Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Kyushu Ichimon Championship Flag (ICF)







ISI had the flag in their hands early, this time. In fact, they held onto first place since day 1!  The final win margin was 16 tech pts, but it didn’t seem that close. Congrats to the winners for the, oh, 18th or so time.  #ShareMuch


Senshuraku was not a highlight for the Izzies, as they posted just 38% wins, and had the second lowest IDA for day 15.  The stumble was not enough to erase their 32 tech pt lead from Day 14. 


I’m sure that ISI is grateful for the 10 bonus pts earned by Ooratel for 4th place in the MCP.  Those were the only bonus pts earned from the winners, this time.  All the other ichimons can shake their fists at the U’s, who took 375 of the 520 bonus pts, and robbing them of the chance to catch the Izzies. 


Very telling, this time was the ISI KK rate – an enviable 87.5%. Yes, 7 of 8 Izzies moved up for Hatsu.  A bit more amazing is that just 3 of those were 8-7 scores.  Their overall win rate was 55.8%. They had a 0.500 record or better against all ichimons, but they had a losing record to U’s (13-16).  GBLs were, also, prevalent in the ISI camp.  ISI scored 16.13 ITA bump from those perfect lineups. 




This was close, Doitsugo was hung on to second place since day 7, and never relinquished it.  Their tenacity was quite evident, as they put up the most GBLs of any team, and enjoyed a big 18 ITA pt bump from them (almost 2 more than any other team).  Day 15 saw a 63% win day, but the tech pts were tempered, bring them an 18.4 ITA.  Their final gap was a slim 16 tech pts (can you imagine if they have one more jun-yusho? Mariohana (323) put in one of the highest ITA performances seen, besting everyone in the field, this basho.  The flowered Mario earned just a third place in the MCP for the effort.  Pitinosato (318) was the second best this basho, overall.  Bubkis for the effort in terms of bonuses.  Honorable mention to Flohru , who also cracked the 300 mark. 



I didn’t hold out hope for Mukade, this basho, as they hovered at or near the bottom for the first two-thirds of the basho.  They surged, however, and were at the head of the chase pack on senshuraku.  Senshuraku was dismal, as they finished off just 30% of their foes, and were one of just two teams to not make up ground on day 15 to the winners.   The final gap was 25.3 ITA pts (254 tech pts). Kaito (301) was the top-earning centipede.  ScreechingOwl grabbed the OP, and Unkonoyama was bumming about yaocho.




SFI finished the basho strong, scoring a 19.2 IDA/64% win day.  It wasn’t quite enough to get them to the next rank, but it was close.  They end the basho 17.4 tech pts from the Mukadeans.  SFI hit a high of 2nd place.  Just like the Sakurans, they bested 47.9% of their aites, but unlike the Sakurans, who had a majority with MK’s, 6 of their 11 rode the up elevator for Hatsu.  Surprisingly for a 4th place team, the SFI crew grabbed no bonus hardware for Kyushu.  Taka (303) was the high SFIer.




Sakura almost caught up to SFI, but their day 15 17.3 IDA wasn’t quit enough.  The Blossomers finish 303 tech pts (16.6 ITA pts) away from the win.  All of the Blossomers with shikona starting with “Sa” scored bonus pts. Saruyama jun-yusho’d and Sakura was Sans-Cigar.  Their overall win rate was 47.9%, with their biggest challenges from ISI (3-7) and the Unaffiliateds (20-32).  Saruyama (310) was the top Sakuran in indie-pts, and finished 4th overall.




The M’s tried adding a day 15 booster to gain 7.6 ITA pts on the winners, but, ultimately, fell 382 pts back.  iwakoko was the highest scoring Massie, falling just one pt short of cracking the 300’s.  iwakoko, certainly, did all of the heavy work for the M’s, gaining the GOP, a Fighting Spirit, a Technique and a Jun-KCC.  The rest of the M’s had a couple of weeks…  4 of 11 made KK. The others, not so much. 




It was a hot winter basho, which isn’t a good thing for the Polers.  They end the basho with a 43% win day, and drop 58 more tech pts to bring their final gap to 680 tech pts. That leaves then about 3 days’ worth of pts back.  The Polers were not held bonus-less, but did only manage 5 – thanks to Kyodaitimu’s 5th place MCP finish.  Kyodaitimu was, also the top Poler, finishing with 307 indie pts, which was good enough for 5th overall.

ICF Gyoji Takanorappa


NOTE: As always, you can go to to get the full statistics. For a basho summary with an ichimoner twist, try the Ichimoner Basho-at-a-Glance (at the same site).  Check out the Misc. Basho Stats there, too.  I’ll guarantee you that your shikona is in there.





.                                         |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon      #ACT TP   Bon ITA    PB  PB+-  ITA+-  Rnk+-  DWP IDA


1   Info-Sumo    8    2220 10  278.75      00    0.0     0    38% 17.0

2   Doitsugo     8    2199 15  276.75 16  +16   +2.0     0    63% 18.4

3   Mukade       10   2509 25  253.4  254 -15   -1.4     0    30% 14.3

4   SumoForum    11   2770 0   251.82 296 +10   +0.9     0    64% 19.2

5   Sakura       11   2738 25  251.18 303 +14   +1.3     0    55% 17.3

6   MassaSHEgawa 11   2619 65  244    382 +83   +7.6     0    55% 19.9

7   North Pole   14   3218 5   230.21 680 -58   -4.1     0    43% 13.8

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.




Ichimon   D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


Info-Sumo 215/117/134/166/107/149/143/184/149/123/185/141/110/161/136

Doitsugo  167/105/130/153/102/155/157/180/176/075/221/126/165/140/147

Mukade    153/165/167/204/140/144/153/175/168/165/226/213/137/156/143

SumoForum 188/213/205/212/180/152/146/179/162/134/254/193/195/146/211

Sakura    236/191/178/198/138/139/208/227/209/141/226/152/130/175/190

Mass.     168/179/186/210/146/183/152/189/157/119/242/147/158/164/219

NorthPole 232/220/256/228/215/154/177/233/189/232/231/234/216/208/193



.                         | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.                         |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |    250.3   |  263.9 |    254.7  |

Daily Points for Today -- |    17.0    |  16.2  |    16.7   |

Bonus Points (out of 520) |    145     |  375   |    520    |

Prizes (out of 35)        |    11      |  24    |    35     |





                OVERALL    |  TODAY   | CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon       KK  MK  KK%  | KK   MK  | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo      6   2   75.0 | +1   (0) |   0    2 

MassaSHEgawa  4   7   36.4 | +2   (0) |   1    2 

SumoForum     6   5   54.5 | +2   (0) |   0    3 

North Pole    4   10  28.6 | +0   (1) |   2    0 

Sakura        4   7   36.4 | +1   (2) |   4    1 

Info-Sumo     7   1   87.5 | +2   (0) |   0    3 

Mukade        4   6   40.0 | +1   (1) |   2    2 





.      |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI   Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff.

=| Doit 1-1  |0-1  |0-1  |---  |1-0  |---  |0-1  |1-1  

L|  ISI 1-0  |---  |---  |---  |---  |1-0  |0-1  |3-2  

o| Mass 1-0  |---  |---  |1-0  |0-1  |0-1  |1-2  |2-2  

s|  NPI ---  |---  |0-1  |---  |0-1  |3-2  |2-0  |3-2  

e|  Sak 0-1  |---  |1-0  |1-0  |1-1  |1-1  |0-2  |1-1  

r|  SFI ---  |0-1  |1-0  |2-3  |1-1  |---  |---  |0-2  

=|  Muk 1-0  |1-0  |2-1  |0-2  |2-0  |---  |---  |1-0  

=|Unaff 1-1  |2-3  |2-2  |2-3  |1-1  |2-0  |0-1  |7-7  

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------

.   All 5-3  |3-5  |6-5  |6-8  |6-5  |7-4  |3-7  |18-17


OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)  --- Total bouts = 810


.      |----------------------WINNER---------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI    Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff. 

=| Doit 4-4  |9-5  |2-6  |6-8   |7-7  |7-6  |5-9  |16-19  

L|  ISI 5-9  |7-7  |4-6  |6-8   |3-7  |8-9  |4-8  |16-13  

o| Mass 6-2  |6-4  |10-10|12-8  |9-9  |7-12 |11-7 |33-19  

s|  NPI 8-6  |8-6  |8-12 |12-12 |13-11|11-10|15-5 |46-27  

e|  Sak 7-7  |7-3  |9-9  |11-13 |6-6  |7-12 |7-9  |32-20  

r|  SFI 6-7  |9-8  |12-7 |10-11 |12-7 |8-8  |7-9  |22-22  

=|  Muk 9-5  |8-4  |7-11 |5-15  |9-7  |9-7  |12-12|21-9   

=|Unaff 19-16|13-16|19-33|27-46 |20-32|22-22|9-21 |105-105


.   All 64-56|67-53|71-94|89-121|79-86|79-86|70-80|291-234

.  Win% 53.3%|55.8%|43%  |42.4% |47.9%|47.9%|46.7%|55.4%  



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon       ||   M   |   J   |  ms   |  sd   |  jd   |


Doitsugo      ||  3-2  |  0-1  |  2-0  |  ---  |  ---  |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  2-1  |  2-2  |  1-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

SumoForum     ||  5-2  |  0-1  |  2-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

North Pole    ||  2-3  |  1-2  |  3-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

Sakura        ||  2-1  |  1-1  |  2-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Info-Sumo     ||  2-4  |  ---  |  1-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Mukade        ||  1-5  |  2-1  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |





Ichimon       ||   M    |   J    |  ms    |  sd    |  jd    |


Doitsugo      ||  39-36 |  9-6   |  16-14 |  ---   |  ---   |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  18-27 |  26-34 |  18-27 |  ---   |  ---   |

SumoForum     ||  52-53 |  8-7   |  19-26 |  ---   |  ---   |

North Pole    ||  31-44 |  16-29 |  39-36 |  ---   |  ---   |

Sakura        ||  23-22 |  16-14 |  21-24 |  ---   |  ---   |

Info-Sumo     ||  47-43 |  ---   |  20-10 |  ---   |  ---   |

Mukade        ||  42-48 |  22-23 |  ---   |  ---   |  ---   |





Day || Doit    ISI     Mass    NPI     Sak     SFI     Muk    Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1   || 50.0%   75.0%   27.3%   50.0%   54.5%   27.3%   20.0%  65.7%

2   || 25.0%   37.5%   45.5%   50.0%   63.6%   72.7%   50.0%  48.6%

3   || 37.5%   50.0%   54.5%   57.1%   45.5%   54.5%   50.0%  48.6%

4   || 37.5%   50.0%   45.5%   42.9%   36.4%   45.5%   50.0%  62.9%

5   || 37.5%   37.5%   45.5%   57.1%   36.4%   72.7%   50.0%  51.4%

6   || 75.0%   75.0%   63.6%   21.4%   27.3%   36.4%   50.0%  57.1%

7   || 75.0%   75.0%   36.4%   28.6%   72.7%   36.4%   50.0%  48.6%

8   || 62.5%   50.0%   36.4%   28.6%   63.6%   36.4%   30.0%  65.7%

9   || 75.0%   62.5%   27.3%   28.6%   54.5%   36.4%   50.0%  60.0%

10  || 25.0%   62.5%   36.4%   64.3%   54.5%   36.4%   70.0%  48.6%

11  || 62.5%   50.0%   63.6%   21.4%   45.5%   54.5%   50.0%  54.3%

12  || 37.5%   50.0%   27.3%   50.0%   27.3%   54.5%   60.0%  62.9%

13  || 75.0%   50.0%   45.5%   57.1%   27.3%   63.6%   40.0%  48.6%

14  || 62.5%   75.0%   36.4%   35.7%   54.5%   27.3%   50.0%  57.1%

15  || 62.5%   37.5%   54.5%   42.9%   54.5%   63.6%   30.0%  51.4%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit   ISI    Mass   NPI    Sak    SFI    Muk   


1   || 20.9   26.9   15.3   16.6   21.5   17.1   15.3  

2   || 13.1   14.6   16.3   15.7   17.4   19.4   16.5   

3   || 16.3   16.8   16.9   18.3   16.2   18.6   16.7  

4   || 19.1   20.8   19.1   16.3   18.0   19.3   20.4  

5   || 12.8   13.4   13.3   15.4   12.5   16.4   14.0  

6   || 19.4   18.6   16.6   11.0   12.6   13.8   14.4  

7   || 19.6   17.9   13.8   12.6   18.9   13.3   15.3  

9   || 22.0   18.6   14.3   13.5   19.0   14.7   16.8  

10  || 9.4    15.4   10.8   16.6   12.8   12.2   16.5  

11  || 27.6   23.1   22.0   16.5   20.5   23.1   22.6  

12  || 15.8   17.6   13.4   16.7   13.8   17.5   21.3  

13  || 20.6   13.8   14.4   15.4   11.8   17.7   13.7  

14  || 17.5   20.1   14.9   14.9   15.9   13.3   15.6  

15  || 18.4   17.0   19.9   13.8   17.3   19.2   14.3  



RANK by Day


.           |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo     3  4  5  4  6  3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2 

Info-Sumo    1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 

MassaSHEgawa 7  7  7  6  7  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6 

North Pole   5  5  4  7  5  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7 

Sakura       2  2  3  3  3  4  4  3  3  3  3  4  5  5  5 

SumoForum    4  3  2  2  2  2  3  4  4  5  5  5  4  4  4 

Mukade       6  6  6  5  4  6  5  5  5  4  4  3  3  3  3 



Misc. Stats


             TPS  AvgTPS PS   AvgPS  HiDWP   LoDWP   HiIDA   LoIDA  


Doitsugo     2    0.25   8    1.00    75%     25%    27.6    09.4   

Info-Sumo    5    0.63   5    0.63    75%     38%    26.9    13.4   

MassaSHEgawa 2    0.18   14   1.27    64%     27%    22.0    10.8   

Mukade       1    0.10   10   1.00    70%     20%    22.6    13.7   

North Pole   1    0.07   15   1.07    64%     21%    18.3    11.0   

Sakura       0    0.00   8    0.73    73%     27%    21.5    11.8   

SumoForum    1    0.09   18   1.64    73%     27%    23.1    12.2   


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon      RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt  AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo     1499  640    60    187.4  80.0   7.50  1.88   144   18.00

Info-Sumo    1480  670    70    185.0  83.8   8.75  1.25   129   16.13

MassaSHEgawa 1869  710    40    169.9  64.5   3.64  5.91   68    6.18

North Pole   2288  890    40    163.4  63.6   2.86  0.36   95    6.79

Sakura       1908  790    40    173.5  71.8   3.64  2.27   117   10.64

SumoForum    1920  790    60    174.5  71.8   5.45  0.00   115   10.45

Mukade       1769  700    40    176.9  70.0   4.00  2.50   113   11.30

RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





                 Day Win Tot    Daily Points Bon

Player           Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




Mariohana        22  Y   323  + 33/20/30/12/09/22/24/31/14/18/43/11/22/12/22 15  MCP-3/

Pitinosato       21  Y   318  + 32/11/11/22/20/22/22/22/31/07/34/12/29/22/21 0  

Flohru           9   -   300  + 34/12/12/14/09/22/24/33/22/19/31/31/06/22/09 0  

Holleshoryu      9   -   274  + 12/12/12/32/21/24/21/24/22/04/12/21/26/22/09 0  

tainosen         11  -   274  + 11/10/22/12/21/24/22/22/32/06/32/09/31/09/11 0  

Frinkanohana     32  Y   271  + 24/09/22/20/06/09/21/12/19/08/23/22/22/22/32 0  

Metzinowaka      22  Y   222  - 11/09/11/19/07/10/11/24/12/09/34/11/21/11/22 0  

Kitanoyama       21  Y   217  - 10/22/10/22/09/22/12/12/24/04/12/09/08/20/21 0  

wolfgangho       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Yassier          --  -   0      Kyujo    





iwakoko          36  Y   299  + 33/29/22/21/22/22/10/14/29/06/14/11/06/24/36 65  Tech/FS/GOP/KCC-J/

Akishiki         22  Y   277  + 24/22/09/24/09/20/10/24/12/06/31/21/31/12/22 0  

Watashi          11  -   264  + 12/22/24/24/06/20/20/22/10/19/34/09/09/22/11 0  

Hana-ichi        34  Y   252  + 11/09/22/21/03/07/11/24/22/19/32/09/04/24/34 0  

Sherlockiama     18  Y   241  - 12/12/24/12/11/24/20/14/24/08/12/11/18/21/18 0  

Tsunamiko        12  -   229  - 11/11/22/31/06/09/11/31/09/06/24/11/22/13/12 0  

Gaijingai        10  -   226  - 11/11/22/14/21/19/07/12/12/18/24/24/09/12/10 0  

Takanorappa      32  Y   222  - 12/22/12/19/21/22/12/12/12/04/12/09/11/10/32 0  

Roundeye         12  -   220  - 12/24/09/12/19/07/22/12/08/19/24/11/19/10/12 0  

Unagiyutaka      21  Y   211  - 21/07/10/22/22/22/09/12/10/07/11/22/08/07/21 0  

Kintsubasa       11  -   178  - 09/10/10/10/06/11/20/12/09/07/24/09/21/09/11 0  

ihopeso          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Mukanibaru       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Rikishimiezi     --  -   0      Kyujo    





Taka             24  Y   303  + 33/22/12/14/20/22/22/21/24/07/12/22/26/22/24 0  

Hokuyutaka       30  Y   282  + 12/24/11/10/20/21/09/22/10/06/34/22/19/32/30 0  

Kashunowaka      32  Y   281  + 23/24/24/24/19/11/19/09/19/09/31/09/19/09/32 0  

Kintamayama      10  -   275  + 14/24/22/30/06/10/21/24/09/21/24/29/22/09/10 0  

Kuroimori        32  Y   273  + 22/10/22/29/07/09/22/12/09/21/23/24/21/10/32 0  

Anjoboshi        11  -   268  + 12/24/29/24/21/24/09/11/22/19/12/11/32/07/11 0  

Mmikasazuma      7   -   227  - 11/19/22/19/19/10/09/11/09/09/30/21/22/09/07 0  

Yangnomazuma     6   -   224  - 14/24/22/12/11/11/09/22/24/08/33/11/08/09/06 0  

Achiyama         19  Y   223  - 12/21/12/31/22/10/10/14/22/08/14/11/06/11/19 0  

Kitakachiyama    19  Y   214  - 24/12/10/12/19/06/10/24/07/07/12/24/09/19/19 0  

Nekonishiki      21  Y   200  - 11/09/19/07/16/18/06/09/07/19/29/09/11/09/21 0  

Atenzan          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Leonishiki       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Nanahachi        --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kyodaitimu       24  Y   307  + 32/24/22/22/09/22/24/14/24/09/22/09/29/21/24 5   MCP-5/

Oshirokita       22  Y   292  + 34/22/22/22/19/21/10/22/14/28/31/11/06/08/22 0  

Fujisan          20  Y   283  + 12/22/24/31/22/22/20/12/09/08/21/22/08/30/20 0  

Getayukata       24  Y   272  + 22/20/12/24/07/07/21/24/22/19/11/32/18/09/24 0  

Chijanofuji      21  Y   234  - 19/21/22/11/22/10/11/12/13/21/14/09/06/22/21 0  

Kaba             7   -   234  - 07/08/31/11/21/09/04/34/21/21/08/21/21/10/07 0  

Jakusotsu        11  -   231  - 09/22/12/22/07/07/22/14/24/19/14/11/21/16/11 0  

Homuburyuwa      7   -   215  - 24/11/07/22/21/09/07/12/09/06/14/24/20/22/07 0  

Jejima           9   -   213  - 22/10/12/09/06/07/10/22/11/21/30/09/09/26/09 0  

Boltbutthamma    7   -   197  - 22/09/09/09/09/10/12/24/07/08/14/24/24/09/07 0  

Marushiki        19  Y   197  - 04/21/22/10/19/06/07/11/11/22/07/09/22/07/19 0  

Kitahotaru       7   -   189  - 09/11/22/11/09/09/09/12/08/08/24/22/19/09/07 0  

Fujiko           7   -   181  - 09/09/30/12/22/09/11/10/09/21/09/09/04/10/07 0  

Baku             8   -   173  - 07/10/09/12/22/06/09/10/07/21/12/22/09/09/08 0  

Gurowake         --  -   0      Kyujo    

mischashimaru    --  -   0      Kyujo    

Tenshinhan       --  -   0      Kyujo    





Saruyama         22  Y   310  + 34/22/22/20/09/10/22/22/29/18/42/09/07/22/22 15  J-Y/

Rubensan         22  Y   290  + 33/22/10/11/10/10/22/33/11/17/33/19/29/08/22 0  

Itachiyama       9   -   266  - 34/22/12/12/19/21/22/33/30/08/21/08/06/09/09 0  

Kuramarujo       30  Y   264  + 24/11/10/29/11/22/22/24/14/06/22/09/09/21/30 0  

andonishiki      21  Y   263  + 11/21/22/14/07/20/22/24/22/19/14/31/09/06/21 0  

Sakura           24  Y   261  - 33/21/12/20/20/11/12/24/24/04/14/11/09/22/24 10  NCP/

Wamahada         22  Y   237  - 11/09/12/24/16/09/22/12/21/22/12/11/22/12/22 0  

Kamogawa         11  -   230  - 12/10/22/24/21/11/10/12/30/04/22/13/06/22/11 0  

Tamaeiki         11  -   218  - 11/19/24/22/10/08/10/07/09/22/12/11/20/22/11 0  

Aminoumi         9   -   216  - 11/22/22/12/06/07/22/24/07/17/22/09/07/19/09 0  

Aoyume           9   -   183  - 22/12/10/10/09/10/22/12/12/04/12/21/06/12/09 0  

chabonowaka      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Hibarifuji       --  -   0      Kyujo    

sekihiryu        --  -   0      Kyujo    





Oortael          12  -   314  + 33/22/12/19/10/22/21/24/24/06/34/34/20/21/12 10  MCP-4/

Konosato         12  -   304  + 34/09/22/12/22/22/22/22/24/18/34/19/10/22/12 0  

Kasamatsuri      19  Y   299  + 34/11/22/22/10/22/22/33/22/29/14/11/06/22/19 0  

Kaiowaka         9   -   296  + 14/24/24/31/22/22/20/14/12/19/34/11/19/21/09 0  

toonoryu         32  Y   281  + 33/22/22/31/09/09/22/32/12/16/12/11/06/12/32 0  

Kotononami       32  Y   274  + 34/08/12/30/19/21/10/11/22/10/12/22/09/22/32 0  

Terarno          11  -   270  + 11/09/09/12/07/22/19/34/22/18/33/12/19/32/11 0  

Damimonay        9   -   182  - 22/12/11/09/08/09/07/14/11/07/12/21/21/09/09 0  

Chimatayama      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Furanohana       --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kaito            10  -   301  + 34/24/22/20/21/19/10/33/12/19/12/34/09/22/10 0  

ScreechingOwl    10  -   288  + 12/22/22/30/20/09/22/14/22/20/22/32/09/22/10 15  OP/

Chocshoporyu     22  Y   276  - 23/22/10/31/09/22/22/32/14/08/21/11/07/22/22 0  

Fujiyama         10  -   261  + 14/24/22/12/07/19/20/11/24/21/24/32/11/10/10 0  

chishafuwaku     12  -   257  - 24/12/22/30/09/22/10/12/24/19/14/10/07/30/12 0  

Unkonoyama       31  Y   247  + 06/22/12/24/19/07/10/11/09/22/24/26/18/06/31 10  YB/

pandaazuma       9   -   239  - 11/12/10/29/07/09/22/12/22/19/23/11/24/19/09 0  

Oskanohana       19  Y   219  - 14/10/22/11/19/09/07/14/11/21/22/22/09/09/19 0  

Chelseayama      8   -   216  - 06/08/09/07/21/19/09/12/21/09/31/24/24/08/08 0  

Gawasukotto      12  -   205  - 09/09/16/10/08/09/21/24/09/07/33/11/19/08/12 0  

Domichi          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Haidouzo         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kuroho           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Sebunshu         --  -   0      Kyujo    



Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho