Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Nagoya Ichimon Championship Flag (ICF)







At some point we stop counting, like McDonald’s, right?  Dozens and Dozens of ICF earned?  :-)  Mukade played the sleepers, once again to pull off a come from behind win over the Natsu champs.  Congrats on your win!


Mukade finished 10-5 for win days, and posted an (official) high overall win rate of 54.1%. Senshuraku saw them post 67% wins again, putting them well in front of the Sakurans.  The final win margin was 187 tech pts (or 6 ITA pts).


Three for Team Mukade brought home prizes: Kaito (the Yusho, Quality Award, Outstanding Perf., and 5th in the MCP for a big 60 pts); Unkonoyama (Jun-yusho); panaazuma (Jun-KCC).

Three from the champs made it into the top 10 in indie pts – Kaito (279 at the top spot), Oskanohana (258 = 5th) and Unkonoyama (250 = 6th).  Gawasukotto narrowly missed out of the top 10 (235 = tied for 12th)



SFI was shy players, this time, but took the overall top spot.  Their 6 players crafted a 233.83 ITA in this tricky basho, including an 83% win day on day 15, to pull ahead of the official champs by 2 wins.  The forumers put in 13 days over 0.500, and finished with an enviable 57.8% overall win rate.  The only prize they took, however, was a jun-yusho (Kashunowaka).  Speaking of…  Kashunowaka finishe as the top Forumer, and moved up 2 spots on senshuraku to finish 7th in the indie race (249pts).  Of note, every SFIer KK’d!




NPI was in the cat bird’s seat on senshuraku eve, and they turned in a good performance on senshuraku. It was good, but not great, and that is what the Polers needed to grab the flag.  They put up a nice 54% win/16.8 effort, but it wasn’t enough to hold off the Sakura’s great effort. The Frosties end the basho 45 tech pts (4.36 ITA pts) back.  They made a nice effort in the bonus department, netting 135 bonus pts to Sakura’s 140. Fujisan yusho’d and won the Quality Award. Boltbanana was banana with 4 prizes:  Second in the MCP, the GOP, a Fighting Spirit and a Tech Prize.  Chijanofui pulled in a Techie, and Fujino too the MCP-Yaocho Bum. NPI finished with the basho’s #2 best overall win rate – a 52.3%, and set the bar on KK’s with 61.5%.  They could’ve pulled a little harder on the GBL handle, though, as their net effect was a third-lowest 8.54 ITA pts due to GBLs. There was no shortage of icy claw marks all over the Indie pt top 10 for the Polers, as Fujisan (293 = 4th), Boltbanana (283 = 6th) and Kyodaitimu (271 = 9th) made it in.




The Blossomers really looked like they might pull off the repeat.  I think, maybe, the return of the hobbled Ozeki, may have thrown them off their game. They put together a 50% win day on senshuraku, which left them 18 pts further back than the day before.  Still, it was a great ride for them.  They completed 10 days above 0.500, and were 7-5 in KKs.  They were the top GBL earners, and were tops in prize (115 tech pts).  Ffour Sakurans earned prizes, including three multi-prize winners:  Athenayama (a Yusho, a Tech Prize and #1 in the MCP), Bunbukuchagama    (a jun-yusho and 3rd in the MCP), Ozeki Joaoiyama (a Fighting Spirit and #2 in the MCP), and Aminoumi (a No Cigar).  Athenayama lost the last day battle for best indie pts, but wound up 2nd overall.  Bunbukuchagama (262 = 4th) and Joaoiyama (247 (tied for 8th) were the other Sakura top 10ers (is that a word?).




The Doits were also mawashi-challenged (Um, that doesn’t sound good…), er, missing 4 feet(?), so weren’t qualified to officially win).  They ran in the middle of the pack for much of the basho, and finished 11 ITA pts back (68 tech pts).  Day 15 saw a mighty push, and their 83% ins cemented them in, well, where they were. They finished with a winning record (52.2%) and put 4 of their 6 in the KK column.  Two Doits scored bonuses – tainosen grabbed jun-yusho, and there was a (name-withheld) Nakabi prize.  tainosen was the top Doit, finishing 3rd overall in indie pts (263). 




The M’s woulda, coulda, shoulda.  They had some bad times in the latter half, and slipped from second into a final third place.  The M’s didn’t help themselves on day 15, going just 42% wins.  Their final deficit was 23 ITA pts (335 tech pts). They finish 50/50 in KKs/MKs, and fell below the winning basho line (48.3% wins).  Five Massies grabbed prizes: Sherlockiama (jun-yusho), iwakako (yaocho Bum), Kintsubasa (Yaocho Bum and a jun-yusho), Roundeye (NCP and the MCP-No Cigar) and Gusoyama (A KCC semi). Tsunamiko was the only Massie to crack the indie pt top 10 (247 = tie for 7th).




ISI was a threat at the start, but quickly fell into the middle of the pack. Their day 15 38% win day pushed them below the MassaSHEgawans, leaving them 35 tech pts from 3rd place. They finished with a 47.5% win rate (really, just 3 decisions from 50-50).  They took home 35 tech pts in bonuses – Kaiowaka (the KCC) and Konosato (4th in the MCP).  None of the Izzies cracked the top 10 in indie pts.  Kaiowaka was the top Izzie (235 = tied for 12th).




NPI is far from their 2nd place Natsu finish. They just never got traction (and many are probably laying in bed IN traction after this one). They had just 6 days above 0.500, and senshuraku wasn’t one of them (a 46% day).  They end as the only team not to crack 200 ITA pts, and only 4 of their 13 made KK. Almost fittingly, the only prize earned was a No-Cigar (Chijanofuji).  Oshirokita (241 = 10th) was the star Frostie, this time out 


See you in the funny papers,

ICF Gyoji Takanorappa





.                                         |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon      #ACT TP   Bon ITA    PB  PB+-  ITA+-  Rnk+-  DWP IDA


1   SumoForum    6    1388 15  233.83      00    0.0     0    83% 22.5

2   Mukade       9    1995 90  231.67 19  +16   +1.8     0    67% 16.8

3   Sakura       12   2593 115 225.67 98  +18   +1.5     0    50% 16.9

4   Doitsugo     6    1310 25  222.5  68  +15   +2.5     0    83% 23.3

5   MassaSHEgawa 12   2445 85  210.83 276 -50   -4.2    +1    42% 13.8

6   Info-Sumo    8    1651 35  210.75 185 -35   -4.4    -1    38% 16.3

7   North Pole   13   2491 10  192.38 539 -141 -10.9     0    46% 13.4

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.




Ichimon   D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


SumoForum 107/090/060/108/079/090/043/078/064/097/123/100/095/119/135

Mukade    150/099/114/173/086/132/048/134/085/156/169/155/153/190/151

Sakura    149/177/139/281/172/147/139/164/133/182/164/148/215/180/203

Doitsugo  080/104/079/088/073/089/049/069/058/056/092/127/103/103/140

Mass.     205/160/153/192/140/153/166/128/161/167/141/126/172/216/165

Info-Sumo 133/105/092/151/103/106/055/103/092/084/154/085/112/146/130

NorthPole 171/135/154/211/179/129/106/169/162/157/206/172/196/170/174



.                         | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.                         |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |    210.2   |  203.5 |    208.1  |

Daily Points for Today -- |    16.6    |  14.0  |    15.8   |

Bonus Points (out of 470) |    375     |  95    |    470    |

Prizes (out of 32)        |    27      |  5     |    32     |





                OVERALL    |  TODAY   | CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon       KK  MK  KK%  | KK   MK  | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo      4   2   66.7 | +2   (0) |   1    2 

MassaSHEgawa  6   6   50.0 | +1   (0) |   0    3 

SumoForum     6   0   100.0| +2   (0) |   0    3 

North Pole    4   9   30.8 | +0   (2) |   4    1 

Sakura        7   5   58.3 | +2   (0) |   1    2 

Info-Sumo     4   4   50.0 | +1   (1) |   1    3 

Mukade        5   4   55.6 | +0   (1) |   1    0 





.      |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI   Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff.

=| Doit ---  |0-1  |0-1  |---  |0-1  |---  |---  |1-2  

L|  ISI 1-0  |1-1  |---  |1-0  |---  |1-0  |1-0  |0-2  

o| Mass 1-0  |---  |---  |0-1  |---  |1-1  |3-0  |2-3  

s|  NPI ---  |0-1  |1-0  |1-1  |2-2  |1-0  |---  |2-2  

e|  Sak 1-0  |---  |---  |2-2  |---  |---  |0-1  |3-3  

r|  SFI ---  |0-1  |1-1  |0-1  |---  |---  |---  |0-2  

=|  Muk ---  |0-1  |0-3  |---  |1-0  |---  |---  |2-2  

=|Unaff 2-1  |2-0  |3-2  |2-2  |3-3  |2-0  |2-2  |2-2  

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------

.   All 5-1  |3-5  |5-7  |6-7  |6-6  |5-1  |6-3  |12-18



OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)  --- Total bouts = 720


.      |----------------------WINNER---------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI    Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff. 

=| Doit 4-4  |5-8  |6-7  |4-4   |4-5  |5-1  |4-3  |11-15  

L|  ISI 8-5  |9-9  |3-8  |5-3   |8-3  |4-6  |10-7 |16-16  

o| Mass 7-6  |8-3  |7-7  |15-15 |12-11|6-5  |10-8 |28-32  

s|  NPI 4-4  |3-5  |15-15|12-12 |18-12|9-3  |5-10 |38-30  

e|  Sak 5-4  |3-8  |11-12|12-18 |11-11|3-4  |9-8  |35-26  

r|  SFI 1-5  |6-4  |5-6  |3-9   |4-3  |2-2  |5-5  |12-18  

=|  Muk 3-4  |7-10 |8-10 |10-5  |8-9  |5-5  |8-8  |13-22  

=|Unaff 15-11|16-16|32-28|30-38 |26-35|18-12|22-13|69-69  


.   All 47-43|57-63|87-93|91-104|91-89|52-38|73-62|222-228

.  Win% 52.2%|47.5%|48.3%|46.7% |50.6%|57.8%|54.1%|49.3%  



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon       ||   M   |   J   |  ms   |  sd   |  jd   |


Doitsugo      ||  2-1  |  2-0  |  1-0  |  ---  |  ---  |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  1-2  |  0-4  |  4-0  |  ---  |  ---  |

SumoForum     ||  2-1  |  2-0  |  1-0  |  ---  |  ---  |

North Pole    ||  1-1  |  2-2  |  3-3  |  ---  |  ---  |

Sakura        ||  2-0  |  0-1  |  1-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

Info-Sumo     ||  2-4  |  ---  |  1-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Mukade        ||  3-3  |  2-0  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |





Ichimon       ||   M    |   J    |  ms    |  sd    |  jd    |


Doitsugo      ||  21-24 |  18-12 |  8-7   |  ---   |  ---   |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  17-28 |  27-33 |  37-23 |  ---   |  ---   |

SumoForum     ||  25-20 |  17-13 |  10-5  |  ---   |  ---   |

North Pole    ||  16-14 |  24-36 |  43-47 |  ---   |  ---   |

Sakura        ||  17-13 |  6-9   |  20-25 |  ---   |  ---   |

Info-Sumo     ||  46-44 |  ---   |  11-19 |  ---   |  ---   |

Mukade        ||  48-42 |  19-11 |  ---   |  ---   |  ---   |





Day || Doit    ISI     Mass    NPI     Sak     SFI     Muk    Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1   || 33.3%   50.0%   58.3%   38.5%   25.0%   66.7%   55.6%  60.0%

2   || 83.3%   50.0%   58.3%   30.8%   50.0%   66.7%   33.3%  50.0%

3   || 66.7%   50.0%   50.0%   53.8%   41.7%   33.3%   55.6%  50.0%

4   || 16.7%   62.5%   33.3%   46.2%   91.7%   50.0%   55.6%  43.3%

5   || 50.0%   62.5%   50.0%   69.2%   66.7%   66.7%   33.3%  33.3%

6   || 50.0%   37.5%   50.0%   30.8%   41.7%   66.7%   66.7%  56.7%

7   || 33.3%   37.5%   83.3%   38.5%   66.7%   33.3%   22.2%  53.3%

8   || 50.0%   50.0%   41.7%   53.8%   50.0%   50.0%   66.7%  46.7%

9   || 33.3%   62.5%   58.3%   61.5%   50.0%   50.0%   33.3%  46.7%

10  || 16.7%   25.0%   33.3%   38.5%   50.0%   66.7%   77.8%  63.3%

11  || 50.0%   75.0%   25.0%   53.8%   50.0%   66.7%   55.6%  46.7%

12  || 100.0%  25.0%   41.7%   53.8%   41.7%   66.7%   66.7%  43.3%

13  || 50.0%   25.0%   41.7%   46.2%   50.0%   50.0%   44.4%  63.3%

14  || 66.7%   62.5%   58.3%   38.5%   33.3%   50.0%   77.8%  43.3%

15  || 83.3%   37.5%   41.7%   46.2%   50.0%   83.3%   66.7%  40.0%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit   ISI    Mass   NPI    Sak    SFI    Muk   


1   || 13.3   16.6   17.1   13.2   12.4   17.8   16.7  

2   || 17.3   13.1   13.3   10.4   14.8   15.0   11.0  

3   || 13.2   11.5   12.8   11.8   11.6   10.0   12.7  

4   || 14.7   18.9   16.0   16.2   23.4   18.0   19.2  

5   || 12.2   12.9   11.7   13.8   14.3   13.2   9.6   

6   || 14.8   13.3   12.8   9.9    12.3   15.0   14.7  

7   || 8.2    6.9    13.8   8.2    11.6   7.2    5.3   

9   || 9.7    11.5   13.4   12.5   11.1   10.7   9.4   

10  || 9.3    10.5   13.9   12.1   15.2   16.2   17.3  

11  || 15.3   19.3   11.8   15.8   13.7   20.5   18.8  

12  || 21.2   10.6   10.5   13.2   12.3   16.7   17.2  

13  || 17.2   14.0   14.3   15.1   17.9   15.8   17.0  

14  || 17.2   18.3   18.0   13.1   15.0   19.8   21.1  

15  || 23.3   16.3   13.8   13.4   16.9   22.5   16.8  



RANK by Day


.           |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo     -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

Info-Sumo    3  2  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  4  3  3  4  3  4 

MassaSHEgawa 1  1  1  4  3  4  2  2  2  2  4  4  3  4  3 

North Pole   4  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5 

Sakura       5  4  4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  2  2 

SumoForum    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

Mukade       2  3  3  3  4  3  4  4  4  3  2  1  2  1  1 



Misc. Stats


             TPS  AvgTPS PS   AvgPS  HiDWP   LoDWP   HiIDA   LoIDA  


Doitsugo     0    0.00   5    0.83    100%    17%    23.3    08.2   

Info-Sumo    1    0.13   4    0.50    75%     25%    19.3    06.9   

MassaSHEgawa 0    0.00   7    0.58    83%     25%    18.0    10.5   

Mukade       0    0.00   6    0.67    78%     22%    21.1    05.3   

North Pole   0    0.00   4    0.31    69%     31%    16.2    08.2   

Sakura       1    0.08   4    0.33    92%     25%    23.4    11.1   

SumoForum    1    0.17   4    0.67    83%     33%    22.5    07.2   


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon      RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt  AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo     800   470    40    133.3  78.3   6.67  4.17   15    2.50

Info-Sumo    1041  570    40    130.1  71.3   5.00  4.38   47    5.88

MassaSHEgawa 1515  870    60    126.3  72.5   5.00  7.08   57    4.75

North Pole   1541  910    40    118.5  70.0   3.08  0.77   18    1.38

Sakura       1613  910    70    134.4  75.8   5.83  9.58   95    7.92

SumoForum    808   520    60    134.7  86.7   10.00 2.50   20    3.33

Mukade       1215  730    50    135.0  81.1   5.56  10.00  54    6.00

RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





                 Day Win Tot    Daily Points Bon

Player           Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




tainosen         22  Y   263  + 11/20/17/24/18/21/19/17/06/05/09/30/24/20/22 15  J-Y/

Pitinosato       11  -   231  + 08/18/18/12/19/19/02/16/17/10/19/28/12/22/11 0  

Flohru           31  Y   230  + 10/20/19/11/08/10/02/19/07/20/22/20/22/09/31 0  

Frinkanohana     32  Y   225  + 21/20/15/21/18/08/15/03/07/06/09/15/24/11/32 0  

Mariohana        20  Y   186  - 19/18/05/08/05/22/04/06/16/07/09/17/10/20/20 0  

Metzinowaka      24  Y   175  - 11/08/05/12/05/09/07/08/05/08/24/17/11/21/24 10  NNP/

Holleshoryu      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kitanoyama       --  -   0      Kyujo    

wolfgangho       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Yassier          --  -   0      Kyujo    





Tsunamiko        21  Y   247  + 22/15/07/20/09/21/17/05/19/07/16/17/24/27/21 0  

Watashi          39  Y   235  + 11/05/07/10/18/21/19/07/19/10/09/15/29/16/39 0  

Sherlockiama     19  Y   230  + 22/17/17/12/18/17/15/03/19/29/12/17/07/06/19 15  J-Y/

Takanorappa      8   -   226  + 21/05/06/30/05/07/17/18/03/09/22/19/24/32/08 0  

iwakoko          8   -   217  + 24/20/20/09/04/17/16/19/15/09/07/07/10/32/08 10  YB/

Kintsubasa       17  Y   205  + 17/18/18/05/13/16/15/16/09/29/06/06/02/18/17 35  YB/MCP-Y/J-Y/

Roundeye         10  -   187  - 11/07/05/24/06/08/02/09/19/20/21/10/24/11/10 20  NCP/MCP-N/

Akishiki         8   -   183  - 11/20/21/32/04/07/12/05/05/18/03/03/24/10/08 0  

Hana-ichi        19  Y   183  - 10/05/05/12/16/21/19/05/18/10/22/05/05/11/19 0  

Gaijingai        6   -   181  - 24/20/20/09/20/08/15/18/05/07/09/06/07/07/06 0  

Gusoyama         8   -   177  - 10/08/20/08/22/05/04/04/21/11/10/15/07/24/08 5   KCC-S/

Unagiyutaka      2   -   174  - 22/20/07/21/05/05/15/19/09/08/04/06/09/22/02 0  

ihopeso          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Mukanibaru       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Rikishimiezi     --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kashunowaka      24  Y   249  + 21/20/06/24/15/10/08/19/04/18/22/28/22/08/24 15  J-Y/

Kitakachiyama    22  Y   237  + 11/18/06/24/03/17/02/16/06/20/16/22/22/32/22 0  

Kuroimori        19  Y   234  + 22/20/17/14/15/20/02/07/17/20/31/07/12/11/19 0  

Achiyama         32  Y   233  + 10/07/06/14/18/05/03/20/16/10/29/19/22/22/32 0  

Yangnomazuma     7   -   219  + 21/20/20/08/21/19/13/09/07/21/03/07/09/34/07 0  

Kintamayama      31  Y   216  + 22/05/05/24/07/19/15/07/14/08/22/17/08/12/31 0  

Anjoboshi        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Atenzan          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Hokuyutaka       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Leonishiki       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Nanahachi        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Mmikasazuma      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Nekonishiki      --  -   0      Kyujo    





Oshirokita       22  Y   241  + 11/07/05/24/18/07/16/22/07/08/22/21/22/29/22 0  

Kitahotaru       9   -   235  + 21/18/07/12/04/22/18/14/16/21/12/27/22/12/09 0  

Boltbanana       9   -   228  + 20/15/17/24/18/05/04/05/06/08/29/17/32/19/09 0  

Baku             9   -   202  + 19/20/05/22/18/05/13/08/12/18/07/25/16/05/09 0  

Jakusotsu        9   -   191  - 07/07/19/10/06/07/15/21/15/24/22/02/20/07/09 0  

Chijanofuji      10  -   188  - 10/08/18/14/16/09/05/23/06/08/22/05/12/22/10 10  NCP/

Kyodaitimu       21  Y   187  - 21/08/18/09/08/19/02/07/20/18/10/08/12/06/21 0  

Homuburyuwa      16  Y   185  - 10/05/20/09/19/02/03/17/02/21/09/10/20/22/16 0  

Fujiko           6   -   176  - 07/18/15/22/13/19/05/06/21/08/21/04/03/08/06 0  

Getayukata       19  Y   173  - 07/10/04/24/19/05/00/03/15/07/19/02/21/18/19 0  

Jejima           5   -   169  - 22/07/05/09/16/16/04/08/19/06/19/17/09/07/05 0  

Marushiki        18  Y   159  - 09/05/03/12/08/08/21/18/17/06/07/16/05/06/18 0  

Kaba             21  Y   157  - 07/07/18/20/16/05/00/17/06/04/07/18/02/09/21 0  

Fujisan          --  -   0      Kyujo     

Gurowake         --  -   0      Kyujo    

mischashimaru    --  -   0      Kyujo    

Tenshinhan       --  -   0      Kyujo    





Athenayama       8   -   265  + 22/10/07/09/19/08/17/22/18/32/18/31/30/14/08 40  Tech/MCP-W/

Bunbukuchagama   22  Y   262  + 21/20/06/32/20/08/03/19/06/20/22/07/34/22/22 30  MCP-3/J-Y/

Joaoiyama        24  Y   247  + 20/10/09/24/20/10/02/17/16/20/09/08/24/34/24 35  FS/MCP-2/

Rubensan         40  Y   234  + 10/20/08/22/16/22/02/07/17/20/10/19/10/11/40 0  

Aoyume           19  Y   224  + 10/22/19/20/19/19/15/19/06/11/03/05/06/31/19 0  

Beeftank         30  Y   222  + 10/20/18/24/19/05/14/06/06/20/19/08/14/09/30 0  

Wamahada         9   -   221  + 10/10/19/22/17/16/02/20/03/02/22/17/32/20/09 0  

andonishiki      10  -   201  - 08/21/21/30/04/07/15/07/04/24/09/19/12/10/10 0  

Aminoumi         11  -   201  - 08/09/02/32/02/22/19/29/16/07/22/07/09/06/11 10  NCP/

Tetsuba          21  Y   193  - 11/07/17/24/08/05/18/06/04/08/19/17/21/07/21 0  

Kuramarujo       5   -   175  - 09/20/05/22/21/19/16/06/19/07/06/05/06/09/05 0  

Danjinoumi       4   -   148  - 10/08/08/20/07/06/16/06/18/11/05/05/17/07/04 0  

chabonowaka      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Hibarifuji       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Itachiyama       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kamogawa         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Sakura           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Saruyama         --  -   0      Kyujo    

sekihiryu        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Tameiki          --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kaiowaka         12  -   234  + 22/20/05/32/08/08/15/19/17/07/22/05/32/10/12 25  KCC/

Kotononami       8   -   233  + 24/09/21/22/15/16/02/17/04/22/32/10/10/21/08 0  

Konosato         34  Y   232  + 21/20/17/12/19/08/02/09/16/10/20/10/12/22/34 10  MCP-4/

Terarno          12  -   226  + 22/05/05/19/19/24/04/23/16/05/24/26/11/11/12 0  

Kasamatsuri      11  -   192  - 10/06/17/24/18/07/13/19/16/06/09/05/22/09/11 0  

Oortael          5   -   189  - 10/18/19/22/05/06/05/07/05/22/10/17/09/29/05 0  

toonoryu         29  Y   180  - 14/18/03/08/19/08/12/04/03/07/19/05/09/22/29 0  

Furanohana       19  Y   165  - 10/09/05/12/00/29/02/05/15/05/18/07/07/22/19 0  

Chimatayama      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Damimonay        --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kaito            22  Y   279  + 24/20/19/30/18/16/04/07/04/20/32/20/24/19/22 60  QA/OP/MCP-5/Y

Oskanohana       21  Y   258  + 21/10/06/24/05/18/02/18/19/21/22/28/12/31/21 0  

Unkonoyama       22  Y   250  + 10/05/19/14/18/20/12/18/06/18/29/28/22/09/22 15  J-Y/

Gawasukotto      21  Y   235  + 08/08/18/19/18/21/06/17/19/20/06/08/14/32/21 0  

pandaazuma       11  -   227  + 11/18/05/24/05/19/00/17/16/18/22/08/32/21/11 15  KCC-J/

Chocshoporyu     8   -   190  - 22/08/16/08/04/07/02/19/04/20/22/18/08/24/08 0  

chishafuwaku     11  -   187  - 22/07/05/31/05/06/03/23/04/05/12/18/11/24/11 0  

ScreechingOwl    20  Y   186  - 11/18/08/14/06/06/02/09/06/10/12/20/22/22/20 0  

Chelseayama      15  Y   183  - 21/05/18/09/07/19/17/06/07/24/12/07/08/08/15 0  

Domichi          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Fujiyama         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Haidouzo         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kuroho           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Sebunshu         --  -   0      Kyujo    




Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Challenging Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho






Rank +/- Shikona          Pts Ichimon     


1    0    Kaito            279 Mukade      

2    -1   Athenayama       265 Sakura      

3    0    tainosen         263 Doitsugo    

4    0    Bunbukuchagama   262 Sakura      

5    0    Oskanohana       258 Mukade      

6    0    Unkonoyama       250 Mukade      

7    +2   Kashunowaka      249 SumoForum   

8    -1   Tsunamiko        247 MassaSHEgawa

8    +3   Joaoiyama        247 Sakura      

10   +4   Oshirokita       241 North Pole  

11   +7   Kitakachiyama    237 SumoForum   

12   +18  Watashi          235 MassaSHEgawa

12   -5   Kitahotaru       235 North Pole  

12   +8   Gawasukotto      235 Mukade      

15   +3   Kuroimori        234 SumoForum    

15   +16  Rubensan         234 Sakura      

15   -3   Kaiowaka         234 Info-Sumo   

18   +9   Achiyama         233 SumoForum   

18   -9   Kotononami       233 Info-Sumo   

20   +9   Konosato         232 Info-Sumo   

21   -8   Pitinosato       231 Doitsugo    

22   +6   Flohru           230 Doitsugo    

22   +2   Sherlockiama     230 MassaSHEgawa

24   -10  Boltbanana       228 North Pole  

25   -8   pandaazuma       227 Mukade      

26   -10  Takanorappa      226 MassaSHEgawa

26   -6   Terarno          226 Info-Sumo   

28   +4   Frinkanohana     225 Doitsugo    

29   -3   aoyume           224 Sakura      

30   +4   Beeftank         222 Sakura      

31   -9   Wamahada         221 Sakura      

32   -10  Yangnomazuma     219 SumoForum   

33   -8   iwakoko          217 MassaSHEgawa

34   +4   Kintamayama      216 SumoForum   

35   +2   Kintsubasa       205 MassaSHEgawa

36   -4   Baku             202 North Pole  

37   -2   andonishiki      201 Sakura      

37   -1   Aminoumi         201 Sakura      

39   +9   Tetsuba          193 Sakura      

40   +2   Kasamatsuri      192 Info-Sumo   

41   -1   Jakusotsu        191 North Pole  

42   -2   Chocshoporyu     190 Mukade      

43   -4   Oortael          189 Info-Sumo   

44   -1   Chijanofuji      188 North Pole  

45   -1   Roundeye         187 MassaSHEgawa

45   +10  Kyodaitimu       187 North Pole  

45   0    chishafuwaku     187 Mukade      

48   +7   Mariohana        186 Doitsugo    

48   +7   ScreechingOwl    186 Mukade      

50   +2   Homuburyuwa      185 North Pole  

51   -5   Akishiki         183 MassaSHEgawa

51   +7   Hana-ichi        183 MassaSHEgawa

51   +3   Chelseayama      183 Mukade      

54   -8   Gaijingai        181 MassaSHEgawa

55   +6   toonoryu         180 Info-Sumo   

56   -4   Gusoyama         177 MassaSHEgawa

57   -7   Fujiko           176 North Pole  

58   +3   Metzinowaka      175 Doitsugo    

58   -8   Kuramarujo       175 Sakura      

60   -12  Unagiyutaka      174 MassaSHEgawa

61   -1   Getayukata       173 North Pole  

62   -4   Jejima           169 North Pole  

63   0    Furanohana       165 Info-Sumo   

64   +1   Marushiki        159 North Pole  

65   +1   Kaba             157 North Pole  

66   -2   Danjinoumi       148 Sakura      

