Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Natsu Ichimon Championship Flag (ICF)







Sakura has the recipe for a winning team, as they overcome all the wind-assisted ichimons to grab the uncontested final first place position. They go from not winning in 14 years to grabbing the flag 4 times in the last 8 tries. Congratulations on your win.  The final margin of victory was 215 tech points (or 20.64 ITA pts) – a comfortable win.


Along the way, the Sakurans were the only officially running ichimon to have a winning record (51.8), and they managed to grab 69.2% KKs.  They were GBL-creating machines, grabbing 220 pts from lining everything up correctly.  For comparison, the Sakurans amassed 16.92 ITA pts in GBLS, whilst the closest followers, the Doits, had just 94 tech pts (13.43 ITS pts).


Kajiyanosho led the Sakura prize haul of 115 pts with a Yusho, the MCP and a Technique Prize. Also contributing were Warusaru  (GOP), Danjinoumi (jun-KCC) and Rubensan (avoiding Kuramarujo and the inevitable cigar).  All Sakurans, save for one, made it past 200 tech pts, too. Kajiyanosho (269) narrowly missed top ichimoner honors, coming in just 2 pts behind Kintamayama. Nice work, Blossomers.



SFI was under the minimum of 8 players, but made some nose, nonetheless. First off, Kintamayama was on fire, grabbing the yusho, the Quality Award pt for July and was 5th in the MCP.  Kinta-zeki was also first in overall in indie points (271 with a nice 13-2 record).  Congrats Ozeki!  The Forumers finished in an unofficial 2nd place, 82 tech points from being the spoilers. They set the bar with a 58.1% (61-44) overall win rate, were 3rd in GBL pts. Besides Kinta-zeki 45 bouns points, Kitakachiyama (Outstanding Perf.) and Hokuyutaka (Yaocho Bum) added their points to the SFI 70 bonus total.  Kuroimori(243) was the only other top-10 finisher in the Indie pts, ending up 8th overall.




It looked like the Doits might end up in the unofficial top spot, but the Sakurans had just enough in the tank to get by them.  The Doits end up 12 tech points away from spoiling Sakuran’s day.  The Doits ended the basho with eh second best overall win record (56.2%), and were able to best (or tie) every ichimon in head-to-head matches. They were also second in GBL bump, grabbing 13+ ITA pts from good picks. Frinkanohana (241) set the bar for the Doits with a just-out of top-10 11th place showing.  Tainosen, Metzinowaka, Flohru and Pitinosato were stacked right behind, spread out at the 13th to 17th spots. The Doit’s 20 bonus pts were earned b Pitinosato (jun-yusho) and Metzinowaka (semi in the KCC). 



ISI hung near the top for the entire basho, and ended up 98 tech pts from the top.  They pushed 71.4% of their team up the banzuke for their 61-44 (58.1%) overall win performance. Kasamatsuri was the ISI star this basho.  Besides a Yusho and a share of the Quality points, the Izzie finished as the top 12 indie pt winner with 240 pts. 



Mukade made a run for it mid-basho, but couldn’t overcome their losses (tied for 2nd worst 46.7%). Even with the low overall i=win rate, they managed to get 5 of their nine moving upwards on the Aki banzuke. They end the basho 215 tech pts (1.6 days) behind the winners. The Mukadeans weren’t able to get the advantage over any ichimon in head-to-head play, but were 21-19 against the Colorless Ones™.  Oskanohana (249) was the top indie pointer for Mukade, finishing 6th overall.  Chelseayama (242) tied for 9th in indie pts.  Chelseayama was the only bonus points earner for Mukade, grabbing a un-yusho and a Fighting Spirit prize.




The Massies tied the Mukadeans for second-worst win effort (70-90 or 46.7%).  A win record that low is impossible to overcome, and the M’s settle for a (official) 3rd place (unofficial 6th place) finish.  Their gap to the flag was a whopping 327 tech points – a mere 2.3 day’s worth of point back (gulp). It wasn’t all doom & gloom for the M’s, though.  Gaijingai brought home the KCC and a Fighting Spirit Award.  Takanorappa (the proclaimed “loser of the basho” missed out on a Figting Spirit, despite having 4 perfect days, but finishing with just 3 wins. Tsunamiko (251) tied for 3rd, and Gaijingai (247) was 7th in indie pts. Unfortunately, 4 Massies finished in the bottom 12. 




The Frosties were quite chill with wins, setting the low bar for W-L with a 75-90 (45.5%) overall win rate.  That fact alone was enough to make them the vanguard of the ICF basement sofa.  The only ichimon that they managed to beat was Mukade (5-3).  Kitahotaru was second in the MCP, but has a legitimate beef with the torikumi-makers, grabbing a No Cigar prize. Chijanofuji, likewise, went smoke-free.  Kaba (230) has bragging rights over papa Jejima, as the young one grabs the top NPI spot in indie pts (21st overall).



Back into my cave,

ICF Gyoji Takanorappa





.                                         |-------Day 15 Stats-------|

Rnk Ichimon      #ACT TP   Bon ITA    PB  PB+-  ITA+-  Rnk+-  DWP IDA 


1   Sakura       13   3100 115 247.31     +10   +0.8    +1    46% 12.5

-   SumoForum    7    1649 70  245.57 12  +26   +3.7    +1    57% 14.3

-   Doitsugo     7    1671 20  241.57 40  -40   -5.7    -2    57% 12.0

-   Info-Sumo    7    1633 40  239    58  -19   -2.7     0    57% 12.1

2   Mukade       9    2010 30  226.67 186 -33   -3.7     0    56% 13.6

3   MassaSHEgawa 10   2146 40  218.6  287 -96   -9.6     0    20% 07.0

4   North Pole   11   2304 40  213.09 376 -61   -5.5     0    45% 11.5

#ACT=# active members;TP=Total Pts;ITA=Ichimon Total Avg;PB=Pts Back

PB+- = tech pts gained today; ITA+-=ITA pts gained today;Rnk+-=

today's rank movement; DWP=Daily Win %;IDA=Ichimon Daily Avg.





Ichimon   D01/D02/D03/D04/D05/D06/D07/D08/D09/D10/D11/D12/D13/D14/D15


Sakura    130/232/267/173/198/223/261/221/143/304/214/156/167/248/163

SumoForum 078/092/152/100/117/122/150/112/116/159/087/072/111/081/100

Doitsugo  090/129/129/095/138/127/119/117/092/166/099/081/109/096/084

Info-Sumo 093/085/150/080/134/109/154/126/118/111/108/060/101/119/085

Mukade    072/140/175/115/166/120/188/145/127/123/121/145/098/153/122

Mass.     127/161/180/119/149/181/197/112/122/183/111/129/147/158/070

NorthPole 106/154/200/130/118/122/208/186/199/162/136/136/157/164/126



.                         | ICHIMONERS | Unaffs | ALL BSers |

.                         |============|========|===========|

Total Avg Pts for Today - |    226.8   |  222.7 |    225.2  |

Daily Points for Today -- |    11.7    |  13.1  |    12.2   |

Bonus Points (out of 530) |    355     |  175   |    530    |

Prizes (out of 36)        |    22      |  14    |    36     |





                OVERALL    |  TODAY   | CLOSE CALLS

Ichimon       KK  MK  KK%  | KK   MK  | 7Win 7loss


Doitsugo      6   1   85.7 | +0   (0) |   0    3 

MassaSHEgawa  4   6   40.0 | +0   (2) |   3    4 

SumoForum     5   2   71.4 | +2   (0) |   0    2 

North Pole    2   9   18.2 | +0   (1) |   4    1 

Sakura        9   4   69.2 | +3   (2) |   3    5 

Info-Sumo     5   2   71.4 | +0   (0) |   1    2 

Mukade        5   4   55.6 | +2   (0) |   0    2 





.      |---------------------WINNER--------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI   Sak.  SFI   Muk   Unaff.

=| Doit ---  |---  |---  |2-0  |0-1  |0-2  |---  |1-1  

L|  ISI ---  |---  |0-1  |1-2  |1-0  |0-1  |---  |1-0  

o| Mass ---  |1-0  |---  |1-0  |0-1  |1-0  |0-1  |5-0  

s|  NPI 0-2  |2-1  |0-1  |---  |1-1  |---  |---  |3-0  

e|  Sak 1-0  |0-1  |1-0  |1-1  |---  |---  |2-0  |2-4  

r|  SFI 2-0  |1-0  |0-1  |---  |---  |---  |---  |0-3  

=|  Muk ---  |---  |1-0  |---  |0-2  |---  |2-2  |1-1  

=|Unaff 1-1  |0-1  |0-5  |0-3  |4-2  |3-0  |1-1  |9-9  

. -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|------

.   All 4-3  |4-3  |2-8  |5-6  |6-7  |4-3  |5-4  |22-18


OVERALL ICHIMON HEAD-to-HEADs (FINAL)  --- Total bouts = 780


.      |----------------------WINNER---------------------|

.   vs. Doit. ISI   Mass. NPI   Sak.   SFI   Muk   Unaff. 

=| Doit 6-6  |1-6  |2-2  |4-6  |3-9   |3-7  |5-6  |22-17  

L|  ISI 6-1  |4-4  |4-8  |4-7  |7-9   |4-5  |2-5  |17-18  

o| Mass 2-2  |8-4  |4-4  |11-14|17-12 |2-2  |4-5  |32-27  

s|  NPI 6-4  |7-4  |14-11|9-9  |17-14 |5-2  |3-5  |29-26  

e|  Sak 9-3  |9-7  |12-17|14-17|9-9   |11-3 |8-8  |22-37  

r|  SFI 7-3  |5-4  |2-2  |2-5  |3-11  |5-5  |6-10 |14-21  

=|  Muk 6-5  |5-2  |5-4  |5-3  |8-8   |10-6 |14-14|19-21  

=|Unaff 17-22|18-17|27-32|26-29|37-22 |21-14|21-19|139-139


.   All 59-46|57-48|70-80|75-90|101-94|61-44|63-72|294-306

.  Win% 56.2%|54.3%|46.7%|45.5%|51.8% |58.1%|46.7%|49%    



DAY 15 WINS-LOSSES By Division


Ichimon       ||   M   |   J   |  ms   |  sd   |  jd   |


Doitsugo      ||  3-0  |  0-3  |  1-0  |  ---  |  ---  |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  0-2  |  ---  |  1-6  |  ---  |  ---  |

SumoForum     ||  2-3  |  2-0  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |

North Pole    ||  1-0  |  3-1  |  1-4  |  ---  |  ---  |

Sakura        ||  0-2  |  2-0  |  3-2  |  ---  |  ---  |

Info-Sumo     ||  2-2  |  1-0  |  1-1  |  ---  |  ---  |

Mukade        ||  4-3  |  ---  |  0-1  |  ---  |  ---  |





Ichimon       ||   M    |   J    |  ms    |  sd    |  jd    |


Doitsugo      ||  28-17 |  24-21 |  6-9   |  ---   |  ---   |

MassaSHEgawa  ||  13-17 |  ---   |  48-57 |  ---   |  ---   |

SumoForum     ||  40-35 |  17-13 |  ---   |  ---   |  ---   |

North Pole    ||  7-8   |  25-35 |  35-40 |  ---   |  ---   |

Sakura        ||  12-18 |  16-14 |  45-30 |  ---   |  ---   |

Info-Sumo     ||  30-30 |  10-5  |  17-13 |  ---   |  ---   |

Mukade        ||  51-54 |  ---   |  4-11  |  ---   |  ---   |





Day || Doit    ISI     Mass    NPI     Sak     SFI     Muk    Unaff

====|| ============================================================

1   || 71.4%   71.4%   60.0%   36.4%   46.2%   57.1%   33.3%  47.5%

2   || 71.4%   28.6%   60.0%   36.4%   69.2%   28.6%   55.6%  47.5%

3   || 42.9%   57.1%   40.0%   45.5%   53.8%   57.1%   44.4%  52.5%

4   || 57.1%   42.9%   50.0%   45.5%   53.8%   57.1%   55.6%  47.5%

5   || 71.4%   85.7%   50.0%   18.2%   38.5%   57.1%   55.6%  50.0%

6   || 71.4%   57.1%   60.0%   18.2%   69.2%   71.4%   33.3%  45.0%

7   || 42.9%   57.1%   40.0%   54.5%   53.8%   71.4%   55.6%  45.0%

8   || 57.1%   71.4%   20.0%   63.6%   53.8%   57.1%   55.6%  45.0%

9   || 42.9%   71.4%   30.0%   72.7%   23.1%   71.4%   55.6%  50.0%

10  || 71.4%   42.9%   60.0%   27.3%   69.2%   57.1%   22.2%  50.0%

11  || 57.1%   57.1%   40.0%   45.5%   61.5%   42.9%   44.4%  50.0%

12  || 42.9%   28.6%   50.0%   45.5%   46.2%   42.9%   66.7%  55.0%

13  || 42.9%   42.9%   60.0%   63.6%   46.2%   71.4%   33.3%  47.5%

14  || 42.9%   42.9%   60.0%   63.6%   46.2%   71.4%   33.3%  47.5%

15  || 57.1%   57.1%   20.0%   45.5%   46.2%   57.1%   55.6%  55.0%



ICHIMON Daily AVERAGEs (IDA) By Ichimon/Day


Day || Doit   ISI    Mass   NPI    Sak    SFI    Muk   


1   || 12.9   13.3   12.7   9.6    10.0   11.1   8.0   

2   || 18.4   12.1   16.1   14.0   17.8   13.1   15.6  

3   || 18.4   21.4   18.0   18.2   20.5   21.7   19.4  

4   || 13.6   11.4   11.9   11.8   13.3   14.3   12.8  

5   || 19.7   19.1   14.9   10.7   15.2   16.7   18.4  

6   || 18.1   15.6   18.1   11.1   17.2   17.4   13.3  

7   || 17.0   22.0   19.7   18.9   20.1   21.4   20.9  

9   || 13.1   16.9   12.2   18.1   11.0   16.6   14.1  

10  || 23.7   15.9   18.3   14.7   23.4   22.7   13.7  

11  || 14.1   15.4   11.1   12.4   16.5   12.4   13.4  

12  || 11.6   8.6    12.9   12.4   12.0   10.3   16.1  

13  || 15.6   14.4   14.7   14.3   12.8   15.9   10.9  

14  || 13.7   17.0   15.8   14.9   19.1   11.6   17.0  

15  || 12.0   12.1   7.0    11.5   12.5   14.3   13.6  



RANK by Day


.           |---------------------DAY--------------------|

Ichimon      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15


Doitsugo     -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

Info-Sumo    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

MassaSHEgawa 1  1  2  2  3  2  2  3  3  2  3  3  3  3  3 

North Pole   3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4 

Sakura       2  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 

SumoForum    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

Mukade       4  4  3  3  2  3  3  2  2  3  2  2  2  2  2 



Misc. Stats


             TPS  AvgTPS PS   AvgPS  HiDWP   LoDWP   HiIDA   LoIDA  


Doitsugo     0    0.00   6    0.86    71%     29%    23.7    11.6   

Info-Sumo    0    0.00   5    0.71    86%     29%    22.0    08.6   

MassaSHEgawa 0    0.00   9    0.90    60%     20%    19.7    07.0   

Mukade       0    0.00   1    0.11    67%     22%    20.9    08.0   

North Pole   0    0.00   9    0.82    73%     18%    18.9    09.6   

Sakura       0    0.00   6    0.46    77%     23%    23.4    10.0   

SumoForum    0    0.00   9    1.29    71%     14%    22.7    10.3   


TPS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

PS=# of Totally Perfect Scores; AvgTPS=Avg TPSs per Ichimoner;

HiDWP=Basho High Daily Win %; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Win %;

HiIDA=Basho High Daily Avg; LoDWP=Basho Lo Daily Avg;


Ichimon      RawPt RawWin RawKK AvgPt  AvgWin AvgKK ITABon GBLPt GBLITA


Doitsugo     1031  580    60    147.3  82.9   8.57  2.86   94    13.43

Info-Sumo    1013  570    50    144.7  81.4   7.14  5.71   88    12.57

MassaSHEgawa 1426  680    40    142.6  68.0   4.00  4.00   127   12.70

North Pole   1554  730    20    141.3  66.4   1.82  3.64   65    5.91

Sakura       1960  1050   90    150.8  80.8   6.92  8.85   220   16.92

SumoForum    1029  570    50    147.0  81.4   7.14  10.00  93    13.29

Mukade       1310  650    50    145.6  72.2   5.56  3.33   114   12.67


RawPt=Pts by Technique Only;RawWin=Pts by Win Only;RawKK=Pts by KK only

AvgPt=Technique Pts per player;AvgWin=Win Pts per player;

AvgKK=KK Pts per player; ITABon=ITA points by bonuses





                 Day Win Tot    Daily Points                                 Bon

Player           Pts Tdy Pts KK D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/D8/D9/10/11/12/13/14/15 Pts Prizes




Frinkanohana     15  Y   256  + 05/22/30/19/11/22/12/26/09/26/18/04/07/30/15 0  

Flohru           17  Y   251  + 15/22/19/08/21/20/24/10/08/26/19/05/27/10/17 0  

Pitinosato       16  Y   249  + 15/11/22/18/11/11/24/21/07/22/09/16/27/19/16 15  J-Y/

tainosen         9   -   246  + 17/22/12/07/33/07/12/21/21/24/19/25/07/10/09 0  

Metzinowaka      7   -   242  + 15/22/12/20/22/21/12/22/21/40/09/05/07/07/07 5   KCC-S/

Mariohana        5   -   234  + 05/21/24/04/21/22/11/07/19/19/20/19/27/10/05 0  

Kitanoyama       15  Y   193  - 18/09/10/19/19/24/24/10/07/09/05/07/07/10/15 0  

Holleshoryu      --  -   0      Kyujo    

wolfgangho       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Yassier          --  -   0      Kyujo    





Tsunamiko        5   -   256  + 18/09/31/17/21/19/19/20/11/22/08/09/17/30/05 0  

Gaijingai        5   -   252  + 05/21/31/07/24/09/29/13/09/24/22/16/07/30/05 40  FS/KCC/

Kintsubasa       5   -   223  + 18/19/10/19/19/24/24/10/07/09/15/07/07/30/05 0  

Unagiyutaka      5   -   222  + 16/22/22/04/24/06/11/06/09/21/20/20/31/05/05 0  

Gusoyama         2   -   213  - 05/21/22/19/09/28/24/10/07/22/07/09/19/09/02 0  

Akishiki         15  Y   205  - 18/10/12/04/06/22/26/20/09/12/05/19/17/10/15 0  

Watashi          4   -   203  - 04/10/09/20/21/19/12/09/22/24/17/18/06/08/04 0  

Sherlockiama     6   -   193  - 19/20/10/19/08/09/14/07/24/21/05/06/17/08/06 0  

iwakoko          8   -   191  - 19/10/14/04/09/21/19/08/17/09/07/07/19/20/08 0  

Takanorappa      15  Y   188  - 05/19/19/06/08/24/19/09/07/19/05/18/07/08/15 0  

Hana-ichi        --  -   0      Kyujo    

ihopeso          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Mukanibaru       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Rikishimiezi     --  -   0      Kyujo    

Roundeye         --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kintamayama      16  Y   287  + 16/12/19/20/21/21/32/19/20/39/07/16/19/10/16 45  QA/MCP-5/Y

Yangnomazuma     19  Y   253  + 16/24/31/05/21/09/24/09/11/12/18/17/07/30/19 0  

Kuroimori        4   -   247  + 15/22/24/20/10/09/24/22/19/39/07/05/19/08/04 0  

Kitakachiyama    27  Y   240  + 03/10/30/09/11/20/24/22/18/24/09/05/19/09/27 15  OP/

Hokuyutaka       26  Y   222  + 17/06/09/19/21/21/11/21/20/09/19/07/07/09/26 10  YB/

Achiyama         3   -   205  - 05/08/31/05/24/20/11/10/07/12/22/18/22/07/03 0  

Kashunowaka      5   -   195  - 06/10/08/22/09/22/24/09/21/24/05/04/18/08/05 0  

Anjoboshi        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Atenzan          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Leonishiki       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Nanahachi        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Mmikasazuma      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Nekonishiki      --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kaba             7   -   237  + 06/22/09/18/20/19/09/22/20/24/05/29/19/08/07 0  

Oshirokita       5   -   228  + 05/19/24/05/09/20/24/10/21/11/07/19/19/30/05 0  

Kyodaitimu       7   -   224  - 16/12/12/18/07/08/30/22/31/24/08/05/03/21/07 0  

Jakusotsu        16  Y   213  - 15/10/21/06/11/08/24/10/18/21/10/03/19/21/16 0  

Marushiki        20  Y   209  - 19/10/22/08/06/09/20/21/22/12/05/19/09/07/20 0  

Kitahotaru       4   -   207  - 05/12/24/18/11/12/12/22/11/12/17/07/19/21/04 30  NCP/MCP-2/

Fujisan          19  Y   202  - 05/07/14/19/08/09/24/21/19/10/17/03/20/07/19 0  

Homuburyuwa      20  Y   201  - 07/09/14/19/07/09/20/20/10/16/06/05/17/22/20 0  

Baku             8   -   197  - 19/12/12/06/07/11/21/19/20/09/18/22/06/07/08 0  

Chijanofuji      17  Y   195  - 04/22/24/07/10/08/12/10/09/12/22/19/09/10/17 10  NCP/

Jejima           3   -   191  - 05/19/24/06/22/09/12/09/18/11/21/05/17/10/03 0  

Boltbanana       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Fujiko           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Getayukata       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Gurowake         --  -   0      Kyujo    

mischashimaru    --  -   0      Kyujo    

Tenshinhan       --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kajiyanosho      16  Y   285  + 17/22/24/19/21/22/24/10/10/36/21/06/17/20/16 70  Tech/MCP-W/Y

andonishiki      5   -   256  + 03/22/31/05/11/08/24/21/22/22/24/28/21/09/05 0  

Warusaru         27  Y   254  + 06/09/31/19/10/22/31/13/05/29/19/06/07/20/27 20  GOP/

Joputosu         3   -   253  + 15/21/24/09/21/22/12/26/11/29/28/05/07/20/03 0  

Bunbukuchagama   26  Y   246  + 17/10/20/19/11/21/14/20/08/26/08/19/07/20/26 0  

Danjinoumi       3   -   245  + 05/22/14/07/31/19/24/22/09/16/20/06/17/30/03 15  KCC-J/

Saruyama         29  Y   243  + 15/11/24/16/22/11/12/11/08/29/10/08/17/20/29 0  

Kuramarujo       16  Y   234  + 06/10/21/09/07/19/22/24/22/21/02/20/29/06/16 0  

Rubensan         6   -   231  - 05/21/31/07/11/22/19/22/19/12/12/16/07/21/06 10  NCP/

Athenayama       4   -   230  + 03/21/12/19/21/10/12/21/07/24/21/16/07/32/04 0  

Wamahada         19  Y   219  - 16/22/11/06/11/08/29/13/10/22/07/18/07/20/19 0  

Beeftank         6   -   208  - 17/19/12/19/10/18/24/09/05/19/20/03/07/20/06 0  

Joaoiyama        3   -   196  - 05/22/12/19/11/21/14/09/07/19/22/05/17/10/03 0  

Aminoumi         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Aoyume           --  -   0      Kyujo    

chabonowaka      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Hibarifuji       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Itachiyama       --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kamogawa         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Sakura           --  -   0      Kyujo    

sekihiryu        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Tameiki          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Tetsuba          --  -   0      Kyujo    





Kasamatsuri      19  Y   259  + 18/11/24/05/21/20/32/22/19/12/05/07/24/20/19 40  QA/Y

Furanohana       22  Y   253  + 19/21/12/16/06/09/31/09/22/11/17/19/08/31/22 0  

toonoryu         13  Y   246  + 18/09/30/19/21/22/12/22/21/09/08/04/28/10/13 0  

Oortael          3   -   236  + 15/09/31/06/20/08/31/20/19/24/29/05/09/07/03 0  

Terarno          4   -   223  + 15/19/12/07/24/21/12/09/19/09/20/05/17/30/04 0  

Kotononami       20  Y   214  - 05/07/11/19/21/21/14/22/09/22/21/05/06/11/20 0  

Konosato         4   -   202  - 03/09/30/08/21/08/22/22/09/24/08/15/09/10/04 0  

Chimatayama      --  -   0      Kyujo    

Damimonay        --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kaiowaka         --  -   0      Kyujo    





Chelseayama      15  Y   257  + 14/21/24/19/11/10/24/13/21/24/05/27/19/10/15 30  FS/J-Y/

Oskanohana       5   -   254  + 05/21/12/17/32/22/10/22/20/10/19/29/09/21/05 0  

pandaazuma       26  Y   235  + 15/12/30/19/21/08/14/09/18/12/18/06/07/20/26 0  

ScreechingOwl    16  Y   234  + 15/22/11/19/08/10/14/19/17/12/08/16/17/30/16 0  

Chocshoporyu     27  Y   233  + 05/06/30/07/22/08/22/21/19/12/20/17/07/10/27 0  

chishafuwaku     17  Y   216  - 05/10/30/19/09/10/32/22/09/12/06/18/07/10/17 0  

Unkonoyama       6   -   204  - 05/21/12/05/31/10/19/19/07/22/24/06/07/10/06 0  

Kaito            5   -   203  - 03/21/14/05/10/20/31/09/08/10/10/17/19/21/05 0  

Gawasukotto      5   -   174  - 05/06/12/05/22/22/22/11/08/09/11/09/06/21/05 0  

Domichi          --  -   0      Kyujo    

Fujiyama         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Haidouzo         --  -   0      Kyujo    

Kuroho           --  -   0      Kyujo    

Sebunshu         --  -   0      Kyujo    




Prize Key:

NCP=No Cigar; YB=Yaocho Bum; Tech=Technique Prize

FS=Fighting Spirit; GOP= Gochisozan Oyakata Prize;

QA = Zentoryu 's Quality Award; OP=Outstanding Performance;

NNP= Nekonishiki Nakabi Prize; KCC=Kintamayama Challenge Cup;

KCC-J=KCC runner-up; KCC-Q=KCC Quarter Finalist;

MCP-W=Most Competitive Player (Winner); MCP-2=MCP (Runner-up);

MCP-n (where n=3-5)= MCP (3rd to 5th);

MCP-Y=MCP Yaocho Bum; MCP-N=MCP No Cigar;

J-Y=Jun Yusho; Y=Yusho






Rank +/-  Shikona          Pts Ichimon       Hoshitori       TPt WPt GBL Bon


1    0    Kintamayama      271 SumoForum     oxxoooooooxooxo 149 130  18  45

2    0    Kajiyanosho      269 Sakura        oooooooxxooxooo 151 140   4  70

3    +11  Tsunamiko        251 MassaSHEgawa  oxoooxxoxoxxoox 147  90  19   0

3    0    andonishiki      251 Sakura        xooxxxoooooooxx 149 100   7   0

5    +1   Joputosu         250 Sakura        oooxooxoxooxxox 144 100   9   0

6    +1   Oskanohana       249 Mukade        xoxoooxooxooxox 146 100   8   0

7    +10  Gaijingai        247 MassaSHEgawa  xooxoxoxxoooxox 147 100  15  40

8    -4   Kuroimori        243 SumoForum     ooooxxooooxxoxx 142 100   5   0

9    +10  Danjinoumi       242 Sakura        xoxxooooxxoxoox 144 100  11  15

9    -4   Chelseayama      242 Mukade        ooooxxoxooxooxo 144 120   3  30

11   +11  Frinkanohana     241 Doitsugo      xoooxoxoxooxxoo 142 100  14   0

12   +3   Kasamatsuri      240 Info-Sumo     oxoxoooooxxxooo 141 120   8  40

13   -4   tainosen         237 Doitsugo      ooxxoxxoooooxxx 147  90   9   0

14   -7   Metzinowaka      235 Doitsugo      ooxoooxoooxxxxx 146  90   6   5

15   -4   Flohru           234 Doitsugo      ooxxoooxxooxoxo 142 100   9   0

15   +9   Yangnomazuma     234 SumoForum     oooxoxoxxxooxoo 146 100   7   0

17   +1   Pitinosato       233 Doitsugo      oxooxxooxoxoooo 139 120   0  15

17   -7   Oortael          233 Info-Sumo     oxoxoxoooooxxxx 132  90  14   0

17   -5   toonoryu         233 Info-Sumo     oxooooxooxxxoxo 140 100   6   0

20   +8   Furanohana       231 Info-Sumo     ooxoxxoxoxooxoo 146 100   7   0

21   -8   Kaba             230 North Pole    xoxoooxoooxooxx 137 100   0   0

22   -6   Mariohana        229 Doitsugo      xooxooxxoxoooxx 139  90   5   0

23   0    Warusaru         227 Sakura        xxooxooxxooxxoo 142 100  22  20

24   +9   Athenayama       226 Sakura        xoxooxxoxoooxox 140  90   0   0

25   -1   Rubensan         225 Sakura        xooxxoxooxxoxox 149  80  12  10

26   +9   Oshirokita       223 North Pole    xooxxooxoxxooox 138  90   0   0

27   +1   Bunbukuchagama   220 Sakura        oxxoxoxoxoxoxoo 144  90  12   0

28   +9   Terarno          219 Info-Sumo     ooxxooxxoxoxoox 133  90   0   0

29   +11  Kintsubasa       218 MassaSHEgawa  ooxooooxxxoxxox 133  90   0   0

29   -10  Kuramarujo       218 Sakura        xxoxxoooooxooxo 134 100   0   0

29   +11  ScreechingOwl    218 Mukade        ooxoxxxooxxoooo 134 100   0   0

32   -13  Unagiyutaka      217 MassaSHEgawa  oooxoxxxxooooxx 132  90   0   0

32   -2   Kyodaitimu       217 North Pole    oxxoxxooooxxxox 141  70  13   0

34   -1   Saruyama         214 Sakura        oxoooxxxxoxxooo 148  90   5   0

35   -11  Kitakachiyama    213 SumoForum     xxoxxoooooxxoxo 144 100   6  15

36   -9   Gusoyama         211 MassaSHEgawa  xoooxooxxoxxoxx 139  70   4   0

37   0    pandaazuma       209 Mukade        oxoooxxxoxoxxoo 139  90   6   0

38   -8   Chocshoporyu     206 Mukade        xxoxoxoooxooxxo 137  90   6   0

39   +8   Kitahotaru       203 North Pole    xxooxxxoxxoxoox 147  70   0  30

40   -8   Achiyama         202 SumoForum     xxoxooxxxxoooxx 138  60   7   0

40   +7   Beeftank         202 Sakura        ooxoxooxxxoxxox 133  70   5   0

42   +10  Wamahada         200 Sakura        ooxxxxoxxoxoxoo 141  70   8   0

43   -7   Watashi          199 MassaSHEgawa  xxxoooxxooooxxx 133  70   0   0

43   -6   chishafuwaku     199 Mukade        xxooxxooxxxoxxo 142  60  14   0

45   -5   Konosato         198 Info-Sumo     xxoxoxooxoxoxxx 136  60   6   0

45   +11  Kaito            198 Mukade        xoxxxooxxxxooox 136  60   7   0

45   -5   Unkonoyama       198 Mukade        xoxxoxxoxooxxxx 142  50  12   0

48   +9   Jakusotsu        197 North Pole    oxxxxxoxooxxooo 136  70   7   0

49   -5   Hokuyutaka       196 SumoForum     oxxoooxooxoxxxo 132 100   0  10

50   -5   Kotononami       194 Info-Sumo     xxxoooxoxooxxxo 144  70   0   0

51   -6   Joaoiyama        193 Sakura        xoxoxoxxxxoxoxx 141  50   5   0

52   0    Akishiki         190 MassaSHEgawa  oxxxxoooxxxooxo 131  70   4   0

52   -5   Kashunowaka      190 SumoForum     xxxoxooxooxxoxx 135  60   0   0

54   -7   Baku             189 North Pole    oxxxxxoooxooxxx 137  60   0   0

54   -7   Marushiki        189 North Pole    oxoxxxoooxxoxxo 139  70   0   0

56   -1   Jejima           188 North Pole    xooxoxxxoxoxoxx 131  60   0   0

57   -3   Sherlockiama     187 MassaSHEgawa  ooxoxxxxooxxoxx 133  60   0   0

58   +4   iwakoko          183 MassaSHEgawa  oxxxxoxxoxxxoox 136  50   5   0

58   -1   Fujisan          183 North Pole    xxxoxxoooxoxoxo 132  70   0   0

60   +3   Homuburyuwa      181 North Pole    xxxoxxxoxxxxooo 141  50  10   0

61   -2   Kitanoyama       178 Doitsugo      oxxooooxxxxxxxo 133  60   0   0

61   -2   Chijanofuji      178 North Pole    xooxxxxxxxooxxo 145  60   0  10

63   -2   Takanorappa      173 MassaSHEgawa  xoxxxoxxxxxoxxo 133  40  15   0

64   0    Gawasukotto      169 Mukade        xxxxoooxxxxxxox 134  40   0   0



Pts = Total point (minus bonuses)

TPt = Points due to tech score

WPt = Points due to wins (plus KK bonus)

GBL = Points due to GBLs

Hoshitori => o = win; x = loss