Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Nagoya Ichimon Championship Flag (ICF)







Happy 20th win, Forumers. Senshuraku saw SFI jump two spots to steal the (official) lead from the Sakurans, getting just enough bonus pts to grab the flag.  The final winning ITA as 225.4, and the gap to #2 was 49 tech pts. 


The surprising finish for the Forumers came on the heels of a start where they had just 3 winning days in the first nine.  The remaining six, however, were all well above 0.500.  SFI finishes with a straight 50-50 overall win rate (3rd overall). They were tops in GBLs, though, as they outdistanced everyone by 3 ITA pts in that category.  They didn’t shine in KK/MK going 50/50 to match their win rate. Bonuses were their friends, though, as they top honors in this Unaffiliated dominated prize bundle.  Hokuyutaka took the yusho and was 3rd in the MCP

Kintamayama was a No Cigar winner individually, but can have one with the ICF win. Hokuyutaka was tops overall in indie pts, grabbing 257.




Being just 1 shy of official-dom, the Izzies weren’t qualified to officially grab the flag.  However, they can lay claim to being the #1 contender.  They had a marvelous basho, despite the tricky landscape.  They easily smoked everyone with a (wind-assisted) 244.86 ITA, ended the basho with a 57.1& overall win rate, and were perfect in getting KKs (that’s 70pts, right there)!  toonoryu sealed an Ozeki promotion in Fighting Spirit, and Oortael was a 4th placer in the MCP.  No less than 4 Izzies cracked the top 10 in idie pts: Kasamatsuri (2nd with 254), Konosato (3rd with 251), toonoryu (6th with 242) and Oortael (9th with 237). Congrats on a great basho.




It looked like Sakura was going to take the flag from the M’s, once they made a move on day 13, but they went sub 0.500 for the last two days, giving the keys to the kingdom to SFI. They finish 49 tech pts from the win.  Aoyume added a jun-yuhso, whilst K-jo smoked a Yaocho Bum.  They finish with a 50.7% overall win rate.  Athenayama was the #7 overall in indie pts and the top Blossomer at 240.



The M’s slumped like the Red Sox, as they went from being in control to running 4 straight days under 0.500 wins.  The last two were a pitiful 0.222.  They end the basho 171 tech pts from the win.  No bonuses here. Just a 33% KK rate and they fell 1 win shy of a winning basho.  Two Massies (Roundeye with 247, finishing 4th, and iwakoko with 239 , fishing 8th) cracked the two 10 in idie pts. They really could have used Gusoyama’s input this time.  Darn “No pts after the start of the basho” rule.  #NextBasho




With 6 Doits this time, the once huge ichimon was found lacking enough to officially gain the flag.  Senshuraku was no kind to them, as they hit single digits in IDA.  No bonuses for Team Doitsugo, and they finished with a 44.4% overall win basho.  Holleshoryu (229) was 11th overall in indie pts as the top Doit.  #NextBasho



4th Place – Mukade ICHIMON

Not where they are used to being on senshuraku, Mukade ended the basho a hair away from dead last, 16.73 ITA pts away.  They did have the second best showing on senshuraku, which saved them from the ICF basement sofa.  chishafuwaku’s Yaocho Bum was the only Mukadean bonus.  Chocshoporyu (244) was the top scorer for Mukade, and 5th overall.




Finishing in last is NPI. They took home 3 prizes, and oddly, they weren’t any of the Poler’s top three indie scorers.  Getayukata was filled with the Fighting Spirit. Jakusotsu was semi into the KCC, and reincarnated Boltbanana grabbed the GOP with 6 perfecto lineups (but finished 7-8).  Team Frostie was 17.5 ITA pts from finishing on top. Oshirokita (235) slipped 4 places in the indie pt race, finishing #10.





.                                         |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon      #ACT TP   Bon ITA    PB  PB+-  ITA+-  Rnk+-  DWP IDA


-   Info-Sumo    7    1689 25  244.86     +00    0.0     0    43% 12.0

1   SumoForum    10   2199 55  225.4  195 +51   +5.1    +2    60% 15.2

2   Sakura       10   2205 25  223    219 -25   -2.5    -1    40% 10.6

3   MassaSHEgawa 9    1924 0   213.78 280 -84   -9.4    -1    22% 06.2

-   Doitsugo     6    1279 0   213.17 190 -34   -5.7     0    50% 09.8

4   Mukade       9    1868 10  208.67 326 +02   +0.2    +1    56% 14.7

5   North Pole   14   2871 40  207.93 517 -36   -2.6    -1    43% 10.1

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.





Ichimon   D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


Info-Sumo 057/112/103/091/063/113/119/135/115/133/107/191/170/096/084

SumoForum 067/096/149/136/055/140/153/152/142/182/165/272/221/117/152

Sakura    043/146/173/103/146/150/144/158/184/181/176/199/217/079/106

Mass.     082/128/138/083/156/126/145/167/128/134/175/176/146/084/056

Doitsugo  051/086/080/073/063/057/109/071/075/103/095/119/137/101/059

Mukade    088/083/120/111/084/146/119/163/097/143/126/191/153/112/132

NorthPole 127/160/195/216/112/135/256/214/216/241/200/217/229/211/142



.                         | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.                         |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |    215.9   |  225.1 |    219.0  |

Daily Points for Today -- |    11.2    |  12.9  |    11.8   |

Bonus Points (out of 435) |    155     |  280   |    435    |

Prizes (out of 29)        |    11      |  18    |    29     |





.               OVERALL    |  TODAY   | CLOSE CALLS


Ichimon       KK  MK  KK%  | KK   MK  | 7Win 7loss

Doitsugo      2   4   33.3 | +0   (2) |   3    0 

MassaSHEgawa  3   6   33.3 | +0   (3) |   3    0 

SumoForum     5   5   50.0 | +3   (0) |   2    4 

North Pole    5   9   35.7 | +1   (3) |   4    3 

Sakura        5   5   50.0 | +1   (3) |   3    2 

Info-Sumo     7   0   100.0| +2   (0) |   0    3 

Mukade        4   5   44.4 | +2   (1) |   1    2 





.      |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI   Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff.

=| Doit ---  |---  |---  |1-1  |0-1  |---  |2-0  |0-1  

L|  ISI ---  |---  |0-1  |---  |---  |---  |---  |4-2  

o| Mass ---  |1-0  |---  |1-0  |1-0  |0-1  |0-1  |4-0  

s|  NPI 1-1  |---  |0-1  |1-1  |0-1  |2-0  |1-0  |3-2  

e|  Sak 1-0  |---  |0-1  |1-0  |---  |---  |0-1  |4-2  

r|  SFI ---  |---  |1-0  |0-2  |---  |---  |2-2  |1-2  

=|  Muk 0-2  |---  |1-0  |0-1  |1-0  |2-2  |---  |---  

=|Unaff 1-0  |2-4  |0-4  |2-3  |2-4  |2-1  |---  |4-4  

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------

.   All 3-3  |3-4  |2-7  |6-8  |4-6  |6-4  |5-4  |20-13


OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)  --- Total bouts = 735


.      |----------------------WINNER---------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI    Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff. 

=| Doit 7-7  |7-1  |1-1  |7-3   |0-5  |5-5  |6-11 |17-7   

L|  ISI 1-7  |3-3  |2-7  |1-9   |7-6  |5-4  |5-11 |21-13  

o| Mass 1-1  |7-2  |9-9  |18-15 |5-7  |8-9  |4-6  |16-18  

s|  NPI 3-7  |9-1  |15-18|13-13 |10-9 |10-10|5-7  |50-30  

e|  Sak 5-0  |6-7  |7-5  |9-10  |4-4  |8-13 |8-7  |27-30  

r|  SFI 5-5  |4-5  |9-8  |10-10 |13-8 |7-7  |10-10|17-22  

=|  Muk 11-6 |11-5 |6-4  |7-5   |7-8  |10-10|8-8  |14-15  

=|Unaff 7-17 |13-21|18-16|30-50 |30-27|22-17|15-14|99-99  


.   All 40-50|60-45|67-68|95-115|76-74|75-75|61-74|261-234

.  Win% 44.4%|57.1%|49.6%|45.2% |50.7%|50%  |45.2%|52.7%  



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon       ||   M   |   J   |  ms   |  sd   |  jd   |


Doitsugo      ||  2-3  |  ---  |  1-0  |  ---  |  ---  |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  0-1  |  1-5  |  1-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

SumoForum     ||  3-2  |  3-0  |  0-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

North Pole    ||  1-2  |  2-3  |  2-3  |  ---  |  ---  |

Sakura        ||  2-1  |  0-2  |  0-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Info-Sumo     ||  3-1  |  0-2  |  0-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Mukade        ||  5-2  |  0-1  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |





Ichimon       ||   M    |   J    |  ms    |  sd    |  jd    |


Doitsugo      ||  39-36 |  ---   |  4-11  |  ---   |  ---   |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  7-8   |  42-48 |  16-14 |  ---   |  ---   |

SumoForum     ||  35-40 |  23-22 |  14-16 |  ---   |  ---   |

North Pole    ||  24-21 |  29-46 |  39-36 |  ---   |  ---   |

Sakura        ||  24-21 |  13-17 |  8-7   |  ---   |  ---   |

Info-Sumo     ||  34-26 |  19-11 |  8-7   |  ---   |  ---   |

Mukade        ||  45-60 |  9-6   |  ---   |  ---   |  ---   |





Day || Doit    ISI     Mass    NPI     Sak     SFI     Muk    Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1   || 50.0%   42.9%   55.6%   50.0%   20.0%   40.0%   66.7%  57.6%

2   || 66.7%   85.7%   66.7%   42.9%   60.0%   30.0%   33.3%  45.5%

3   || 33.3%   42.9%   44.4%   50.0%   60.0%   50.0%   44.4%  54.5%

4   || 50.0%   57.1%   22.2%   71.4%   40.0%   60.0%   55.6%  45.5%

5   || 50.0%   28.6%   100.0%  35.7%   70.0%   10.0%   33.3%  57.6%

6   || 16.7%   71.4%   55.6%   35.7%   70.0%   60.0%   66.7%  42.4%

7   || 66.7%   57.1%   55.6%   64.3%   40.0%   40.0%   33.3%  48.5%

8   || 0.0%    71.4%   66.7%   35.7%   50.0%   40.0%   66.7%  54.5%

9   || 33.3%   71.4%   44.4%   57.1%   80.0%   40.0%   22.2%  48.5%

10  || 50.0%   57.1%   22.2%   50.0%   40.0%   60.0%   33.3%  60.6%

11  || 66.7%   57.1%   77.8%   35.7%   70.0%   50.0%   55.6%  36.4%

12  || 33.3%   57.1%   44.4%   21.4%   50.0%   80.0%   33.3%  60.6%

13  || 33.3%   57.1%   44.4%   21.4%   50.0%   80.0%   33.3%  60.6%

14  || 66.7%   57.1%   22.2%   64.3%   20.0%   50.0%   44.4%  57.6%

15  || 50.0%   42.9%   22.2%   42.9%   40.0%   60.0%   55.6%  60.6%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit   ISI    Mass   NPI    Sak    SFI    Muk   


1   || 8.5    8.1    9.1    9.1    4.3    6.7    9.8   

2   || 14.3   16.0   14.2   11.4   14.6   9.6    9.2   

3   || 13.3   14.7   15.3   13.9   17.3   14.9   13.3  

4   || 12.2   13.0   9.2    15.4   10.3   13.6   12.3  

5   || 10.5   9.0    17.3   8.0    14.6   5.5    9.3    

6   || 9.5    16.1   14.0   9.6    15.0   14.0   16.2  

7   || 18.2   17.0   16.1   18.3   14.4   15.3   13.2  

9   || 12.5   16.4   14.2   15.4   18.4   14.2   10.8  

10  || 17.2   19.0   14.9   17.2   18.1   18.2   15.9  

11  || 15.8   15.3   19.4   14.3   17.6   16.5   14.0  

12  || 19.8   27.3   19.6   15.5   19.9   27.2   21.2  

13  || 22.8   24.3   16.2   16.4   21.7   22.1   17.0  

14  || 16.8   13.7   9.3    15.1   7.9    11.7   12.4  

15  || 9.8    12.0   6.2    10.1   10.6   15.2   14.7  



RANK by Day


.           |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo     -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

Info-Sumo    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

MassaSHEgawa 2  1  1  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  3 

North Pole   3  2  3  1  3  4  3  4  3  3  3  4  5  4  5 

Sakura       5  4  2  3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  1  1  2 

SumoForum    4  5  5  4  5  5  5  5  5  5  4  3  3  3  1 

Mukade       1  3  4  5  4  3  4  3  4  4  5  5  4  5  4 



Misc. Stats


             TPS  AvgTPS PS   AvgPS  HiDWP   LoDWP   HiIDA   LoIDA   


Doitsugo     0    0.00   5    0.83    83%     00%    22.8    08.5   

Info-Sumo    1    0.14   9    1.29    86%     29%    27.3    08.1   

MassaSHEgawa 0    0.00   4    0.44    100%    22%    19.6    06.2   

Mukade       0    0.00   5    0.56    67%     22%    21.2    09.2   

North Pole   1    0.07   9    0.64    71%     21%    18.3    08.0   

Sakura       0    0.00   3    0.30    80%     20%    21.7    04.3   

SumoForum    0    0.00   13   1.30    80%     10%    27.2    05.5   


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon      RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt  AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo     829   430    20    138.2  71.7   3.33  0.00   31    5.17

Info-Sumo    1009  610    70    144.1  87.1   10.00 3.57   51    7.29

MassaSHEgawa 1244  650    30    138.2  72.2   3.33  0.00   47    5.22

North Pole   1861  960    50    132.9  68.6   3.57  2.86   88    6.29

Sakura       1385  770    50    138.5  77.0   5.00  2.50   64    6.40

SumoForum    1429  720    50    142.9  72.0   5.00  5.50   96    9.60

Mukade       1218  610    40    135.3  67.8   4.44  1.11   44    4.89

RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





                 Day Win Tot    Daily Points Bon

Player           Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




Metzinowaka      15  Y   239  + 13/19/09/19/15/11/24/09/20/12/20/12/11/30/150  

Holleshoryu      6   -   235  + 13/16/08/18/17/05/22/10/17/22/19/10/32/20/060  

Pitinosato       16  Y   218  - 00/20/22/07/07/07/10/14/10/24/17/22/22/20/160  

tainosen         4   -   214  - 17/05/22/19/02/06/24/12/06/12/04/32/29/20/040  

Frinkanohana     5   -   201  - 02/17/12/03/17/09/20/14/11/24/16/24/22/05/050  

Mariohana        13  Y   172  - 06/09/07/07/05/19/09/12/11/09/19/19/21/06/130  

Flohru           --  -   0      Kyujo   

Kitanoyama       --  -   0      Kyujo   

wolfgangho       --  -   0      Kyujo   

Yassier          --  -   0      Kyujo   





iwakoko          15  Y   254  + 02/17/22/21/18/08/07/24/22/11/29/32/19/07/150  

Roundeye         5   -   252  + 16/17/20/09/15/06/24/21/19/32/07/30/11/20/050  

Kintsubasa       15  Y   233  + 04/17/24/06/18/20/09/22/07/12/17/14/21/27/150  

Hana-ichi        5   -   217  - 14/19/09/19/17/20/21/12/09/10/31/14/12/05/050  

Sherlockiama     5   -   208  - 15/07/22/08/20/19/09/19/13/09/22/14/22/04/050  

Unagiyutaka      3   -   205  - 02/19/12/06/18/17/21/31/09/10/22/20/11/04/030  

Watashi          3   -   192  - 14/05/09/06/17/22/10/20/09/24/20/14/12/07/030  

Tsunamiko        3   -   191  - 12/06/09/04/18/06/22/09/21/14/19/19/26/03/030  

Takanorappa      2   -   172  - 03/21/11/04/15/08/22/09/19/12/08/19/12/07/020  

Akishiki         --  -   0      Kyujo   

Gaijingai        --  -   0      Kyujo   

ihopeso          --  -   0      Kyujo   

Mukanibaru       --  -   0      Kyujo   

Rikishimiezi     --  -   0      Kyujo   





Hokuyutaka       22  Y   279  + 12/09/22/13/03/19/12/22/22/24/29/32/20/18/2245  MCP-3/Y

Anjoboshi        27  Y   239  + 03/07/24/08/15/17/09/24/11/12/20/24/30/08/270  

Kitakachiyama    25  Y   234  + 02/16/21/19/06/07/12/22/06/12/11/29/29/17/250  

Achiyama         28  Y   231  + 12/07/09/19/05/08/24/09/06/24/20/14/29/17/280  

Mmikasazuma      3   -   227  + 15/17/03/19/05/19/24/10/30/06/26/36/09/05/030  

Kintamayama      15  Y   220  - 02/07/24/04/05/24/22/24/09/24/09/32/12/07/1510  NCP/

Kashunowaka      18  Y   214  - 15/07/07/19/05/07/09/09/21/22/12/30/29/04/180  

Nekonishiki      4   -   187  - 02/18/20/07/02/04/09/11/19/12/22/24/31/02/040  

Taka             5   -   186  - 02/02/07/19/05/19/10/12/09/24/07/31/16/18/050  

Kuroimori        5   -   182  - 02/06/12/09/04/16/22/09/09/22/09/20/16/21/050  

Atenzan          --  -   0      Kyujo   

Leonishiki       --  -   0      Kyujo   

Nanahachi        --  -   0      Kyujo   

Yangnomazuma     --  -   0      Kyujo   





Oshirokita       16  Y   251  + 14/06/22/14/18/22/09/22/22/32/09/12/30/03/160  

Kaba             6   -   233  + 14/20/18/22/16/12/19/34/04/05/08/12/24/19/060  

Homuburyuwa      28  Y   227  + 15/08/22/19/02/04/24/12/04/09/21/09/30/20/280  

Getayukata       8   -   225  + 15/18/24/16/02/02/24/09/06/24/07/21/19/30/0815  FS/

Jakusotsu        2   -   225  + 00/19/09/06/18/05/22/24/20/12/22/29/09/28/025   KCC-S/

Boltbanana       3   -   213  - 05/19/17/09/13/02/24/19/31/16/13/13/13/16/0320  GOP/

Kitahotaru       3   -   209  - 20/20/07/19/03/19/24/12/22/09/09/13/13/16/030  

Chijanofuji      5   -   208  - 03/08/19/06/17/20/20/22/09/33/07/21/12/06/050  

Marushiki        4   -   203  - 15/04/07/19/06/17/22/07/19/22/09/16/16/20/040  

Fujiko           13  Y   190  - 14/04/09/24/03/07/22/09/20/09/20/21/09/06/130  

Fujisan          14  Y   185  - 03/19/19/19/02/06/11/10/19/07/26/16/07/07/140  

Baku             18  Y   172  - 02/07/05/03/07/10/11/11/20/24/09/12/30/03/180  

Kyodaitimu       5   -   170  - 02/05/12/21/02/04/12/11/11/17/30/11/08/19/050  

Jejima           17  Y   160  - 05/03/05/19/03/05/12/12/09/22/10/11/09/18/170  

Gurowake         --  -   0      Kyujo   

mischashimaru    --  -   0      Kyujo   

Tenshinhan       --  -   0      Kyujo   





Aoyume           16  Y   256  + 02/19/21/19/20/14/22/09/22/32/22/06/14/18/1615  J-Y/

Athenayama       18  Y   252  + 18/06/22/04/20/07/11/22/21/33/07/24/32/07/180  

Saruyama         28  Y   243  + 12/22/24/04/05/05/09/10/22/12/22/31/30/07/280  

Rubensan         19  Y   242  + 02/07/22/04/17/08/22/22/22/12/17/31/32/05/190  

Itachiyama       5   -   213  - 02/06/19/19/04/20/09/22/20/10/08/22/29/18/050  

Tameiki          5   -   213  - 00/22/10/04/20/18/11/12/20/24/20/12/30/05/050  

andonishiki      0   -   205  - 02/06/10/08/19/22/22/22/07/11/20/30/21/05/000  

Kuramarujo       4   -   205  + 00/19/29/17/16/17/07/19/20/06/30/09/09/03/0410  YB/

Aminoumi         7   -   189  - 03/20/09/20/07/22/07/12/08/29/08/22/10/05/070  

Wamahada         4   -   187  - 02/19/07/04/18/17/24/08/22/12/22/12/10/06/040  

chabonowaka      --  -   0      Kyujo   

Hibarifuji       --  -   0      Kyujo   

Kamogawa         --  -   0      Kyujo   

Sakura           --  -   0      Kyujo   

sekihiryu        --  -   0      Kyujo   





Kasamatsuri      2   -   256  + 15/18/07/18/04/20/14/11/17/29/22/32/29/18/020  

toonoryu         14  Y   256  + 00/19/24/06/18/20/21/12/08/14/24/31/40/05/1415  FS/

Konosato         3   -   254  + 03/16/22/16/08/24/10/22/19/24/08/43/31/05/030  

Oortael          5   -   242  + 02/21/21/07/08/19/20/20/22/24/07/34/24/08/0510  MCP-4/

Kotononami       27  Y   237  + 02/18/10/17/07/07/22/24/22/12/21/20/11/17/270  

Terarno          27  Y   226  + 15/16/08/09/03/17/10/24/20/22/06/20/11/18/270  

Furanohana       6   -   218  + 20/04/11/18/15/06/22/22/07/08/19/11/24/25/060  

Chimatayama      --  -   0      Kyujo   

Damimonay        --  -   0      Kyujo   

Kaiowaka         --  -   0      Kyujo   





Chocshoporyu     5   -   249  + 13/05/20/17/08/18/22/24/09/12/19/40/30/07/050  

Unkonoyama       31  Y   239  + 12/07/09/17/18/20/10/12/09/14/19/32/12/17/310  

chishafuwaku     21  Y   237  + 15/03/21/19/05/09/05/07/20/12/22/31/22/25/2110  YB/

ScreechingOwl    25  Y   230  + 12/16/09/08/05/20/22/24/21/12/19/20/12/05/250  

Chelseayama      2   -   203  - 16/09/09/04/15/21/22/22/07/21/09/10/16/20/020  

Oskanohana       6   -   201  - 02/19/21/21/05/19/10/19/08/12/21/20/11/07/060  

pandaazuma       18  Y   197  - 02/02/10/19/06/10/09/22/09/24/07/12/29/18/180  

Kaito            19  Y   192  - 00/22/19/06/20/05/07/21/07/24/10/14/12/06/190  

Gawasukotto      5   -   120  - 16/00/02/00/02/24/12/12/07/12/00/12/09/07/050  

Domichi          --  -   0      Kyujo   

Fujiyama         --  -   0      Kyujo   

Haidouzo         --  -   0      Kyujo   

Kuroho           --  -   0      Kyujo   

Sebunshu         --  -   0      Kyujo   



Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho






Rank Shikona          Pts Ichimon     


1    +1   Hokuyutaka       257 SumoForum   

2    +3   Kasamatsuri      254 Info-Sumo   

3    -2   Konosato         251 Info-Sumo   

4    +5   Roundeye         247 MassaSHEgawa

5    -2   Chocshoporyu     244 Mukade      

6    -3   toonoryu         242 Info-Sumo   

7    +3   Athenayama       240 Sakura      

8    -2   iwakoko          239 MassaSHEgawa

9    -1   Oortael          237 Info-Sumo   

10   -4   Oshirokita       235 North Pole  

11   +2   Holleshoryu      229 Doitsugo    

12   +2   Kaba             227 North Pole  

13   +14  Metzinowaka      224 Doitsugo    

13   -2   Mmikasazuma      224 SumoForum   

15   +11  Jakusotsu        223 North Pole  

15   -3   Rubensan         223 Sakura      

17   +15  Kintsubasa       218 MassaSHEgawa

18   +22  Getayukata       217 North Pole  

19   +13  chishafuwaku     216 Mukade      

20   -6   Saruyama         215 Sakura      

21   -5   Hana-ichi        212 MassaSHEgawa

21   -4   Anjoboshi        212 SumoForum   

21   +19  Furanohana       212 Info-Sumo   

24   +12  tainosen         210 Doitsugo    

24   +3   Boltbanana       210 North Pole  

24   +5   Kotononami       210 Info-Sumo   

27   +3   Kitakachiyama    209 SumoForum   

28   +8   Itachiyama       208 Sakura      

28   -10  Tameiki          208 Sakura      

28   +4   Unkonoyama       208 Mukade      

31   +5   Kitahotaru       206 North Pole  

32   -10  Kintamayama      205 SumoForum   

32   -13  andonishiki      205 Sakura      

32   -13  ScreechingOwl    205 Mukade      

35   -14  Sherlockiama     203 MassaSHEgawa

35   +7   Achiyama         203 SumoForum   

35   -10  Chijanofuji      203 North Pole  

38   +6   Pitinosato       202 Doitsugo    

38   -16  Unagiyutaka      202 MassaSHEgawa

40   -18  Kuramarujo       201 Sakura      

40   +6   Chelseayama      201 Mukade      

42   +7   Homuburyuwa      199 North Pole  

42   +7   Marushiki        199 North Pole  

42   +4   Terarno          199 Info-Sumo   

45   -13  Frinkanohana     196 Doitsugo    

45   -15  Kashunowaka      196 SumoForum   

47   -8   Oskanohana       195 Mukade      

48   -4   Watashi          189 MassaSHEgawa

49   -6   Tsunamiko        188 MassaSHEgawa

50   -4   Nekonishiki      183 SumoForum   

50   +1   Wamahada         183 Sakura      

52   -1   Aminoumi         182 Sakura      

52   -1   aoyume           182 Sakura      

54   +3   Taka             181 SumoForum   

55   +4   pandaazuma       179 Mukade      

56   +4   Kuroimori        177 SumoForum   

56   -2   Fujiko           177 North Pole  

58   -3   Kaito            173 Mukade      

59   -3   Fujisan          171 North Pole  

60   -3   Takanorappa      170 MassaSHEgawa

61   +2   Kyodaitimu       165 North Pole  

62   -1   Mariohana        159 Doitsugo    

63   -1   Baku             154 North Pole  

64   0    Jejima           143 North Pole  

65   0    Gawasukotto      115 Mukade