Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Hatsu Ichimon Championship Flag (ICF)







It�s a three-peat!� The Mukadeans, once again, prove that they are no good at sharing, and earn their 24th(!!!) ICF title.� ISI gave them a run for it, but senshuraku saw the French Forumers� drop 59 tech point to give the Mukadeans a 75 tech point victory. The final ITA difference was 9.3.� Congrats on the double-dozen win, Mukade.� We�ll get you next time, for sure. :-)


The key to Mukade�s victory is all too clear � it was Chelseayama�s precedence-setting performance.� Chelseayama has done what no other bencher has ever accomplished by grabbing 15 wins in a row! #WeRJealous. Yes, after 13869 tries, we finally have a 15-0! �The Mukadeans scored a total of 2529 points this basho.� Chelseayama accounted for 434 (or 17.1%) of all the Muk�s points.


Okay, it wasn�t just Chelseayama who was the cause of the Mukadean victory.� All but one Centipede made it over the 200 point mark.� ISI and MassaSHEgawa are the only other ones who can lay claim to that fact. �Bonuses, though, were all Chelseayama�� The Amazing Centipede� took home (get this) a yusho, the MCP, a Nakabi Prize (obviously, the good one), the Quality Award (�Just� the Juryo version), a Technique and a jun-KCC.� I�ll have to check records, but this may be an all-time best, too.�


Enjoy your spoils, Mukade.� We are all looking at you for next basho.




The only real contender to the Mukade team from the last half of the basho was the Izzies. With a basho�s second best 53.3% overall win rate and going 12 days over 0.500, they can say that they have had another great basho.� It�s just hard to beat a perfect yushoer�s team.� Senshuraku saw the Izzies do better than the winners in wins (63% vs 50%), but tech pts eluded them � ISI had a 15.0 IDA to Mukade�s 16.5.� ISI took advantage of the GBLs, gaining 6.5 ITA pts from them, but stil fell short of the Mukadean tally (7.54).� The final deficit was 9.3 ITA pts (or 75 tech pts).� Bonuses were tough to get, as Chelseayama horded the bulk of them. The Izzies can away with just a GOP (Ooratael) and 4th in the MCP (Kaiowaka). Kaiwaka(wakawaka � for you Muppets fans) :-) was the top Izzie (272).




The MassaSHEgawans just can�t catch a break.� They should have won, but those other two pesky ichimons had good bashos. ;-)� The Massies finish with a 58% win day, and end the basho at the top of the �others� at 16.9 ITA pts away.� They had 11 of the 15 days on the winning side, yet only ended with a 48.9% overall win rate.� �Sherlockiama was tehri only prize earner (a No Cigar).� iwakoko (250) was the top Massie.



Once again, the Doit�s fought hard for the ICF basement apartment, but ended up higher this time.� Up till day 13, they held tightly onto that last place position.� �They erased the memory of their winless day 9 by pushing hard with a 77% win day of day 14 and a 55% win day on senshuraku.� Day 15 saw the last two SFI KK/MK holdouts both convert their (front) 7�s to 8�s. The Doits, narrowly, missed catching the M�s, falling just 5 tech pts behind them.� tainosen was the top Doit (244), and brought in a Fighting Spirit award. Yassier Is a little poorer after grabbing a Yaocho Bum.�




SFI was middlin� for much of this contest.� They had a day 3 bob up to the top, but fell to 4th for most of the tournament.� Senshuraku was a decent day, as they went 58% wins with a 15.7 IDA showing.� Their 40 bonus pts was good, but not enough to move them up in the rankings.� They end the basho 18.4 ITA pts (220 tech pts) from their goal.� Just like their senshuraku DWP, they had 58% of their crew get more wins than losses.� An amazing oddity with the SFIers is that they went 13-2. Usually, that�s an no-brainer ICF championship.� Certainly, I wouldn�t have expected that team to land in 5th place! �Taka, as is usual, earned some bonuses (the Quality Award and a jun-yusho).� Nekonishiki added another jun-yusho.� Anjoboshi (262) beat out NPI�s Fujisan (sorry, had to note that) to grab the top Forumer spot.




The North Polers had us fooled for day 1-3, running first or second, but they hit the rocks from there, oscillating between 5th and 6th.� The Polers won�t be too happy with the Natsu banzuke, as just 3 of their 13 made 8 wins. �All four of their 7-7�s were converted into 7-8�s today. �Day 15 was NPI�s worst, as they put up just a �10.2 IDA, and cemented their 6th place position (though they tried like the dickens to best/worst Sakura).� Ultimately, Team Frostie was 32.6 ITA pts (424 tech pts) from the win.� They were 18 tech pts from last.� Jakusotsu was the top Poler (272) and was a dual prize earner, grabbing a Jun-yusho and a semi in the KCC. Fujisan was Fighting (Spirit) mad, and Homuburyuwa went smokeless.




Spring is usually a good time for the Blossomers. Not this time.� They finished about 33 ITA pts back (360 tech pts) from the winners.� They had just 4 KKs (of 11), and were over the team 50% wins mark just 6 times. Kuramarujo was Sakura�s top earner with 240 pts. The Blossomer�s prizes were a sweep of the tech-pts based prizes: Kamogawa has Fighting Spirit, andonishiki was Yaocho Bummin� and Itachiyama won�t be visiting K-jo, due to a No Cigar.



ICF Gyoji Takanorappa 



*     2021 Haru ICF RESULTS


.���������������������������������������� |-------Day 15 Stats--------|

Rnk Ichimon����� #ACT TP�� Bon ITA��� PB� PB+-� ITA+-� Rnk+-� DWP IDA


1�� Mukade������ 11�� 2591 135 247.82����� 00��� 0.0���� 0��� 80% 21.2

2�� Info-Sumo��� 8��� 1798 100 237.25 85� -43�� -5.3���� 0��� 63% 15.6

3�� MassaSHEgawa 10�� 2098 55� 215.3� 325 -87�� -8.7��� +3��� 80% 19.3

4�� North Pole�� 13�� 2711 85� 215.08 426 -168� -12.9�� +1��� 38% 14.0

5�� Sakura������ 10�� 2141 0�� 214.1� 337 -211� -21.1�� -2��� 30% 12.4

6�� SumoForum��� 11�� 2331 10� 212.82 385 -203� -18.5�� -2��� 45% 14.1

7�� Doitsugo���� 8��� 1649 20� 208.63 314 -90�� -11.2��� 0��� 63% 19.8

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.





Ichimon�� D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


Mukade��� 135/091/153/112/203/157/185/168/183/166/197/233/179/196/233

Info-Sumo 088/084/128/125/114/122/115/075/149/112/153/083/176/149/125

Mass.���� 093/069/146/078/153/137/175/130/127/103/166/159/223/146/193

NorthPole 141/128/209/189/181/159/171/171/176/133/224/181/260/206/182

Sakura��� 125/129/153/090/143/126/171/121/178/100/190/143/202/146/124

SumoForum 106/095/180/141/161/139/143/164/136/143/192/197/202/177/155

Doitsugo� 065/041/123/044/096/161/116/129/119/079/111/108/163/136/158



.������������������������ | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.������������������������ |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |��� 214.9�� |� 204.7 |��� 212.1� |

Daily Points for Today -- |��� 16.4��� |� 14.2� |��� 15.8�� |

Bonus Points (out of 470) |��� 405���� |� 65��� |��� 470��� |

Prizes (out of 32)������� |��� 28����� |� 4���� |��� 32���� |





��������������� OVERALL��� |� TODAY�� | CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon������ KK� MK� KK%� | KK�� MK� | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo����� 3�� 5�� 37.5 | +2�� (0) |�� 2��� 3�

MassaSHEgawa� 4�� 7�� 40.0 | +1�� (1) |�� 3��� 1�

SumoForum���� 5�� 6�� 45.5 | +0�� (2) |�� 5��� 2�

North Pole��� 6�� 7�� 46.2 | +1�� (0) |�� 1��� 2�

Sakura������� 6�� 4�� 60.0 | +1�� (1) |�� 1��� 2�

Info-Sumo���� 4�� 4�� 50.0 | +0�� (1) |�� 2��� 1�

Mukade������� 9�� 2�� 81.8 | +2�� (0) |�� 1��� 5�





.����� |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

. ��vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI�� Sak.� SFI�� Muk�� Unaff.

=| Doit ---� |1-0� |---� |---� |0-2� |2-2� |---� |0-1��

L|� ISI 0-1� |1-1� |1-0� |0-1� |---� |1-1� |---� |0-1��

o| Mass ---� |0-1� |1-1� |0-3� |---� |1-1� |1-0� |0-2��

s|� NPI ---� |1-0� |3-0� |2-2� |0-1� |---� |0-2� |2-1��

e|� Sak 2-0� |---� |---� |1-0� |---� |---� |3-0� |1-3��

r|� SFI 2-2� |1-1� |1-1� |---� |---� |---� |1-0� |1-1��

=|� Muk ---� |---� |0-1� |2-0� |0-3� |0-1� |---� |1-3��

=|Unaff 1-0� |1-0� |2-0� |1-2� |3-1� |1-1� |3-1� |5-5��

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------|-----|------

.�� All 5-3� |5-3� |8-3� |6-8� |3-7� |5-6� |8-3� |10-17


OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)� --- Total bouts = 750


.����� |----------------------WINNER---------------------|

.�� vs. Doit. ISI�� Mass. NPI��� Sak.� SFI�� Muk�� Unaff.�

=| Doit 7-7� |8-5� |4-3� |5-4�� |9-6� |9-8� |10-6 |14-15��

L|� ISI 5-8� |4-4� |7-4� |6-10� |6-6� |8-10 |8-6� |11-17��

o| Mass 3-4� |4-7� |12-12|10-17 |8-4� |9-6� |12-4 |22-31��

s|� NPI 4-5� |10-6 |17-10|15-15 |14-10|8-11 |13-10|35-27��

e|� Sak 6-9� |6-6� |4-8� |10-14 |4-4� |7-8� |11-6 |23-24��

r|� SFI 8-9� |10-8 |6-9� |11-8� |8-7� |8-8� |7-11 |23-24��

=|� Muk 6-10 |6-8� |4-12 |10-13 |6-11 |11-7 |10-10|18-23��

=|Unaff 15-14|17-11|31-22|27-35 |24-23|24-23|23-18|49-49��


.�� All 54-66|65-55|85-80|94-116|79-71|84-81|94-71|195-210

.� Win% 45%� |54.2%|51.5%|44.8% |52.7%|50.9%|57%� |48.1%��



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon������ ||�� M�� |�� J�� |� ms�� |� sd�� |� jd�� |


Doitsugo����� ||� 4-2� |� ---� |� 1-1� |� ---� |� ---� |

MassaSHEgawa� ||� 1-1� |� 5-1� |� 2-0� |� ---� |� ---� |

SumoForum���� ||� 2-4� |� 1-0� |� 2-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

North Pole��� ||� 1-2� |� 1-5� |� 3-1� |� ---� |� ---� |

Sakura������� ||� 1-2� |� 0-1� |� 1-2� |� ---� |� ---� |

Info-Sumo���� ||� 4-1� |� 0-1� |� 1-1� |� ---� |� ---� |

Mukade������� ||� 5-1� |� 2-0� |� 1-1� |� ---� |� --- �|





Ichimon������ ||�� M��� |�� J��� |� ms��� |� sd��� |� jd��� |


Doitsugo����� ||� 39-51 |� ---�� |� 15-15 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

MassaSHEgawa� ||� 13-17 |� 48-42 |� 15-15 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

SumoForum���� ||� 43-47 |� 7-8�� |� 34-26 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

North Pole��� ||� 21-24 |� 40-50 |� 28-32 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Sakura������� ||� 24-21 |� 8-7�� |� 22-23 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Info-Sumo���� ||� 40-35 |� 8-7�� |� 16-14 |� ---�� |� ---�� |

Mukade������� ||� 52-38 |� 15-15 |� 19-11 |� ---�� |� ---�� |





Day || Doit��� ISI���� Mass��� NPI���� Sak���� SFI���� Muk��� Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1�� || 37.5%�� 50.0%�� 36.4%�� 50.0%�� 70.0%�� 45.5%�� 63.6%� 48.1%

2�� || 25.0%�� 50.0%�� 36.4%�� 50.0%�� 80.0%�� 45.5%�� 45.5%� 55.6%

3�� || 50.0%�� 62.5%�� 45.5%�� 42.9%�� 60.0%�� 63.6%�� 45.5%� 44.4%

4�� || 12.5% ��75.0%�� 45.5%�� 71.4%�� 30.0%�� 63.6%�� 45.5%� 48.1%

5�� || 37.5%�� 50.0%�� 63.6%�� 42.9%�� 40.0%�� 54.5%�� 81.8%� 40.7%

6�� || 75.0%�� 62.5%�� 45.5%�� 50.0%�� 50.0%�� 45.5%�� 45.5%� 44.4%

7�� || 37.5%�� 50.0%�� 72.7%�� 35.7%�� 70.0%�� 45.5%�� 54.5%� 44.4%

8�� || 62.5%�� 12.5%�� 36.4%�� 42.9%�� 40.0%�� 63.6%�� 63.6%� 59.3%

9�� || 62.5%�� 75.0%�� 36.4%�� 50.0%�� 70.0%�� 36.4%�� 54.5%� 40.7%

10� || 37.5%�� 50.0%�� 45.5%�� 28.6%�� 40.0%�� 54.5%�� 63.6%� 63.0%

11� || 25.0%�� 62.5%�� 54.5%�� 42.9%�� 60.0%�� 45.5%�� 72.7%� 44.4%

12� || 37.5%�� 25.0%�� 54.5%�� 42.9%�� 60.0%�� 63.6%�� 72.7%� 44.4%

13� || 50.0%�� 75.0%�� 72.7%�� 42.9%�� 50.0%�� 36.4%�� 27.3%� 51.9%

14� || 62.5%�� 50.0%�� 54.5%�� 35.7%�� 40.0%�� 54.5%�� 45.5%� 55.6%

15� || 62.5%�� 62.5%�� 72.7%�� 42.9%�� 30.0%�� 45.5%�� 72.7%� 37.0%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit�� ISI��� Mass�� NPI��� Sak��� SFI��� Muk���


1�� || 8.1��� 11.0�� 9.3��� 10.9�� 12.5�� 9.6��� 12.3��

2�� || 5.1��� 10.5�� 6.9��� 9.8��� 12.9�� 8.6��� 8.3���

3�� || 15.4�� 16.0�� 14.6�� 16.1�� 15.3�� 16.4�� 13.9��

4�� || 5.5��� 15.6�� 7.8��� 14.5�� 9.0��� 12.8�� 10.2��

5�� || 12.0�� 14.3�� 15.3�� 13.9�� 14.3�� 14.6�� 18.5��

6�� || 20.1�� 15.3�� 13.7�� 12.2�� 12.6�� 12.6�� 14.3��

7�� || 14.5�� 14.4�� 17.5�� 13.2�� 17.1�� 13.0�� 16.8��

9�� || 14.9�� 18.6�� 12.7�� 13.5�� 17.8�� 12.4�� 16.6��

10� || 9.9��� 14.0�� 10.3�� 10.2�� 10.0�� 13.0�� 15.1��

11� || 13.9�� 19.1�� 16.6�� 17.2�� 19.0�� 17.5�� 17.9��

12� || 13.5� �10.4�� 15.9�� 13.9�� 14.3�� 17.9�� 21.2��

13� || 20.4�� 22.0�� 22.3�� 20.0�� 20.2�� 18.4�� 16.3��

14� || 17.0�� 18.6�� 14.6�� 15.8�� 14.6�� 16.1�� 17.8��

15� || 19.8�� 15.6�� 19.3�� 14.0�� 12.4�� 14.1�� 21.2��



RANK by Day


.���������� |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon����� 1� 2� 3� 4� 5� 6� 7� 8� 9� 10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo���� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7� 6� 6� 7� 7� 7� 7� 7�

Info-Sumo��� 3� 2� 2� 1� 1� 1� 1� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2� 2�

MassaSHEgawa 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 6� 7� 7� 6� 6� 6� 6� 3�

North Pole�� 4� 3� 3� 2� 2� 2� 4� 4� 4� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 4�

Sakura������ 1� 1� 1� 3� 3� 4� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 5�

SumoForum��� 5� 5� 4� 4� 5� 5� 5� 5� 5� 4� 4� 4� 4� 4� 6�

Mukade������ 2� 4� 5� 5� 4� 3� 2� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1� 1�



Misc. Stats


������������ TPS� AvgTPS PS�� AvgPS� HiDWP�� LoDWP�� HiIDA�� LoIDA��


Doitsugo���� 1��� 0.13�� 4��� 0.50��� 75%���� 13%��� 20.4��� 05.1���

Info-Sumo��� 0��� 0.00�� 3��� 0.38��� 75%���� 13%��� 22.0��� 09.4���

MassaSHEgawa 0��� 0.00�� 5��� 0.50��� 80%���� 30%��� 22.3��� 06.9���

Mukade������ 1��� 0.09�� 3��� 0.27��� 82%���� 27%��� 21.2��� 08.3���

North Pole�� 0��� 0.00�� 2��� 0.15��� 69%���� 31%��� 20.0��� 09.8���

Sakura������ 1��� 0.10�� 3��� 0.30��� 80%���� 30%��� 20.2��� 09.0���

SumoForum��� 1��� 0.09�� 5��� 0.45��� 64%���� 36%��� 18.4��� 08.6���


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon����� RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt� AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo���� 1079� 540��� 30��� 134.9� 67.5�� 3.75� 2.50�� 58��� 7.25

Info-Sumo��� 1118� 640��� 40��� 139.8� 80.0�� 5.00� 12.50� 49��� 6.13

MassaSHEgawa 1427� 850��� 40��� 142.7� 85.0�� 4.00� 5.50�� 48��� 4.80

North Pole�� 1761� 890��� 60��� 135.5� 68.5�� 4.62� 6.54�� 78��� 6.00

Sakura������ 1291� 790��� 60��� 129.1� 79.0�� 6.00� 0.00�� 45��� 4.50

SumoForum��� 1441� 840��� 50��� 131.0� 76.4�� 4.55� 0.91�� 53��� 4.82

Mukade������ 1561� 940��� 90��� 141.9� 85.5�� 8.18� 12.27� 75��� 6.82

RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





���������������� Day Win Tot��� Daily Points Bon

Player���� ������Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




tainosen�������� 32� Y�� 236� + 04/02/22/19/21/19/29/24/07/06/09/13/11/18/32 0��

Metzinowaka����� 30� Y�� 229� + 03/00/24/04/18/31/11/24/18/17/10/05/12/22/30 0��

Flohru���������� 10� -�� 214� - 04/04/11/05/07/30/12/07/20/066/24/22/31/21/10 10� NCP/

Frinkanohana���� 21� Y�� 202� - 06/00/21/02/05/22/11/22/18/07/07/10/29/21/21 0��

Pitinosato������ 23� Y�� 202� - 14/02/09/07/07/21/09/19/09/19/11/07/14/31/23 0��

Kitanoyama������ 7�� -�� 198� + 18/12/20/00/07/04/17/18/18/033/11/22/34/07/07 10� YB/

Mariohana������� 26� Y�� 198� - 03/02/07/03/21/08/05/06/22/14/30/22/22/07/26 0��

Yassier��������� 9�� -�� 170� - 13/19/09/04/10/26/22/09/07/077/09/07/10/09/09 0��

Holleshoryu����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

wolfgangho� �����--� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Takanorappa����� 21� Y�� 297� + 16/14/21/00/17/30/21/20/31/17/18/21/31/19/21 40� QA/Y

Roundeye�������� 9�� -�� 247� + 06/12/22/06/20/20/22/22/18/277/24/20/12/07/09 15� J-Y/

Akishiki�������� 7�� -�� 219� + 13/02/08/17/19/18/19/03/07/177/21/07/39/22/07 0��

Watashi��������� 30� Y�� 214� + 07/00/07/17/20/08/22/24/05/17/05/06/22/24/30 0��

Gaijingai������� 11� -�� 207� - 18/17/20/03/22/10/22/09/08/199/10/19/12/07/11 0��

Kintsubasa������ 22� Y�� 199� - 18/02/20/02/09/04/09/08/16/05/10/24/29/21/22 0��

iwakoko��������� 21� Y�� 198� - 03/17/08/00/08/09/21/19/19/06/20/05/31/11/21 0��

Tsunamiko������� 22� Y�� 195� - 03/02/11/17/19/22/09/07/07/02/31/11/22/10/22 0��

Unagiyutaka����� 17� Y�� 190� - 08/03/09/15/20/09/21/09/06/04/08/24/30/07/17 0��

Mukanibaru������ 21� Y�� 176� - 06/02/20/13/09/07/10/08/05/03/31/07/12/22/21 0��

Hana-ichi������� 19� Y�� 175� - 08/00/08/05/09/18/18/04/12/03/09/22/22/18/19 0��

ihopeso��������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Rikishimiezi���� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Sherlockiama���� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Kashunowaka����� 20� Y�� 258� + 14/15/24/18/19/22/09/20/04/07/12/08/34/32/20 0��

Kitakachiyama��� 9�� -�� 245� + 04/17/21/19/20/21/19/08/09/199/40/07/10/22/09 0��

Achiyama�������� 6�� -�� 221� + 14/02/09/06/19/06/19/07/31/188/22/24/10/28/06 10� YB/

Anjoboshi������� 22� Y�� 220� + 18/15/21/00/04/08/21/09/18/19/21/09/32/03/22 0��

Taka������������ 22� Y�� 220� - 06/14/21/03/07/08/24/20/10/05/31/29/12/08/22 0��

Nekonishiki����� 4�� -�� 209� + 16/09/07/17/22/18/06/17/18/199/12/28/11/05/04 0��

Kuroimori������� 24� Y�� 203� - 04/02/22/19/05/22/08/07/18/07/10/22/22/11/24 0��

Hokuyutaka������ 24� Y�� 198� - 02/02/19/07/07/19/06/20/06/18/08/22/29/09/24 0��

Yangnomazuma���� 2�� -�� 191� - 05/15/09/21/29/04/06/19/07/177/21/07/09/20/02 0��

Atenzan��������� 13� -�� 188� - 20/02/08/14/19/02/19/18/08/055/07/20/14/19/13 0��

Kintamayama����� 9�� -�� 178� - 03/02/19/17/10/09/06/19/07/099/08/21/19/20/09 0��

Leonishiki������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Nanahachi������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Mmikasazuma����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Getayukata������ 22� Y�� 264� + 19/05/30/19/22/19/19/09/07/07/22/10/32/22/22 25� MCP-4/J-Y/

Kitahotaru������ 9�� -�� 260� + 19/19/09/20/22/04/22/21/09/300/09/30/11/26/09 20� Tech/MCP-5/

Chijanofuji����� 7�� -�� 258� + 16/08/19/16/22/04/12/19/21/200/29/22/33/10/07 0��

Homuburyuwa����� 30� Y�� 250� + 03/17/32/26/07/21/05/07/06/16/11/07/30/32/30 15� FS/

Tenshinhan������ 22� Y�� 239� + 04/16/11/20/07/07/21/19/22/16/31/00/12/31/22 0��

Jakusotsu������� 11� -�� 222� + 06/17/21/19/22/19/04/06/19/044/11/24/30/09/11 0��

Marushiki������� 22� Y�� 216� - 06/19/22/04/09/08/11/24/05/09/20/19/22/16/22 10� NCP/

Boltbutthamma��� 20� Y�� 182� - 03/14/09/16/08/10/21/17/18/06/12/07/12/09/20 0��

Jejima���������� 4�� -�� 173� - 16/02/05/05/16/03/22/09/21/033/10/20/30/07/04 0��

Oshirokita������ 9�� -�� 173� - 18/02/21/18/02/21/11/09/02/099/10/09/12/20/09 0��

Gurowake�������� 10� -�� 166� - 18/02/10/02/19/02/07/18/06/055/26/20/12/09/10 0��

Fujisan��������� 9�� -�� 161� - 05/05/11/20/08/22/09/06/21/055/11/07/14/08/09 15� KCC-J/

Baku������������ 19� Y�� 150� - 15/20/08/19/05/18/07/05/06/05/06/03/05/09/19 0��

Kyodaitimu������ 7�� -�� 147� - 08/02/09/04/17/19/07/07/19/033/22/06/10/07/07 0��

Fujiko���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

mischashimaru��� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





andonishiki����� 9�� -�� 256� + 14/12/20/15/08/22/31/21/29/066/29/07/12/21/09 0��

Rubensan�������� 9�� -�� 246� + 16/14/11/04/21/21/11/20/09/077/21/19/39/24/09 0��

Sakura���������� 17� Y�� 245� + 03/17/19/22/22/05/21/11/19/19/09/10/40/11/17 0��

Wamahada�������� 7�� -�� 241� + 16/15/20/08/19/18/19/06/29/055/31/18/11/19/07 0��

Itachiyama������ 4�� -�� 225� + 03/15/20/07/12/05/20/20/20/166/11/08/30/34/04 0��

Aminoumi�������� 31� Y�� 210� + 20/19/07/17/09/06/04/08/21/17/19/19/09/04/31 0��

Tamaeiki�������� 9�� -�� 192� - 16/17/08/05/13/20/08/06/09/144/24/07/24/12/09 0��

Aoyume���������� 12� -�� 191� - 03/03/20/04/09/15/22/17/16/088/30/19/07/06/12 0��

Hibarifuji������ 7�� -�� 179� - 17/17/08/05/21/07/19/06/19/033/09/22/11/08/07 0��

Kuramarujo������ 19� Y�� 156� - 17/00/20/03/09/07/16/06/07/05/07/14/19/07/19 0��

chabonowaka����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Kamogawa�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Saruyama�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

sekihiryu����� ��--� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Damimonay������� 19� Y�� 293� + 19/19/09/19/22/22/22/09/24/36/26/22/22/03/19 100 Tech/QA/OP/KCC-S/MCP-W/Y

Kotononami������ 22� Y�� 268� + 02/15/09/21/19/20/21/09/06/19/22/10/41/32/22 0��

Kaiowaka�������� 22� Y�� 241� + 19/03/20/15/22/10/07/09/17/04/29/06/26/32/22 0��

Oortael��������� 9�� -�� 221� + 16/17/19/07/11/18/08/19/08/200/07/09/22/31/09 0��

Kasamatsuri����� 6�� -�� 199� - 05/07/21/19/06/17/09/08/24/033/32/07/24/11/06 0��

toonoryu�������� 19� Y�� 199� - 16/02/19/19/21/06/20/06/29/07/06/11/11/07/19 0��

Konosato�������� 6�� -�� 198� - 06/05/21/20/05/20/07/08/22/177/22/07/21/11/06 0��

Terarno��������� 22� Y�� 179� - 05/16/10/05/08/09/21/07/19/06/09/11/09/22/22 0��

Chimatayama����� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Furanohana������ --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����





Oskanohana������ 21� Y�� 281� + 16/15/22/22/20/08/22/19/41/23/24/08/12/08/21 50� Tech/KCC-S/MCP-3/J-Y/

ScreechingOwl��� 23� Y�� 272� + 16/17/21/18/19/22/09/22/09/26/21/18/09/22/23 15� J-Y/

Fujiyama�������� 26� Y�� 269� + 19/03/17/17/13/11/30/09/21/19/10/31/34/09/26 70� FS/GOP/KCC/MCP-4/

Kaito����������� 36� Y�� 235� + 04/14/20/07/22/21/22/21/06/06/09/07/10/30/36 0��

pandaazuma������ 22� Y�� 235� + 14/02/08/15/20/18/09/07/20/09/19/24/39/09/22 0��

chishafuwaku���� 10� -�� 228� + 16/17/21/16/21/09/09/05/09/066/24/20/09/36/10 0��

Gawasukotto����� 32� Y�� 228� + 16/02/08/03/20/13/22/19/19/04/20/32/10/08/32 0��

Chelseayama����� 12� -�� 225� + 18/02/10/03/19/09/19/19/08/200/20/24/12/30/12 0��

Domichi��������� 12� -�� 225� + 06/04/11/03/09/19/22/22/20/199/19/19/12/28/12 0��

Unkonoyama������ 21� Y�� 198� - 06/15/08/05/21/20/12/19/09/16/09/20/10/07/21 0��

Chocshoporyu���� 18� Y�� 195� - 04/00/07/03/19/07/09/06/21/18/22/30/22/09/18 0��

Haidouzo�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Kuroho���������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����

Sebunshu�������� --� -�� 0����� Kyujo����



Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho