Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Natsu Ichimon Championship Flag (ICF)
Sakura comes from behind on the last day of the basho to grab the Flag! Their senshuraku performance showed just how much they wanted the win. They put together a 77% win day, converted 3 of 4 KK chances, and ended the day with a 20.6 IDA. That push put them in front of the NPIers by 54 tech pts for a final margin of victory of 4.16 ITA pts. This is just the third win for Sakura (Yeah, I couldn’t believe it, either), and their first since Haru 2008. Yes, it’s been 15 years since the Blossomers last felt the cool steel of the ICF flag pole. I guess those new recruits help some, huh? :-) Omedetou Gozaimasu!!!
This was a team effort, for sure. They Sakurans had a basho’s tops overall win rate of 54.9%, and set the bar with the most tech pts from bonuses (140 tech pts and 10.77 ITA pts). They were in the thick of things for GBLs, earning a flat 10 ITA pts on their # most Tech pts from GBLs). The only fly in the ointment was that their KK rate wasn’t higher. They ended with just 53.8% on the up elevator.
Rubensan was definitely the star of the show, grabbing 5 prizes! You can add a Yusho, the MCP, the Outstanding Prize, The Quality Award, and a Technique Prize to Rubensan’s haul. Oh, and Rubensan also was the overall leader in Indie pts, leaving the field in the dust with the basho’s only +300 score (321). Newbie Bunbukuchagama definitely looks like a good acquisition, as the Shin-BSer posted the #2 overall indie pts (296), all the while, picking up a yusho and 5th in the MCP. Beeftak was the last to of the Sakuran’s to crack the top 10, ending in 7th with 275 pts. Wamahada was the last of the Blossomfied team to earn a bonus, a Yoacho Bum.
NPI was in the cat bird’s seat on senshuraku eve, and they turned in a good performance on senshuraku. It was good, but not great, and that is what the Polers needed to grab the flag. They put up a nice 54% win/16.8 effort, but it wasn’t enough to hold off the Sakura’s great effort. The Frosties end the basho 45 tech pts (4.36 ITA pts) back. They made a nice effort in the bonus department, netting 135 bonus pts to Sakura’s 140. Fujisan yusho’d and won the Quality Award. Boltbanana was banana with 4 prizes: Second in the MCP, the GOP, a Fighting Spirit and a Tech Prize. Chijanofui pulled in a Techie, and Fujino too the MCP-Yaocho Bum. NPI finished with the basho’s #2 best overall win rate – a 52.3%, and set the bar on KK’s with 61.5%. They could’ve pulled a little harder on the GBL handle, though, as their net effect was a third-lowest 8.54 ITA pts due to GBLs. There was no shortage of icy claw marks all over the Indie pt top 10 for the Polers, as Fujisan (293 = 4th), Boltbanana (283 = 6th) and Kyodaitimu (271 = 9th) made it in.
SFI looked to be heading to another win, but their 56%/18.1 IDA day wasn’t enough to lift them. Their final deficit was 7.2 ITA pts (65 tech pts). They missed out on some key prizes, ending the basho with 55 tech pts from them, which was good enough for a 4th best showing. Prizes earners were: Achiyama (Jun-yusho and a Fighting Spirit), Kashunowaka (3rd in the MCP) and Yangnomazuma with the MCP-No Cigar. The final gap to the top was 7.2 ITA pts (or just 65 tech pts. They finish with an overall win rate of 51.9% and a KK rate of 55.6%. Achiyama (286) was the only SFIer to crack the top 10 in indie pts, finishing 5th overall.
The M’s were positioned well on senshuraku eve, but a 45% win day (including a couple heartbreakers) left them short of their goal. They hit the top spot on day 7, but had a bad day 10 that left them in too big a hole, and they end 15..4 ITA pts out. The M’s took too mirrored prizes: a No Cigar (Watashi) and a Yaocho Bum (Unagiyutaka). Three MK vs 1 KK were decided on the final day, leaving the M’s in a MK deficit for July (5-6). The Massies shined in GBL effects, as their perfect lineups accounted for 13.27 ITA pts – tops amongst all ichimons. Their bonuses, though, left them 3rd lowest. In indie pts, Rikishimiezi (287 = 3rd) was the M’s top scorer. The next appearance wasn’t till #18 with Unagiyutaka (259 = 18th).
Last basho’s winners struggled for much of the basho, but did hit the top spot for two day, early in the basho. Ultimately, though, they ended where they started – in 5th place. Uncharacteristically, they struggled in the last two days (including a 44% win day on senshuraku) to end the basho about 26 ITA pts out of things. Just like their final day wins, they will enjoy 44% of their team on the banzuke up elevator. GBLs evade Team Centipede, as they finished last amongst highly populated team (i.e., “official”) with only a 6.89 ITA bump. GBLs are usually Mukade’s bread and butter. Also uncharacteristic is the complete lack of bonuses. They were close, but nobody hit the mark. Pandaazuma (257 = 8th) and Oskanohana (269 = 10th) were the only Mukadens in the indie top 10.
Narrowly missing the ICF basement, the teammate-deprived Doitsugoans hit just 33% wins on senshuraku. They managed to get enough tech pts, though to keep them above the Izzies. Their final gap to the top was 29.7 ITA pts (or 172 – about 2 days’ worth of tech pts) from the top. Only Holleshoryu managed to snag a KK, and that was on a last ditch day 15 effort. There are no prizes headed to Germany, this basho. Holleshoryu (258) was the top scoring Doitsugoan, finishing 19th overall.
The (mostly vacationing) Izzies were on the sidelines, officially, this basho, which is probably good, given their showing. Senshuraku saw a 4#% win day, leaving them just 1 win from tying the Doits. Instead, they get the ICF basement couch (unofficially) to themselves. ISI finished with eh low overall win rate (a 43.8%), and feel the summer Banzuke heat for it – just 2 of their 7 are headed up. The only team they managed to best was the Doits, where they enjoyed a 6-3 margin over them. Three Izzies did manage to rake in prizes for a 6.43 ITA bump: Kasamatsuri grabbed the KCC with an 8-1; Terarno was a yaoching bum, and toonoryu shopped with Sakuran’s Kuramaruo, but failed to get a cigar. Kasamatsuri (257) was the 20th best in indie pts, this basho, and was the top ISI scorer.
See you in the funny papers,
ICF Gyoji Takanorappa
. |-------Day 15 Stats-------|
Rnk Ichimon #ACT TP Bon ITA PB PB+- ITA+- Rnk+- DWP IDA
1 Sakura 13 3205 140 257.31 +01 +0.1 +1 77% 20.6
2 North Pole 13 3156 135 253.15 54 -54 -4.2 -1 54% 16.8
3 SumoForum 9 2196 55 250.11 65 -64 -7.1 0 56% 18.1
4 MassaSHEgawa 11 2641 20 241.91 169 -140 -12.8 0 45% 16.7
5 Mukade 9 2083 0 231.44 233 -145 -16.1 0 44% 15.2
6 Doitsugo 6 1372 0 228.67 172 -90 -15.0 0 33% 16.3
7 Info-Sumo 7 1555 45 228.57 201 -66 -9.5 0 43% 15.4
#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back
PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=
today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.
Ichimon D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15
Sakura 230/247/181/248/164/196/219/153/160/233/230/174/279/223/268
NorthPole 240/166/210/199/205/254/223/219/168/182/225/165/284/198/218
SumoForum 123/163/144/162/129/129/162/131/110/171/192/096/210/111/163
Mass. 189/176/180/159/165/193/214/173/125/138/169/176/221/179/184
Mukade 111/156/144/171/159/145/152/133/070/162/133/105/189/116/137
Doitsugo 081/098/095/086/098/098/064/101/053/081/093/075/161/090/098
Info-Sumo 087/118/102/124/095/122/122/068/086/096/138/085/113/091/108
. | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |
. |============|========|===========|
Total Avg Pts for Today - | 238.4 | 234.6 | 237.2 |
Daily Points for Today -- | 17.3 | 15.5 | 16.7 |
Bonus Points (out of 450) | 395 | 55 | 450 |
Prizes (out of 30) | 25 | 5 | 30 |
Ichimon KK MK KK% | KK MK | 7Win 7loss
Doitsugo 1 5 16.7 | +1 (2) | 2 1
MassaSHEgawa 5 6 45.5 | +1 (3) | 3 1
SumoForum 5 4 55.6 | +1 (1) | 1 1
North Pole 8 5 61.5 | +1 (0) | 0 2
Sakura 7 6 53.8 | +3 (1) | 5 3
Info-Sumo 2 5 28.6 | +0 (0) | 2 2
Mukade 4 5 44.4 | +0 (1) | 2 0
. |---------------------WINNER--------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI Muk Unaff.
=| Doit --- |1-1 |--- |--- |1-0 |--- |--- |2-1
L| ISI 1-1 |--- |--- |--- |--- |0-1 |0-1 |3-0
o| Mass --- |--- |1-1 |2-1 |2-0 |0-1 |1-0 |0-2
s| NPI --- |--- |1-2 |1-1 |1-1 |1-1 |--- |2-2
e| Sak 0-1 |--- |0-2 |1-1 |1-1 |0-1 |0-1 |1-3
r| SFI --- |1-0 |1-0 |1-1 |1-0 |--- |0-2 |0-2
=| Muk --- |1-0 |0-1 |--- |1-0 |2-0 |1-1 |0-2
=|Unaff 1-2 |0-3 |2-0 |2-2 |3-1 |2-0 |2-0 |5-5
. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------
. All 2-4 |3-4 |5-6 |7-6 |10-3 |5-4 |4-5 |13-17
OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL) --- Total bouts = 735
. |-----------------------WINNER----------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI Muk Unaff.
=| Doit 3-3 |6-3 |3-5 |2-5 |8-2 |7-7 |7-6 |14-9
L| ISI 3-6 |7-7 |4-4 |1-4 |5-5 |7-5 |12-5 |20-10
o| Mass 5-3 |4-4 |7-7 |18-16 |13-11 |9-6 |7-3 |19-33
s| NPI 5-2 |4-1 |16-18|9-9 |15-22 |4-9 |6-7 |34-34
e| Sak 2-8 |5-5 |11-13|22-15 |14-14 |4-10 |5-9 |25-33
r| SFI 7-7 |5-7 |6-9 |9-4 |10-4 |5-5 |5-10 |18-24
=| Muk 6-7 |5-12 |3-7 |7-6 |9-5 |10-5 |8-8 |22-15
=|Unaff 9-14 |10-20|33-19|34-34 |33-25 |24-18|15-22|70-70
. All 40-50|46-59|83-82|102-93|107-88|70-65|65-70|222-228
. Win% 44.4%|43.8%|50.3%|52.3% |54.9% |51.9%|48.1%|49.3%
DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 2-2 | 0-1 | 0-1 | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 1-1 | 2-0 | 1-5 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 1-4 | 2-0 | 2-0 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 2-0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 2-1 | 0-1 | 3-0 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 3-3 | 0-1 | --- | --- | --- |
Mukade || 3-3 | 1-1 | --- | --- | --- |
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 27-33 | 6-9 | 7-8 | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 12-18 | 17-13 | 48-42 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 36-39 | 19-11 | 15-15 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 15-15 | 27-18 | 51-54 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 25-20 | 7-8 | 23-22 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 42-48 | 4-11 | --- | --- | --- |
Mukade || 47-43 | 15-15 | --- | --- | --- |
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI Muk Unaff
====|| ============================================================
1 || 33.3% 28.6% 54.5% 69.2% 61.5% 33.3% 22.2% 56.7%
2 || 50.0% 57.1% 45.5% 15.4% 69.2% 44.4% 55.6% 56.7%
3 || 50.0% 42.9% 45.5% 53.8% 38.5% 44.4% 55.6% 56.7%
4 || 16.7% 42.9% 27.3% 30.8% 69.2% 55.6% 66.7% 60.0%
5 || 50.0% 28.6% 54.5% 53.8% 23.1% 44.4% 66.7% 60.0%
6 || 50.0% 57.1% 45.5% 69.2% 30.8% 33.3% 55.6% 53.3%
7 || 16.7% 57.1% 72.7% 61.5% 61.5% 66.7% 66.7% 26.7%
8 || 66.7% 14.3% 63.6% 69.2% 23.1% 55.6% 55.6% 50.0%
9 || 33.3% 57.1% 63.6% 61.5% 53.8% 66.7% 22.2% 43.3%
10 || 33.3% 42.9% 27.3% 46.2% 76.9% 66.7% 66.7% 43.3%
11 || 33.3% 85.7% 36.4% 46.2% 61.5% 77.8% 33.3% 43.3%
12 || 50.0% 42.9% 63.6% 46.2% 53.8% 33.3% 44.4% 53.3%
13 || 83.3% 28.6% 54.5% 46.2% 53.8% 55.6% 44.4% 46.7%
14 || 66.7% 28.6% 54.5% 61.5% 69.2% 44.4% 22.2% 46.7%
15 || 33.3% 42.9% 45.5% 53.8% 76.9% 55.6% 44.4% 43.3%
ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI Muk
1 || 13.5 12.4 17.2 18.5 17.7 13.7 12.3
2 || 16.3 16.9 16.0 12.8 19.0 18.1 17.3
3 || 15.8 14.6 16.4 16.2 13.9 16.0 16.0
4 || 14.3 17.7 14.5 15.3 19.1 18.0 19.0
5 || 16.3 13.6 15.0 15.8 12.6 14.3 17.7
6 || 16.3 17.4 17.5 19.5 15.1 14.3 16.1
7 || 10.7 17.4 19.5 17.2 16.8 18.0 16.9
9 || 8.8 12.3 11.4 12.9 12.3 12.2 7.8
10 || 13.5 13.7 12.5 14.0 17.9 19.0 18.0
11 || 15.5 19.7 15.4 17.3 17.7 21.3 14.8
12 || 12.5 12.1 16.0 12.7 13.4 10.7 11.7
13 || 26.8 16.1 20.1 21.8 21.5 23.3 21.0
14 || 15.0 13.0 16.3 15.2 17.2 12.3 12.9
15 || 16.3 15.4 16.7 16.8 20.6 18.1 15.2
RANK by Day
. |---------------------DAY--------------------|
Ichimon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Doitsugo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Info-Sumo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MassaSHEgawa 3 2 2 4 4 4 1 2 2 5 4 4 4 4 4
North Pole 1 4 4 5 5 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2
Sakura 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1
SumoForum 4 3 3 2 3 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 3 3
Mukade 5 5 5 3 1 1 2 3 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Misc. Stats
Doitsugo 0 0.00 7 1.17 83% 17% 26.8 08.8
Info-Sumo 0 0.00 6 0.86 86% 14% 19.7 09.7
MassaSHEgawa 0 0.00 4 0.36 73% 27% 20.1 11.4
Mukade 0 0.00 6 0.67 67% 22% 21.0 07.8
North Pole 1 0.08 12 0.92 69% 15% 21.8 12.7
Sakura 0 0.00 5 0.38 77% 23% 21.5 11.8
SumoForum 1 0.11 11 1.22 78% 33% 23.3 10.7
TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;
HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;
Ichimon RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA
Doitsugo 962 400 10 160.3 66.7 1.67 0.00 72 12.00
Info-Sumo 1075 460 20 153.6 65.7 2.86 6.43 36 5.14
MassaSHEgawa 1761 830 50 160.1 75.5 4.55 1.82 146 13.27
North Pole 2056 1020 80 158.2 78.5 6.15 10.38 111 8.54
Sakura 2065 1070 70 158.8 82.3 5.38 10.77 130 10.00
SumoForum 1446 700 50 160.7 77.8 5.56 6.11 119 13.22
Mukade 1393 650 40 154.8 72.2 4.44 0.00 62 6.89
RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only
AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;
AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses
Day Win Tot Daily Points Bon
Player Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes
Holleshoryu 32 Y 258 + 11/11/21/22/10/22/09/21/07/21/24/09/30/08/32 0
Pitinosato 11 - 230 - 20/11/22/14/24/22/09/07/16/09/11/06/30/18/11 0
Flohru 16 - 225 - 09/24/11/12/22/09/10/08/16/21/11/05/32/19/16 0
Metzinowaka 21 Y 225 - 09/21/09/12/12/24/09/21/06/12/11/18/21/19/21 0
Frinkanohana 10 - 219 - 20/12/11/16/11/09/10/22/03/09/24/18/24/20/10 0
Kitanoyama 8 - 215 - 12/19/21/10/19/12/17/22/05/09/12/19/24/06/08 0
Mariohana -- - 0 Kyujo
tainosen -- - 0 Kyujo
wolfgangho -- - 0 Kyujo
Yassier -- - 0 Kyujo
Rikishimiezi 8 - 287 + 22/24/10/16/18/31/24/08/18/09/22/31/24/22/08 0
Unagiyutaka 30 Y 259 + 21/09/21/22/09/22/26/20/02/21/09/03/14/30/30 10 YB/
Gusoyama 22 Y 257 + 22/21/10/11/22/09/22/09/15/22/10/16/14/32/22 0
Takanorappa 11 - 252 + 09/22/21/22/20/10/09/21/16/10/22/28/22/09/11 0
Roundeye 31 Y 250 + 10/12/09/22/21/12/10/19/15/11/22/19/30/07/31 0
Watashi 12 - 243 - 12/11/11/16/21/11/21/21/05/09/22/21/32/18/12 10 NCP/
iwakoko 10 - 234 - 31/26/33/11/08/22/20/18/03/22/07/05/10/08/10 0
Tsunamiko 11 - 228 - 21/09/22/12/20/11/22/10/06/09/19/07/30/19/11 0
Akishiki 19 Y 215 - 09/11/11/07/06/31/32/06/15/07/12/21/09/19/19 0
Kintsubasa 8 - 215 - 22/09/21/10/09/22/07/22/15/09/12/19/24/06/08 0
Hana-ichi 22 Y 201 - 10/22/11/10/11/12/21/19/15/09/12/06/12/09/22 0
Gaijingai -- - 0 Kyujo
ihopeso -- - 0 Kyujo
Mukanibaru -- - 0 Kyujo
Sherlockiama -- - 0 Kyujo
Achiyama 20 Y 286 + 10/20/21/22/19/24/22/21/17/29/24/18/14/05/20 30 FS/J-Y/
Kashunowaka 22 Y 269 + 11/21/11/24/22/11/29/19/17/10/22/07/34/09/22 15 MCP-3/
Kitakachiyama 16 - 267 + 10/22/21/12/22/09/09/20/16/21/24/07/42/16/16 0
Kintamayama 9 - 264 + 22/22/11/22/22/24/21/07/17/29/22/20/12/04/09 0
Anjoboshi 31 Y 249 + 11/11/10/16/09/12/22/19/15/09/22/16/24/22/31 0
Kuroimori 8 - 234 - 21/14/11/22/10/09/09/19/16/21/31/06/31/06/08 0
Yangnomazuma 22 Y 219 - 21/12/24/12/09/22/09/06/06/24/14/06/10/22/22 10 MCP-N/
Hokuyutaka 11 - 211 - 09/32/11/12/11/09/19/11/04/07/24/10/32/09/11 0
Nekonishiki 24 Y 197 - 08/09/24/20/05/09/22/09/02/21/09/06/11/18/24 0
Atenzan -- - 0 Kyujo
Leonishiki -- - 0 Kyujo
Nanahachi -- - 0 Kyujo
Mmikasazuma -- - 0 Kyujo
Fujisan 20 Y 293 + 22/09/21/22/21/33/20/22/27/06/19/22/22/07/20 40 QA/Y
Boltbanana 9 - 283 + 24/29/11/12/22/14/23/21/16/21/14/07/39/21/09 70 Tech/FS/GOP/MCP-2/
Kyodaitimu 22 Y 271 + 12/12/22/16/21/22/20/21/16/08/24/08/42/05/22 0
Chijanofuji 10 - 265 + 22/12/09/12/12/22/19/21/18/24/12/19/34/19/10 15 Tech/
Jakusotsu 22 Y 262 + 24/10/24/24/21/20/21/18/05/09/30/03/12/19/22 0
Baku 22 Y 254 + 11/06/22/09/22/22/12/22/15/20/24/04/14/29/22 0
Jejima 32 Y 246 + 20/09/22/22/22/21/09/09/07/08/14/17/12/22/32 0
Fujiko 7 - 226 + 22/09/22/12/04/22/22/07/02/19/21/21/29/07/07 10 MCP-Y/
Homuburyuwa 13 - 214 - 09/22/07/12/19/12/22/21/05/09/24/09/10/20/13 0
Getayukata 9 - 213 - 06/20/09/11/09/22/21/21/17/19/11/07/12/19/09 0
Kaba 21 Y 213 - 24/09/22/24/10/09/12/07/15/07/11/24/14/04/21 0
Kitahotaru 9 - 209 - 20/10/10/11/10/24/13/10/18/21/12/05/14/22/09 0
Oshirokita 22 Y 207 - 24/09/09/12/12/11/09/19/07/11/09/19/30/04/22 0
Gurowake -- - 0 Kyujo
Marushiki -- - 0 Kyujo
mischashimaru -- - 0 Kyujo
Tenshinhan -- - 0 Kyujo
Rubensan 22 Y 321 + 22/30/21/22/22/12/20/20/26/21/22/19/20/22/22 95 Tech/QA/OP/MCP-W/Y
Bunbukuchagama 22 Y 296 + 20/21/11/22/22/09/29/22/06/22/10/28/30/22/22 35 MCP-5/Y
Beeftank 20 Y 280 + 10/22/09/22/12/24/10/10/16/19/24/19/41/22/20 0
Aoyume 9 - 264 + 22/21/12/24/07/12/22/08/16/21/22/07/39/22/09 0
andonishiki 29 Y 238 + 20/09/07/24/09/11/12/07/18/22/22/04/24/20/29 0
Wamahada 29 Y 235 + 20/12/20/19/09/33/19/06/08/22/09/08/02/19/29 10 YB/
Danjinoumi 22 Y 234 - 12/21/22/22/10/12/20/11/05/19/11/09/31/07/22 0
Kuramarujo 29 Y 234 + 22/09/09/10/09/09/22/22/02/07/22/17/24/21/29 0
Athenayama 26 Y 233 - 12/31/19/11/12/09/07/11/04/21/24/18/22/06/26 0
Itachiyama 10 - 227 - 22/21/09/24/10/22/22/09/04/19/10/07/14/24/10 0
Aminoumi 20 Y 225 - 12/19/12/24/09/24/10/09/17/22/24/04/10/09/20 0
Joaoiyama 21 Y 223 - 12/22/21/12/24/10/19/09/21/09/09/17/10/07/21 0
Sakura 9 - 195 - 24/09/09/12/09/09/07/09/17/09/21/17/12/22/09 0
chabonowaka -- - 0 Kyujo
Hibarifuji -- - 0 Kyujo
Kamogawa -- - 0 Kyujo
Saruyama -- - 0 Kyujo
sekihiryu -- - 0 Kyujo
Tameiki -- - 0 Kyujo
Tetsuba -- - 0 Kyujo
Kasamatsuri 10 - 257 + 24/09/22/22/12/22/29/08/06/22/22/05/12/32/10 25 KCC/
Kotononami 22 Y 231 - 07/24/21/29/12/09/22/08/18/09/22/07/09/12/22 0
Terarno 10 - 227 + 21/22/09/11/09/22/07/19/18/22/06/17/32/02/10 10 YB/
toonoryu 26 Y 226 - 10/11/09/12/11/11/24/10/05/08/22/21/24/22/26 10 NCP/
Konosato 21 Y 216 - 09/11/21/12/20/22/09/09/17/19/20/07/14/05/21 0
Kaiowaka 10 - 212 - 06/21/09/16/22/24/22/07/06/07/22/21/10/09/10 0
Oortael 9 - 186 - 10/20/11/22/09/12/09/07/16/09/24/07/12/09/09 0
Chimatayama -- - 0 Kyujo
Damimonay -- - 0 Kyujo
Furanohana -- - 0 Kyujo
pandaazuma 10 - 275 + 20/24/11/24/21/19/17/21/06/31/22/05/31/13/10 0
Oskanohana 9 - 269 + 10/24/19/24/22/20/22/09/04/22/32/17/14/21/09 0
ScreechingOwl 22 Y 260 + 09/24/09/22/22/09/09/08/18/19/22/18/41/08/22 0
Kaito 21 Y 256 + 09/22/21/22/22/12/09/09/18/20/11/22/09/29/21 0
chishafuwaku 11 - 229 - 12/22/21/12/20/21/09/19/05/21/12/06/30/08/11 0
Unkonoyama 22 Y 221 - 10/11/11/22/22/22/22/19/05/09/07/21/11/07/22 0
Chocshoporyu 11 - 205 - 22/10/21/24/09/12/22/22/06/11/10/06/10/09/11 0
Gawasukotto 21 Y 194 - 09/10/07/09/09/19/20/09/03/22/07/06/31/12/21 0
Chelseayama 10 - 174 - 10/09/24/12/12/11/22/17/05/07/10/04/12/09/10 0
Domichi -- - 0 Kyujo
Fujiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Haidouzo -- - 0 Kyujo
Kuroho -- - 0 Kyujo
Sebunshu -- - 0 Kyujo
Prize Key:
NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize
FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;
QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;
NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;
KCC-J=KKK runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;
MCP-W=Most Competitive Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);
MCP-x (where x=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);
MCP-Y=MCP Yaocho Bum; MCP-N=MCP No Cigar;
J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho
Rank +/- Shikona Pts Ichimon
1 0 Rubensan 321 Sakura
2 +1 Bunbukuchagama 296 Sakura
3 +2 Fujisan 293 North Pole
4 -2 Rikishimiezi 287 MassaSHEgawa
5 +1 Achiyama 286 SumoForum
6 -3 Boltbanana 283 North Pole
7 +1 Beeftank 280 Sakura
8 -1 pandaazuma 275 Mukade
9 +5 Kyodaitimu 271 North Pole
10 +5 Kashunowaka 269 SumoForum
10 -2 Oskanohana 269 Mukade
12 +1 Kitakachiyama 267 SumoForum
13 -3 Chijanofuji 265 North Pole
14 -4 Kintamayama 264 SumoForum
14 -4 aoyume 264 Sakura
16 +2 Jakusotsu 262 North Pole
17 +2 ScreechingOwl 260 Mukade
18 +6 Unagiyutaka 259 MassaSHEgawa
19 +6 Holleshoryu 258 Doitsugo
20 0 Gusoyama 257 MassaSHEgawa
20 -5 Kasamatsuri 257 Info-Sumo
22 -2 Kaito 256 Mukade
23 -1 Baku 254 North Pole
24 -7 Takanorappa 252 MassaSHEgawa
25 +3 Roundeye 250 MassaSHEgawa
26 +5 Anjoboshi 249 SumoForum
27 +9 Jejima 246 North Pole
28 -5 Watashi 243 MassaSHEgawa
29 +9 andonishiki 238 Sakura
30 +15 Wamahada 235 Sakura
31 -4 iwakoko 234 MassaSHEgawa
31 -6 Kuroimori 234 SumoForum
31 +6 Danjinoumi 234 Sakura
31 +15 Kuramarujo 234 Sakura
35 +7 Athenayama 233 Sakura
36 +2 Kotononami 231 Info-Sumo
37 -9 Pitinosato 230 Doitsugo
38 -7 chishafuwaku 229 Mukade
39 -6 Tsunamiko 228 MassaSHEgawa
40 -7 Itachiyama 227 Sakura
40 -7 Terarno 227 Info-Sumo
42 -14 Fujiko 226 North Pole
42 +11 toonoryu 226 Info-Sumo
44 -6 Flohru 225 Doitsugo
44 +4 Metzinowaka 225 Doitsugo
44 +2 Aminoumi 225 Sakura
47 +3 Joaoiyama 223 Sakura
48 +8 Unkonoyama 221 Mukade
49 -11 Frinkanohana 219 Doitsugo
49 +8 Yangnomazuma 219 SumoForum
51 +8 Konosato 216 Info-Sumo
52 -10 Kitanoyama 215 Doitsugo
52 +6 Akishiki 215 MassaSHEgawa
52 -10 Kintsubasa 215 MassaSHEgawa
55 -3 Homuburyuwa 214 North Pole
56 -8 Getayukata 213 North Pole
56 +5 Kaba 213 North Pole
58 -8 Kaiowaka 212 Info-Sumo
59 -6 Hokuyutaka 211 SumoForum
60 -7 Kitahotaru 209 North Pole
61 +2 Oshirokita 207 North Pole
62 -2 Chocshoporyu 205 Mukade
63 +1 Hana-ichi 201 MassaSHEgawa
64 +2 Nekonishiki 197 SumoForum
65 -3 Sakura 195 Sakura
66 0 Gawasukotto 194 Mukade
67 -2 Oortael 186 Info-Sumo
68 0 Chelseayama 174 Mukade