Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Haru Ichimon Championship Flag (ICF)
Mukade walks off with an easy win, this time. They best all other ichimons by a wide margin, end the basho with a 17.15 ITA Pt victory. They excelled in all facets of the ICF, earning the top win rate (51.9%), top GBLs (7.44 ITA pts) and besting all ichimons in head to heads (except for NPI, who had their number: 3-7). Four of the nine Mukadeans took home prizes: Unkonoyama (Technique, Quality Award, Outstanding Performance and 4th in the MCP), Chocshoporyu (jun-KCC), ScreechingOwl(GOP), an Oskanohana (No Cigar). Even with all those accolades, they only had a slight majority earn banzuke promotions (5 of 9). Unusually for a wining team, they didn’t have the top indie-pt earner; rather, they had a 5 of their team in the top 12 spots! Unkonoyama finished 2nd – 262) with Chocshoporyu right behind (#4 at 258). Then there was the wall of Mukadeans at 10-12: Chelseayama (#10 at 238), ScreechingOwl (#11 at 236) and pandaazuma (#12 at 233). No Mukadean finished in the bottom 25.
The Blossomers looked to defend their win, but the Mukade onslaught was just too much for the Hatsu champs. They fell 7-10 to the winners (but had a field day with the M’s, going 17-8 over the Massies). Senshuraku saw the Blossomers put up double digits, but nothing close to what they needed for the win. They end 17.15 ITA pts back (250 tech pts). There were one of just two ichimons to get 50% wins (51.9%), but were just middle of the pack in GBLs(3.8 ITA). They brought in a heap of bonuses (the most in ichimondom) at 125 tech pts, shared amongst 7 Sakurans. Beeftank lead the charge, grabbing not just the indie-pt title (#1 at 278 pts, despite a 3-day loss streak at the end), but also bought in a yusho, a semi in the KCC and Technique Prize. Jun-yushos were earned by Athenayama, Bunbukuchagama and Saruyama. Rubensan took the MCP No Cigar prize, while Aoyume too the MCP. Kajiyanosho was a No Cigar earner. Besides Beeftank’s #1 finish, 5 Blossomers cracked the top-20 in indie pts: Athenayama (7th at 246), Bunbukuchagama (13th at 232), Saruyama (15th at 224), Rubensan (18th at 222) and Joaoiyama (20th at 217)
ISI finished the basho just 1 win shy of a 50/50 basho. Senshuraku was a mighty push, as they set the bar with an 88% win day and the high IDA of 15.9. Two Izzies got their senshuraku KKs, yet the team still finished 2 under a winning basho in the KK department. GBLs may have been their undoing, as they set the low mark in that category with just a 1.38 GBL bump from lining up perfectly. Kaiowaka (Jun-yusho) and Oortael (5th in the MCP and a Fighting Spirit) were the Izzies bonus earners. Kaiowaka gave our indie-pt champ a scare, but the unpredictable day 15 guessing killed the chance for him to grab the top spot, Instead, Kaiowaka earned 2nd in the indie race (tied with Mukade’s Unkonoyama) at 262. Oortael was the only top-20 Izzie (5th at 253)
The Doits were wind-assisted this basho, but managed to give everyone a scare. I’m a bit surprised they ended this low in the rankings, given their stellar play early in the basho. Ultimately, they ended the basho with more losses than wins (48% overall win rate), and ad just 2 of their 5 manage a KK. They end the basho 21 ITA pts back, and just 2 tech pts from overtaking the Izzies. Metzinowaka brought home a jun-yusho and the Quality Award, and Flohru took a Yaocho Bum. Metzinowaka was the only Doit in the top 20 (#9 at 239).
NPI looked like they may have figured things out towards the last half of the basho, but they still ended up 30 ITA pts (392 tech pts) from the top. Team Frostie did finish with the second best GBL effort (6.23 ITA pts from GBLs), but with too few wins (48.2% overall) to go any higher.
They earned two prizes: Baku brought home a Yaocho Bum, and Kyodaitimu earned (?) a Nakabi Prize. There were 3 Polers in the top 20: Homuburyuwa (#6 at 252), Jejima (#8 at 244) and Fujisan (#14 at 225). Unfortunately, they had 5 in the bottom 20.
SFI had a shot at the beginning, but they quickly waned. Their day 15 effort netted them just 33% wins, and they finish the basho 25.22 ITA pts from the top. Their 44.4% win effort was good enough to keep them off the ICF basement floor (but who would stop the M’s from that, right?). 4 of the 9 Forumers will see a banzuke improvement in May. Kashunowaka Yaocho Bummed the only SFIer prize. Achiyama was the top scoring SFI, putting up #15 numbers with a 224. Kintamayama was the other SFIer in the indie top-20 (20th at 217)
The M’s were the only team to end the basho below 200 ITA pts. If fact, they barely cracked 175! At least all the team was in-sync – just at the wrong end of the results. They ended the basho with, what I believe, is a record-setting low win rate - 38.2%! They had just 63 wins out of their 165 tries. I do know for a fact, that they are the first officially-qualified team to ever have all their members makekoshi and have nobody post a score above 200. Iwakoko was the leading Massie at 198 pts (finishing 31st overall). Roundeye brought in the only bonus pts for the M’s, an appropriately titled No Cigar Prize. Let’s forget about this 62.6 ITA pt loss, Chowdaheads.
Back into my cave,
ICF Gyoji Takanorappa
. |-------Day 15 Stats--------|
Rnk Ichimon #ACT TP Bon ITA PB PB+- ITA+- Rnk+- DWP IDA
1 Mukade 9 2054 95 238.78 00 0.0 0 22% 07.3
2 Sakura 14 2968 125 220.93 250 +30 +2.1 +1 50% 11.1
3 Info-Sumo 8 1704 35 217.38 171 +19 +2.4 +1 88% 15.9
- Doitsugo 5 1050 35 217 109 -25 -5.1 -2 20% 05.8
5 North Pole 13 2692 20 208.62 392 -15 -1.1 0 69% 15.2
6 SumoForum 9 1822 10 203.56 317 -55 -6.1 0 33% 10.7
7 MassaSHEgawa 11 1928 10 176.18 689 -94 -8.5 0 27% 08.5
#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back
PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=
today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.
Ichimon D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15
Mukade 129/136/129/126/137/139/145/156/117/145/198/129/172/130/066
Sakura 131/192/212/205/221/171/203/207/195/211/168/250/244/203/155
Info-Sumo 076/127/139/103/116/114/119/097/103/107/112/097/130/137/127
Doitsugo 054/067/059/089/108/062/046/095/054/056/088/083/066/094/029
NorthPole 139/189/201/138/199/172/143/193/153/136/248/184/181/218/198
SumoForum 102/158/130/088/144/123/077/146/084/145/159/101/152/117/096
Mass. 050/122/165/154/150/151/097/131/137/105/145/143/153/132/093
. | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |
. |============|========|===========|
Total Avg Pts for Today - | 206.1 | 227.2 | 212.9 |
Daily Points for Today -- | 11.1 | 12.1 | 11.4 |
Bonus Points (out of 515) | 330 | 185 | 515 |
Prizes (out of 35) | 26 | 9 | 35 |
Ichimon KK MK KK% | KK MK | 7Win 7loss
Doitsugo 2 3 40.0 | +0 (1) | 1 1
MassaSHEgawa 0 11 0.0 | +0 (1) | 2 0
SumoForum 4 5 44.4 | +2 (1) | 2 4
North Pole 7 6 53.8 | +2 (1) | 2 3
Sakura 7 7 50.0 | +2 (3) | 3 2
Info-Sumo 3 5 37.5 | +0 (0) | 0 0
Mukade 5 4 55.6 | +1 (1) | 2 2
. |---------------------WINNER--------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI Muk Unaff.
=| Doit --- |--- |1-0 |--- |1-1 |1-0 |--- |1-0
L| ISI --- |--- |0-2 |--- |--- |0-1 |0-1 |1-3
o| Mass 0-1 |2-0 |--- |1-0 |--- |--- |1-1 |4-1
s| NPI --- |--- |0-1 |2-2 |2-3 |0-1 |0-1 |0-1
e| Sak 1-1 |--- |--- |3-2 |1-1 |0-2 |0-1 |2-0
r| SFI 0-1 |1-0 |--- |1-0 |2-0 |--- |1-0 |1-2
=| Muk --- |1-0 |1-1 |1-0 |1-0 |0-1 |--- |3-0
=|Unaff 0-1 |3-1 |1-4 |1-0 |0-2 |2-1 |0-3 |7-7
. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------
. All 1-4 |7-1 |3-8 |9-4 |7-7 |3-6 |2-7 |19-14
OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL) --- Total bouts = 765
. |------------------------WINNER-----------------------|
. vs. Doit. ISI Mass. NPI Sak. SFI Muk Unaff.
=| Doit 1-1 |6-4 |5-5 |2-6 |2-6 |5-5 |6-2 |12-7
L| ISI 4-6 |4-4 |7-7 |7-9 |7-5 |4-6 |9-7 |19-15
o| Mass 5-5 |7-7 |3-3 |21-10 |17-8 |9-6 |7-4 |33-20
s| NPI 6-2 |9-7 |10-21 |7-7 |20-14 |5-7 |3-7 |41-29
e| Sak 6-2 |5-7 |8-17 |14-20 |10-10 |7-13 |10-7 |43-31
r| SFI 5-5 |6-4 |6-9 |7-5 |13-7 |5-5 |7-7 |26-18
=| Muk 2-6 |7-9 |4-7 |7-3 |7-10 |7-7 |10-10|21-18
=|Unaff 7-12 |15-19|20-33 |29-41 |31-43 |18-26|18-21|81-81
. All 36-39|59-61|63-102|94-101|107-103|60-75|70-65|276-219
. Win% 48% |49.2%|38.2% |48.2% |51% |44.4%|51.9%|55.8%
DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 1-3 | 0-1 | --- | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 0-3 | 1-1 | 1-4 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 2-3 | 1-2 | 0-1 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 2-0 | 2-1 | 4-3 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 1-2 | 1-1 | 1-2 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 4-1 | 1-0 | 2-0 | --- | --- |
Mukade || 2-5 | 0-1 | --- | --- | --- |
Ichimon || M | J | ms | sd | jd |
Doitsugo || 26-34 | 10-5 | --- | --- | --- |
MassaSHEgawa || 18-27 | 13-17 | 26-49 | --- | --- |
SumoForum || 38-37 | 17-28 | 5-10 | --- | --- |
North Pole || 11-19 | 22-23 | 53-52 | --- | --- |
Sakura || 21-24 | 14-16 | 17-28 | --- | --- |
Info-Sumo || 37-38 | 6-9 | 16-14 | --- | --- |
Mukade || 56-49 | 5-10 | --- | --- | --- |
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI Muk Unaff
====|| ============================================================
1 || 60.0% 37.5% 9.1% 46.2% 35.7% 55.6% 66.7% 66.7%
2 || 40.0% 50.0% 27.3% 46.2% 42.9% 77.8% 55.6% 54.5%
3 || 20.0% 62.5% 54.5% 46.2% 50.0% 44.4% 33.3% 57.6%
4 || 80.0% 50.0% 63.6% 30.8% 57.1% 11.1% 44.4% 57.6%
5 || 100.0% 50.0% 45.5% 61.5% 64.3% 55.6% 55.6% 30.3%
6 || 40.0% 50.0% 54.5% 53.8% 35.7% 55.6% 55.6% 51.5%
7 || 40.0% 62.5% 27.3% 38.5% 71.4% 22.2% 66.7% 54.5%
8 || 60.0% 25.0% 27.3% 46.2% 35.7% 44.4% 55.6% 69.7%
9 || 40.0% 50.0% 54.5% 46.2% 57.1% 22.2% 55.6% 54.5%
10 || 20.0% 37.5% 27.3% 30.8% 57.1% 66.7% 55.6% 63.6%
11 || 40.0% 37.5% 18.2% 69.2% 21.4% 66.7% 66.7% 60.6%
12 || 60.0% 37.5% 45.5% 46.2% 78.6% 22.2% 44.4% 51.5%
13 || 20.0% 50.0% 63.6% 38.5% 64.3% 55.6% 55.6% 45.5%
14 || 80.0% 50.0% 27.3% 53.8% 42.9% 33.3% 44.4% 60.6%
15 || 20.0% 87.5% 27.3% 69.2% 50.0% 33.3% 22.2% 57.6%
ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day
Day || Doit ISI Mass NPI Sak SFI Muk
1 || 10.8 9.5 4.6 10.7 9.4 11.3 14.3
2 || 13.4 15.9 11.1 14.5 13.7 17.6 15.1
3 || 11.8 17.4 15.0 15.5 15.1 14.4 14.3
4 || 17.8 12.9 14.0 10.6 14.6 9.8 14.0
5 || 21.6 14.5 13.6 15.3 15.8 16.0 15.2
6 || 12.4 14.3 13.7 13.2 12.2 13.7 15.4
7 || 9.2 14.9 8.8 11.0 14.5 8.6 16.1
9 || 10.8 12.9 12.5 11.8 13.9 9.3 13.0
10 || 11.2 13.4 9.5 10.5 15.1 16.1 16.1
11 || 17.6 14.0 13.2 19.1 12.0 17.7 22.0
12 || 16.6 12.1 13.0 14.2 17.9 11.2 14.3
13 || 13.2 16.3 13.9 13.9 17.4 16.9 19.1
14 || 18.8 17.1 12.0 16.8 14.5 13.0 14.4
15 || 5.8 15.9 8.5 15.2 11.1 10.7 7.3
RANK by Day
. |---------------------DAY--------------------|
Ichimon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Doitsugo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Info-Sumo 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3
MassaSHEgawa 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
North Pole 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4
Sakura 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
SumoForum 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5
Mukade 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Misc. Stats
Doitsugo 0 0.00 0 0.00 100% 20% 21.6 05.8
Info-Sumo 1 0.13 4 0.50 88% 25% 17.4 09.5
MassaSHEgawa 0 0.00 3 0.27 64% 09% 15.0 04.6
Mukade 1 0.11 5 0.56 67% 22% 22.0 07.3
North Pole 1 0.08 4 0.31 69% 31% 19.1 10.5
Sakura 0 0.00 3 0.21 79% 21% 17.9 09.4
SumoForum 1 0.11 5 0.56 78% 11% 17.7 08.6
TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;
HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;
HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;
Ichimon RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA
Doitsugo 670 360 20 134.0 72.0 4.00 7.00 24 4.80
Info-Sumo 1084 590 30 135.5 73.8 3.75 4.38 11 1.38
MassaSHEgawa 1298 630 0 118.0 57.3 0.00 0.91 19 1.73
North Pole 1682 940 70 129.4 72.3 5.38 1.54 81 6.23
Sakura 1828 1070 70 130.6 76.4 5.00 8.93 51 3.64
SumoForum 1182 600 40 131.3 66.7 4.44 1.11 15 1.67
Mukade 1304 700 50 144.9 77.8 5.56 10.56 67 7.44
RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only
AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;
AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses
. Day Win Tot Daily Points Bon
Player Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes
Metzinowaka 0 - 239 + 04/18/09/20/22/20/13/22/20/12/32/19/09/19/00 25 QA/J-Y/
Flohru 6 - 221 + 17/08/09/20/22/19/16/12/16/06/10/19/32/09/06 10 YB/
Frinkanohana 5 - 208 - 15/11/22/20/20/09/08/22/07/09/22/07/09/22/05 0
Pitinosato 16 Y 199 - 16/21/08/09/22/07/06/09/05/09/12/29/08/22/16 0
Holleshoryu 2 - 183 - 02/09/11/20/22/07/03/30/06/20/12/09/08/22/02 0
Kitanoyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Mariohana -- - 0 Kyujo
tainosen -- - 0 Kyujo
wolfgangho -- - 0 Kyujo
Yassier -- - 0 Kyujo
Roundeye 21 Y 207 - 04/08/21/22/21/20/07/11/24/05/18/09/09/07/21 10 NCP/
iwakoko 6 - 204 - 03/09/21/08/12/22/03/09/19/18/14/19/19/22/06 0
Gaijingai 2 - 191 - 17/21/11/06/22/24/17/10/02/08/11/09/21/10/02 0
Tsunamiko 9 - 183 - 04/09/22/18/20/05/09/24/08/04/14/07/20/10/09 0
Takanorappa 2 - 182 - 02/07/06/20/08/20/04/22/20/22/14/08/18/09/02 0
Watashi 5 - 180 - 04/05/20/20/07/07/17/21/15/09/13/21/09/07/05 0
Akishiki 15 Y 170 - 02/06/08/05/21/05/05/08/06/19/12/18/18/22/15 0
Sherlockiama 20 Y 163 - 05/11/19/04/05/16/05/07/16/02/10/08/14/21/20 0
Gusoyama 0 - 154 - 02/19/07/19/10/08/02/07/07/05/22/21/16/09/00 0
Hana-ichi 3 - 153 - 02/06/21/18/19/08/23/07/16/09/07/03/05/06/03 0
Kintsubasa 10 - 141 - 05/21/09/14/05/16/05/05/04/04/10/20/04/09/10 0
ihopeso -- - 0 Kyujo
Mukanibaru -- - 0 Kyujo
Rikishimiezi -- - 0 Kyujo
Unagiyutaka -- - 0 Kyujo
Kitakachiyama 27 Y 241 + 08/21/24/10/10/18/07/10/06/22/24/09/24/21/27 0
Achiyama 4 - 228 + 17/22/10/04/22/19/07/09/20/21/21/31/10/11/04 0
Kintamayama 9 - 226 + 05/18/22/22/22/08/19/09/03/22/21/07/34/05/09 0
Kashunowaka 28 Y 211 + 18/20/20/07/07/21/07/21/07/18/09/03/04/21/28 10 YB/
Kuroimori 2 - 206 - 02/08/20/08/22/09/03/24/08/11/24/22/22/21/02 0
Yangnomazuma 17 Y 201 - 18/21/08/08/11/19/19/09/07/18/07/06/22/11/17 0
Hokuyutaka 0 - 175 - 16/07/08/10/21/17/04/31/07/07/22/07/07/11/00 0
Nekonishiki 7 - 173 - 13/22/09/10/07/05/07/11/05/19/21/10/19/08/07 0
Anjoboshi 2 - 161 - 05/19/09/09/22/07/04/22/21/07/10/06/10/08/02 0
Atenzan -- - 0 Kyujo
Leonishiki -- - 0 Kyujo
Nanahachi -- - 0 Kyujo
Mmikasazuma -- - 0 Kyujo
Homuburyuwa 2 - 254 + 04/12/20/21/10/22/17/22/02/19/32/09/32/30/02 0
Jejima 8 - 252 + 08/11/21/20/22/17/21/20/08/07/21/31/30/07/08 0
Fujisan 17 Y 242 + 18/21/19/20/09/19/09/16/20/05/22/06/34/07/17 0
Kitahotaru 5 - 227 + 18/24/24/09/04/22/09/17/18/09/06/21/09/32/05 0
Chijanofuji 30 Y 223 + 16/21/11/05/19/09/09/08/07/19/22/04/22/21/30 0
Marushiki 22 Y 219 + 15/04/22/07/19/08/03/21/21/04/24/16/02/31/22 0
Baku 29 Y 204 + 13/22/10/03/19/03/20/16/05/09/22/22/06/05/29 10 YB/
Boltbanana 0 - 199 - 07/22/09/10/19/19/06/10/02/19/22/30/05/19/00 0
Oshirokita 20 Y 199 - 07/21/11/04/09/21/09/09/07/08/30/17/05/21/20 0
Fujiko 17 Y 189 - 07/08/21/20/18/18/14/16/18/05/07/03/06/11/17 0
Jakusotsu 12 Y 183 - 04/07/14/10/21/09/16/24/07/12/12/08/22/05/12 0
Kaba 19 Y 158 - 20/09/11/04/20/02/07/06/18/15/06/11/03/07/19 0
Kyodaitimu 17 Y 143 - 02/07/08/05/10/03/03/08/20/05/22/06/05/22/17 10 NNP/
Getayukata -- - 0 Kyujo
Gurowake -- - 0 Kyujo
mischashimaru -- - 0 Kyujo
Tenshinhan -- - 0 Kyujo
Beeftank 3 - 281 + 22/22/24/20/19/22/21/12/31/29/19/19/08/10/03 50 Tech/KCC-S/Y
Athenayama 13 Y 259 + 19/22/08/21/20/11/18/10/21/07/09/19/39/22/13 15 J-Y/
Bunbukuchagama 13 Y 245 + 17/22/20/08/19/22/17/12/10/06/22/28/22/07/13 15 J-Y/
Joaoiyama 27 Y 244 + 07/10/10/21/09/07/22/16/18/20/22/20/24/11/27 0
Saruyama 12 Y 236 + 17/05/11/20/22/21/17/21/08/22/06/30/19/05/12 15 J-Y/
Aminoumi 22 Y 228 + 17/09/21/06/10/18/21/09/17/19/05/17/05/32/22 0
Rubensan 0 - 222 - 06/11/22/21/10/24/04/29/19/09/14/22/09/22/00 10 MCP-N/
andonishiki 4 - 207 - 07/18/24/21/20/09/17/12/17/08/10/18/11/11/04 0
Kajiyanosho 8 - 207 - 04/09/10/21/22/06/20/10/18/17/11/17/24/10/08 10 NCP/
Aoyume 27 Y 204 + 02/21/19/10/18/03/15/22/03/10/09/05/20/20/27 10 MCP-Y/
Sakura 5 - 191 - 07/21/21/05/09/06/19/10/17/20/12/21/09/09/05 0
Wamahada 2 - 163 - 02/09/10/09/19/09/06/21/07/08/16/08/19/18/02 0
Danjinoumi 2 - 143 - 02/07/08/07/08/07/04/18/05/19/09/22/18/07/02 0
Kuramarujo 17 Y 138 - 02/06/04/15/16/06/02/05/04/17/04/04/17/19/17 0
chabonowaka -- - 0 Kyujo
Hibarifuji -- - 0 Kyujo
Itachiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Kamogawa -- - 0 Kyujo
sekihiryu -- - 0 Kyujo
Tameiki -- - 0 Kyujo
Tetsuba -- - 0 Kyujo
Kaiowaka 20 Y 282 + 19/22/21/18/09/20/22/21/09/29/22/07/22/21/20 15 J-Y/
Oortael 18 Y 271 + 07/24/24/09/21/24/05/20/20/09/21/09/39/21/18 20 FS/MCP-5/
Konosato 18 Y 242 + 05/21/24/05/22/21/18/09/17/10/21/08/09/34/18 0
Furanohana 20 Y 194 - 17/11/11/17/19/09/19/09/07/08/10/06/20/11/20 0
toonoryu 14 Y 191 - 14/08/08/07/21/20/20/12/09/08/09/21/11/09/14 0
Kasamatsuri 14 Y 184 - 05/11/21/18/08/07/07/12/18/16/10/19/06/12/14 0
Terarno 2 - 171 - 02/19/21/10/11/05/09/08/03/22/12/21/18/08/02 0
Kotononami 21 Y 169 - 07/11/09/19/05/08/19/06/20/05/07/06/05/21/21 0
Chimatayama -- - 0 Kyujo
Damimonay -- - 0 Kyujo
Unkonoyama 4 - 266 + 18/21/12/06/22/22/21/22/21/31/22/09/11/24/04 50 Tech/QA/OP/MCP-4/
Chocshoporyu 2 - 260 + 19/11/22/09/09/22/06/22/17/19/32/30/21/19/02 15 KCC-J/
ScreechingOwl 22 Y 258 + 10/10/11/20/21/21/17/29/07/09/31/09/29/12/22 20 GOP/
Chelseayama 2 - 240 + 15/21/11/10/09/19/19/11/19/09/24/18/32/21/02 0
pandaazuma 6 - 239 + 20/21/22/09/22/09/19/22/20/09/34/06/12/08/06 0
Oskanohana 15 Y 212 - 20/19/22/18/09/09/10/07/07/20/12/21/12/11/15 10 NCP/
Kaito 6 - 206 - 17/04/11/24/21/10/19/10/17/19/08/07/24/09/06 0
Gawasukotto 7 - 190 - 06/22/09/10/05/05/30/11/02/21/11/22/24/05/07 0
chishafuwaku 2 - 183 - 04/07/09/20/19/22/04/22/07/08/24/07/07/21/02 0
Domichi -- - 0 Kyujo
Fujiyama -- - 0 Kyujo
Haidouzo -- - 0 Kyujo
Kuroho -- - 0 Kyujo
Sebunshu -- - 0 Kyujo
Prize Key:
Y = Yusho J-Y = Jun Yusho
FS = Fighting Spirit Tech = Technique Prize
QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award OP = Outstanding Performance
NCP = No Cigar YB = Yaocho Bum
NNP = Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize
GOP = Gochisozan Oyakata Prize
KCC = Kintamayama Challenge Cup (Winner)
KCC-J = KCC runner-up;
KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist
MCP-W = Most Competitive Player (Winner)
MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up)
MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP(3rd to 5th)
MCP-Y = MCP Yaocho Bum;
MCP-N=MCP No Cigar
Rank +/- Shikona Pts Ichimon Hoshitori TPt WPt GBL Bon
1 0 Beeftank 278 Sakura oooooooxooooxxx 156 120 5 50
2 0 Kaiowaka 262 Info-Sumo ooooxoooxooxooo 152 130 0 15
2 +2 Unkonoyama 262 Mukade ooxxoooooooxxox 156 110 0 50
4 -1 Chocshoporyu 258 Mukade oxoxxoxooooooox 142 110 8 15
5 +1 Oortael 253 Info-Sumo xooxooxooxoxooo 156 110 5 20
6 +5 Homuburyuwa 252 North Pole xxooxoooxooxoox 140 100 14 0
7 +2 Athenayama 246 Sakura ooxooxoxoxxoooo 144 110 5 15
8 -3 Jejima 244 North Pole xxooooooxxoooxx 146 100 6 0
9 +3 Metzinowaka 239 Doitsugo xoxooooooxooxox 129 110 0 25
10 +5 Chelseayama 238 Mukade ooxxxooxoxoooox 140 100 0 0
11 -2 ScreechingOwl 236 Mukade xxxoooooxxoxoxo 151 90 17 20
12 -5 pandaazuma 233 Mukade oooxoxoooxoxxxx 149 90 0 0
13 -6 Bunbukuchagama 232 Sakura oooxoooxxxoooxo 135 110 0 15
14 0 Fujisan 225 North Pole ooooxoxxoxoxoxo 138 100 4 0
15 +1 Achiyama 224 SumoForum ooxxooxxooooxxx 138 90 0 0
15 -2 Saruyama 224 Sakura oxxoooooxoxooxo 126 110 0 15
15 +9 Konosato 224 Info-Sumo xooxoooxoxoxxoo 142 100 0 0
18 +6 Kitahotaru 222 North Pole oooxxoxooxxoxox 137 90 0 0
18 +2 Rubensan 222 Sakura xxooxoxooxxoxox 147 70 5 10
20 -3 Kintamayama 217 SumoForum xooooxoxxooxoxx 136 90 0 0
20 -2 Joaoiyama 217 Sakura xxxoxxoxoooooxo 150 90 4 0
22 -4 Flohru 215 Doitsugo oxxooooxoxxooxx 131 90 0 10
23 -2 Kitakachiyama 214 SumoForum xooxxoxxxooxooo 151 90 0 0
24 +12 Aminoumi 206 Sakura oxoxxooxooxoxoo 128 100 0 0
25 +3 Kuroimori 204 SumoForum xxoxoxxoxxoooox 136 70 0 0
26 +3 Frinkanohana 203 Doitsugo oxoooxxoxxoxxox 138 70 0 0
26 -4 andonishiki 203 Sakura xooooxoxoxxoxxx 137 70 0 0
28 -5 Kaito 200 Mukade oxxooxoxooxxoxx 136 70 0 0
29 +1 Boltbanana 199 North Pole xoxxooxxxoooxox 123 70 6 0
29 -3 Kajiyanosho 199 Sakura xxxooxoxooxooxx 137 70 0 10
31 +4 iwakoko 198 MassaSHEgawa xxoxxoxxooxooox 134 70 0 0
32 +11 Marushiki 197 North Pole oxoxoxxooxooxoo 119 100 0 0
32 -5 Oskanohana 197 Mukade ooooxxxxxoxoxxo 142 70 0 10
34 +4 Chijanofuji 193 North Pole ooxxoxxxxooxooo 133 90 0 0
35 -4 Gaijingai 189 MassaSHEgawa ooxxoooxxxxxoxx 131 60 0 0
36 -5 Roundeye 186 MassaSHEgawa xxooooxxoxoxxxo 137 70 0 10
36 -2 Sakura 186 Sakura xooxxxoxooxoxxx 131 60 0 0
38 -1 Yangnomazuma 184 SumoForum ooxxxooxxoxxoxo 131 70 0 0
39 +10 Pitinosato 183 Doitsugo ooxxoxxxxxxoxoo 134 60 5 0
39 +9 Kashunowaka 183 SumoForum oooxxoxoxoxxxoo 121 90 0 10
39 -6 Gawasukotto 183 Mukade xoxxxxoxxoxooxx 134 50 6 0
42 +11 Holleshoryu 181 Doitsugo xxxooxxoxoxxxox 127 50 6 0
42 +10 chishafuwaku 181 Mukade xxxoooxoxxoxxox 123 60 0 0
44 -5 Takanorappa 180 MassaSHEgawa xxxoxoxoooxxoxx 122 60 0 0
45 +9 Oshirokita 179 North Pole xoxxxoxxxxooxoo 133 60 6 0
46 +11 aoyume 177 Sakura xooxoxooxxxxooo 114 90 0 10
46 -5 toonoryu 177 Info-Sumo oxxxoooxxxxoxxo 131 60 0 0
48 -7 Watashi 175 MassaSHEgawa xxooxxoooxxoxxx 117 60 3 0
48 -3 Hokuyutaka 175 SumoForum oxxxooxoxxoxxxx 118 50 7 0
48 -8 Baku 175 North Pole ooxxoxooxxooxxo 114 90 0 10
51 -6 Tsunamiko 174 MassaSHEgawa xxoooxxoxxxxoxx 131 50 2 0
51 -4 Furanohana 174 Info-Sumo oxxooxoxxxxxoxo 134 60 0 0
53 -4 Fujiko 172 North Pole xxoooooxoxxxxxo 115 70 4 0
54 -11 Jakusotsu 171 North Pole xxxxoxooxxxxoxo 133 50 0 0
55 -1 Kasamatsuri 170 Info-Sumo xxooxxxxooxoxxo 124 60 0 0
56 -7 Terarno 169 Info-Sumo xooxxxxxxoxooxx 121 50 0 0
57 -3 Nekonishiki 166 SumoForum ooxxxxxxxooxoxx 123 50 0 0
58 +3 Wamahada 161 Sakura xxxxoxxoxxxxoox 119 40 4 0
59 -1 Anjoboshi 159 SumoForum xoxxoxxooxxxxxx 121 40 0 0
60 +3 Akishiki 155 MassaSHEgawa xxxxoxxxxoxoooo 110 60 0 0
61 -2 Gusoyama 154 MassaSHEgawa xoxoxxxxxxoooxx 104 50 0 0
62 -2 Hana-ichi 150 MassaSHEgawa xxoooxoxoxxxxxx 100 50 3 0
63 +2 Kotononami 148 Info-Sumo xxxoxxoxoxxxxoo 119 50 0 0
64 +2 Sherlockiama 143 MassaSHEgawa xxoxxoxxoxxxooo 103 60 0 0
65 -3 Danjinoumi 141 Sakura xxxxxxxoxoxooxx 103 40 0 0
66 -2 Kaba 139 North Pole oxxxoxxxooxxxxo 108 50 0 0
67 -1 Kintsubasa 131 MassaSHEgawa xoxoxoxxxxxoxxx 101 40 0 0
68 0 Kyodaitimu 126 North Pole xxxxxxxxoxoxxoo 103 40 0 10
69 0 Kuramarujo 121 Sakura xxxooxxxxoxxooo 78 60 0 0
Pts = Total point (minus bonuses)
TPt = Points due to tech score
WPt = Points due to wins (plus KK bonus)
GBL = Points due to GBLs
Hoshitori => o = win; x = loss