ---  |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  2-1  |  1-3  |  1-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

SumoForum     ||  2-3  |  0-2  |  1-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

North Pole    ||  2-1  |  5-0  |  2-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Sakura        ||  1-2  |  3-0  |  2-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Info-Sumo     ||  2-3  |  0-1  |  2-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Mukade        ||  3-3  |  1-2  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |





Ichimon       ||   M    |   J    |  ms    |  sd    |  jd    |


Doitsugo      ||  33-42 |  ---   |  19-26 |  ---   |  ---   |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  24-21 |  26-34 |  26-19 |  ---   |  ---   |

SumoForum     ||  44-31 |  15-15 |  21-24 |  ---   |  ---   |

North Pole    ||  21-24 |  37-38 |  28-17 |  ---   |  ---   |

Sakura        ||  21-24 |  21-24 |  18-27 |  ---   |  ---   |

Info-Sumo     ||  42-33 |  10-5  |  22-23 |  ---   |  ---   |

Mukade        ||  41-49 |  23-22 |  ---   |  ---   |  ---   |





Day || Doit    ISI     Mass    NPI     Sak     SFI     Muk    Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1   || 62.5%   100.0%  27.3%   41.7%   50.0%   50.0%   40.0%  47.1%

2   || 50.0%   88.9%   54.5%   75.0%   16.7%   20.0%   20.0%  58.8%

3   || 62.5%   66.7%   54.5%   50.0%   50.0%   60.0%   50.0%  38.2%

4   || 50.0%   22.2%   36.4%   50.0%   58.3%   60.0%   50.0%  55.9%

5   || 50.0%   55.6%   63.6%   41.7%   25.0%   60.0%   50.0%  52.9%

6   || 37.5%   44.4%   63.6%   8.3%    66.7%   60.0%   60.0%  52.9%

7   || 37.5%   44.4%   63.6%   58.3%   58.3%   50.0%   40.0%  47.1%

8   || 50.0%   55.6%   45.5%   41.7%   41.7%   70.0%   30.0%  55.9%

9   || 50.0%   33.3%   27.3%   58.3%   66.7%   60.0%   70.0%  44.1%

10  || 12.5%   44.4%   81.8%   75.0%   41.7%   50.0%   50.0%  44.1%

11  || 62.5%   66.7%   63.6%   16.7%   66.7%   60.0%   40.0%  44.1%

12  || 50.0%   55.6%   72.7%   41.7%   41.7%   70.0%   30.0%  47.1%

13  || 25.0%   44.4%   54.5%   66.7%   41.7%   60.0%   60.0%  47.1%

14  || 12.5%   55.6%   36.4%   75.0%   41.7%   40.0%   60.0%  55.9%

15  || 37.5%   44.4%   45.5%   75.0%   66.7%   30.0%   50.0%  47.1%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit   ISI    Mass   NPI    Sak    SFI    Muk   


1   || 15.4   20.9   11.6   13.3   13.5   15.0   13.5  

2   || 12.3   16.7   12.2   15.1   8.2    9.4    8.6   

3   || 15.8   18.0   14.9   15.7   14.5   15.7   15.6  

4   || 15.8   12.9   15.0   16.1   17.1   17.6   16.4  

5   || 16.3   17.3   18.2   14.3   13.5   17.9   15.8  

6   || 13.8   14.6   16.5   9.9    16.2   15.6   16.1  

7   || 11.3   12.4   14.5   13.8   15.2   13.5   12.6  

9   || 12.9   9.8    8.0    11.8   13.6   12.9   14.7  

10  || 10.0   15.9   21.5   18.5   14.5   18.6   15.2  

11  || 23.4   22.7   22.8   15.3   20.9   20.7   19.3  

12  || 10.6   12.3   15.5   10.8   9.3    14.2   7.2   

13  || 11.4   14.4   14.2   16.6   15.0   16.0   16.0  

14  || 8.6    15.1   11.4   17.8   13.3   14.3   16.7  

15  || 13.6   16.8   16.4   19.9   19.4   12.8   14.5  



RANK by Day


.           |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo     2  3  3  3  3  3  4  4  3  7  4  4  7  7  6 

Info-Sumo    1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  2 

MassaSHEgawa 7  5  5  6  5  4  3  3  5  3  3  3  3  3  3 

North Pole   6  2  2  2  4  6  6  6  7  4  7  6  5  4  5 

Sakura       4  7  7  7  7  7  7  5  6  6  5  5  4  6  4 

SumoForum    3  4  4  4  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  1  2  1 

Mukade       5  6  6  5  6  5  5  7  4  5  6  7  6  5  7 



Misc. Stats


             TPS  AvgTPS PS   AvgPS  HiDWP   LoDWP   HiIDA   LoIDA  


Doitsugo     0    0.00   7    0.88    63%     13%    23.4    08.6   

Info-Sumo    0    0.00   3    0.33    100%    22%    22.7    09.8   

MassaSHEgawa 0    0.00   9    0.82    82%     27%    22.8    08.0   

Mukade       0    0.00   8    0.80    70%     20%    19.3    07.2   

North Pole   0    0.00   6    0.50    75%     08%    19.9    09.9   

Sakura       1    0.08   8    0.67    67%     17%    20.9    08.2   

SumoForum    0    0.00   7    0.70    70%     20%    20.7    09.4   


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon      RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt  AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo     1110  520    20    138.8  65.0   2.50  9.38   29    3.63

Info-Sumo    1323  740    60    147.0  82.2   6.67  5.00   41    4.56

MassaSHEgawa 1574  870    60    143.1  79.1   5.45  5.00   40    3.64

North Pole   1661  930    80    138.4  77.5   6.67  0.00   31    2.58

Sakura       1677  880    60    139.8  73.3   5.00  7.08   21    1.75

SumoForum    1459  800    60    145.9  80.0   6.00  10.50  46    4.60

Mukade       1424  700    30    142.4  70.0   3.00  0.00   35    3.50

RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





.                Day Win Tot    Daily Points                                 Bon

Player           Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




tainosen         30  Y   292  + 22/21/19/24/09/22/17/22/28/19/24/19/07/09/30 70  Tech/MCP-W/Y

Flohru           9   -   265  + 20/06/21/22/22/22/09/24/18/07/41/05/20/19/09 0  

Metzinowaka      10  -   221  - 21/19/22/24/22/09/21/08/08/09/20/00/21/07/10 5   KCC-S/

Mariohana        9   -   209  - 17/04/21/22/24/09/08/21/15/09/29/03/09/09/09 0  

Pitinosato       18  Y   205  - 22/22/22/11/12/09/19/09/08/07/24/05/11/06/18 0  

Holleshoryu      19  Y   194  - 09/18/07/09/24/09/06/09/20/12/22/17/07/06/19 0  

Frinkanohana     9   -   157  - 09/06/09/09/12/22/06/09/03/09/19/17/09/09/09 0  

Kitanoyama       5   -   107  - 03/02/05/05/05/08/04/21/03/08/08/19/07/04/05 0  

wolfgangho       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Yassier          --  -   0      Kyujo    





Akishiki         22  Y   273  + 06/16/07/12/24/21/21/22/05/22/30/25/21/19/22 45  MCP-3/Y

Gaijingai        31  Y   269  + 09/06/21/22/12/19/19/11/17/22/24/27/08/21/31 0  

iwakoko          6   -   253  + 19/21/19/12/12/19/19/09/16/32/20/25/19/05/06 0  

Roundeye         22  Y   250  + 10/19/20/22/22/09/19/19/06/22/40/03/06/11/22 0  

Watashi          8   -   250  + 21/16/24/22/07/22/19/11/05/20/32/17/10/16/08 0  

Hana-ichi        31  Y   228  + 22/21/19/09/22/21/06/09/05/22/12/18/05/06/31 0  

Tsunamiko        12  -   222  - 09/04/25/24/22/24/18/10/05/12/24/05/21/07/12 10  NCP/

Kintsubasa       19  Y   197  - 07/06/07/10/24/21/09/22/05/22/12/13/16/04/19 0  

Takanorappa      11  -   197  - 06/07/09/11/21/09/04/21/16/24/22/06/21/09/11 0  

Sherlockiama     9   -   189  - 09/04/04/11/24/07/06/24/03/22/22/17/21/06/09 0  

Unagiyutaka      9   -   176  - 09/14/09/10/10/09/19/09/05/16/13/15/08/21/09 0  

ihopeso          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Mukanibaru       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Rikishimiezi     --  -   0      Kyujo    





Taka             19  Y   281  + 22/04/22/22/22/22/21/22/05/31/22/07/21/19/19 35  QA/MCP-4/J-Y/

Kuroimori        7   -   279  + 19/06/10/20/22/22/18/21/16/39/24/15/21/19/07 25  QA/J-Y/

Yangnomazuma     6   -   234  + 20/06/04/07/20/22/08/22/18/22/30/25/21/03/06 10  YB/

Achiyama         7   -   228  + 06/04/16/21/07/06/21/21/07/09/22/18/21/42/07 0  

Anjoboshi        31  Y   228  + 08/09/08/11/22/19/04/21/18/10/12/15/21/19/31 0  

Kintamayama      9   -   227  + 22/08/21/22/22/19/19/08/18/09/12/24/08/06/09 0  

Atenzan          9   -   226  - 11/09/22/16/31/09/09/11/15/24/30/19/05/06/09 20  GOP/

Kitakachiyama    22  Y   224  - 22/20/09/24/10/19/06/22/06/09/20/15/11/09/22 0  

Kashunowaka      11  -   219  - 11/19/21/22/12/09/21/09/18/09/24/02/22/09/11 15  NCP/MCP-5/

Nekonishiki      7   -   173  - 09/09/24/11/11/09/08/20/08/24/11/02/09/11/07 0  

Hokuyutaka       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Leonishiki       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Nanahachi        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Mmikasazuma      --  -   0      Kyujo    





Oshirokita       8   -   245  + 09/18/22/21/22/09/08/21/18/06/31/25/21/06/08 0  

Jejima           22  Y   243  + 09/18/08/10/07/09/17/17/18/20/16/20/20/32/22 0  

Fujiko           17  Y   240  + 04/17/22/22/21/04/24/06/16/21/11/05/31/19/17 0  

Homuburyuwa      9   -   237  + 09/18/07/24/10/21/17/22/16/18/14/27/18/07/09 0  

Marushiki        16  Y   234  + 21/16/11/22/10/09/16/10/18/22/11/15/06/31/16 0  

Jakusotsu        29  Y   232  + 22/07/09/24/22/09/19/08/05/21/29/02/19/07/29 0  

Fujisan          29  Y   230  + 20/04/21/22/20/12/08/11/17/10/12/05/21/18/29 0  

Kitahotaru       32  Y   228  + 21/20/24/09/09/09/04/21/03/21/11/06/19/19/32 0  

Getayukata       29  Y   224  - 22/21/09/09/10/10/19/20/05/30/12/02/07/19/29 0  

Baku             9   -   190  - 05/22/21/08/05/07/19/11/17/20/08/15/07/16/09 0  

Boltbutthamma    17  Y   190  - 09/16/10/12/24/11/07/11/05/11/12/05/21/19/17 0  

Chijanofuji      22  Y   178  - 09/04/24/10/12/09/07/07/03/22/16/03/09/21/22 0  

Gurowake         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kyodaitimu       --  -   0      Kyujo    

mischashimaru    --  -   0      Kyujo    

Tenshinhan       --  -   0      Kyujo    





Aoyume           18  Y   284  + 19/19/22/22/22/19/11/21/27/22/30/02/21/09/18 50  KCC-J/MCP-5/Y

Rubensan         9   -   248  + 24/19/24/24/10/09/21/09/18/09/32/03/31/06/09 15  FS/

andonishiki      11  -   242  + 19/09/06/14/22/19/19/22/07/22/22/07/11/32/11 20  MCP-2/

Tamaeiki         34  Y   237  + 22/07/09/21/09/22/21/09/02/22/24/05/11/19/34 0  

Saruyama         32  Y   232  + 19/06/21/11/09/20/06/19/13/12/19/18/09/18/32 0  

Aminoumi         29  Y   221  + 04/06/19/10/11/09/21/19/20/06/09/17/22/19/29 0  

Itachiyama       9   -   206  - 06/04/09/11/20/20/19/21/06/11/12/15/21/22/09 0  

Sakura           21  Y   205  - 09/06/22/24/12/09/08/09/20/19/24/05/10/07/21 0  

Hibarifuji       21  Y   201  - 17/06/17/20/09/06/22/09/16/09/09/18/11/11/21 0  

Kuramarujo       21  Y   196  - 09/06/07/17/12/21/09/10/13/22/22/15/06/06/21 0  

Wamahada         19  Y   181  - 07/04/11/22/12/19/07/09/06/10/24/04/21/06/19 0  

Kamogawa         9   -   164  - 07/06/07/09/14/21/18/11/15/10/24/03/06/04/09 0  

chabonowaka      --  -   0      Kyujo    

sekihiryu        --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kaiowaka         30  Y   265  + 21/17/20/12/12/10/16/20/17/21/14/27/10/18/30 0  

Kotononami       9   -   259  + 22/17/22/22/22/21/09/11/05/11/24/25/18/21/09 0  

Damimonay        8   -   246  + 19/21/21/12/12/09/08/21/20/21/30/05/09/30/08 0  

toonoryu         8   -   244  + 21/16/09/08/10/20/18/22/05/09/31/17/31/19/08 15  OP/

Furanohana       30  Y   239  + 22/19/22/10/21/12/21/09/04/32/21/00/09/07/30 0  

Terarno          29  Y   236  + 21/20/12/09/24/21/09/22/08/09/12/17/06/17/29 5   KCC-S/

Konosato         9   -   224  - 21/17/24/12/22/21/19/12/18/09/20/03/09/08/09 25  KCC/

Oortael          19  Y   213  - 22/06/22/22/12/06/06/21/08/09/29/05/19/07/19 0  

Kasamatsuri      9   -   197  - 19/17/10/09/21/11/06/07/03/22/23/12/19/09/09 0  

Chimatayama      --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kaito            9   -   254  + 18/16/22/24/22/22/21/09/28/07/24/03/20/09/09 0  

chishafuwaku     21  Y   247  + 19/06/21/10/10/09/08/24/18/22/14/15/21/29/21 0  

Gawasukotto      21  Y   245  + 19/18/21/22/22/21/07/24/03/31/14/02/09/11/21 0  

Oskanohana       21  Y   226  - 31/11/20/07/22/21/09/06/17/09/19/17/09/07/21 0  

Chocshoporyu     9   -   207  - 09/06/10/21/10/07/19/11/18/21/29/05/10/22/09 0  

ScreechingOwl    6   -   207  - 09/06/08/09/24/21/06/21/18/19/31/05/20/04/06 0  

Unkonoyama       10  -   207  - 09/07/30/24/10/09/19/09/18/07/12/03/19/21/10 0  

pandaazuma       19  Y   201  - 06/06/09/12/22/09/09/11/17/20/29/03/09/20/19 0  

Chelseayama      22  Y   193  - 06/04/06/11/07/21/19/11/07/09/10/17/19/24/22 0  

Fujiyama         7   -   167  - 09/06/09/24/09/21/09/06/03/07/11/02/24/20/07 0  

Domichi          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Haidouzo         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kuroho           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Sebunshu         --  -   0      Kyujo    



Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho